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Before each function, the staff member in charge (Captain or Executive)of the

function shall brief all her/his staff on the way the before the function will take
place, allocate tasks accordingly and fix time schedules.

For larger functions, especially when casual staff are involved, a table plan and a

job allocation plan must be issued in order to make sure that each staff member
knows her/his duties and where to perform them. If needed, a rehearsal shall be

Review Banquet event orders for functions that will happen on the day:

 The room the function will be held in.

 The number of guests expected.
 Table setup specifications (including the sizes, types and colors of table
cloths and table skirts.)
 The menu for the function (including beverages, number
of courses and desserts.)
 Review time for guest will arrive, food should be plated, serve each course
 The type of event / function.
 Any Special request made by guest.
 The other subjects covered during the briefings include :
 Employee personal hygiene : no body or smoking odors, clean hair and
 Uniforms : correct, complete and impeccable
 Food service : menu, way of serving, operating equipment
 Standards of service : mention the do’s and don’ts of banquet service
 VIP guests present and special requests
 A good briefing will avoid many service problems during the function.

Service Sequences:

Although the service sequences for the Banquet Department are basically the
same as these for other F & B outlets, they have to be adapted, prepared and, if
needed, rehearsed in order to cope with larger numbers of guests.

When the organizer arrives at the hotel, she/he must be welcomed by the staff
member who booked the event. This sales person will introduce the guest to the
Banquet Manager in charge of the function and, together with the guest; the
function sheet shall be checked to make sure that everything is according to
her/his order.

The function room where the event will take place must clearly indicate the name
of the function as well as the status in order to indicate whether the function is in
progress or not.

Every staff member, especially all casual staff, must be informed about the
selected service sequence during the briefing session before the function starts.

During the banquet meeting and daily banquet briefing, all the steps of the
service sequence must be clarified to everybody. The layout of the function
room(s), the assigned service area(s), bar counter(s) and/or buffet(s) must be
organized before each function.

All required equipment must be prepared and cleaned to ensure a smooth set-up
and service.

Banquet Service SOP | Step By Step Procedures

 The banquet manager should personally greet and welcome convention

organizers, lead them to the conference room, and explain to them the
flow of events. At this point, he informs the clients about coffee and tea
 Prominently post the directions to the meeting room and feature the right
and precise spelling.
 Completely position and test all equipment and services 30 minutes before
the appointed time. Nevertheless, give special attention to sound systems
as well as the use of LCD projector PA system or DJ.
 In circumstances where a group needs equipment that requires a
technician, provide the same for the whole day to help in working together
with the hiring company.
 Provide precise, clear, and straightforward directions for details of the use
of air-conditioners and lighting controls
 Positively promote hotel business center services to the organizer.
 Accurately prepare all food and drinks as per the order and make them
ready ahead of the agreed time.
Banquet Service SOP | More Step By Step Procedures

 The meeting room must have clean glasses, cooled mineral water, flip chart
paper as well as writing pads for corporates events.
 Clear all dustbins and confirm whether the toilets are dirt-free and clean.
 Contact the organizer during the day to ascertain whether they require
anything. On the other hand, address all additional needs as soon as they
 Staff members will use carefulness when accessing or leaving meeting
rooms in use by guests. They should always remain silent and with no
 At the end of an event, check the fulfillment of the organizer and ask for
their feedback. Bill the guests after doing a physical plate count/headcount
and compare it with the event order that has the organizer’s sign. This
process should take place after the event or before the event starts
 Senior management should see off the organizer together with the guests,
and give a vote of thanks to him/her for having chosen your OZORA as the
preferred venue for their function.
 Allow guests can preview their bill that should be clear and straightforward.
 Finally, ask the organizer is about future bookings, and agree on the sales
leads through approved channels.

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