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Name: SaaS Pipeline Conversions

Problem Statement
The sales pipeline conversion percentage at TechnoServe (a tech SaaS startup) has dropped
from 35% at the end of last fiscal (FY 2017-18) to 25% at present.

Assignment Objective
Understand the problem, come up with a hypothesis for low conversions faced by
TechnoServe, and analyse the dataset provided to arrive at possible solutions to increase it.
PART I : 1. Understanding the Problem
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup

Who? What? When? Where? How?

TechnoServe, a SaaS
provider. The company’s sales Occurring since end of Among the sales leads • Sales & marketing
pipeline conversion the last fiscal (2017- it generates, only 25% related issue
percentage has 18). of them is getting • Product related
dropped to 25% converted into issue
compared to 35% at the business.
end of last fiscal.
PART I : 2. Understanding the Problem
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup

Situation Problem Implication Need-Payoff

1. What is the pipeline 1. Is the sales & marketing 1. How much the lower lead 1. How the higher
conversion rate currently team skilled enough? conversion rate impacting conversion rate will
? 2. Is there any technical the company’s financial impact the overall growth
2. What is the strength of issue that is hampering goals? of the company?
the sales & marketing the viability of the 2. Does this also impacting 2. Will this solution makes
team currently? product? market share of the the sales & marketing
3. What are the channels 3. Is there any budget company compared to team more effective?
used for acquiring leads & reduction in terms of peers ? 3. If we able to raise the
business? sales & marketing 3. Does this also impacting conversion rate, what
segment in the company? future developments of would be the us e of the
the company? increased revenue?
4. Is the right channels used
for marketing & sales?
PART II : Formulating Hypotheses
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup

Framework Used
4P Framework

Reason for using the selected framework

The reason to use 4P framework is that, as I have less time to asses the problem here so our primary focus to raise the conversion rate would
be the marketing & sales segment. As we know that any further developments with the product(s) (in this case, software) takes a good amount
of time, therefore to give away a quick solution to the company we must engage the sales & marketing team for any possible problem areas &
eventually trying to address them.

How you have used the framework here

Firstly, I have broken down the 4Ps namely i) Product, ii) Price, iii) Promotion, iv) Place.
PART II : Formulating Hypotheses
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup
PART II : Formulating Hypotheses
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup

Branch 1

Product Are our products matching the customer’s expectation? (P0)

Are our products updated according to the current market need? (P0)

Branch 2

Product Are our products taking longer time to implement than the other products in the market? (P2)
PART II : Formulating Hypotheses
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup

Branch 3
Price Are our customers satisfied with the price of the product? (P4)
Are our products priced accordingly against our peers? (P4)

Branch 4

Promotion Sales Promotion What is the conversion rate in terms of Direct Sale? (P0)
PART II : Formulating Hypotheses
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup

Branch 5

Promotion Sales Promotion What are the problems the tele-callers are facing in lead conversion? (P0)

Branch 6

Promotion Sales Promotion Why the marketing leads giving us lower conversion? (P0)
PART II : Formulating Hypotheses
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup

Branch 7
Promotion Sales Promotion Are we messaging & targeting right in the social channels? (P0)

Branch 8

Promotion Public Relation Is there any negative reports about us in the market? (P1)
PART II : Formulating Hypotheses
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup

Branch 9

Promotion Public Relation What are the outcomes of the marketing events we did earlier? Did we get any leads out of those? (P0)

Branch 10

Place Are our expertise level same in terms of sales & marketing across the cities that we operates from? (P1)
Are facing lead conversion issue particularly from a bunch of cities that we operates from? (P0)
PART III A : Generating Insights
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup
Variable Insights if any Pattern of Insight
• City • The City of Pune, despite being our main location, we are getting Surprising Comparison
lowest number of lead conversion from here.

• Technology Primary • Legacy Modernization Solution is attracting significantly lower Significant Outliers
number of customers.

• B2B Sales Medium • Lead Conversion from Online Leads is unusually low. Surprising Extreme

• Client revenue Sizing • We need to focus more on the clients whose average quarterly Unknown Result
revenue is less than 1M.

• Opportunity Sizing • The opportunity size valued between 40K to 50K is attracting Abnormal Distribution
abnormally low rate of conversion

• Business from Client • We need to focus more on the Clients that we have currently for Surprising Comparison
Last year follow up business especially the clients who gave around
25000USD revenues
PART III A : Generating Insights
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup
Variable under consideration:

 City:
From the given dataset, we have found out that Pune despite being our main location, we are not getting enough business out of this city,
only 18.9% lead conversion comes form this city. From other cities we are getting better response compared to Pune, on an average 21%-25%
leads conversion comes from other cities. Furthermore, if we dig dip we can see Enterprise Seller & Marketing segment is not giving desired
result for Pune, so we need to look into it & take appropriate measures & also focus on other cities to get more business.

 Technology Primary:
From the given dataset, we have found out that Legacy Modernization Solution that we provide is not attracting many leads, on an
average only 12.2% leads it gets, the product might be outdated, we can think of further developments of this product in the future. But for the
time being our main focus should be on Analytics, ERP Implementation solutions which gets 26.3% & 23.3% lead conversion respectively for
better lead conversion.
PART III A : Generating Insights
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup
Variable under consideration:

 B2B Sales Medium:

From the given dataset, we have found out that out of all the sales mediums that we have, among them, Enterprise Sellers are giving us
good leads conversion, 27.6% on an average & Online Leads are giving us surprisingly lower lead conversion, 6.5% on an average only. So we
need to strengthen our Enterprise Seller segment to keep getting better leads out of that segment.
PART III A : Generating Insights
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup
Variable under consideration:

 Client Revenue Sizing:

From the given dataset, we have found out that, the company is getting better leads form the Clients whose average quarterly revenue is
less than 1Million USD, on an average we are getting 22%-23% lead conversion from this segment. So our focus should be more on the Clients
who ranges from 100K to 1M for better lead conversion.
PART III A : Generating Insights
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup
Variable under consideration:

 Opportunity Sizing:
From the given dataset, we have found out that, Opportunity Size of 40K-50K is surprisingly giving us very low conversion of leads~ 11.7%
& Opportunity Size of 10K or less is giving us most numbers of leads on an average~39.9%. So we should target & set our leads keeping in mind
this observation on Opportunity Sizing to raise our lead conversion rate.
PART III A : Generating Insights
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup
Variable under consideration:

 Business from Client last year:

From the given dataset, we have found out that, we generally gets follow up business from our past clients. Especially, our Clients who
generated revenues up to 25000USD seems very satisfied with our product & service & tends to contact us for further business,82.6% on an
average. Whereas, we tends to perform worse in onboarding new clients whom we didn’t do any business in the last year, the average lead
conversion over there is only 17.3%. So we need to focus more on to keep good & healthy relationship with our existing clients so that we get
follow up business recommendations from that end.
PART III A : Generating Insights
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup
Recommendations Corresponding Insights
 Target other cities other than Pune for better • Other cities lead conversion rate on an average 21%-25% compared to Pune which is
lead conversion only 18.9%

 Up the promotion of products other than • Legacy Modernization Solution has a lead conversion rate of 12.2% compared to other
Legacy Modernization Solution products such as Analytics, ERP Implementation, Technical Business Solution which
ranges from 21%-26%

 We should encourage more on Enterprise • Enterprise Seller gives us lead conversion of 27.6%, better than any other avenues of
Seller as a B2B Sales Medium sales 7 marketing, whereas Online Leads performs poorly giving us only 6.5% of lead
conversion on an average.

 Target Clients whose revenue sizing is • We tends to performs better with Clients whose Average Revenue Sizing is within 1M
between 100K USD to 1M USD as our USD, the average lead conversion is 22% compared to more than 1M USD segment
potential customer where our lead conversion rate drops to 19.3%.

 Focus should be on 10K or less to 30K of • Lead Conversion rate is higher in terms of Opportunity Sizing in the bracket of 10K or
Opportunity Sizing less to 30K, we should avoid the bracket of 40K-50K as it gives us lowest conversion.

 Maintain cordial relationships with our • Statistically we are getting good leads from our existing clients especially with whom
existing clients. we did a business of up to 25000USD, a staggering 82.9% lead conversion comes from
PART III B : Presenting Findings
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup
Delhi Total
0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0%
Average of Lead Conversion

• It is clear from the dataset & the chart that apart form Pune, other cities gives us better lead conversion on an average above 20%.


Technical Business

• It is evident that apart from Legacy Modernization Solution other products such as Analytics, ERP, Technical Business Solution has higher
demands in the market. So our promotions should be more on these products.
PART III B : Presenting Findings
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup

Enterprise Sellers
Online Leads
Tele Sales

It is evident that Enterprise Sellers gives us better lead conversion than any other avenues, we need to focus more on that segment. Marketing,
Partners & Tele Sales segments are also doing better whereas Online Leads tends to be the weakest link among the sales avenue which
generates lowest lead conversion.
Lead conversion rate

100K or less 100K to 250K 250K to 500K 500K to 1M More than 1M
Revenue Sizing Client Wise (In USD)

It is clear that in terms of Client’s Revenue Sizing till 1Million USD bracket we see a good amount of lead conversion, above that we tends to lose
some of the lead conversion, so its better if we focus solely on to the bracket of 100K to 1M USD Client Revenue Sizing as our target sector.
PART III B : Presenting Findings
Sales Pipeline Conversion at a SaaS Startup

Lead Conversion Rate

10K or 10K to 20K to 30K to 40K to 50K to More
less 20K 30K 40K 50K 60K than
Opportunity Sizing (In USD)

The highest lead conversion rate we gets from Opportunity Sizing of 10K & less, but in the segment of 40K-50K we tends to have a lower lead
conversion, so we need to pick accordingly in terms of Opportunity Sizing to target further.

Lead Conversion Rate

0 - 25,000 0 (No 25,000 - 50,000 - More than
business) 50,000 100,000 100,000
Business from Client Last year (In USD)

It is evident that we get follow up business leads from the clients whom we did business in the past years, there is a weakness underneath obviously
to acquire absolutely new customer in our platform as we can see a dip in lead conversion in that segment, but preferably clients with whom we did
a business of up to 25000K USD previously tends to select us in most of the cases, therefore, maintaining cordial relationship with the existing
clients is a must.

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