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Light Intensity vs. Distance

(Light Sensor, Rotary Motion Sensor)

Optics: Inverse square relationship DataStudio file: 61 Light Intensity.ds

Equipment List

Qty Item Part Numbers

1 PASCO Interface (for two sensors)
1 Light Sensor CI-6504
1 Rotary Motion Sensor CI-6538
1 Basic Optics System (Bench and 4-in-1 Light Source) OS-8517 and OS-8518
1 Aperture Bracket OS-8534
1 Dynamics Track Mount CI-6692
1 20-g Mass ME-9348
1m Thread SE-8050

The purpose of this activity is to investigate the relationship between light intensity and the
distance from a light source. Plot the relative light intensity versus distance from a point light
source. Move the Light Sensor by hand so that the thread attached to the Light Sensor that passes
over the Rotary Motion Sensor pulley to a hanging mass causes the pulley to rotate, measuring
the position.
Use DataStudio to try various curves fits on the data. Determine which mathematical curve fit
matches the data best.
If light spreads out in all directions, as it does from a point light source, the light intensity at a
certain distance from the source depends on the area over which the light is spread. For a sphere
of radius r, what is the equation for the surface area?
Intensity is calculated by taking the power output of the bulb divided by Intensity = Power
the area over which the light is spread: Area
Put the equation for the surface area of a sphere into the intensity
How does the light intensity of a point source depend on distance?

Be careful not to touch the Light Source when it gets hot.

1. Set up the equipment as shown in the photograph. Mount the Light Source on the optics
track so the ‘point source’ side of the source faces the Light Sensor. Attach one end of the

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thread to the Light Sensor bracket and pass the thread over the large pulley on the Rotary
Motion Sensor (remove the “O” ring first). Attach the thread to a 10-g mass.
2. Plug the Rotary Motion Sensor and the Light Sensor into the PASCO Interface.
Light Sensor Holder Aperture Bracket

Dynamics Track Mount

Light Source

3. Start the DataStudio program and open the file 61 Light Intensity.ds.
I. Explore Different Functions
1. Click the graph called Functions. This graph shows y = x.
2. Click the calculator button at the top of the graph.
3. Change the function in the calculator window to y = x^2 and click ‘Accept’. Examine the
resulting changes in the graph. Note the shape of the graph.
4. Change the function in the calculator window to y = 1/x, click ‘Accept’, and examine the
new graph.
5. Change the function in the calculator window to y = 1/x^2, click ‘Accept’, and examine the
new graph.
Now that you have familiarized yourself with these different functions you are ready to plot the
light intensity vs. distance for a point light source.
II. Adjust the Sensitivity of the Light Sensor and Check the
Direction of the Rotary Motion Sensor
Adjust the sensitivity of the Light Sensor so its range of
measurement is not too high or too low.
1. Set the front of the Light Sensor mask 15 cm from the
center of the point light source. Note that you must sight down the front of the Aperture
Bracket to see where it lines up with the track measuring tape. The notch in the light source
bracket indicates the center of the point light source. Plug in the light source to turn it on.
2. Rotate the aperture bracket so that the white circle is aligned with the end of the sensor.

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3. Click Start in DataStudio and monitor the voltage output from the Light Sensor. Adjust the
sensitivity of the Light Sensor so the voltage is as close to 4.5 V as possible without going
over 4.5 V.

NOTE: For the For the PASPORT Light Sensor

ScienceWorkshop Light use the buttons on the side of the
Sensor use the Gain sensor to adjust its sensitivity.
Select switch on the top
of the sensor to adjust its
Check the direction of the Rotary Motion Sensor.
1. Click the graph labeled “Light Intensity vs. Distance”.
2. With the Light Sensor 15 cm from the center of the light source, click Start. Squeeze the
sides of the Light Sensor holder as you move the Light Sensor slowly from 15 cm to 100
cm away from the Light Source. When you move the Light Sensor, the thread will cause
the pulley on the Rotary Motion Sensor to turn so it records the distance of the Light
Sensor from the light source.
3. While you move the Light Sensor away from the light source, check that the distance on
the graph is positive. If the distance is negative, you will need to change the Rotary Motion
Sensor. Click Stop in DataStudio.
NOTE: For the ScienceWorkshop Rotary Motion Sensor, switch the plugs at the interface. For
the PASPORT Rotary Motion Sensor, you will need to rotate the sensor 180 . Remove the sensor
from the Dynamics Track Mount. Remove the pulley from the shaft on the sensor. Turn the
sensor so you can put the pulley on the other end of the shaft. Replace the sensor onto the mount.
4. Return the Light Sensor to the 15 cm position.
III. Record the Intensity vs. Distance Data
1. With the Light Sensor at 15 cm, click Start to begin recording data.
2. Slowly pull the Light Sensor back from 15 cm to about 100 cm or until the hanging mass
touches the floor. Click Stop to end data recording.
1. Click the upper left button on the Light Intensity vs. Distance graph to
scale the data so it fits the whole graph.
2. Choose the various fits (Linear, Quadratic, Inverse, Inverse Square) from
the pull-down Fit menu on the graph. For each fit, record the error given
in the fit box. (Record this in the Lab Report section.)
The best fit is the one that has the least error.
1. Which choice from the Fit menu was the best fit for your data?
2. How does the light intensity depend on distance?

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3. Do your results agree with your prediction from the theory?

4. Sketch the graph with the best fit or, if a printer is available, print it.
Record data and answer questions in the Lab Report section.

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Lab Report: Light Intensity vs. Distance

Name: ______________________________________________________________
How does the light intensity of a point source depend on distance?

Sketch your graph with the best fit or, if a printer is available, print it.

Fit Linear Quadratic Inverse Inverse Square


1. Which choice from the Fit menu was the best fit for your data?

2. How does the light intensity depend on distance?

3. Do your results agree with your prediction from the theory?

4. List some reasons that your results may not match the relationship you predicted.

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Further Study/Extension
Suppose you repeated this experiment with a
long fluorescent bulb and the Light Sensor is
moved along the axis perpendicular to the light
1. Would you expect the light intensity for this line of light to depend on distance in the same
way as it does for a point light source? Why or why not?

2. What dependence on distance would you expect?

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Teacher Notes
Time Estimates Preparation: 30 min Activity: 30 min

Students will be able to…
• use the Light Sensor to measure the light intensity of a light source as the sensor is moved away from
the source
• use the Rotary Motion Sensor to measure the distance that the sensor moves relative to the light
• use the Graph display to fit the data to a mathematical model
• compare the actual mathematical model (best fit) to the theoretical mathematical model
The formula for the area of a sphere is A = 4 r 2 . When this formula is put into the equation for
intensity, students should see that intensity varies as the inverse square of distance “r”.
Avoid reflective surfaces under, behind, or beside the light source.
If the students try a fluorescent tube, they may discover that the Inverse Nth Power fit is a better
fit than the Inverse Square if they use a power between 1.5 and 2.
Sample Data
This example shows that the Inverse
Square Fit has less error than the Inverse
Fit on the data of Light Intensity vs.
Answer to Prediction
How does the light intensity of a point
source depend on distance?
The change in light intensity with distance
for a ‘real’ light source does not follow the
simple mathematical formula for the
change in light intensity with distance for
an ideal ‘point’ light source.
1. Which choice from the Fit menu was
the best fit for your data?
Based on the data in the example, the light intensity varies as the inverse square of the distance
from the Light Sensor to the light source.

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2. How does the light intensity depend on distance?

The inverse square relationship is valid for a point light source. Every real source of light is
larger than a ‘mathematical’ point. This means that the data will not fit an inverse square
mathematical model.
3. Do your results agree with your prediction from the theory?
Answers will vary.
4. List some reasons that your results may not match the relationship you predicted.
Reasons may include: light source is not a point, reflected light from the table top or from a wall
behind the light source, or ambient light in the room.
Answers to Further Study/Extension Questions
1. Would you expect the light intensity for this line of light to depend on distance in the same
way as it does for a point light source? Why or why not?
The light intensity versus distance relationship for his ‘line of light’ source will not be the same
as it is for a point light source. Light from any ‘real’ source is not emitted uniformly in all
directions. Only a point source has an inverse square relationship.
2. What dependence on distance would you expect?
Answers will vary.

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