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ISRO – An Inspiration to Every Indian

(Indian Space Research Organization)

Introduction: There was a time when a Rocket named ARCAS (All-Purpose Rocket for Collecting
Atmosphere Soundings) was transported to its launching sites with a By-Cycle. But today everything is
going to be changed drastically. Now ISRO is becoming a Brand that represents INDIA as a GLOBAL
SPACE POWER. ISRO was formed in 1969.Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, having identified the role and
importance of space technology in a Nation's development, provided ISRO the necessary direction to
function as an agent of development.

At that time no one can even understand the point of having a Space Agency when the Country was
already suffering from massive poverty and other issues. But today we every Indian feels proud
whenever we heard the Word "ISRO”. That’s the Leadership of the Visionary man Dr. Vikram Sarabhai
and other delegates of that time.

Till today, ISRO Conducted 101 Spacecraft Missions 72 Launch Missions Including 9 Student Satellites 2
Re-Entry Missions 269 Foreign Satellites (Total 32 Countries) and also ISRO give us much honor from
"The Country having its own Navigation System” to “First Asian country to reach Mars on her very first
attempt”, also “The first country who discovered Water in the Moon”.

It does not only generate revenue also show the world of Power of this Great Nation INDIA and its
emerging potentials, opportunity in Space Industry. ISRO has a great role to acquire new technology
from time to time, from the Defense sector to Weather forecasting to agriculture, rural development,
township development, banking industry, disaster management everywhere. You can call it a
Backbone of INDIA.

Rich History:

 Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV)

The first success story was written on 18 th July 1980 from Sriharikota Range (SHAR), when
Rohini satellite, RS-1, was placed in orbit, thereby making India the sixth member of an
exclusive club of space-faring nations.

 Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV)

And after that ISRO was started trying to increase its payload capacity, and yes again a success
and now that was ASLV, it was thrice that of earlier SLV3 with a total payload capacity of 150
Kg. Also carried out first its successful launch on 24th March 1987.

Achievement: ISRO is a sign of rapid development and it's still upgrading itself. From the very beginning
to till now it never stops dreaming and most importantly never stops to fulfill those dreams. As results
ISRO has its rich records of achievement some of are:

 Decade-wise summary of PSLV launches:

Here was again new technology, ISRO was going introduce first-time launch vehicle equipped
with liquid stages. It had its first successful launch in Oct 1994. And this was a game-changer
for ISRO, till now this launch vehicle has more than 39 Successful missions by June 2017.
 Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV)

This is the largest launch vehicle developed by ISRO with a high payload capacity. This is
generally used for heavy satellites shifting in spaces. In the GSLV segment, we were observed
several upgrades, among them The Indigenously developed Cryogenic Upper Stage (CUS) one
of the best.


GSLV Mark III has come to mind when we talked about The Great Launch of Chandrayan-2
Spacecraft. This launching vehicle is exclusively developed for heave payload with several
stages liquid. This GSLV Mark III completed its duty to inject the Chandrayan -2 and give the
world this message "Even We also can…"

Future Technology

ISRO also looking forward to its prosperous future. That's why they still doing their best to invent new
technologies in a cost-effective way and more sustainable. Some of them are:


This is a Reusable launch vehicle. And ISRO indigenously doing work on this.

 Scramjet Engine - TD

ISRO is looking for this kind of technology where the launch vehicle generates its energy from
nature, and yes ISRO already going very much closer to this, Here the Engine has that much
potential to absorb the Hydrogen and Oxygen from the Atmosphere and make its fuel.


ISRO has its planning to execute several projects in the future like ADITYA L1 (Sun Observer),
MANGALAYAAN 2, and so on. It seems like ISRO will be busier in the future. And that's a good sign for
the sake of development of our Motherland our countryman. Hope my readers now can understand
why the ISRO is an Inspiration to every Indian. So do not stop dreaming and make your dreams real.

--------------------------------Written by Soummyajit Nag (Registration No 20225580241, IMA Batch 51 F)

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