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A.M.D.G. et D.G H.



“Si el Señor no construye la casa, en vano se cansan los albañiles” (Sal. 126)


Date: 02-07-2022 Grade: 5 th /A/B/C/D

I. Match the words to the definitions.

1 sew B
2 recycle F Score
3 rebuild E
4 mend/fix A
5 customise D
6 design C

A to repair something
B to join things together (usually on clothes)
C to change something in the way you want
D to plan something you will make or do later
E to build something again
F to use something (e.g. plastic) again

II. Choose the correct options.

A: I like your shoes. They look really different.
B: Yes, I 1 them myself. I 2

them, and chose all the colours myself.

A: How did you do that? I didn’t know you were so

B: It’s easy. First, you go online and 4 the style you want. 5 , you just order
it, and finally it arrives! And do you know what they’re made of? Plastic, from the
A: Wow! They 6 plastic to make shoes? That’s a good idea. Next time I
buy new shoes, I’ll
a go at making my own, too!
1 A rebuilt B customised
2 A mended B designed
3 A talented B thoughtful
4 A recycle B create
5 A Then B Suddenly
6 A recycle B fix
7 A make B have
III. Complete the conversation using the past continuous.

Penny: Listen, Mum. I don’t understand what the man in the shop 1 was talking (talk) about.
I 2 was not trying (not try) to steal anything. My friend and I 3 was looking (look) for material for
our art project, but the owner thought we
were putting (put) things in our pockets.

Mum: And what exactly 5 were you looking (you / look) for?

Penny: Things for sewing a cushion. It’s a present for Mother’s Day. I 6 was hoping (hope) to
keep it a secret. We 7were not doing (not do) wrong, I promise.
Mum: Don’t worry, dear.

IV. Add a word from the box to each sentence to make it correct.

did didn’t didn’t was were weren’t

1 I want to play yesterday because I was tired.

I didn’t want…
2 We studying in the library for two hours last Tuesday.
we did not want
3 I couldn’t hear you because my sister playing music really loudly.
I didn´t not want
4 They couldn’t fix the computer because they have the parts.
They were not
5 You didn’t understand because you listening to the
I weren´t want
6 You watch anything good on TV last night?
I was

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