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Were here to help you with common mistakes people make in English!

Name: _____________________________ Class: _______________________ (___) Address: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

My friends will help you practise all the problems people have using English. Try your best to do the exercises and remember what you have learnt. You will see your marks improve!!

Topic Prefixes understanding unfamiliar words AdjectivesWho could this be? Sentence order Gerunds and the third Person Singular Free Time Poemhelp using to go The article picnic Page Number 38-42 Topic Writing paragraphs When to use the passive voice Proofreading you be the teacher! Verb tenses Get it right Common mistakes How to work out unfamiliar words and phrases The Story Hand 4-5 6 43-49

Page Number









Using the verb to be Guess Who? - practise using the third person singular Make, do, take or have? Happy verbs - first, second and third person verb tables Present perfect or past simple? Possessive pronouns Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives Phrasal verbs




Writers Corner






Common mistakes Proofreading you be the teacher! Picture Dictionary expand your vocabulary Editing Wheelcheck your work for better marks Proofreading answers






105 + 107



hizz!! ord W W
Here to help you understand words
When you know the meaning of a prefix, it helps you to understand the whole word!

When you dont know what a word means, sometimes breaking it apart can help you! Lots of words have the same beginning. We call these prefixes. If you know what they mean, you can work out what new words are talking about!

Look at these words:




Circle the part that is the same in all three words. What does un mean?

Write two more words that begin with un-.

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ 4

Here are some more common prefixes and their meanings:

photo- means light trans- means between teleaerosubantimeans far off means air means under means against

ultra- means extreme

Use the prefixes to write some new words with their meanings. They can be sensible or as silly as you like!


a flying dog

Complete the drawing: Choose a character (from a book) or make up a new one. Think about these questions and write some words around the picture to describe him/her:

What is his/her name? What does he/she do? What do he/she look like? What is his/her character like?

Order, order!

It is very important to write the words in sentences in the right order. But do you do it every time?

The judge has an easy way to tell if your sentences make sense:
She They Mr. Tan

drives put

her car their bags




on the table. angrily today.

was talking to his wife

Make two sentences out of the words below:

My friend pai

y oth im

very well eats slowly


h unc rl

r u ns


w thre the basketball

in the


yd ver e


in the canteen at school the wall

School Friends
Registration Form

Name:_________________________ Age:__________________________ Birthday:_______________________ Address: ______________________________ ______________________________ Favourite school subjects: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Hobbies: ______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________

Fill in your friends registration form for a new club at school. Complete the sentences on the next page using the words in the oval and:

like or dont like

1. for yourself 2. then for your friend with:

likes or doesnt like

How well do you know them?

My name is. like watching 1. I ... DVDs.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I ... games. I ... in groups. I ... the computer. I ... comic books. I ... songs. I ... tests. I ... exercises.

doingworkingsinging doingworkingsingingwatching readingplayingusing readingplayingusinglistening to

My friends name is ..
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. He/She .... DVDs. He/She ... games. He/She ... mathematics. He/She ... Putonghua. He/She ... comic books. He/She ... songs. He/She ... tests.
9 He/She ... sport.


Free time
Write the missing words to finish the poem about free time. Make sure it rhymes!!
I want to have . But I dont know what to do. I like to swim and run And I like too. Where can I go? What can I do? Where can I go? Can I play with you? There are lots of And I have lots of friends .. You can go to the . Or you can go to the with me. Come on, Lets go! Theres lots to see and do. Come on, lets go! Our friends can all come too. There are many different shops For music, clothes and books. A for sports And a .. just for food. You can ride your bike Or you can ., Or you can go ... When you go into town!


some fun cinema to do things restaurant to see by bus walk with me

play basketball swimming pool sports center

Use the following words: isnt You and your friend go on a picnic in your free time. arent They want to know what food you are taking and keep asking you questions! are is Look at the picture and complete the sentences. some any Is ..... there
any cake? Are there crisps? Yes, there

The Picnic



No there

there any grapes?

Yes, there

. there .. apples?

., there

.. there . donuts?

.., there

.. there . mineral water?


, there


izz!! rd Wh Wo
Here to help you understand words
Some Words in English can be a bit tricky.

They can change depending on who youre talking about and they dont even look the same anymore! Can you complete the following table?
Positive Negative Question Short answer Positive / Negative Im going home. Im not (I am not). (I am) You are You arent (You are great! (You are) not). Hes so funny! (He is) She is always right. (She is) It.. very easy. (It is)

Am I?

Yes, I am. / No Im not.

. you? Yes, you . / No, .. not. . he? Yes, he . . / No, she

He isnt (He is not).

She . (She is not).

. she? Yes, she . / No, she ... Yes, it .. / No, it .

It. (It is not). it?


h u e ss W G


What sports
do you like?

Play this game with a friend!




Guess who? She has long hair.


Is it Katie?

No, it isnt. She likes skateboarding.

Is it Sarah?

Yes, it is!

And she doesnt like bowling!


We dont do a mistake.

We make a mistake. We make a speech. We make a phone call. We do an exercise. We do a job. We do our homework. We take an exam. We take a course. We take the day off. We have an interview. We have a lesson. We have a meeting.

We dont make an exercise.

We dont make an exam.

We dont make an interview.

Now complete these sentences: 1.

Tomorrow, when we _______________ our maths lesson, we will ________ an exercise. If you _____________ a mistake, dont worry. We will _____________ a meeting to see what the problem is, then you can __________ it for homework.


I have to _____________ a phone call because I _______________ an interview tomorrow. I have to _______________ the day off to go and if I want to _______________ the course I have to _____________ a speech.


When do we use an S at the end of a verb? to be I am You are They are We are He is She is It is For example: I think he thinks that. We use the S ONLY when we are talking about ONE other person (or thing) doing something. Then we add an -S , -ES or IES after the action word.

to catch I catch You catch They catch We catch to buy I buy You buy They buy We buy to choose I choose Look at these tables and see how easy it is. Remember they are all in the You choose They choose We choose He chooses She chooses It chooses He buys She buys It buys He catches She catches It catches

present tense.


to draw I draw You draw They draw We draw He draws She draws It draws

to drink I drink You drink They drink We drink to get I get You get They get We get to sing I sing You sing They sing We sing

He drinks She drinks It drinks

He gets She gets It gets

He sings She sings It sings


to sleep I sleep You sleep They sleep We sleep to think I think You think They think We think He thinks She thinks It thinks He sleeps She sleeps It sleeps

to win I win You win They win We win to yawn I yawn You yawn They yawn We yawn

He wins She wins It wins

He yawns She yawns It yawns


to smell I smell You smell They smell We smell He smells She smells It smells

to understand I understand He understands

You understand She understands They understand We understand It understands

Now try it on your own!

Choose some of the verbs below and complete the following tables in the present tense:
to run to fly to fall to eat

to fis

to laugh to tickle to write

to cry
to tid y

to throw

to f to drive

to s ay w ollo

nt pai to to c o l

to be to create

w to s

w dra

to clean
to play


to serve



I You They We

He She It

I You They We

He She It

I You They We

He She It

I You They We

He She It


I You They We

He She It

I You They We

He She It

I You They We

He She It

I You They We

He She It


I You They We

He She It

I You They We

He She It

I You They We

He She It

I You They We

He She It


When Im not out catching bad guys, Im making sure people use the right tenses in English! But do you know when to use the present perfect or the past simple?

We use the Past Simple tense to talk about something we are sure finished in the past. Words indicating past tense: when, yester-

day, last week when I was at school, then week, For example: I finished kindergarten five years ago. Where did we first meet? I didn't study French at school.
We use the Present Perfect tense to talk about things that started in the past but are still happening now! For example: today, this week, this month, ever, never, already, recently, yet etc.

Do we usually use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple tenses with the following time references? Write the numbers in the box. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. a long time ago since we last met yet after I got married lately this month the day before yesterday last night since last weekend

Examples I haven't seen her today. Have you ever eaten at McDonalds'? I have never been abroad before.

Present Perfect, numbers:

Past Simple, numbers: :

10. at22 weekend the



Each of the sentences below has a mistake. You must find the mistake and correct it! EXAMPLE I have written the article yesterday > I wrote the article yesterday. 1. I have visited New York two months ago.


Anne isnt here at the moment. Shes been to London.


In your life, how many different countries did you visit?


Theyve opened the new shopping centre last week.


How many pages did you read so far this week?


When have you bought your car?


Ive lived in Hong Kong for 15 years.


Ive seen that movie last Friday.


His English improved a lot this year.

10. In his last job, Peter has travelled to Germany every month.

Multiple choice: Fill in the blanks with the correct letters: 1. When ________________ the company?


a) have you joined b) did you joined c) did you join d) have you ever joined 2. ___________________ in KFC? a) Did you ever worked b) Have you ever worked c) Worked you d) Didn't you have worked 3. That's the best presentation ______________ a) I never heard b) I didn't hear c) I used to hear d) I've ever heard 4. It was the most difficult exam _____________________ a) I never taken. b) I never had to take. c) I've ever had to take. d) I've never had to take. 5. ___________________ to him last week. a) spoke b) I've already spoken c) I didn't spoke d) I speaked 6. ______________ a TV last year and it is still working. a) We have bought b) We bought c) We haven't bought d) We have bought 7. The reason I look so brown is that _______________ from a holiday in Thailand. a) I come back b) I came back c) I never came back d) I've just come back 8. Sales of NDS ________ in 2008 but then _____ in 2009. a) rised d) rose falled b) rose have fallen fell c) have risen have fallen

9. You ____________ a) listened c) listened

to a word ____________ I say I've said

I haven't said b) didn't listen saying d) haven't listened

10. It's obvious that ________________ this book. a) you haven't read b) you didn't read c) you don't read d) you read not 24


Put the verbs into the correct tense. (simple past or present perfect simple)
I want to prepare dinner.

I (wash) ___________________the dishes yesterday, but I (have / not/ have) _________________________the time yet to do it today.

Have (you / wash) _______________________the dishes yet?

(you / already / do) No, I (just/come ) ___________________ home from school. ______________________ your homework?

You (come) _____________ home from school two hours ago! Well, but my friend Lucy (call) _____________when I (arrive) _______________ and I (finish / just) ____________________________ the phone call. (you / see / not) _____________________ Lucy at school in the morning?

Yes, but we (do / not/have), ____________________ time to talk then.


Keep Practicing!



It belongs to me, it's It belongs to my father, it's It belongs to her, it's It belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, it's It belongs to me and my wife, it's It belongs to my mother, it's It belongs to him, it's It belongs to you, it's The cat had eaten all It belongs to them, it's










Read the poem out loud:


I have a toy The toy is for me It is my toy The toy is mine

Now highlight or underline the words that say whose toy it is: I ME MY MINE Read the poem out loud, then repeat two times from memory. The poem has more verses, depending on who is speaking. Write it again and practise saying it for: YOU WE IT SHE THEY JACK

______ have a toy ________________________ ________________________ ________________________


______ have a toy ________________________ ________________________ ________________________


______ has a toy __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

______ has a toy __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

r Wo

IZ WH d-

s: Sa y

Remember: If something belongs to some-

one we need to use an apostrophe S, (S )to show that! Jill has a toy. The toy is Jills. That is Ivans pen. The pen belongs to Ivan.

______ have a toy __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

______ has a toy __________________________ __________________________ __________________________


Now try writing the poem again from memory about different people AND different objects!


______ have a ________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

______ have ___________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

______ have a _________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

______ have ___________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________



______ has ___________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

______ has ____________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ ______ has ___________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

______ have a _________ __________________________ __________________________




That coat looks like mine..I think shes stolen my coat!

Oh no.. She thinks that coat is hers!

Use the words in the box below to finish the following story that Geraldine is telling. She thinks Mary has taken her coat!



















Two days ago, .................. saw Mary wearing .................. coat. .................. knew .................. was .................., because .................. had a badge on the left sleeve. .................. explained to .................. that .................. was .................., but .................. said .................. was .................. . . refused to give .................. back and stormed off. .................. followed .................. as .................. went shopping in .................. coat! First of all, .................. bought a Mcdonalds burger and put .................. in the pocket of .................. coat. Ugh! How dare ..................! .................. hate the smell of Fillet-o-fish!! As .................. watched, .................. started to undo .................. coat and then took .................. off. .................. waited until .................. had removed .................. and hung .................. up with some grubby workmen's coats on coat hooks in the corner. .................. decided .................. would be a good idea to wait until .................. wasn't looking, then .................. could rush in and grab the coat. .................. glanced away for a few minutes to blow .................. nose and when .................. looked back, the coat had gone. Racing into the cafe, .................. looked frantically about .................. and noticed an old tramp limping out of another door with .................. coat on .................. shoulders. .................. desperately shouted, "Stop! Thief!" Mary looked up in surprise. "Quick Mary, " .................. yelled, "That tramp has walked off with .................. coat!"



"No, .................. hasn't," she replied. ".................. looked so cold, poor thing, .................. told .................. .................. could have ..................."

"What! .................. gave .................. coat away!" "Of course not! Although .................. coats are similar, that was a green coat; .................. one is brown, so that one was definitely not ..................! Can't .................. get special glasses or tablets for .................. bad memory?"

Now fill in the blanks of these sentences:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Help ............... to prepare for my exam please. Your dog keeps jumping up at me; please tell ............... to stop. Give ............... some advice please; we are so worried. Dave is very thirsty. Would you give ............... something to drink please? Alfred and Henry are in ............... car. Gertrude is cleaning ............... teeth. Tom is drinking ............... drink. Is this ............... hamburger? I am working on ............... homework.

10. Please give the dog ............... bone now. 11. That is Clara's shoe; that's ................ 12. This is Jennifer and Tom's home; it's ................ 13. That is Peter's car over there; it's ................ 14. 33 "Whose money is this? Is it ...............?" "No, it's not ..............., because I didn't have any."


Some action words (verbs) have a direction attached to them, for example come in. Look at the box below, this is just a selection. See how many there are! Can you write under the following pictures what action they are showing?
come in get out stand up get out pick up put away put down take out wake up come out turn over put in fall over get in sit down run away

Come in.





And here are some more!

go on a date laugh at break up

These are a little more complicated so take your time.

get in trouble

hang out take down come off

hand out go out grow up

put out hand in put up

give away take off give up



Find the Phrasal Verbs!



People who use paragraphs get better marks because their work is easier to read. Its as simple as that and it is also easy to write in paragraphs! Read my advice and see your marks improve. Next time you read a book see how the paragraphs make the information easier to understand. Spending a few minutes thinking and planning before you write your paragraph saves a lot of time re-writing and correcting later! Before you start writing a paragraph, you need to decide two things:

What are you writing about? What do you want to say?

The purpose of any paragraph is to express an idea. Most paragraphs consist of a few related sentences. Start off with a plan. The key to doing a successful paragraph is to break down the writing into short, simple steps. Subject of your paragraph Write down the subject of your paragraph. Who or what are you writing about?

PrePre-writing for your paragraph

Begin by brainstorming. Brainstorming doesn't involve writing complete sentences or paragraphs. Brainstorming involves coming up with ideas using words or short phrases. Use a mind-map if you want. One popular way to to create pre-writing ideas is to ask yourself questions about your subject. Here are some questions you might ask yourself:

What do I know about this subject? How does this subject relate to me? What do I like or dislike about this subject? What words best describe it?

39 Now use the information you have brainstormed to make a

Sentence. Topic Sentence

This will be the first sentence of the paragraph. It gives the point of the paragraph. It helps you focus on the idea you are writing about.

It helps the reader know what the paragraph is all about. So look at what you are going to write about and write the first sentence!

Use the information in your mind map for: The Supporting Details .

Write sentences to support the main idea you in the topic sentence. Give more information about the main idea through examples. Say in details what the topic sentence says in general.

Now read through what you have written and finish with Sentence. The Concluding Sentence

This is a reminder of the main idea pronounced in the topic sentence. It sums up the topic sentence and the supporting details. It prepares the reader for the next paragraph, if there is one.

So remember: 1. The Topic Sentence states your opinion and ideas.

2. The Supporting details give reasons, proofs or evidence to illustrate the idea clearly. 3. The Concluding sentence is normally a reminder that reflects the topic sentence so as to give a summary of the paragraph.


Read the following paragraph and identify its three main parts:

There are three reasons why I prefer jogging to other sports. One reason is that Jogging is a cheap sport. I can practise it anywhere at any time with no need for a ball or any other equipment. Another reason why I prefer jogging is that it is friendly to my heart. I dont have to exhaust myself or make excessive efforts while jogging. Finally, I prefer this sport because it is safe. It isnt as risky as other sports like gymnastics, racing or horseback riding. For these health and safety reasons, I consider jogging the best sport of all.
Topic Sentence: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Supporting Details: 1. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

Concluding Sentence: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________



My favourite toy.


42 Now choose five of the ideas below and practise writing your own paragraphs! 1. Explain how you feel after you just won something. (game, prize etc.) 2. Tell what your favorite TV show is and why. 3. Explain what your favorite thing to do is. 4. What do you like or dislike about school most? 5. Tell how to make________________. 6. Describe your favorite teacher, person, relative. 7. Write about your least favorite or favorite school subject. 8. Write about your favorite story character. 9. Write about a funny thing that happened to you. 10. Write about an embarrassing thing that happened to you. 11. Write about a fun place that you visited. 12. Write about your Halloween costume. 13. Write about your best Christmas present. 14. Compare yourself with somebody else. 15. Tell how youre most like your mum or dad. 16. Tell about your sister, brother, pet or relative. 17. Explain how to build something or make something. 18. Compare a circle to a square or a triangle to a rectangle. 19. Explain how to do a math concept. 20. Explain what it means to get a goal in ___________. 21. Describe how it feels to own a pet. 22. Describe your favorite food or meal. 23. Tell how to look after a pet. 24. Describe your parent's job. 25. Explain what you want to do when you grow up. 26. Tell what you would do with $100.00 27. Describe your favorite computer program. 28. Explain to somebody what kind of running shoes they should buy. 29. Write about your favorite place to eat. 30. Describe what kind of swimmer you are. 31. Describe your best birthday party ever. 32. Write about how to clean your room. 33. Write about how to tidy your desk. 34. Write about how you can be organized. 35. Describe something you just saw on TV or at the movies. 36. Describe your favorite type of clothes. 37. Explain what a ______________________ is used for. 38. Write about an invention you would like to see. 39. Describe how to make pizza. 42 40. Describe how to fix something.


If something gets stolen - I dont always know who has taken it straight away. So until I do, I use the passive voice because I dont know who has done the action.

The wallet was stolen last night.

Sometimes the person who calls for help really wants to emphasise what has happened so the action seems more important to who it happened to.

Only my wallet was stolen!

And when they get it back: Change these nouns and verbs into sentences in the the passive voice:
Noun Verb

Thats my wallet that was stolen! Sentence

spider picture tiger kites thief 43

killed drawn shot flown arrested

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________


But maybe the information is unimportant, so thats why I use the passive voice. Your wallet was found in the carpark. The person who lost it is not interested in who found - only that they got it back!
The police told me to a pay a fine!

It doesnt matter who told me, the important point is I was fined some money! I was told to pay a fine! The emphasis is now on the action of me being told to pay a fine. Sometimes I use the passive voice because the information is obvious from what I say: I was born in 1980. I do not have to say who gave birth to me - everyone knows it was my mum!
People all over the world speak English. We know that only people (and not animals!) speak English, (or any other language!), so we can say: English is spoken all over the world. The emphasis is now on the action of speaking. If the action is more important than the who is doing the action, then we can use the passive voice. It was concluded that the man had died twelve hours ago. This action is very important!

Check out the actions on the next 2 pages 44 that are in the passive voice!




es? he sentenc ils to t more deta d Can you ad



Change these sentences to the passive voice and check your answers on page 49.







Answers are on page !

Read each of the following and underline the errors. There are errors in capitalisation, punctuation, spelling, subject-verb agreement, pronouns, and word use.
Christmas is a exciting time of year. my hole family enjoys decorating our house for the holidays. We are always ver busy in december, but we do manage to find time to go shopping together. We spend at least one Saturday before christmas shopping for gifts for each other. There are four children of my family. We draw names on thanksgiving and try to keep the name we drew a secret until Christmas morning. This year I drew michaels name. He are easy to buy for because he likes computer games. My parents want he to spend more time playing sports or studeying. Michael does not want to even thank about that. He would sit in front of the computer for dais, if my parents dint make him turn it off. Ill get him an educational game, and then everybody will be happy. Im not sure who drew my name this year. My brothers wont tell me. They just smile and lauf when I ask them. I hope Michael will like the computar game I bought for him. It was hard to find one him didnt already have? Have fun with you family druing the holidays this year.

Number of mistakes found: _______________


ot u sp yo can ? akes teacher ist a y m man r to e How his lett in t

Number of mistakes found: _______________





Complete the table

What did you do before school today?

What happens at school today?

What will you do 53 after school today?


My teacher finds it VERY hard to mark my compositions when I translate words from Chinese to English! Look at what I have got wrong this week:

1. Wrong: I see the television Right: I watch television Chinese: 2. Wrong: I hear the radio. Right: I listen to the radio. Chinese: 3. Wrong: I am boring. Right: I am bored. Chinese: 4. Wrong: You like here? Right: Do you like it here? Chinese: 5. Wrong: You have what questions? Right: What questions do you have? Chinese: ?

6. Wrong: I eat dinner, you then phone me. Right: Phone me after I have finished eating dinner. Chinese: , 54


A single English word can have many different meanings! It might even be a new word you have never seen before. Its meaning always depends on the context (where it is being used). So read around the word or phrase you dont recognise and see what clues the context gives. Context clues are words and phrases in a sentence which help you discover the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Often you can work out the meanings of new or unfamiliar vocabulary by paying attention to the surrounding language. The chart below gives the types of clues, signals and examples of each clue. Do you know what these words mean?

Use both context clues and word parts (part of speech) to help you understand the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases.

dromedary, garrulous, sedentary, sycophant

Type of clue Another word or phrase with the same or a similar meaning is used. Phrases or words that are opposite Phrases or words that define or explain the unfamiliar word Signal in other words, that is, also known as, sometimes called, or but, in contrast, however, instead of, unlike, yet is defined as, means, the term, [a term in bold or italics] separated by commas The information may be something basically familiar to you Example The dromedary, commonly called a camel, stores fat in its hump. Unlike his quiet and low key family, Brad is garrulous. Sedentary individuals, people who are not very active, often have decreased health. Gary is always sucking up to the boss, even in front of others. That sycophant just doesnt care what others think of her behavior.

You might have an idea about what is being spoken about already. Maybe you saw it on TV or read it in a book!

However, some words might be familiar to you, but they might have 56 more than one meaning! So you have to read around the word and use the information to work out what it means in this context.
Use context clues to answer questions with words that have lots of differe Circle the correct answer.
1) I took the tome off the shelf and opened it to page 94. Then I began to read.

What does tome probably mean? A) some food B) a bad dream C) a cigarette D) a book

2) Hurricanes and typhoons are treacherous. Only a very foolish person would go out during that kind of weather. What does treacherous probably mean? A) exciting B) dangerous C) delirious D) safe

3) Many ships have vanished during typhoons. No survivors from the lost ships have ever been found. What does vanished probably mean? A) arrived B) departed C) returned D) disappeared

4) By anticipating the robber's next move, the police were able to arrive at the bank before the next robbery happened. Now the robber is in jail. What does anticipating probably mean? A) thinking ahead, expecting B) drawing, painting C) horrifying, amazing D) strange, unusual

5) I'm really hungry! That apple didn't appease my hunger. I want a sandwich now. What does appease probably mean? A) frustrate B) increase C) satisfy D) confuse


57 6) The dispute about marijuana in California will probably never be resolved. What is a dispute? A) theory, rule B) argument, debate C) agreement D) a type of medicine

7) This virus has really sapped my energy. I get tired just walking across the room. I hope to get better soon because I need to return to work. What does sap probably mean? A) give, increase B) make slow C) take away, drain D) enhance

8) Some people think that discussing the dangers of cigarette smoking obscures the real issue. They believe the real issue is that smokers are discriminated against. What does obscure probably mean? A) to shorten B) to challenge C) to make obvious D) to hide, conceal

9) Students! Students! Please stop chattering and listen to me. Class has begun. What does chattering probably mean? A) sleeping B) talking C) working D) typing

10) The little girls began to giggle when they saw the boys walk by. When the boys heard the giggling, they pretended not to notice. What does giggle probably mean? A) work B) sleep 57 C) cry D) laugh


I love writing and reading stories! I have a neat trick to help you do both. Its called my STORY HAND. Look at the hand opposite. Every story needs these 5 main points to make it a good storyso make sure any story you write does as well! Use the story hand to plan your stories so you dont miss any important bits. You can also use the story hand to write book reports or summaries of stories. Just label each finger with a key point from the story.

I also use a word-wheel to check my writing. I have put one on pages 105 and 107 for you to make. You can use it to check your work!

Think carefully about what adjectives best describe what you are trying to say. Remember: A little planning saves you a lot of time correcting mistakes!




cters ara

res olu tion a nd end ing

Draw around one of your hands and make a plan for some of your favourite books. See how stories need to have these five parts to work? Just like your hand!



Do you know? Theres nothing I hate more than getting to the end of a good book and the ending is terrible! You need a good imagination to finish stories. Use lots of descriptions of the people involved and what is happening to them. Can you help me by writing endings to these stories? Write as much as you can!!



__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ to Show your story your friends and __________________________________ see what they think! __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________


I hope there is a good ending to this story! The children think if they leave the tent they will be in the desert!



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Remember to use as many different adjectives as you can. Write as much about this picture as you can, then say what happens next:

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Thank you for trying your best. You should always write as much as you can and use as many different adjectives, sentences and expressions as possible. Imagine if you were watching cartoons that had the same words in them again, and again, and again! It would be terrible! Imagine watching a film that didnt end, it just stopped. That would be awful! Treat your writing how you want a cartoon to be and youll be a winner!


Prepositions are used to say where something is and are very important in English try not to get them muddled up and never end a sentence with one. My monster friends are here to help you!!







We also use prepositions to say when something is happening! Again, this is very important to get right and understand!
past since until with within until within

after around as before n betwee by during for


70 People

often get confused when they use the verbs to do and to have.

Look at these mistakes and remember the sentences that are RIGHT!

1. Wrong: He dont do his homework!

Right: He hasnt done his homework

2. Wrong: I don't know how to do.

Right: I dont know how to do it.

3. Wrong: I dont have do.

Right: I havent done it.

4. Wrong: She dont do!

Right: She isnt doing it!

5. Wrong: You dont have none.

Right: You havent got any.

Others: 6. Wrong: Your garden is too beautiful.

Right: Your garden is very beautiful.

7. Wrong: Your house is too tidy.

Right: Your house is so tidy.

8. Wrong: Shes very taller than I am.

Right: Shes a lot taller than I am.

Now read the following texts and correct any mistakes you find:
How many mistakes can you find?


Laura's Swimming Pool

Rachael went to Lauras house to swim in the pool. First, Rachael and Laura swimmed around underwater. Than, rachael went down the water slide. After that, Lauras dog jumped in the pool. Finally, Laura and Rachael got out of the pool and drank Lemonade.
A day with the Red Cross I visited an elderly-person home with the Red Cross last week. We come up with the idea.when we walk to school. Then we started to prepare for the visit. We make a plan when we have lunch. We prepare things such presents and fruit. On day of the visit wrap the presents after we left school. At the centre we do too many activities like play games and sing somgs. I love it. I learn many things and I know I go back in the future. Next time we will taking more fruit and we danced harder with our new friends. Uhoh! A eighteen year old boy surfed the internet and download any files. One of the files contained some virus, which did damage to his computer. The file attaching to a email titled an funny story. The virus did very much damage to the compuetr. The boy could not run some programs, not one! No one can kill the they and the boy will probably having to buy an new computer!


Punctuation Errors
Read the text below and highlight the missing punctuation. Correct the text by placing the punctuation mark needed.
Air show set to soar

Preparations are underway for Europes biggest air show at southend. Last year more than 500000 visitors attended the event.

The red arrows aircraft such as the tornado and harrier jet were all seen last year as well as entertainment by the utterly butterly wing walkers!

There is plenty for visitors to do at the show including a craft fair market area and games

A spokesman from southend said the event just keeps on getting better and better each year. it is a big event that attracts people from all over the country
Number of mistakes found: _______________


Spelling mistakes
Advice on what to do in the event of an accident

You may not want to think about the worst when driving, but how meny of us actualy no what to do if we are involved in a acident? Hopfuly well never need to find out but just in case the worst does happen, carrentals.co.uk offers sum tips on wot to do after an accident. Cheque four injurees: After an accident your first priority should be to check yourself, any passengers and any other drivers for sines of injury your health is mutch more important than any damage to vehicules. Call for help: If anyone is injured cheque the ABC of first ade airway, breathing, and circulasion. Make shore someone calls for a ambalanse and keep any casualtees warm and imobalised. Report the accident: No matter how miner you may think the accident is, always report it to the police strate away so that you have an offishal record of the incident. Move cars: Drivers involved in minor accidents with no serious injuries should move cars to the side of the rode and out of the way of the oncoming trafic. If they cannot be moved drivers and passengers should remane in the cars with seatbelts fastened untill help arrives. Turn on hazard warning lites and put out cones or warning trianges. Make a note of any pacific damage to all cars.

Number of mistakes found: _______________


The best way to improve your vocabulary is to read as much as you can. Another good way is to use a picture dictionary, then test yourself and your friends.

On the next few pages are picture dictionaries for different topics. Look at the pictures and try to remember the vocabulary for each one. Then cover the answers and try and test yourself. Writing the words makes it a lot easier to remember them. Tell your friend to cover their answers and ask them different numbers. See who can remember the most!



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Cut out the editing wheel, stick it onto card and use a pin to fasten the check-list on page 107 behind it.

Then check your writing!

Always check what you have written.









Page 50

Letter to a teacher

page 51



Punctuation page 73:

Air show set to soar Preparations are underway for Europes biggest air show at Southend. Last year, more than 500,000 visitors attended the event.

The Red Arrows, aircraft such as the Tornado and Harrier Jet were all seen last year, as well as entertainment by the Utterly Butterly wing walkers!

There is plenty for visitors to do at the show including a craft fair, market area and games.

A spokesman from Southend said, The event just keeps on getting better and better each year. It is



Spelling page 73:


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