English Class 4

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1 cw IE 45), 1 Th ise OW ie wise time two sparrows lived in ° greet hope tle roa m Once upon a tim lived a peaceful . tn . . They liv bank of a wide river. ete tt . Pee, ide the river, but they liked the sal tree the best. Eve, : of trees beside j bu sporrows built a new nest in ont i 16074 of the many hollows in the tree's ‘rung ite swimming place of q Dri is iver was the favourite Ce " Now this part onan After a hot, dusty ride on one of his fine horse. the loved ced nothing better than to have o quiet swim in the cool wate prince i it her sparrow laid some eggs. The Spar, soe an ved te efemnon the sat happily on a branch ‘and wi ie, trea splashing about in the river below, but when they retumeg ‘olny na thew found that their eggs had disappeared. They were most Upset on flopped about making a great noise. The father sparrow Suddenly say the tail of a long snake slithering into a hole at the base of a tree. He UNderstoy what had happened. The sparrows fluttered from branch to branch and made such a Noise that they woke their friend, the owl. He wanted to know what WAS going on, so they told him about the missing eggs and the snake. They told him that they were so upset that they were going to leave the old Sal tree for ever. The owl listened to their Sad story, and he nodded his head Gnd rolled his eyes, ‘Don't worry, My friends,’ said the owl. SEORD vvuaiicu wiur vam TOws itcheg (0 thei, et ang ‘the TStoog lat So LN ‘You mustn't think of leaving your nest and going o horrid snake. Why don't you get rid of him? td Dacouse of that the sparrows looked puzzled, "But how con we possibly do thal?! asked the spa ; You are wise and can think of a plan." Porous, Meese el us. the owl sat blinking his large round eyes. ‘Go to where the prince has lett his clothes,’ said the owl. ‘Pick up the prince's gold necklace and drop it in the snake's hole,’ The sparrows did not understand what this was all about, but they trusted the owl; and they respected his wisdom. The sparrows thanked the owl, ond immediately flew towards the prince's clothes. The father sparrow | picked up the prince's gold necklace while the mother sparrow flapped her wings and screeched loudly. The prince's guards were sitting on the bank of the river. When they heard the noise, they looked towards the prince's clothes and were surprised to see a sparrow flying off with the prince’s necklace. The guards roused themselves and chased the sparrow. The sparrow flew around, just out of the reach of the guards. At last it flew directly over the snake's hole, and dropped the gold necklace into it. The sparrow flew to the safety of the sal tree and perched on a high branch. The snake, startled by the arrival of the necklace, poked its head out of the hole to see what was going on. Just as it did so, the guards arrived and one of them drew his sword and killed the snake. That was the end of the snake. The sparrows were overjoyed. They thanked their friend, the owl, a1 his intelligence. The sparrows continued to live happily in the sal tree for many years. The following year, the mother sparrow laid more eggs and the baby sparrows lived with their parents in the sal tree, where the owl watched over ind praised them. Scanned with Cam comprehension 4, Answer the following questions. Whu did the prince come to the river? yb Whe were the sparrows SO happy? = How did the sparrows know what had happen t as the owl's plan? hase the sparrow? , CU to the dd. What wi Whu did the guords cl 4 Was the owl wise? following statements about the story Ore lived in an oak tree by the river. s¢ d to the nest and found the eggsh lag 2, Soy whether the " g The sparrows b. The sparrows returne disappeared J ¢. The sparrows thoug instructions», 4. The snake was kille t tus ht for a long time before following tp, 1 ov, d by the necklacex . Answer the questions about this line from the story. The sparrow flew around, just out of the reach of the guarg, 8, rm y a. Where was the sparrow going? b. Why were the guards by the river? c. What happened next? ©@) working with words wing words and phrases in sentences of your own. o Use the follor a. one ofthe many -« Db. liked nothing better c. horrid d. most upset e. thanks to f, the arrivalof © Learning about.language Articles Add articles a / an / the where necessary. SS acer Cam er Once upon _A_ time there lived _G_ king who was __@_ fine man. The kingdom he ruled was _y very large and alt.” people who lived in it_X _ were happy and prosperous. One day | __ great flood of x wqler came pouring down from _27 mountains and swept away Ue palace and most of ~ city Many of [A= people were drowned but nt his. - 44. king sent his army and carried some of them to high _¥ _ ground. In this way he saved __/ many people from Ue death. Using ‘who’ or ‘which’ Join the following sentences with who or which, Remember that we usually use who for people and which for things. 4. This is the man. 2. This is the cycle. 3. This is the girl. 4, These are the men. whe He gave me a cycle. w)ic He gave me. wy hoShe came to my house last week. They are building a wall round the house. ()istening and speaking Note the way words are pronounced. The last part of the word ‘upon’ is said with more force or stress. upON The first syllable in ‘sparrows’ is stressed: SPARrows Now read the following words aloud. They are all from the story you have read. Mark'the stressed syllables. Then read the words aloud again. river peaceful plenty hollows favourite swimming dusty better suddenly slithering fluttered listened ©)wiiting Write about the time when you gave, or were given, some good advice. 1 ores to) KVOW N | a type of bird Ces He floods, streams gu ing Whistling, twittering, singing ae reign SU erior, like that of a ruler asmall songbird 4 . : | Anight in June The sun has long been set, The stars are out by twos and threes, The little birds are piping yet ‘Among the bushes and trees: There's a cuckoo, and one or two thrushes, ‘And a far-off wind that rushes, ‘And a sound of water that gushes, And the cuckoo’s sovereign cry Fills all the hollow of the sky. & William Wordsworth % svamicu wiur Cam —— Comprehension 1, Answer the following Questions. a. How are the stars Appearini ig in the sky? b, Why do you think they are appearing ike this? c. Have the birds stopped singing? d. Where are the little birds? e. What sounds can be heard? rs) . Answer the questions about this line from the poem. The little birds are piping yet | a. This sentence means: | i. the birds are little but they are piping il. the birds are still Piping even though it is late ili. the birds are piping, but... b. What time of day is it? c. Where are the birds piping? d. What kinds of birds are mentioned in the poem? = Note down the rhyming words in the poem. Do they form a pattern? > Find the odd-one-out in each of the following lists. a. set met debt yet eat threat b,ease peoce trees freeze peas breeze c. die sky fry high neigh buy Q@)working with words 1. Use these words in sentences of your own. a. set b. far-off c.among d.gushes _ e. hollow 2. Use these words in oral sentences of your own. If you are not sure of the exact meaning, look in a dictionary. gush spout sprinkle trickle drip pour flood surge spurt stream flow jet OXFORD & —— — Sawrur CaM x C )Learning about language Using ‘yet’ 4. Read the following sentences- = They have not arrived , ed yor, They still have not arrive’ Use yet and rewrile i o. The man has still ne b c. Munee The children d fe. The posiman Faiza hos or has sl nave still ‘as still no! following uses of yet. 0 i met the neighbours yet? b. He arrived, yet he did not stay long: Make up some sentences like those above. istening and speaking Read the following, then say the sentences aloud. toller caller did not shout or baw! at all crowd shouted out aloud around the fountain. the copper pot! d shot! You've won ‘ars in the dark shine like sparks. yt bre Note the a. Have uol nv Li a. The b. The rowdy c. What a goo d. The faraway St © Writing Write o short description of this bi ird. Here are some wi ords you conus ie feather wing beak fiufy sharp soft cou fly soar glide war oy ble twitter eerokD VU aimicu wiur Cam words to know J) emporium a large store with a wide Selection of goods ) engineer ‘person who knows how machines work and is. ble to fix them handset the part of the telephone that is held up to speak Gnd listen to to poke somebody or something with a finger or other Sorry, Wrong number Mr Kamaal was pleased. He had waited for a telephone connection for mony months, and now, at last, he had one. The engineers arrived in the morning. They fitted a tiny black box in the wall and connected a few cables to a tall pole outside the house. What a lot of noise they made! But Mr Kamaal did not mind. He made the engineers cups of tea and helped them when he could. After the engineers had gone, Mr Kamaal gat and gazed lovingly at the smart new telephone in the hall. He could hardly wait for his wife and son to get home. Mr Kamaal picked up the phone and put itto his ear. ‘Hello! Hello!’ he said. ‘Yes, it's Kamaal here. How nice of you to call. Yes, | can hear you quite clearly! Pardon? Thank you." Mr Kamaal put down the handset and smiled. He took out his handkerchief ond polished until it glistened. When his wife and son, Nadir, came home, i Mr Kamaal showed off the new telephone. ‘The evening came. The telephone had remained silent, but that had not stopped the Kamaals from picking it up whenever they passed by. ‘Hello!’ they would say and then carefully replace the handset. Loter, when they were all sitting down to dinner, the phone rang. ‘Brrr brerrr. Brrrr brrrr,’ went the telephone. inree of them jumped UP and rushed to the telephone All! al cl ared his throat ‘and picked up the handset, “Kamal here,’ he said slowly and clearly, shrill voice on the olher end of the hem three days ago. They haven't ling. ¥ 7 said a shocked Mr Kamaal. tive Goods Emporium?” asked the woman, have the wrong number, madam,’ replied jy, k OM, al Then the phone went dead. s very excited. He put down the handset and tog h 'S ity Mey Mr Kamaal wos and son about the woman. - “You should have asked her for her number,’ said Mrs Kamagy, « could have given her a call sometime.’ The lig The following morning the phone rang again. This time Mrs Kamagi got to it first. ‘Hello,’ she said. ‘Do you have any silk scarves?’ asked the caller. ‘Silk scarves?” asked Mrs Kamaal, puzzled. “Yes, silk scarves,’ replied the caller. 4 don't think so,’ said Mrs Kamaal. ‘Is that Fancy Goods Emporium?’ asked the caller. ) ‘No, this is Mrs Kamaal,’ said Mrs Kamaal. And the line went dead, ‘Afew minutes later the phone rang again. ‘We seem to have a popular number,’ said Mr Kamaal, as he rushed to answer the phone. ‘But this time, Nadir got there first. He held the phone to his ear, but said nothing. From time to time he shook his head vigorously from side to side. ‘Say something,’ said his father, prodding him in the back. the phone down. ‘9 was it?’ asked Mrs Kamaal, lady asking for Fancy Goods Emporium,’ re : ," replied Nadir, ethen why didn’t you say anything?’ asked his father. ‘The caller can't see you song your head! ir Put No ‘som! teen calls fc i day there were Sevent for the Fancy Goods Emporium and r single call for the Kamaals! Mr Kamaal was quite fed up. 1 pall have to ring the telephone company and complain,’ he grumbled. the evening, just as they were going to have their dinner, the telephone (0nd again. Mrs Kamaal got there first, because she was standing near the phone when it (078 to, said Mrs Kamaal, tired man on the other end of the line asked, ‘At what time does the fam begin?” ‘ypeg your pardon?’ said Mrs Kamaal. ‘I think you have the wrong number.’ ‘itbegan half an hour ago?’ said the man loudly. ‘What a pity!" ‘No, NO, this is not the cinema,’ said Mrs Kamaal. ‘I don’t know whot time ....." then the phone went dead. “what was that all about?’ asked Mr Kamacl. Mrs Kamaal told Mr Kamal and Nadir about the call. {con't understand it,’ she said, frowning. ‘Why didn’t the man listen to me?’ Mr Kamaal suddenly started chuckling. ‘what's the joke?’ asked Nadir. ‘Well you see,’ said Mr Kamaal, ‘the man’s wife must have wanted to see the film, but the man did not. So he rang our number and pretended he was talking to the cinema! His wife heard him speaking but she could not hear what your mother was saying in reply! How clever!’ They all laughed at the joke. ‘Iwish someone would call us and not a wrong number,’ said Nadir before he went to bed. ehension @ Compr wing questions. 4, Answer the follo a. Whu did the engineers come to the house? b Which words, phrases, and aztions tellus that Mr x very pleased with the new phone’ . c. How do we know that Mr Kamaal was very anxious for I and son to get home? ; i, gd. Why did people keep calling the Kamaals? § e. Do you think Mrs Kamaal had many friends to call gi, reason for your answer. , ; eq {, What advice did Mr Kamaal give Nadir? g. Why did Mr Kamaal think that the last caller was ‘clever 2, Answer the questions al From time to time he s o. Who was shaking his head? b. Give two reasons why he was doing this. Oma) , My wale bout this line from the story. hook his head vigorously from side to x. Sid Working with words 4, Use a dictionary to find the correct meanings of these words. Write the words and meanings in your notebook. Note that the words may have more than one meaning. a. cable b. gaze c. chuckle d. fancy e. emporium f. vigorous 2. The letters in the words below are jumbled. We call these words anagrams. e.g. BREAD is an anagram of BEARD What ore these words? You will find the anagrams in the stor. Easy: a.dois b.thow c.newt gran e.holls em Not so easy: a.re-clad §=b.CS Hotel enlist , dl. he not Pele Learning about language Adjectives Underline the adjectives in the followi 4, The sleeping woman Was woke 2. Their teacher 'S Strict but also very poo, icles 3. The frightened puppy hid behind the old chair 4, We were happy to meet Some old friends at the tt 5. Their new car was very comfortable. pons 6. twas a beautiful day in summer, ing. Phrases and adjective Phrases Do you know what a phrase is? Aphrase is group of words. It is n sentence. A phrase gives us an ide Here are some phrases: in a minute you and | up the tree my father's shirt ‘ot G sentence, but part of a a, but does not have a verb in it. 1. Say which of the following are phrases. Note that the punctuation has not been included. a. over the fence b. he kicked it c. she likes mangoes —_d. nowand then e. | amon the road f. three or four g. they don't want any —_h. are you coming Sometimes phrases ce used as adjectives. e.g. This is a book with an old cover. He is a man of great age. The adjective phrases are in italics above. 2. Add suitable adjective phrases to the following. a. | left my books b. This is a shirt c. | looked at the sky d. He heard the tiger ©. They saw the fox —___ Using ‘No’ Give short answers to the following questions, &, with No. Sach o e.g. Do you eat rotten eggs? No, | don't. NF ths, » yy 1. Can you flu? 2. Will she make a speech? Do uou live in Switzerland? 4, Did you break your arm? 5. Have you been to the North Pole? 6. . Hos he gone yet? wo @)uistening and speaking Your parents decide that the time has come to buy a televisio a new computer for your home. It will be something you can a Set, The problem is, you can have either the television OR the com, Use but not both. Which one will you choose to buy, and why? Pure, Your class will be divided into four or five groups. Each group sh do the following: ue 4. Discuss which is better to have, a television or o computer. 2. Write down the reasons for your choice. 3, Select one speaker to put forward the views of the group. 4, Be prepared to answer five questions put by the other groups, ct: your presentation has been made. - ©) writing When was the last time you had something new in your house? Was! a television set? Was it o computer? Was it a CD player? What didn family think? What did they say? Write a letter to a friend telling him/her about anything new tl family has bought recently. that your Rain in summer How beautiful is the ain! After the dust and heat, In the broad street, In the narrow lane, How beautiful is the rain! How it clatters along the roofs, Like the tramp of hoofs! How it gushes and Struggles out, From the overflowing spout, Across the window pane. It pours and pours; And swift and wide, With a muddy tide, Like a river down the gutter roars The rain, the welcome rain! 1, Answer the following questions, a. Whatis the difference betwe, Street What is it like before it raing? Nd g lan, Does the rain flow out of th easily? Is the rain light or heavy? Which we ¢ ena le Spout What does the phrase ‘muddy tid, How do we know that the Speak meaog Ords tel, Us? Mean? eris Pleaseg 2. Answer the questions about this line fro, How it clatters along the roofs... a. What is being described here? b. What is the noise the rain is making on the FOOF com, c. What other sounds and movements does the Fain Moke, @® Working with words | 1. Find words with the same spelling pattern that thyme with the » following. Q.pain b.pane c. heat d. sheet 10 66 5 M the Poem, & poor fy. 2. Put the following in alphabetical order. Dickens, Balzac, Yeats, Shakespeare, Dr Addison, Sterne, Gardner, Ludlum, Webs The names above are all surnames. Look up the word ‘surname’ in a dictionary. Con you guess what Profession all the People above were in? @) Learning about language Exclamations Ouch! My head! 6 ome uden, Keats, Shelley ter, Zeno, Quincey, vvuaiicu wicthCam | Find an exclamation in the poem about the rain. Moke up three exclamations based on the poem. Write them in your notebook. Reported speech Look at these sentences, ‘They are strong,’ he said, The exact words of the speaker are in inverted commas. We can report this sentence like this: He said they were strong. (Note how the verb changes when we reporl what happened; are becomes were.) Now change the following sentences in the same way. 4. ‘Where are they?’ he asked Anum. 2. ‘We are young,’ they said. 3. ‘Lam Mona,’ she told us. 4.‘Itis dead,’ he said. @)usstening and speaking 4. Sometimes when you hear a word you immediately think of another one. Write down the first word you think of when you see the following words; the first one has been done for you. a. doctor patient b. hospital c. engine d. tiger e. beautiful f. cruel g. exciting h. sleep There can be many answers for each of the words in the exercise above. What words did you choose and why? Discuss with your friends how and why your chosen words are connected with the keywords. ©@writing Make up your own poem about the rain. It can be gentle rain. Itcan be heavy, noisy rain What words will you use to describe sounds and movement? p : ca — The thousand-rupee note na small village near Hyderabag, g, t she was going to Hyderabad to gg ne shops in Hyderabad, and the lady Me Amon and his wife lived together ir day, the lady told her husband that some shopping. There are many big shopping there. Early the next morning the man woke his wife with a hot cup of tea, “Woke up, dear,’ he said softly. ‘I've made you a cup of tea. It's near pillow. I'm also leaving a thousand-rupee note next to the cup. Don't A back to sleep, or you will miss the bus.” He shook her gently and then ) went out off to work in the fields. : lady tay on,her-bed and thought about what she was goin 7 As the lady lay on.het Ee ip witha stor. going to buys day she dozed off . ‘Oh dear!’ she said, looking at the clock. ‘I shall have to hurry, or I'ltmis the bus.’ One dy washed and dressed pe she grabbed. her bag ‘and walked as fast as her legs would take her. When she reached the bus stop she was buffing and puffing. breathing Soon the bus arrived and the lady fought to get on. What a crowd there was on the bus! Everyoneiin the district seemed 8 svamicu wiur Cam pegoing to Hyderabad that da viuagers Were Going to se i. It was market day)and many of the LL their, wares in the cit somehow, the lady squeezed in. avery heavy woman, who was h She sat on the edge of a seat ni \ ge ext to lolding a large bay bi her lap. goon the bus began to move. It cr eaked il ae engine roared and off went and groaned; it rattled ond clonked, faster and faster down the road. with some difficulty the lady peered out of the window. She could see the fields and trees, and the Shops and the houses beside the road. She wos bounced up and down, and when the bus went round a corner, she had to hold on tight. It was not too uncomfortable as she hod a nice plump cushion on one side! It was hot and stuffy in the bus and the lad ond then fell fast asleep. 8 vont yowned After a few minutes, a loud bang woke her, A large box had fallen off the root of the bus. The bus Screeched to a halt and two or three men got out and ran off down the road to fetch it. The Passengers all laughed and cheered. The lady rubbed her eyes and said to herself, ‘I really must stay awake. | have a lot of money in my Purse, and if | fall asleep someone might take it.’ She carefully opened her purse to check if her Money was still there. To her shock and dismay the purse fas empty! She put her purse away quickly and sot’quiétiy’ thinking out what she should do. She looked at the woman sitting beside her. Her eyes were shut and she was snoring loudly. show oP ‘Aha!’ said the lady to herself. ‘I think you are Pretending to sleep, my dear. And | think you must have stolen my thousand-rupee note!’ She noticed that the woman's bag was quite dirty. She also noticed that the woman's clothes were old and worn. The woman was certainly not rich. She felt sorry for her, but she also felt very cross. She decided not to make a big fuss or call for the police. ~ vvuaiicu wiur vam rr Very carefully and quietly, the opened the woman's bag, and on top of a large, red handkere! lay the thousand-rupee Note. careful pulled out the Note and tucked it away in her Purse, qi bus reached Hyderabad, the women choke a the children and the . ‘ACks and the boxes 9nd the bags alt Poured out of the bus. With Some difficut ue iculty the lady got lady there, hil, She She hada Wonderful time in the city. She walked u IP And down pnd StoPPed to look at the people and the tate. She 90284 ot anno le Wonderful things in the shops and even talked to some of the Sh She bought lots of things. OP Kee The day went by very quickly. Soon it was time to catch the bus young boy helped the lady with her bags and parcels. Luckily, she ie A ‘and found a good seat on the bus. OS en, She looked around at the People on the bus. She saw faces Many she did not know. One she remembered was that of th Was Now sitting at the back of the bus, looking very upset, ini she knew ‘ong 1 Wom deg." Inno time at all, the bus arrived at the village. The lady's husband WO thee to greet her. He helped her to unload her bags. Then he Scratched his hegg and looked very puzzled’ He stdtéd at all the bags and parcels, ‘I see you have bought a lot of things today,’ said the husband. ‘But, whee did you get the money?’ ‘What a silly question,’ replied the lady. ‘Why, you gave me a thousond. Tupee note this morning!’ ‘I did,’ said the man. ‘But when | got home from the fields, the note wossit lying beside your bed where | left it.’ The lady said nothing. She turned and looked at the bus. It was going off at @ great speed, leaving behind it a huge cloud of dust and smoke. She now knew why the woman on the bus had looked so upset. 20 ‘CORD: ovaiicu wratCam Comprehension 4. Answer the following questions. a. Why did the man shake his wife gently? b. Did the lady get up immediately? c. What kinds of containers were being carried on the bus? d. Where did the lady sit? e, Why did the bus stop suddenly? f. Why did the lady open the woman's bag? g. Who helped the lady? h. Why did the woman look so upset? i. Why did the man scratch his head and look puzzled? 2. Fillin the blanks with suitable words from the story. a. ‘I shall have to_huveu orlwill_ “is the bus.’ b.He shook her Xenklz” to woke her up. c. Because she was in a hurry, she Jared her bag and left. d. To her shock and gis ni the purse was empty. , : e. The lady stopped to look at the people and the _E vai VC f._1yeSilu _, the lady was early and found a seat. 7 3. Answer the questions about these lines from the story. She felt sorry for her, but she also felt very cross. She decided not to make a big fuss or call for the police. a. Who felt sorry for whom? Why? d. Why was she also cross? c. What did she decide to do instead of calling the police? @®@orking with words 1. See if you can find the answers to the following descriptions. a. A person who operates on people in a hospital is a4 b. A person who looks after people in a hospital is a _\i_u OXFORD ¢_ A person who helps children to learn is. Techy r dA person who looks alter people's teeth is. a de) f ticle 2. Write three or four sentences like those above, about oh f Mer ny, 3. Find the opposites of these words. They are all in the st Pet, ‘Or a, comfortable b. closed c. carelessly d. slowly e. clean f. softly 4, Punctuation Can you write the following clearly? Separate the words full stop at the end of each sentence. OM pus Ny | Alongtimeagopeoplewrotewithoutputtinganybreaksbetiea- | wordsthismadereadingverydifficultyoucanseewhatlmeans.. thisexampleitisbettertoseparatethewordsandsentences on ———~_] A full stop is a pause; it separates one sentence from orate, Acomma is also a pause; itis used in a sentence to show short pause. 8 A semicolon looks like this ; It shows us that there is a pause in a sentence. A semicolon, a pause longer than a comma, but shorter than a full stop. Separate these sentences using semicolons and full stops. (Do not forget to start each new sentence with a capital letter) a. he shot an arrow they just watched b. they were good archers he was good at everything c. the dog did not die it could not bark or eat d. | have two brothers noman and Khalid he has a sister ayesha e. we like to swim every day she does not ©@)tearning about language Subjects and objects Do you remember what you have learnt about subjects and objects’ Underline the subjects in the following sentences. 1. The girl ran down the road. 2. The girl and the boy ran down the road. 3, The tall girl and the short boy climbed the fence, Shoy OXFORD () Listening and speaking 4, Three old men, lwo Young IS 5, The man who, gave oo S, and a dag were waiting for the bus. me the Money is silting in that shop. writing questions Change the following into questions, 1. A tiger can run faster than a man, 2. A tiger has a very Seed sense of smell 3. The tiger's skin is black and yellowy orange 4. Tigers are very fierce iT you disturb them when they are €aling, 5. A tigress is a female tiger. 6. Baby tigers are Called cubs What are my initiats? To ind the initials of the girl's name, ( and surname) follow Your teacher's i Mark the circles one at a time, Join the initial letters of her first name instructions. Listen very corefully. the circles to form the inital letters of the name. The 1st letter of my first name. The 1st letter of my surname. M{s tig e U | 4 g iT ! | fg /|R/i6i/ "lu blz] 3] tii 3 ili 2 |H ulelalilg| Filti[9/alo 7/, ;atwiz Lo [H| T]Y[a4 Rim abo ©@)writing | Have you ever made a mistake like the lady on the bus? Write about it. pe —— = SCALIISU VILE aM

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