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Allowing Students to Use Laptops and Cellphones in Class


Thao Hoang Bich Bui

City University of Seattle

Aug 21, 2022

Allowing Students to Use Laptops and Cellphones in Class

Allowing Students to Use Laptops and Cellphones in Class

Laptops and other mobile devices are becoming more and more common in classrooms.

This has sparked debate and led to the restriction of mobile devices in some courses. While some

see this tendency as a chance for more creative learning, others are concerned about the

distractions that smartphones and tablets can bring into the classroom. Students should be

allowed to use laptops and cellphones in class because they are essential learning tools that help

students with better information gathering, collaborative learning, and computer literacy.

Firstly, smart devices like laptops and cellphones are essential tools for students because

of better information gathering. They provide many benefits for university students (Annan-

Coultas, 2006), allowing students to take and revise notes in a clean manner, as well as properly

organize and structure notes avoiding messy paper handling (Murray, 2011). Additionally,

students can directly access the course materials given by the lecturer as well as search for and

access online public multimedia and other resources (Hall & Elliott, 2003). Online and class-

related materials are one of the most important resources for students, which can enhance

students’ learning ability in many ways.

Secondly, laptops and cellphones should be allowed in class because of their contribution

to collaborative learning. Wireless access can help students feel more actively involved in their

education and increase their comprehension of the subject (Aziz, Khan, & Singh, 2010). The use

of laptops may stimulate students' ideas and improve performance (Aziz et al., 2010; Barak et al.,

2006). Moreover, according to Tan et al. (2005), laptops “can increase students’ motivation and

collaboration, strengthen connections between disciplines”, which helps students in better

comprehend materials and encourages academic achievements. According to Zhu et al. (2011),

“when students use laptops in instructor-designed activities that are connected to course learning

Allowing Students to Use Laptops and Cellphones in Class

objectives, student use of these tools can have a positive impact on classroom learning and


Lastly, laptops and cellphones also help students with computer literacy. By using

computers, students can easily experience experiments at their convenience, thereby enhancing

students’ ability to use computers (Skolnik & Puzo, 2008; Tan & Morris, 2005). Besides, the use

of computers in class also helps students immediately practice what they have just learned. From

there, teachers can have feedback on the knowledge that students have acquired and support

students in a timely manner (Barak et al., 2006).

Some people think that laptops and cell phones shouldn’t be allowed in class because

they may cause students to become distracted. When students forget to put the volume down, the

devices occasionally generate noise and can encourage use beyond the class. In fact, using a

laptop or cell phone in class without making noise is completely achievable as teachers can ask

students to check and turn off notifications on all devices before starting the lesson. With cell

phones, some students have to check incoming notifications or messages regularly (Nulsen,

2022). Therefore, one of the possible solutions is to implement a phone storage system in the

classroom (Barile, 2020). In this regard, the risk can still be controlled to a minimum, while the

benefits to the effectiveness of the lesson are very large, so the use of these devices should not be

banned in class.

In summary, the use of laptops or cell phones can gradually be seen as an integral part of

the classrooms of the twenty-first century. Such benefits can be found in better information

gathering, collaborative learning, and computer literacy. Simultaneously, it is necessary to

coordinate and organize the implementation of classroom procedures in a harmonious and

smooth manner between teachers and students to ensure that all activities in the class are directed

towards the course objectives.

Allowing Students to Use Laptops and Cellphones in Class


Aziz, T., Khan, M. B., & Singh, R. (2010). Effects of Information Technology Usage on Student

Learning: An Empirical Study in the United States. International Journal of Management,

27(2), 205-217.


Baker, W., Lusk, E., & Neuhauser, K. (2012). On the Use of Cell Phones and Other Electronic

Devices in the Classroom: Evidence From a Survey of Faculty and Students. Journal Of

Education For Business, 87(5), 275-289.

Cismaru, R., & Cismaru, M. (2011). Laptop use during class: A review of Canadian universities.

Journal of College Teaching and Learning, 8(11), 21. (2022). Use of Laptops in the Classroom: Research and Best Practices | CRLT.

Roberts, N., & Rees, M. (2014). Student Use of Mobile Devices in University Lectures.

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 30(4), 415-426.

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