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Instituto No Gubernamental Bilingüe Evangélico “Virginia Sapp”

Tegucigalpa, M.D.C Aug 24th 2022

III Partial Exam English II
10th GRADE, SECTION ______ Miss Gracia Paz
45% Total
Multiple Choice (10%, 1 point each one)
Directions: Answer in every item what is asked by choosing the right option that
answers the question.
1.Is an underlying message about life that a writer wants to convey.
a. Climax
b. Rising Action
c. Theme
2. What is the central message of reading?
a. The writer's opinion
b. An ambiguous idea of the topic
c.What the author wants you to know or learn
3. What is the main idea?
a. what the story is mainly about
b. lesson or moral of the story
c. General idea of the topic
4. Is something concrete a person, place, object or activity that represent an
abstract idea.
a. Symbol
b. Object
5.How to identify themes?
a. Theme is implied and readers must analyze the text.
b.Theme is written in the first lines of the reading
c.Theme is the message in the las page of the reading
6. That Reinforce the theme?
a. Symbol
b. Setting
c. contrast
7. What is plot and conflict?
a. Story revolves around conflicts that are the central
b. The participants have conflicts with everyone involved.
c. Revolves in the main character
8. Significant to characters conflict suggest the theme
a. Setting
b. Rising Action
c. Plot
9. Character or narrator may make statements that hint the theme
a. statements that recognize hidden messages
b. Vocal stages
c.Importan statements
10. A pattern that appears in works all over the world and in different time
a. Satires
b. Archetype
c. Interlopers

Essay (10%,)
Directions: In the next lines write an essay about why learning literature is important
and how does it help in our society. Essay must include a topic body and conclusion.
Make sure to write neat with a good handwriting and take care about your grammar.

Completion (10%, 2 points each)

Directions: Complete each question with the right answer and make sure to write
1. What is author's purpose?


2. What happens when you recognize the text structure?


3. Mention the 3 stages pre-reading a story




4. What does give information about a subject is important in reading?


5. When we say that the author is trying to convince the reader to agree with the
authors point of view, we are talking about?


8. Write the types of writing


True or False (10%, 1 point each one)

Directions: For the following statements, write a T on the line if you consider the
statement is true, and write an F, if you consider it is false.

1._____________ Self, Character vs. Society, Character vs. Nature, or Character vs.
Technology are conflicts in the interlopers.
2._____________ In the Interlopers, the mood is foreboding, gloomy, ominous, fearful,
and full of suspense.

3._____________ The men in the interlopers went out hunting to go for a ride?

4._____________ Ulrich and Greg made the decision to put aside all kind of grudges.

5._____________ The Interlopers, irony is a key element the author Saki uses to
convey the theme that when people hold grudges, the outcome of the feud is often

6._____________ The wolves that appear over the hill when Ulrich and Georg call for
help also demonstrate both the power of nature and its disregard for men or their

7._____________ Ulrich's wish is to go be man to man with Georg and then out of
nowhere kill him and get his forest back.

8._____________ The beech tree symbolizes the damaging nature of the feud in which
the men are engaged.

9._____________ The moral of The Interlopers is that hatred is destructive. In the story,
both men are in the forest because of their mutual hatred.

10.____________ In The Interlopers, irony is a key element the author Saki uses to
convey the theme that when people hold grudges, the outcome of the feud is often

Completion: 5%

Directions: Write the correct answer for each item about the story of when Mr. Pirzada
came to Dine.




Main Idea:

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