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2020 IEEE International Conference on Power, Intelligent Computing and Systems (ICPICS)

A Watermarking Algorithm for Cloud Database

Based on Chaos Cryptography

Haiting Cui
Shandong Sport University
Shandong Jinan, China

Abstract—In order to solve copyright protection problems n

of cloud database, watermark can be added with information is , imported by discrete value 0,1 .
hiding in network environment. It can take advantage of chaos 2
random public key cryptography to produce different public
and private keys, through the controllable factors associated III. CLOUD DATABASE WATERMARKING ALGORITHM BASED
public key to detect the watermark information, which can ON CHAOTIC CRYPTOGRAM
protect intellectual property rights of cloud database, avoiding Chaos can be used as a private key generator, then
leakage of watermark key information. controlled noise initialization can be added as a public key.
Keywords—Cloud database, chaotic public key, information
Information of copyright embedded in cloud database is
hiding, copyright protection detected under the supervision of the trusted third party with
public key, and private key is the only evidence as the cloud
I. INTRODUCTION database owner, securely.
Although value of cloud database is huge, it is serious in A. Database watermark generation and embedding
face of malicious attacks, without proving its authenticity. algorithm.
Different users have different using rights of cloud database,
there is a crisis of trust, making cloud database copyright In which, a j , a j  1,1 can be supposed as bits
owners face data theft and identity problems. So as an flow sequence of copyright watermark embedded in cloud
effective means, database watermarked can both share data database, and then transform to a sequence of strings
in a variety of ways, and unauthorized access and through special handing for voice or fingerprint bitstream,
dissemination can be refused. use a modulation factor cr to generate discrete signal and
As the key, chaotic pseudo-random sequence has a get sequence as in (2):
periodicity and natural hiding, cloud database watermark
can be detected by the similarity between public and private bi  a j , j  cr  i   j  1  cr (2)
keys, using a special correlation characteristic of chaotic
pseudo-random sequence.
Purpose of modulation is to provide information
II. CHAOTIC PUBLIC-PRIVATE KEY GENERATION redundancy to increase attacked detection ability of cloud
database watermark against violence. Value of  needs to
Chaotic sequence can be realized by two methods: one is
consider the sensitivity and values of cloud database,
selected in an interval by transformed randomly and another
kind is to use the dynamics of nonlinear chaos, such as the watermark information wi    bi  pi is embedded, and
Logistic mapping, X n 1   X n 1  X n  . It uses then, sequence Ri '  Ri    bi  pi is encrypted with
different initial values for iteration, in order to get enough secret private key pi , pi  0,1 , with which the
long key sequence, with which is difficult to infer the initial
conditions of chaotic sequence and the initial parameters watermark is difficult to detect and destroy because of the
generally and has higher security. pseudo-randomness of the chaotic sequence.

Watermark sequence embedded is: Pi  i  1, 2,3  n  , Chaotic public key design process is: pip _ key as:
corresponding vector sequence can be expressed as in (1):
 pi
 n pi p _ key   (3)
Pi   P  2i  1 , P  2i   ,  i  1, 2,3   rand 0,1
 2
In (3), about 1/ n elements of the sequence are taken
And then, detect existence of watermark by public key,
from random sequence Pi , and the rest are evaluated at
 n
using correlation of the key Ki  i  1, 2,3   , length random. Then, the signal ri and pip _ key multiply are
 2

978-1-7281-9874-3/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 586 July 28-30, 2020•Shenyang, China

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 j 1cr 1  j 1cr 1 Step3: select data divide length of embedded watermark
c 
j 
i  j cr
Pi p _ key
 ri  
i  j cr
p _ key
 pi    bi '
information wi , according to value of each tuple, to get
remainder. Then divide into groups, and sort all yuan group
1 into different subset_size sets. Take out the j number
 cr    bi from the i attribute of main keyword P in the tuple, and
find suitable least significant bit of embedded watermark,
 cr    w j put forward and backward to each single digits, marked as a,
n b, taking as cut-off point .

Restoration of embedded copyright watermark Step4: change position of watermark and modify
corresponding position of b, until every corresponding
information is wi  n  c j . So   p
pip _ key can be used to tuples to the next digit in the chaotic sequence are found.
detect presence of watermark, but it will not completely Finally, check validity of embedded watermark data and
expose the position of watermark embedding, the user determine the maximum constraint changed.
cannot know how to embed watermark information by
B. Extraction and detection algorithm of cloud database
pip _ key . watermark.
Numeric field selected with a high number of valid Watermark extraction requires participation of the
digits that does not affect the accuracy is usually embedded original key, and detection of watermark only requires
and the watermark embedding location is determined. public key. According to the watermark key, scan and detect
According to the main key value of cloud database filter cloud database, using the majority of electoral law to restore
field of tuple and field name of column, one-way hash '
watermark information wi , and generate binary chaotic
function is constructed to determine the watermark
embedding position. sequence with the private key, demodulate watermark bits
First, in order to make cloud database relatively stable, wi , wi , map to the two-dimensional matrix to recover
data in cloud database are filtered and selected with single right watermark.
hash function, which can also be used to sort data, at the
same time, data group is carried out followed as Step1: calculate ID of each tuple using one-way Hash
function, find data embedded watermark, information.
Gr  MD   mod L , and L is length of processed
watermark information wi . If (Hash (r.p I) = = L);

Watermark is embedded to bits of information to Do tuple I =L mod m*n;

corresponding packet attribute value of selected data.
Decide whether to modify original data and make a check Marked attribute value: j=L mod 2.
according to that embedded watermark bits of information
and data changes are the same, if changes in violation of the Step2: find out chaos random sequence tags from the
constraints, return back, otherwise embed successfully. primary key P. Tuples are in i attribute values and j digits
separated in a deposit in advance.
Main steps of watermark embedding algorithm are:
Step3: multiple elections to obtain corresponding
Step1: transform copyright information into binary bit maximum of watermark information bit credibly. If lost, the
stream Wi  i  1, 2,..., m  n  , and give chaos initial bits are complemented.
value at the same time, using key to generate pseudo TABLE I WATERMARK MOST ELECTION PROCESS.
random sequence P  i  naturally , then embed watermark Watermark res[1] res[2] res[3] res[4] … res[j]
information as in (4): W0 1 0 1 0 … 0
W2 1 0 0 0 … 0
wi '  wi  P  i  , i  1, 2,..., m  n,   XOR (4), Wi … … … … … …
most 1 0 0 0 … 0

wi  wi    bi  pi is got.
Step4: get watermark information w , and then
Step2: sort the primary key and numeric attributes, generate binary chaotic random sequence Li to the
select numeric field length of valid bit, which is greater than demodulation of wi'  w  i   P  i  , i  1, 2,...m  n ,
or equal to length , according to the utility and error
remap matrix to receive embedded watermark information
tolerance requirement of cloud database . Followed as sequence.
hash-function algorithm MD5 , returned a fixed hash value
Cloud database watermarking detection algorithm based
of h, , ID  Hash  key, P, Ai  is calculated, so that on chaotic public key use one-way hash to mark each tuple,
watermark of cloud database achieves a relatively stable then, restore the secret order followed as marks. According
spatial structure. to subsets rules, identify the division of each subset, and
compare boundary of subset with recording counter element.


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When value is greater than or equal to a certain threshold, watermarks, only select a subset of them, or delete a subset
the marked position of subset is not available, avoiding of the original database, trying to erase the watermark.
voting. Compute current tuple Hash function to judge Because watermark is embedded into tuple uniformly and
whether it has watermark mark, and deposit in temporary randomly, the watermark can be detected as long as there
cache as an array. Last public key is generated using chaotic are some watermark markers in the data.
pseudo-random modulation to collect all effective
Subset 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40%
 Pi selection
Pi p _ key  ratio

rand  0,1
NC 0.8649 0.8421 0.7914 0.7765 0.7632 0.6512
(5) Coefficient
(public key)
NC 0.9038 0.8520 0.7969 0.7854 0.7951 0.6962
Then, watermark signal wi is compared by every bits Coefficient
(private key)
with p p _ key
to verify the public key. Cloud database delete record attack, randomly delete
i 30% data of cloud database, and restore public and private
key watermarks:
 j 1cr 1
w jp _ key  
i j
pip _ key  wi'
Cloud Cloud
 j 1cr 1
database database
 
i  j cr
pip _ key  pi    bi
Figure 1 Results of W2: NC=0.7138 W1: NC=0.6592
B. A subset increases attack
pi is private key and Pi p _ key is used to detect Cloud database adds record attacks, adds 40% of the
watermark without leakage of enough private information. data to the cloud database, and returns the public and private
The same embedded key pi can be corresponded to key watermarks:
different pseudo-random public keys, therefore, possibility
of reconstructing the private key is very small, even if the
third party without enough information cannot be able to Cloud Cloud
remove or forged watermark. database
Results: embedding and extraction program of
watermark is written in JAVA language, which is used for
the experiment of "a company's local call big data" cloud Figure 2 Results of W2: NC=0.6817 W1: NC=0.5624
database. There are 30,000 tuples and 8 properties in the
watermark relational table. Select numeric attribute used for C. Subsets modify attacks.
embedding, allowing the range to be within 5 seconds, Cloud database changes record attacks, which is the
watermark information embedded is a 32-by-32 JPEG most direct way to destroy watermark, modify 60% data of
binary image. cloud database, and restore public and private key
Select the "cloud database" logo as copyright watermark.
After converting to 0,1 sequence, different chaotic
pseudo-sequences are used to obtain private key and public
key. The key is 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0, attribute control Cloud Cloud
factor is 6, Select n=3, one of them is 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, and the parameter threshold is 0.67. database database
Use normalized correlation judgment value of image, as
the similarity measure between the watermark and Figure 3 Results of W2: NC=0.6531 W1: NC=0.5822
watermark of the original image, to compare the robustness
of the watermark of the public key. From the above process, it can be concluded that by
adding the watermark of hidden information in the network
environment, generating different public key and private key,
W  i, j W '  i, j 
i 1 j 1
and detecting the watermark information by associating the
NC  (7) public key with controllable factors can effectively protect
W (i, j )W (i, j)
i 1 j 1
CL's intellectual property database and avoid the leakage of
watermark key information.
A. Selection of subsets
Data thieves do not use all the data embedded with
With the popularity of cloud database using, hiding


Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on November 06,2020 at 15:01:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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