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I Shruti Nigam student of MBA have prepared this questionnaire on employee motivation in Sahara India Pariwar. This questionnaire is meant for research purpose and for the summer training project on the topic Employee Motivation. All information regarding the respondents identity and their views will be kept confidential. Thus I request you to please fill the questionnaire by ticking the option you choose as the correct answer.

May I request for your some basic information. 1. Cadre: 2. Service tenure:
3. Department:

Q.1. Financial incentives motivates me more than non financial incentives. a) Agree b) Disagree c) Cant say

Q.2. I am satisfied with the salary I draw at present. a) Agree b) Disagree c) Cant say

Q.3. I am satisfied with the lunch break, rest breaks and leaves given in the organization. a) Agree b) Disagree c) Cant say

Q.4. I feel that my superior always/ mostly recognizes the work done by me. a) Agree b) Disagree c) Cant say

Q.5. I feel that the job I do gives me a good status. a) Agree b) Disagree c) Cant say

Q.6. I am satisfied with my role and responsibility in my job. a) Agree b) Disagree c) Cant say

Q7. How would you rate the team spirit in your formal and informal group. a) Satisfactory in Formal Group b) Satisfactory in Informal Group c) Satisfactory in both formal and informal group d) Neither satisfactory in formal nor informal group

Q8. I am satisfied with my vertical movement in Sahara India Pariwar. a) Agree b) Neither or Disagree c) Disagree

Q. 9.Rate the following factors in respect to your job responsibilities and your association with the organization for motivating employees.




Needs improvement

Responsibility and recognition

Rewards and promotion

Participation in decision- making

Communication and discipline

Good team spirit

Training and development

Job Rotation


Q.10. What suggestion would you give to further improve the work environment of Sahara India Pariwar. Rate them according to your preference between 1 -5. 1st being the most preferred 5th being the least preferred
a) Work timings - i) shorter weeks with longer timing ---------

b) More Holidays ------c) Introduction of Incentive plans -------d) Appraisal system --------e) Training and development ------------

Q11. Is your present job relevant to your qualification and interest? a) b) c) d) Relevant to qualification but not my interest Relevant to interest but not my qualification Neither relevant to qualification and interest Relevant to both qualification and interest

Q12. Do you get opportunity to participate in decision- making? a) Yes b) No c) Cant say Q13. Is there proper supervision and guidance provided to you in performing my job?

a) Yes b) No c) Cant say

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