IMT - LisaBenton - Senjuti Sen

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Question 1

• Lisa felt that Linton and Scoville didn’t ask about her opinion in any of the
meetings with Ad Agencies. She felt like she was acting as a fifth wheel in those
• Lisa was also very concerned about condescending attitude of Scoville, which
Linton always ignored, furthermore, Scoville apparently allotting some boring
tasks to Lisa which made her disappointed.

Question 2

Write your answer for Part A here.

Trait Level: High/Low Example supporting the answer

Openness to Low Though Scoville moved from operations

Experience department to product management he rarely
supported Lisa to move forward within the
product management team despite telling her
that don’t worry of asking questions to him.

Conscientiousness Low One day, Scoville asked Lisa to copy some of

the documents despite Lisa telling him she is
involved in some other project work, which
reflects his low conscientiousness.
Extraversion Low As Lisa learned from other colleagues, that
most of the people in the Houseworld does not
like Scoville that much due to his arrogant

Agreeableness Low Scoville has low score in agreeableness due to

the fact that at the beginning he said he doubts
the ability of Harvad MBA’s, ;later on also we
can see that in most of the occasion he was not
completely agreeing with Lisa’s presentations.

Neuroticism Low Scoville has low score in neuroticism as he

didn’t have the attitude to appreciate Lisa’s
effort, in fact once he screamed louder at her
for not listening to his opinion, though later on
he did apologized & told Lisa that he was
frustrated of not getting promotion, which
shows his weakness.

• Lisa can meet with Scoville outside the office frequently to get more comfortable with
him, even she can emotionally connect with him so that his approach towards her
would be more friendly.
• Lisa can get the work done quickly with other department as she is more conversant
with them, which will make Scoville more reliant on her.

Question 3
It is the hidden area.

Lisa can put forward her good communication skills to work for her to develop good &
healthy relationship with Linton. As both are woman & ambitious as well, they can definitely
connect well if Lisa can work on this angle. Moreover, as Lisa completed her early stage of
life at Houseworld, she can now shrug off her learner status & start participating more in
projects & voice her opinion with Linton, so that Linton get a clear idea was Lisa is thinking
within a project.

Question 4

Lisa was tagged by Linton as “unassertive” & “lacking in initiative & confidence”. But from
the Day 1 we have not seen Linton to be compassionate towards Lisa in any manner, despite
knowing her she just joined, in fact at the beginning she said to her that she is not fond of
Harvard MBA’s which can be a major heart breaker for fresher like Lisa, which she could not
overcome initially. Also, though she mentioned her weaknesses, she didn’t advice Lisa in any
manner how she can overcome these shortfalls, she should have suggested Lisa how she can
overcome these shortfalls, which will be in fact very beneficial for the particular product
management team.

Question 5

• Recognize employees for job done well.

• Encourage employees to speak their mind without any fear of
• Provide a program map for them.

Question 6

• Exchange
• Impression management.
The more exchanges of opinions between Lisa & Linton & Scoville happens it will be
beneficial for Lisa to get along with them.
Lisa should be polite but well assured of her opinion which will showcase a positive
impression of her to Linton & Scoville.

• Assertiveness
• Coalition formation
Assertiveness is one hard tactic which Lisa should use which will reflect her honest
opinion about something, which will eventually show her as expressive & not afraid of
voicing her opinion.
She also can form coalition with Linton & Scoville to work together which will create a
good & healthy competitive environment with other product teams.

Question 7

Yes, there is breach of ethics happened in the incident where Scoville asked Lisa to copy some
documents for him despite Lisa telling him that she was busy with other project work. Scoville
did not take this lightly & complained to Linton that Lisa was arrogant towards him. This is
happening behind the back of Lisa which is completely a breach of ethics as Lisa was doing
odd jobs for Scoville all this while, but only once when she refused to do the copying instantly,
he was furious. This is completely unfortunate for Lisa & can be considered as breach of

Question 8

Lisa should start contemplating on quitting her job at Houseworld.

o Lack of opportunity: Despite Lisa trying to put her foot forward, she is not
getting enough support or appreciation from Linton & Scoville. Once, Scoville
underestimated her assumptions on pricing, but the way he behaved with her, it
clearly showed his dissatisfaction towards her effort, which can eventually break
her morale. She is also not getting proper opportunity to put forward her opinions
which can be termed as less participation in later part.
o Lack of Team Bonding: As for teamwork in any manner needs bonding, but it
clearly lacking in terms of her team in Houseworld. Though, Lisa initially tried to
be friendly with them, but not getting proper response did frustrated her which
can hamper her energy towards work.
o Lack of ethics: There is a clear lack of ethics in the particular team that Lisa
working, as despite informing Linton about the behavior of Scoville, Linton did
not take any action & in fact persuaded Lisa to be friendly with Scoville more.

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