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Only ask for a roll when there’s a chance of success, a chance of failure, and a meaningful
consequence of failure. A player’s actions should be phrased as a goal and an approach.

Ability Skill1
Charisma Deception, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion
Dexterity Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
Intelligence Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, Religion
Strength Athletics
Wisdom Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Survival
1. For passive skills, if you have advantage, add 5; for disadvantage subtract 5
2. Intelligence is deductive reasoning and interpretation (Sherlock Holmes investigates)
3. Wisdom is awareness and senses (Tarzan perceives)


There are only two admissible responses to the question Task Difficulty DC
“what do you do?” And neither one involves the name of a
Easy 10
Moderate 15
• The player can ask a question about the world or the Hard 20
situation. Very Hard 25
• The player describes an action they are taking, doing so
as if the adventure were a book and they were the Nearly Impossible 30
Long Jump • Move at least 10 feet and jump your
Food • A PC needs one pound of food per day but can
Strength score in feet. For a standing long jump, jump half make food last longer by subsisting on half rations. Eating
that distance. If you land in difficult terrain, you must half a pound of food in a day counts as half a day without
succeed on a DC10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, food. A character can go without food for a number of days
otherwise you land prone. You may be asked to succeed on equal to 3 + their Constitution modifier (min. 1). At the end
a Strength (Athletics) check to clear a low obstacle no of each day beyond that limit, the PC gains one level of
taller than a quarter of the distance. exhaustion. A normal day of eating resets the count of
days without food to zero.
High Jump • Move at least 10 feet and jump 3 + your
Strength modifier in feet. For a standing high jump, jump Water • A PC needs one gallon of water per day, or two
half that distance. Additionally, you can extend your arms gallons per day if the weather is hot. A PC who drinks only
half your height above yourself during the jump. half that much water must succeed on a DC 15
Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion
SPECIAL MOVEMENT at the end of the day. A PC with access to less water than
half of what they need automatically gains one level of
Crawling • Costs 1 extra foot of movement (2 extra feet
exhaustion at the end of the day, If the PC already has one
in difficult terrain).
or more levels of exhaustion, they take two levels.
Climbing and Swimming • Costs 1 extra foot of
movement (2 extra feet in difficult terrain), unless you
have a climbing or swimming speed. You may be asked to
succeed on a Strength (Athletics) check to climb a Short Rest • A period of downtime, at least 1 hour long,
slippery surface or gain forward momentum in rough water. during which you do nothing more strenuous than eating,
drinking, reading, or tending to wounds. At the end of a
Flying • You fail if you’re knocked prone, your speed is short rest, you can spend one or more hit dice. For each hit
reduced to 0 feet (such as when being grappled), or if you die spent, roll the die and add your Constitution modifier.
otherwise lose the ability to move, unless you’re hovering You regain hit points equal to the total (minimum of 0). You
or being held aloft by magic. You instantly descend 500 can decide to spend an additional hit die after each roll.
feet and if you’re still falling, you depend 500 feet at the
end of each turn. Long Rest • A period of extended downtime, at least 8
hours long, during which you sleep for at least 6 hours and
Special Travel Pace • When you are traveling with a flying perform no more than 2 hours of light activity, such as
speed or a speed granted by magic, vehicle, or a natural reading, talking, eating, or standing watch for no more than
force, translate that speed into travel rates using the 2 hours. If the rest is interrupted by a period of strenuous
following rules: activity • at least 1 hour of walking, fighting, casting spells,
• In 1 minute, you can move a number of feet equal to your or similar adventuring activity • you must begin the rest
speed times 10 again. You can’t benefit from more than one long rest in a
24•hour period and you must have at least 1 hit point at
• In 1 hour, you can move a number of miles equal to your
the start of the rest to gain its benefits. At the end of a
speed divided by 10.
long rest, you regain all your hit points and half your hit dice
• In 1 day, multiply your hourly rate of travel by the number (min of 1).
of hours traveled.

• For a fast pace, increase the rate of travel by one-third.

• For a slow pace, multiply the rate by two-thirds.

Pace1 Minute Hour2 Day Effect
Fast 400 ft. 4 mi. 30 mi. 5 to passive Wisdom (Perception) scores
Normal 300 ft. 3 mi. 24 mi.
Slow 200 ft. 2 mi. 18 mi. Can use stealth
1 You move at half speed in difficult terrain (moving 1 foot in difficult terrain costs 2 feet of speed), so you can cover
only half the normal distance in a minute, an hour or a day.
2 Make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each hour beyond 8. The DC is 10 + 1 for each additional hour. On a

failed saving thrwo, you suffer one level of exhaustion.


Blind Sight • Within a specific radius, perceive Identifying • After a short rest, you learn the magic item’s
surroundings without relying on sight. properties. Tasting a potion identifies its properties
without a short rest.
Darkvision • Within a specific radius, see in darkness as if
it were dim light. You have disadvantage on Wisdom Attunement • After a short rest, you become attuned.
(Perception) checks that rely on sight. You can’t discern Magic items can only be attuned to one PC at a time, and
color in darkness, only shades of gray. you can attune to no more than three different items.
Attunement ends after death or after the item has been at
Tremorsense • Within a specific radius, detect and
least 100 feet away for more than 24 hours. You can
pinpoint the origin of vibrations, provided that you and the
voluntarily end attainment with a short rest.
source of the vibrations are in contact with the same
ground or substance.
Truesight • Within a specific radius, see in normal and
Copying a Spell • A wizard spell of 1st level or higher can
magical darkness, see invisible creatures and objects,
be copied if it is of a level you can cast. For each level of
automatically detect visual illusions and succeed on
the spell, it takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp. If the spell is
saving throws against them, and perceive the original form
from a scroll, you must succeed on an Intelligence (Arcana)
of a shape changer or a creature that is transformed by
check with a DC of 10 + the spell’s level. Whether the
magic. Furthermore, you can see into the ethereal plane
check succeeds or fails, the spell scroll is destroyed.
within the same radius.
Using a Spell Scroll • If the spell is on your spell list, you
can cast it without providing any material components. If it
LIGHT SOURCES is of a higher level than you can normally cast, you must
Source Bright Dim1 make an ability check using your spell casting ability to
Candle 5 ft radius + 5 ft determine whether you cast it successfully. The DC equals
Lamp 15 ft radius + 30 ft 10+ the spell’s level. Whether the check fails or the spell
is cast, the scroll crumbles to dust.
Torch 20 ft radius + 20 ft
Bullseye 60 ft cone + 60 ft CASTING
Hooded 30 ft radius + 30 ft Spell Attack Modifier • Spell casting ability modifier +
1 Added to your normal vision proficiency bonus.
Spell Save DC • 8 + spell casting ability modifier +
GETTING IN & OUT OF ARMOR proficiency bonus.

Category Don 1 Doff 2 Armor • Wearing armor without proficiency in it prevents

spell casting
Light 1 min 1 min
Target • You must have a clear path to your target.
Medium 5 min 1 min
Heavy 10 min 5 min Concentration • Taking damage while casting a spell
forces a Constitution saving throw equal to aDC 10 or half
Sheild 3 1 action 1 action
the damage received, whichever is higher. Failing the save
1 You benefit from the armor’s AC only if you take the full interrupts the spell. Casting another spell with
time to don it. concentration, being incapacitated, or being killed also
2 With help, reduce this time by half
interrupts the spell. You don’t need to be within line of
3 Shields are strapped to the arm
sight or within range to maintain concentration on a spell,
unless a spell’s description or other game feature says
Carrying Capacity • Your carrying capacity is your Stacking • The effects of two different spells combine
Strength score multiplied by 15. and their durations overlap. The effects of two of the
same spell do not combine. Instead, the most potent
Push, Drag, or Lift • You can push, drag, or lift up to twice
effect applies while their duration overlap.
your carrying capacity. While pushing or dragging weight in
excess of your carrying capacity, your speed drops to 5 ft. Rituals • You can spend 10 additional minutes and cast
rituals without using a spell slot. Rituals can’t be cast at a
higher level.
• Communicate with speech and gestures.
Attack • Make a melee or ranged attack. When an enemy
• Move a distance up to your speed. You can break up your is within 5 feet of a ranged attack, you get disadvantage
movement, using some of your speed before and some on the attack roll.
after. Cast • Cast a cantrip or spell of 1st level or higher. If a
• Interact with one object as you move or take an action. spell was cast with a bonus action, only a cantrip with a
• Take one action; see Actions casting time of 1 action can be cast. When an enemy is
• Take one bonus action, when a feature of the game within feet of ranged spell attack, you get disadvantage
states that you can do so; you otherwise don’t have a on the attack roll.
bonus action to take.
Dash • Gain additional movement equal to your speed,
• Take one reaction, on yours or someone else’ turn. The plus any modifiers you have, for the current turn.
most common reaction is an attack of opportunity.
Disengage • Movement doesn’t provoke attacks of

SPECIAL RULES opportunity for the rest of the turn.

Dodge • Until the start of your next turn, any attack roll
made against you has disadvantage if you can see the
SURPRISE attacker, and you make Dexterity saving throws with
The DM determines who might be surprised. If you’re advantage. You lose this benefit if you are incapacitated
surprised, you can’t move or take an action on your first or if your speed drops to 0.
turn, and you can’t take a reaction until your first turn
ends. Help • Aide one creature with a task, giving it advantage
on the next ability check if makes for the task.
ATTACK OF OPPORTUNITY Hide • If a creature can’t see you clearly, compare your
As a reaction, you can attack an enemy that you can see Dexterity (Stealth) check with its Wisdom (Perception)
before it moves out of your reach. You don’t provoke an check or passive Perception. To that creature, you are
attack of opportunity when you teleport or when now hidden • unseen and unheard. Attack rolls against
something moves you without using your movement, you from it have disadvantage, and your attack rolls
action or reaction. against it have advantage. When you make noise or
conduct an attack, you give away your position regardless
WEAPON PROPERTIES of hit or miss.
Ammunition • Recover half your ammunition by taking a
minute to search the battlefield. Ready • You may act later in the round using your
Finesse • You can use either your Strength or Dexterity
modifier for attack and damage. You must use the same 1. Decide what perceivable circumstance will trigger
modifier for both rolls. your reaction.
Heavy • Small creatures have disadvantage on attack 2. Choose an action you will take in response to the
rolls trigger, or you can move up to your speed in
Light • See Two•Weapon Fighting. response to it.

Loading • You can only fire once when you use an action, 3. When the trigger occurs, you can either take your
bonus action, or reaction. reaction right after the trigger finishes or ignore the
Range • When attacking a target beyond normal range, trigger
you have disadvantage. You may ready a spell with a casting time of 1 action.
Reach • Add 5 feet to your reach. Holding onto the spell’s magic requires concentration.

Thrown • You can throw this weapon to make a ranged Search • Depending on the nature of your search, make a
attack. Use the same ability modifier that you would for a Wisdom (Perception) check or an Intelligence
melee attack. (Investigation) check.
Two•handed • Weapon requires two hands. Use an Object • You normally interact with one object for
Versatile • Weapon can be used with one or two hands. free as you move or take an action. However, when an
The damage value in the parentheses is the two•handed object requires your action for its use, you take the Use
damage. an Object action. This action is also useful when you want
to interact with a second object on your turn.

Use the attack action to grapple a creature no more than Spell Attack Modifier • Spell casting ability modifier +
one size larger than you. Using at least one free hand, you proficiency bonus.
must succeed on a Strength (Athletics) check contested
Spell Save DC • 8 + spell casting ability modifier +
by the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
proficiency bonus.
(Acrobatics) check; the target chooses. The target is now
grappled. You can move the grappled creature with you, but Armor • Wearing armor without proficiency in it prevents
your speed is halved, unless the creature is two or more spell casting
sizes smaller than you. Target • You must have a clear path to your target.
Concentration • Taking damage while casting a spell
SHOVING forces a Constitution saving throw equal to aDC 10 or half
Use the attack action to shove a creature no more than
the damage received, whichever is higher. Failing the save
one size larger than you. You must succeed on a Strength
interrupts the spell. Casting another spell with
(Athletics) check contested by the target’s Strength
concentration, being incapacitated, or being killed also
(Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check; the target
interrupts the spell. You don’t need to be within line of
chooses. The target is now either prone or pushed 5 feet
sight or within range to maintain concentration on a spell,
away from you; your choice.
unless a spell’s description or other game feature says
Stacking • The effects of two different spells combine
You can squeeze through a space that is large enough for a
and their durations overlap. The effects of two of the
creature one size smaller. You must spend 1 extra foot for
same spell do not combine. Instead, the most potent
every foot you move (2 extra feet in difficult terrain), and
effect applies while their duration overlap.
you have disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity
saving throws. Attack rolls against you have advantage. Rituals • You can spend 10 additional minutes and cast
rituals without using a spell slot. Rituals can’t be cast at a
When you attack with a light melee weapon, you can use a
bonus action to attack with a different light melee COMPONENTS
weapon. You don’t add your ability modifier to the damage Verbal • Spell must be spoken aloud. You can’t cast in
of the bonus attack, unless that modifier is negative. If magical silence or while gagged.
either weapon has a a thrown property, you can throw the Somatic • Spell requires hand gestures. You must have
weapon. one free hand to cast and it can be the same hand as for
material components.
Material • Spell rehires specific objects. You must have
Mounting or dismounting costs an amount of movement
one free hand and it can be the same hand as for somatic
equal to half your speed. If an effect moves the mount
components. Materials are not always consumed by the
against its will, you must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity
saving throw or fall prone. If you are knocked prone, you
must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall off the Spell casting Focus • Can be used in place of material
mount. If the mount is knocked prone, you can use your components unless a specific cost is indicated. Must have
reaction to dismount and land on your feet. If the mount one free hand to use and it can be the same hand as for
provokes an attack of opportunity, the attacker can target somatic components.
you or the mount.
Holy Symbol • Can be used in place of material
components unless a specific cost is indicated. Must have
one free hand to use and it can be the same hand as for
somatic components, or it can be worn visibly, such as on
a necklace or shield.
You can’t see and automatically fail any ability check that Exhaustion is measured in six levels:
requires sight. Attack rolls against you have advantage,
1. Disadvantage on ability checks
and your attack rolls have disadvantage.
2. Speed halved

3. Disadvantage on attacks and saving throws
4. Hit point maximum halved
You can’t attack or target the charmer with harmful 5. Speed reduced to 0
abilities or magical effects. The charmer has advantage on
any ability check to interact socially with you. 6. Death
An effect can give you one or more levels of exhaustion. If

you are exhausted and you suffer another effect that
causes exhaustion, your current exhaustion level
increases by the amount specified in the effect’s
Half Cover • If an obstacle blocks at least half of your
body, you have a +2 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving
throws. Examples include low walls, large pieces of You suffer the effect of your current level of exhaustion as
furniture, or creatures • weather they are an enemy or an well as all lower levels.
ally. An effect that removes exhaustion reduces its level as
Three-Quarters Cover • If an obstacle blocks at least specified in the effect’s description, with all exhaustion
three-quarters of your body, you have a +5 bonus to AC effects ending if a creature’s exhaustion level is reduced
and Dexterity saving throws. Examples include below 1.
portcullises, arrow slits, or thick tree trunks. Finishing a long rest reduces your exhaustion level by 1,
Total Cover • If you are completely covered by an obstacle, provided that you have also ingested some food and drink.
you can’t be targeted directly by an attack or a spell,
although some spells can reach you by including you in an
area of effect.
You have disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls

DEAFENED while the source of your gg is within line of sight. You can’t
willingly move closer to the source of your fear.
You can’t hear and automatically fail any ability checks

that require hearing.

DYING Your speed becomes 0, and you can’t benefit from any
bonus to your speed. The condition ends if you are
If you start your turn with 0 hit points, you must make a incapacitated. The condition also ends if an effect
death saving throw to determine whether you live or die. removes you from the reach of the grappler or grappling
Unlike other saving throws, this one isn’t tied to any ability effect.
score, though spells and features that improve your
To escape, use an action to perform a Strength (Athletics)
chances of succeeding on a saving throw can be used.
or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, contested by the
Roll a d20. If the roll is 10 or higher, you succeed. grappler’s Strength (Athletics) check.
Otherwise, you fail. If you roll a 1, it counts as two failures.
If you roll a 20, you regain 1 hit point and become
conscious. On your third success, you are stabilized. On
your third failure, you die. HIDDEN
You are unseen and unheard. Attack rolls against you have
If you take any damage, you suffer a death saving throw
disadvantage, and your attack rolls have advantage. When
failur. If it is from a critical hit, you suffer two failures. If the
you make an attack, you give away your location whether
damage equals or exceeds your hit point maximum, you
the attack hits or misses. If you make noise, you give away
suffer instant death.
your position.
Success and failures reset to zero when you regain any hit
points or become stable.

You can’t take actions or reactions.

You are impossible to see without the aid of magic or a Your speed becomes 0 and you can’t benefit from any
special sense. Attack rolls against you have disadvantage, bonus to your speed. Attack rolls against you have
and your attack rolls have advantage. You can’t be advantage, and your attack rolls have disadvantage. You
targeted by spells. You are not hidden however, and your have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws.
location can be detected by any noise you make or tracks
you leave.

OBSCURED You don’t make death saving throws, even though you
Lightly Obscured • You have disadvantage on Wisdom have 0 hit points, but you do remain unconscious. Without
(Perception) checks that rely on sight. Examples include receiving healing, you regain 1 hit point after 1d4 hours.
dim light, patchy fog, or moderate foliage. You stop being stabilized and must start making death
saving throws again if you take any damage.
Heavily Obscured • You are effectively blinded (you can’t
see and automatically fail any ability check that requires A conscious creature can use their action to administer
sight,; attack rolls against you have advantage, and your first aid to an unconscious creature and attempt to
attack rolls have disadvantage). Examples include stabilize it, which requires a successful DC 10 Wisdom
darkness, moonlit nights, opaque fog or dense foliage. (Medicine) check.

You are incapacitated (you can’t take actions or reactions) You are incapacitated (you can’t take actions or reactions),
and can’t move or speak. You automatically fail Strength can’t move, and can only speak falteringly. You
and Dexterity saving throws. Attack rolls against you have automatically fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws.
advantage. Any attack that hits you is a critical hit if the Attack rolls against you have advantage.
attacker is within 5 feet of you.

When you run out of breath or are choking from an effect,
You are transformed, along with any non•magical objects you can survive for a number of rounds equal to your
you are wearing or carrying, into a solid inanimate Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the start of
substance (usually stone). Your weight increases by a your next turn, you drop to 0 hit points, are dying, and can’t
factor of ten, and you cease aging. regain hit points or be stabilized until you can breathe
You are incapacitated (you can’t take actions or reactions), again.
and are unaware of your surroundings. Attack rolls against You can hold your breath for a number of minutes equal to
you have advantage, and you automatically fail Strength 1 + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 30 seconds).
and Dexterity saving throws. You have resistance to all
damage, and you are immune to poison and disease,
although a poison or disease already in your system is
suspended, not neutralized. UNCONSCIOUS
You are incapacitated (you can’t take actions or reactions),

can’t move or speak, and are unaware of your
surroundings. You drop whatever you’re holding and fall
prone (an attack roll against you has advantage if the
You have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
attack iw within 5 feet of you; otherwise, the attack roll
has disadvantage). You automatically fail Strength and

PRONE Dexterity saving throws.

Any attack that hits you is a critical hit if the attacker is
You have disadvantage on attack rolls, and an attack roll within 5 feet of you.
against you has advantage if the attacker is within 5 feet
of you. Otherwise, the attack roll has disadvantage. Your
only movement option is to crawl, unless you stand up,
ending the condition. Standing costs an amount of
movement equal to half your speed.
Carrion Crawler Mucus • DC 13 Constitution saving
Transmission • Humanoids (except gnomes who are
throw or become poisoned and paralyzed for 1 minute. immune) within 10 feet of a creature in thre throes of mad
Repeat the saving throw at the end of each turn, ending laughter (see below) must succeed on a DC 10
the effects on a success. Constitution saving throw or become infected On a
success, the humanoid is immune from that particular
Oil of Taggit • DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become
infected creature for 24 hours.
poisoned and unconscious for 24 hours. Wake up if you
take damage. Incubation • 1d4 hours.
Symptoms • Fever, disorientation, one level of exhaustion
INGESTED that can’t be removed until the disease is cured, and when
Assassin’s Blood • DC 10 Constitution saving throw or encountering a stressful situation — including entering
take 1d12 poison damage and become poisoned for 24 combat, taking damage, experiencing fear, or having a
hours. On a successful save, take half damage. nightmare — the creature must succeed on a DC 13
Constitution saving throw or take 1d10 psychic damage
Midnight Tears • If not neutralized by midnight, DC 17 and become incapacitated with mad laughter for 1 minute.
Constitution saving throw or take 9d6 poison damage. On At the end of each of its turns, the creature can make
a successful save, take half damage. another Constitution saving throw. On a success, the mad
Torpor • DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become laughter and the incapacitated condition ends.
poisoned and incapacitated for 4d6 hours. Recovery • At the end of each long rest, the creature
Truth Serum • DC 11 Constitution saving throw or makes a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a successful
become poisoned for 1 hour. You can’t knowingly speak a save, the DC for this save and for the save to avoid mad
lie, as if under the effect of zone of truth. laughter drops by 1d6. When the saving throw DC drops to
0, the creature recovers. A creature that fails three of
these saving throws gains a randomly determined form of
INHALED indefinite madness.
Burnt Other Fumes • DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
take 3d6 poison damage. Repeat the saving throw at the
start of each turn. On each failed save, take 1d6 poison SEWER PLAGUE
damage. After three successful saves, the poison ends. Transmission • Humanoids bitten by creature that carry
the disease, or coming into contact with filth or offal
Essence of Ether • DC 15 Constitution saving throw or contaminated by the disease, must succeed on a DC 11
become poisoned and unconscious for 8 hours. Wake up if Constitution saving throw or become infected.
you take damage or if another creature takes and action to
shake you awake. Incubation • 1d4 days.

Malice • DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become Symptoms • Fatigue, cramps, one level of exhaustion, and
poisoned and blind for 1 hour. the creature regains only half the normal number of hit
points from spending hit dice and regain no hit points from
finishing a long rest.
Recovery • At the end of each long rest, the creature
Drow Poison • DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become
makes a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save,
poisoned for 1 hour. Fail by 5 or more and you are also
the character gains one level of exhaustion. On a
unconscious. Wake up if you take damage or if another
successful save, the character’s exhaustion level
creature takes an action to shake you awake.
decreases by one level. If a successful saving throw
Purple Worm Poison • DC 19 Constitution saving throw or reduces the infected creature’s level of exhaustion below
take 12d6 poison damage. On a successful save, take half 1, the creature recovers.
Serpent Venom • DC 11 Constitution saving throw or take
3d6 poison damage. On a successful save, take half

Magic, poison, disease, and planar effects — such as the Calm emotions can suppress the effects of any madness,
howling winds of Pandemonium — can all inflict madness. while lesser restoration can rid a creature of a short-term
Some artifacts can also break the psyche of a PC who or long-term madness. Greater restoration or more
uses them. powerful magic is required to cure indefinite madness.

d10 Effect (Lasts 1d10 Minutes)
1 Retreat into mind, paralyzed, effect ends if you take damage
2 Babble uncontrollably, incapable of normal speech or spell casting
3 Scream, laugh, or weep, incapacitated
4 Frightened, must use each turn to flee from the source of your fear
5 Overpowering urge to eat something strange such as dirt, slime, or offal
6 Must use each turn to move towards and attack the nearest creature
7 Vivid hallucinations, disadvantage on ability checks
8 Do whatever someone tells you to do that isn’t obviously harmful
9 Stunned
10 Unconscious

d10 Effect (Lasts 1d10 Minutes)
1 Retreat into mind, paralyzed, effect ends if you take damage
2 Babble uncontrollably, incapable of normal speech or spell casting
3 Scream, laugh, or weep, incapacitated
4 Frightened, must use each turn to flee from the source of your fear
5 Overpowering urge to eat something strange such as dirt, slime, or offal
6 Must use each turn to move towards and attack the nearest creature
7 Vivid hallucinations, disadvantage on ability checks
8 Do whatever someone tells you to do that isn’t obviously harmful
9 Stunned
10 Unconscious

d10 Effect (Lasts 1d10 Minutes)
1 Retreat into mind, paralyzed, effect ends if you take damage
2 Babble uncontrollably, incapable of normal speech or spell casting
3 Scream, laugh, or weep, incapacitated
4 Frightened, must use each turn to flee from the source of your fear
5 Overpowering urge to eat something strange such as dirt, slime, or offal
6 Must use each turn to move towards and attack the nearest creature
7 Vivid hallucinations, disadvantage on ability checks
8 Do whatever someone tells you to do that isn’t obviously harmful
9 Stunned
10 Unconscious
Provide clues for traps when describing the environment.
Don’t allow dice rolls to override clever play and good
Make placement deliberate to reward attention to detail. planning. Failed disable attempts often cause the trap to
Searching for traps should be inconvenient and time trigger and successful saves often give half damage.

DAMAGE AND EFFECTS Acid • Corrosive sprays and enzymes.
The Damage Severity by Level table shows the damage Bludgeoning • Blunt force attacks.
that is appropriate for a given PC’s tier and the severity of Cold • Infernal chill and frigid blasts.
danger posed by the trap. Use d6s for damage in place of
Fire • Pools of lava and jets of flame.
d10s for traps that can affect more than one creature at a
time. If the trap casts a spell, the Spell Equivalent by Level Force • Focus magical energy.
table shows the spell level that is appropriate for a given Lightening • Bolts of electricity.
PC’s tier and the severity of the danger posed by the trap. Necrotic • Energy that withers matter.
In addition to dealing damage, traps should apply Piercing • Puncturing and impaling attacks.
conditions, change the situation, and have multiple
Poison • Venomous stings and toxic gasses.
decision points.
Psychic • Psionic blasts.
DIFFICULTY CLASSES Radiant • Divine influence and holy power.

Task Difficulty DC Slashing • Sweeping and cutting attacks.

Thunder • Concussive bursts of sound.
Easy 10
Moderate 15
Very Hard 25 • Collapsing ceiling • Path of blades
• Collapsing stair • Pendulum scythe
Nearly Impossible 30
• Crushing walls • Pit
• Darts • Rotating room
DAMAGE SEVERITY BY LEVEL • Electrified floor • Spinning wall
• Falling portcullis • Teleporter
Tier Moderate Dangerous Deadly
• Flame jet • Trick door
1 1d10 2d10 4d10 Giant rolling boulder Water-filling chamber
• •
2 2d10 4d10 10d10 • Greased slide
3 4d10 10d10 18d10 • Illusion

4 10d10 18d10 24d10

SPELL EQUIVALENT BY LEVEL • Avalanche • Quagmire
Tier Moderate Dangerous Deadly • Brush fire • Quicksand
• Daggerthorn briar • Razorvine
1 Cantrip 1st 2nd
• Deathspore fungus • Rock slide
2 1st 3rd 6th • Desecrated ground • Slippery ice
3 3rd 6th 9th • Explosive gas • Steam vents
• Flash flood • Tar pit
4 6th 9th 9th + 5th
• Frigid water • Toxic gas
• Geysers • Witch grass
Danger Save DC Attack Bonus
Moderate 10 +5
Dangerous 15 +8
Deadly 20 + 12

Hazards are environmental danger. They typically lack the Material DC
malicious intent of a trap and are usually out in the open.
Cloth, Paper, Rope 11
Crystal, Glass, Ice 13
Wood, Bone 15
Feeds on warmth, drawing heat from anything around it.
Temperature within 30 feet is frigid. Creatures who enter Stone 17
or start their turn within 5 feet must make a DC 12 Iron, Steel 19
Constitution saving throw, taking 4d10 cold damage on a
Mithral 21
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Adamantine 23
Brown mold is immune to fire, and any source of fire
brought within 5 feet causes it to instantly expand
outward in the direction of the fire. If exposed to cold HIT POINTS
damage, it’s instantly destroyed.
Size Fragile Resilient
Tiny (Lock) 1d4 2d4
Small (Chest) 1d6 3d6
Devours flesh, organic material, and metal. Clings to walls
and ceilings in patches. Has blindsight out to a range of 30 Medium (Barrel) 1d8 4d8
feet, and drops when it detects movement below it. Large (Cart) 1d10 5d10
Beyond that, it has no ability to move.
Creatures take 1d10 acid damage on contact and then HUGE AND GARGANTUAN OBJECTS
again at the start of each turn until it’s scraped off or Normal weapons are of little use against huge and
destroyed. Any nonmagical wood or metal item used to gargantuan objects, such as colossal statues, towering
scrape off the slime is destroyed. columns of stone, or massive boulders. That said, one
Sunlight, any effect that cures disease, and any affect torch can burn a huge tapestry, and an earthquake can
that deals cold, fire, or radiant damage destroys green reduce a colossus to rubble.
Divide a huge or gargantuan object into large or smaller
sections, and track each section’s hit points separately.
WEBS Destroying one of those sections could ruin the entire
Thick, sticky webs are difficult terrain. Creatures who object. For example, a gargantuan statue of a humanoid
enter or start their turn in a web must succeed on a DC 12 might topple over when one of its large legs is reduced to
Dexterity saving throw or become restrained. A restrained 0 hit points.
creature can use its action to try to escape, doing so with
a successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check. DAMAGE TYPES
Objects are immune to poison and psychic damage. Some
YELLOW MOLD damage types are more effective against particular
Grows in dark places and, if touched, ejects a cloud of objects. For example, bludgeoning damage doesn’t cut
spores that fills a 10-foot cube originating from the mold. through rope or leather well, while paper or cloth could be
Creatures in the area must succeed on a DC 15 vulnerable to acid, fire, and lighting damage.
Constitution saving throw or take 2d10 poison damage
and become poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this
way, the creature takes 1d10 poison damage at the start DAMAGE THRESHOLD
of each of its turns. The creature repeats the saving throw Big objects such as castle walls often have extra
at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself resilience, represented by a damage threshold. An objet
on a successful save. with a damage threshold has immunity to all damage
unless it takes an amount of damage from a single attack
Sunlight or any amount of fire damage destroys yellow
or effect equal to or greater than its damage threshold, in
which case it takes damage as normal. Any damage that
fails to meet or exceed the object’s damage threshold is
considered superficial and doesn’t reduce the object’s hit
Chases should be fast paced, have moments of quick
The leader may use on action to assist their roll (see
decision making, use the environment, contain surprises, Actions in Combat section). Allow clever play and good
and provide only limited interaction between the pursuer planning to give advantage. Creatures in the same group
and the quarry. can’t help the leader with their check.


Starting Gap • Unless the starting gap is already known, Burst of Speed • The winning group inspires their group to
determine the distance in feet by rolling 6d10 + 60. take a sudden burst of speed. Roll to widen the gap if they
are the quarry or close the gap if they are the pursuer.
Number of Legs • Chases consist of 2d6 legs. If the
pursuer closes the gap to 0 feet before the end of the last Dangerous Hazard • Your group finds a dangerous hazard
leg, the quarry is caught and the chase ends. Otherwise, as appropriate to the terrain. You must succeed on a DC
the quarry escapes. 15 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) group
check. On a failure, each creature takes dangerous
Chose a Leader • At the start of each leg, each group
damage for their tier.
chooses a leader. That creature can’t be a leader again
until all creatures in their group have been a leaders. Dangerous Obstruction • Your group finds a dangerous
obstruction as appropriate to the terrain. You must
Opposed Check • Each leader makes an opposed check
succeed on a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
using the skill of their choice. For example, a wizard
(Acrobatics) group check. On failure, roll twice to widen the
pursuer might use Intelligence (Arcana) against a rogue
gap if you are the pursuer or close the gap if you are the
quarry who uses Dexterity (Acrobatics).
Widen or Close the Gap • The winning group widens or
Fall • You trip and fall. You must succeed omg a DC 15
closes the gap by 1d10 feet per 10 feet of their base
Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, you take moderate
walking speed, rounded down. For example, a dwarf with a
damage for your tier.
base walking speed of 25 feet would roll 2d10.
Fatigue • You are overcome by fatigue. You must succeed
Chase Event Table • The losing group rolls on the Chase
on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, gain one
Event table.
level of exhaustion.

CHASE EVENT TABLE Hostile Creatures • You are beset upon by hostile
creatures as appropriate to the terrain and must succeed
d20 Event
on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, you take
1 Burst of speed moderate damage for your tier. At the DM’s discretion, the
2 Dangerous hazard creatures may continue pursuit, providing further
3 Dangerous obstruction
4 Drop something Indifferent Creatures • You are beset upon by indifferent
creatures as appropriate to the terrain. You must succeed
5 Fall
on a DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation) or (Persuasion) check
6 Fatigue to clear a path. On a failure, roll to widen the gap if you are
7 Hostile creatures the pursuer or close the gap if you are the quarry.
8 Indifferent creatures Lost • You are separated from your group and must
9 Lost succeed on a DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom
(Survival) check. On a failure, you become lost and drop out
10 Moderate hazard
of the chase.
11 Moderate obstruction
Moderate Hazard • Your group finds a moderate hazard as
12-15 Snap opportunity 1 appropriate to the terrain. You must succeed on a DC 10
16 Struck Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) group check.
17-20 No complication On a failure, each creature takes moderate damage for
their tier.
1 Reroll if rolled by the DM
Moderate Obstruction • Your group finds a moderate AIR EXAMPLES
obstruction as appropriate to the terrain. You must

Hazards • Airship, hail, hurricane, lightning, monsoon,
succeed on a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
storm, tornado.
(Acrobatics) group check. Ona. failure, roll to widen the gap
if you are the pursuer or close the gap if you are the quarry. Obstructions • Atmospheric disturbance, blinding light,
clouds, flying castle, mountain, tall tower.
Snap Opportunity • Chose at random one PC. They have
ten seconds to declare an action to either assist their Hostile Creatures • Aarakora, dragon, gargoyle, genie,
group or hinder the opposing group. The DM adjudicates harpy, vulture, wyvern
what kind of actions are possible given the circumstances. Indifferent Creatures • Air elemental, flock of birds,
If necessary, use the Difficulty Classes table to determine giant eagle, giant owl, hippogriff, insect swarm, pegasus.
a DC for the action and the Damage Severity by Level table
for damage. If the action is successful, roll to widen the
gap if they are the quarry or close the gap if they are the DUNGEON EXAMPLES
pursuer. Snap opportunities are meant for PCs only; preroll Hazards • Collapsed stairs, explosive gas, falling debris,
if rolled by the DM. poison fog, slime, slippery or sticky ground, toxic spores,
Struck • You are suddenly struck by an object and must
succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a Obstructions • Crumbling bridge, crumbled passage,
failure, you are stunned and drop out of the race. boulder, broken ladder, jammed door, portcullis, smoke,
Hostile Creatures • Darkmantle, beholder, dire rat,
DIFFICULTY CLASSES gelatinous cube, ghost, roper, skeleton, stirge, zombie
Task Difficulty DC Indifferent Creatures • Adventurer, bat swarm, dwarves
Easy 10 mining crew, lost delver, prisoner, swarm of rats.
Moderate 15
Very Hard 25 Hazards • Caustic or tainted water, extreme cold or hot,
riptide, steam vent, pressure difference, whirlpool
Nearly Impossible 30
Obstructions • Coral reef, driftwood, passing ship, ruin,
seaweed, shipwreck
DAMAGE SEVERITY BY LEVEL Hostile Creatures • Giant eel, giant octopus, giant squid,
Tier Moderate Dangerous Deadly sahuagin, shark
1 1d10 2d10 4d10 Indifferent Creatures • Giant oyster, merfolk, jellyfish,
2 2d10 4d10 10d10 school of fish, seahorse
3 4d10 10d10 18d10
4 10d10 18d10 24d10 URBAN EXAMPLES
Hazards • Alchemical explosion, brawl, building gap, fire,
riot, runaway cart
Obstructions • Barrel, cart, fence, jammed door, market,
Danger Save DC Attack Bonus smoke, wedding
Moderate 10 +5
Hostile Creatures • Criminal, drunk, pack of animals,
Dangerous 15 +8 religious fanatic
Deadly 20 + 12 Indifferent Creatures • Beggar, children, funeral,
merchant, parade, prostitute

Hazards • Quicksand, swamp, thick mud, river, thorns,
vines, waterfall
Obstructions • Broken rope bridge, fog, stream, thick
scrub, twisted roots, web
Hostile Creatures • Assassin vine, carnivorous plant,
dire wolf, giant insect, natives, panther, treant, tiger
Indifferent Creatures • Deer, lost hunter, satyr, wild
boar, wood sprite.
Encounters should never fall into formulaic slogs. From
Use the monster’s melee or ranged attack bonus for new
encounter to encounter, regularly alter the enemies and attacks. A repeatable attack deals moderate damage.
the environment, include terrain and ticking clocks, and More powerful attacks deal dangerous damage, but must
use surprises so no two battles are the same. recharge on a 5 or a 6

Mix complimentary monster types, use unique weapons Aura • Continuous effect that emanates 5 feet + 5 feet
and armor, replace single strong creatures with many weak for every size above medium. Damaging auras deal
minions, and include mounts or pets with uncommon moderate damage of mundane or elemental damage type
methods of mobility, such as climbing or flying. to targets who enter or start their turn there. If the
damage type is poison or psychic, targets must succeed
on a Constitution or Charisma saving throw.
Set the encounter in an interesting or exotic location, and Bloodied Action • First time at half hit points, the monster
utilize the environment’s features. Include cover, interrupts all turns, immediately dashes, and uses its most
concealment, hazards, weather, and elevation changes. powerful ability as a free actions.
Gaze • Otherworldly monsters charm, frighten, paralyze, or
TERRAIN deal psychic damage.
Include terrain pieces and encourage players to use them. Powerful Build • Counts as one size larger when
For example, a magic missile ignites kegs of gunpowder determining carrying capacity and the weight they can
and the resulting explosion knocks nearby combatants push, drag or lift.
prone, or an enemy is slid down the tavern’s bar through
Pull • Monsters with tentacles or multiple legs grapple and
mugs and dishes, stunning them for one round.
restrain on a hit and draw in targets 5 feet + 5 feet for
every size above medium.
TICKING CLOCK Push • Large monsters or creatures with powerful attacks,
Raise the stakes by including a ticking clock. For example, tails, or wings push targets 5 feet + 5 feet for every size
a pipe bursts and the room begins to fill with sewage, or a above medium on a hit.
wildfire caused by a lighting strike begins to overtake the
forest. Shifty • Quick or aggressive monsters dash as a bonus
action or as a reaction when an attack or attacks against
them miss.
Use surprises part way through an encounter to change Sweeps • When large monsters or creatures with powerful
the situation. attacks or tails miss with an attack, they hit creatures
adjacent to the intended target and deal their strength
Reinforcements Arrive • The enemy summons a slew of modifier in damage.
minions, zombies claw free from their graves, a dragon
swoops in from above, or allied forces arrive to assist the Tremor • Large monsters or creatures with powerful
party. attacks, tails, or wings stun or knock targets prone.

Environment Transformation • A windstorm picks up,

knocking combatants off their feet, the ground cracks and LEGENDARY OPTIONS
breaks apart, separating the PCs, or bubbling holes near Boss monsters gain three legendary actions per combat
the battlefield turn out to be geysers. round, to be spent on legendary options (though some
Secondary Mechanics • A warlock manifests a portal to options cost more than one action). Only one legendary
the Abyss, the ship’s captain attempts to stall the mutiny option can be used at a time and only at the end of another
by sailing into the maelstrom, or an artifact shatters, creature’s turn. Legendary actions reset at the start of the
releasing raw magic, altering everyone’s personal gravity. boss’ turn.

Information Reveal • The enemy shouts out a missing 1 Action • Cast cantrip, moderate attack, bolster allies,
piece of the puzzle, a doppelgänger is revealed, a patron is move, skill check
actually an enemy, or a despot reveals important world 2 Actions • Affect environment, dangerous attack,
details. shield ally, teleport
3 Actions • Deadly attack, heal, cast spell

Structures that can be collapsed and objects that can be A skill challenge is a complicated scenario requiring
thrown, pushed, or rolled make for excellent improvised multiple steps and multiple contributors. Tasks like
attacks. persuading a noble, fortifying a ruin, or escaping from
prison make good skill challenges. The challenge is
For example, a stone giant has decided to push a massive
completed when a specified number of successes have
pillar onto the PCs
been made, or when three failures are reached.


If the improvised attack can be diminished or absorbed by
the target’s AC, use an attack bonus. If it can be avoided or Goal • Pick a goal and clearly present the stakes and
must be resisted, use a saving throw. Successful saves consequences to the players.
often give half damage and ignore additional effects. Complexity • The complexity of a skill challenge
The pillar will deal half damage on a successful DC 15 determines the number of successful checks needed to
Dexterity saving throw. succeed, as well as the DCs that must be met.
Action • Each player describes how they will overcome the
DAMAGE SEVERITY AND TYPE challenge. If appropriate, call for a skill check. A PC must be
Chose a damage severity on the Damage Severity by Level proficient in the skill to use it. Once a PC uses a skill to
table and pick a damage type. make a check, they can’t use that skill again. If no check is
needed, decide success or failure based on the situation.
The PCs are 5th level and the improvised attack will be
Each success should move the PCs towards their goal, and
dangerous, dealing 4d10 bludgeoning damage.
each failure should ratchet up the tension.


If the improvised attack can affect multiple targets, Flexibility • Reward creativity by removing a failure or by
reduce the damage dice type by two. granting multiple successes.
The pillar can affect three targets. On a failed save it will Failure • Failing a skill challenge should never stop the
deal 4d6 damage to each target. adventure’s forward momentum. Instead, impose
consequences, such as powerful monsters, loss of
IMPOSE A CONDITION OR resources, conditions, diseases, or expenditures of money
or time.
MOVEMENT Spotlight • Draw inactive players into the skill challenge by
If the improvised attack adds a condition or forced
presenting opportunities (each DC) or threats (moderate
movement, reduce the damage dice type by one for each.
DC) that focus on specific PCs. For example, a mage might
On a failed save the pillar will deal 4d4 damage and restrain be tempted by knowledge, while a knight might be
targets, requiring a successful DC 12 Strength check to threatened by honor.


Task Difficulty DC Tier Simple Average Tough
Easy 10 1 3 easy 3 mod. 6 mod.
Moderate 15 2 6 easy 6 mod. 3 hard
Hard 20 3 3 mod. 3 hard 6 hard
Very Hard 25 4 6 mod. 6 hard 9 hard
Nearly Impossible 30
Tier Moderate Dangerous Deadly Moderate 10 +5
1 1d10 2d10 4d10 Dangerous 15 +8
2 2d10 4d10 10d10 Deadly 20 + 12
3 4d10 10d10 18d10
4 10d10 18d10 24d10

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