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GRADE B 2020 & SEBI GRADE A 2020

Presented by : Ruhi Mam

(RBI Grade b Expert at Unacademy)

Chapter 2: Communication Part 2

Presented by: Ruhi Mam

Models in Communication

 Linear Model of Communication

 Transactional Model of Communication

 Interactional Model of Communication

Linear Model of Communication:

• It is a one-way communication model.

• The message flows directly from sender to receiver.
• There is no feedback here.
• Different models that follow linear model of communication are:
1. Aristotle’s Model
2. Shannon Weaver Model
3. Berlo's S-M-C-R Model
Aristotle’s Model
• It can be broadly divided into 5 primary elements:
• Speaker, Speech, Occasion, Audience and Effect
• It is a speaker centered model as the speaker has the most important role in it and is the
only one active
• The role of the audience is passive, influenced by the speech
• Communication process is one way, from speaker to receiver
• The speaker must organize the speech beforehand, according to the target audience
and situation (occasion)
Characteristics of a Good Speaker:
 Ethos: Speaker should have credibility then only the audience will listen to his

 Pathos: Speaker should be able to captivate audience’s mind and create an

emotional bond with them while delivering the speech

 Logos: Speaker should infuse logic in his delivery so that the audience should
fine reason and practicability in the speech
Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication
Berlo’s model has 4 components:

• They are, Source, Message, Channel and Receiver

• All components are affected by many factors
• Source consists of communication skills, attitude, knowledge, culture of the
sender and the social system from where he is delivering the message
• Message consists of contents, elements (gestures, postures, body movements),
treatment (tone, empathy), structure and code of the message to be delivered
• Channel consists of way of delivering the message which could be either by
hearing, seeing, touching, smelling and tasting
• Receiver consists of the same elements as of the Source
Communication Cycle Model:
(Claude Shannon & Warren Weaver Model of Communication)
Claude Shannon & Warren Weaver Model of Communication consists of eight components
which are most like the general steps of communication except Noise:

1. Source: Initiator of conversation

2. Encoder: Transmitter of message into signals (ex. Thought in brain→ Mouth → Voice)
3. Message: Actual physical product which source wants to convey (ex. In speaking, speech
is the message; when written, writing the message; when we gesture the movement of our
arms and the expressions on our faces are the message
4. Channel: Medium of message transmission
5. Decoder: Reception of message. Converts signal into message
6. Receiver: To whom message is sent
7. Feedback: Receiver’s response to the sender in the form of understanding of the message
8. Noise: Present in each of the above stages of communication. Reduces accuracy of the
Transactional Model of Communication:

• Senders and receivers both are known as communicators and both play equally key
role in communication.
• Their role reverses each time in the communication process as both processes of
sending and receiving occurs at the same time.
• Everyday talk and interactions are also a form of transactional model communication.
Mostly used in interpersonal communications.

Barnlund’s Transactional Model

Factors affecting Transactional model of communication:

• These can be environmental noise or communication barriers

• Environmental Noises can be Physical noise, physiological noise or
psychological noise
• Physical barriers can be doors or walls, physiological barriers can be defect
in ears or brain and psychological barriers can be depression, lack of
confidence etc
• Communication barriers can be cultural systems, social systems and
relational situations. These are also called as Fields of experience.
Interactional Model of Communication (Convergence Model)

• Communication happens both ways and here feedback is present.

• Once feedback is achieved then the next message can be sent by the sender
Previous Year Questions and Exam Level
Questions for practise
The first model of communication is said to have developed by ___?
a) Plato
b) Aristotle
c) Ptolemy
d) Steiner
The first model of communication is said to have developed by ___?
a) Plato
b) Aristotle
c) Ptolemy
d) Steiner
What does M stand for in SCMR model of communication given by David Berlo?
A. Modern
B. Mode
C. Message
D. Medium
What does M stand for in SCMR model of communication given by David Berlo?
A. Modern
B. Mode
C. Message
D. Medium

SCMR model of communication stands for Source/Sender -Message-Channel -Receiver
Communication flowing in every direction without any one controlling it (1
A. Uncontrolled Communication
B. Grapevine Communication
C. Directionless Communication
D. Boundary Less Communication
E. Controlled Communication
Communication flowing in every direction without any one controlling it
A. Uncontrolled Communication
B. Grapevine Communication
C. Directionless Communication
D. Boundary Less Communication
E. Controlled Communication
Grapevine Communication is also know as -
A. Formal Communication
B. Written Communication
C. Oral Communication
D. Informal Communication
E. None of the above
Grapevine Communication is also know as
A.Formal Communication
B.Written Communication
C.Oral Communication
D.Informal Communication
E.None of the above
Raman is very good in his code of conduct and overall behaviour which he displays
while being at work.His manager Riva is very impressed with these qualities of
Raman. Riva has joined company 3 months back and didn’t have enough information
about Raman’s perfomance while giving him the perfomance rating. But since she is
impressed with Raman’s behavious, she feels he is a good performer too and thus
rates him an expectional perfomer. What effect is being outlined here?
A.Central Tendency
B. Personal Bias
C.Halo Effect
D.Recency Effect
E. Spillover Effect
Raman is very good in his code of conduct and overall behaviour which he
displays while being at work.His manager Riva is very impressed with these
qualities of Raman. Riva has joined company 3 months back and didn’t have
enough information about Raman’s perfomance whild giving him the
perfomance rating.But since she is impressed with Raman’s behavious, she feels
he is a good performer too and thus rates him an expectional perfomer.What
effect is being outlined here?
A.Central Tendency
B. Personal Bias
C.Halo Effect
D.Recency Effect
E. Spillover Effect
Halo effect is about forming overall perception about someone on the basis of
perception about him in one area. Hence it is the correct choice as the judgement is
based on a positive quality or trait which Raman has, which is good code of conduct.
Hence halo effect. If this was not talked about then it would have been recency effect
Paying attention to tone and pitch comes under which mode of communication ?
A.Non verbal communication
Paying attention to tone and pitch comes under which mode of communication ?
A.Non verbal communication

Paralinguistic deal with how communication is done rather than what is being
communicated.It may modfity the meaning.
_____________ is the study of role of time in communication?
E.None of the above
_____________ is the study of role of time in communication?
E.None of the above

Chronemics is the study of role of time in communication.It can be defined as the way in
which one perceives and values time ,structure time and reacts to time frames in the
Haptic communication is the means by which people communicate via touching
Proxemics is the study of amount of space people need between themselves and others while
communicating . Kinesics refers to communicating via body movements and gestures
Which of the following is true about oral communication ? (RBI Gr. B 2019)
a) Oral communication is not prone to distortion
b) Oral communication is free of error of interpretation
c) Oral communication is not useful in addressing large number of people
d) Oral communication helps us in building social relationship stronger
Which of the following is true about oral communication ? (RBI Gr. B 2019)
a) Oral communication is not prone to distortion
b) Oral communication is free of error of interpretation
c) Oral communication is not useful in addressing large number of people
d) Oral communication helps us in building social relationship stronger
A paragraph was given contrasting oral & written communication with
advantages of communication . Written communication is preferred in formal
communication, because ? (RBI Gr. B)
a) It is instantaneous
b) It require less effort and be conveyed to large number of people
c) It can be stored & documented for legal Validation
d) It is cost effective
A paragraph was given contrasting oral & written communication with
advantages of communication . Written communication is preferred in formal
communication, because ? (RBI Gr. B)
a) It is instantaneous
b) It require less effort and be conveyed to large number of people
c) It can be stored & documented for legal Validation
d) It is cost effective
Communication flowing in every direction without anyone controlling it ? (RBI
Gr. B)
a) Uncontrolled Communication
b) Grapevine Communication
c) Directionless Communication
d) Boundary less Communication
Communication flowing in every direction without anyone controlling it ? (RBI
Gr. B)
a) Uncontrolled Communication
b) Grapevine Communication
c) Directionless Communication
d) Boundary less Communication
Which of the following is an advantage of written communication ? (RBI Gr.
a) It is fastest mode of communication
b) It can be conveyed to large number of people at the same time
c) It can be presented as legal proof
d) It is easy to understand
Which of the following is an advantage of written communication ? (RBI Gr. B)
1. It is fastest mode of communication
2. It can be conveyed to large number of people at the same time
3. It can be presented as legal proof
4. It is easy to understand
Thank You……

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