P (T) P Sin T : Harmonic Vibration of Undamped System

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Harmonic Vibration of Undamped System

Harmonic force p(t) = p0 sin ω t


Earthquake Engineering Lecture 3

Harmonic Vibration of Undamped System

!! + ku = p(t)
!! + ku = p0 sin ω t

u + ω u = p0 m sin ω t
!! 2
!! + ω u = ustω sin ω t
u 2 2

Static deformation ust = p0 k

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 3

Solution of Equation of Motion
2 2
Equations of motion: !!
u + ω u = ust ω sin ω t

Initial conditions: !
u(0) = u0 ; u(0) = u! 0

u(t ) = uc (t ) + up (t ) particular solution


Assume: u p (t ) = α sin ω t
uc (t ) = A cos ωt + B sin ωt
A and B to be determined in
terms of the initial conditions

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 3

Solution of Equation of Motion

u p (t ) = α sin ω t
u! p (t) = αω cos ω t u!! + ω 2u = ust ω 2 sin ω t
u (t) = −αω sin ω t

u p (t ) = ust sin ω t
1 − (ω ω )

u p (t ) = α sin ω t

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 3

Solution of Equation of Motion

u(t ) = A cos ωt + B sin ωt + ust
1 − (ω ω )

Initial conditions: !
u(0) = u0 ; u(0) = u! 0

u!0 1 ω
A = u0 B= − ust
ω 1− ω ω ( ) 2 ω

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 3

Solution of Equation of Motion

⎡ u! ⎤
1 ω
u(t) = u0 cos ω t + ⎢ − ust
0 ⎥ sin ω t
⎣ 1− ( ω ω ) 2 ω


+ ust sin ω t
1− ω ω ) 2

steady state

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 3

Solution of Equation of Motion
(zero initial conditions)

1 ω
u(t ) = −ust sin ω t
1 − (ω ω )
2 ω

+ ust sin ω t
1 − (ω ω )

steady state

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 3

Harmonic Vibration with Viscous Damping

!! + cu! + ku = p0 sin ω t

u + 2νω u + ω u = ustω sin ω t

!! ! 2 2

Static deformation ust = p0 k

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 4

Solution of Equation of Motion

Equations of motion: u!! + 2νω u! + ω 2u = ust ω 2 sin ω t

Initial conditions: !
u(0) = u0 ; u(0) = u! 0

u(t ) = uc (t ) + up (t ) particular solution


Assume: u p (t ) = C sin ω t + D cos ω t

uc (t ) = e
( A cos ωDt + B sin ωDt )
A and B to be determined in
terms of the initial conditions

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 4

Particular solution
u (t ) = C sin ω t + D cos ω t

u! p (t ) = Cω cos ω t − Dω sin ω t

2 2
u!! (t ) = −Cω
sin ω t − Dω cos ω t
2 2
u!! + 2νω u! + ω u = ust ω sin ω t

C = ust ⎡⎣1 − β ⎤⎦
⎡⎣1 − β ⎤⎦
+ ( 2νβ )
β =ω ω

D = ust [−2νβ ] { 2
⎡⎣1 − β ⎤⎦ + ( 2νβ )2 }
Earthquake Engineering Lecture 4
Solution of Equation of Motion

u(t ) = e −νωt ( A cos ωD t + B sin ωD t ) + u p (t )

Initial conditions: !
u(0) = u0 ; u(0) = u! 0

A, B

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 4

Solution of Equation of Motion
the exponential decay causes the transient
response to damp out in time

u (t ) = e
( A cos ωD t + B sin ωD t )
transient vibration (at structure’s frequency)
in phase with loading
out of phase with loading
+ C sin ω t + D cos ω t

steady state or forced vibration

(at loading frequency)

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 4

The resonant response is limited (the undamped
response increases indefinitely)
Earthquake Engineering Lecture 4
Response at Resonance
particular solution

ω = ω; β =1

C = ust ⎡⎣1 − β ⎤⎦
{ ⎡⎣1 − β ⎤⎦ 2
+ ( 2νβ )
D = ust [−2νβ ] { 2
⎡⎣1 − β ⎤⎦ + ( 2νβ )2 = − ust 2ν }
u p (t ) = − (ust 2ν ) cos ω t

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 4

Response at Resonance

u(t ) = e −νωt ( A cos ωD t + B sin ωD t ) + u p (t )

Zero initial conditions: !

u(0) = 0; u(0) =0

ust ust
A = B =
2ν 2 1−ν 2

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 4

Response at Resonance

1 ⎡ −νωt ⎛ ν ⎞ ⎤
u ( t ) = ust ⎢e ⎜⎜ cos ωD t + sin ωD t ⎟ − cos ω t ⎥

2ν ⎢⎣ ⎝ 1−ν
⎠ ⎦⎥
(steady state) transient vibration steady state vibration

For lightly damped system, the sinusoidal term is negligible and ωD ≅ω

u ( t ) ≅ ust

( e
−νω t
− 1 cos ωt
envelope curve

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 4

steady state

The resonant amplitude is always limited

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 4

The undamped response increases indefinitely and has
a linear increasing envelop. The damped curve will
reach a constant steady
Earthquake state after a few cycles Lecture 4
Maximum Deformation and Phase Angle

u p ( t ) = C sin ω t + D cos ω t = u0 sin (ωt − φ )

( −D C )
2 2 −1
u0 = C +D φ = tan

u p ( t ) = ust Rd sin (ωt − φ )

1 −1
Rd = φ = tan

(1 − β )
2 1− β
+ ( 2νβ )
2 2
deformation phase angle or
response factor phase lag

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 4

Frequency Response Curve
Earthquake Engineering Lecture 4
Response at Resonance

For systems loaded at a frequency near their natural

frequency, the dynamic response exceeds the static
response. This is referred to as dynamic amplification.

An undamped system, loaded at resonance, will have

an unbounded increase in displacement over time.

A damped system, loaded at resonance, will have a

limited displacement over time with the limit being (1/2n)
times the static displacement.

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 4

Deformation Response Factor

β ≪ 1; ω ≪ ω Rd is slowly larger than one

(the force is slowly varying) u0 ≅ ust = p0 k

β ≫ 1; ω ≫ ω Rd tends to zero
2 2
(the force is rapidly varying) u0 ≅ ust ω ω = p0 m ω

β ≅ 1; ω ≅ ω Rd is very sensitive to damping

smaller ν Rd ≫ 1

β = 1; ω = ω Rd is very sensitive to damping

u0 ≅ ust 2ν = p0 c ω

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 4

Phase Angle

β ≪ 1; ω ≪ ω φ is close to zero
(the force is slowly varying) u(t) is in phase with the force

β ≫ 1; ω ≫ ω φ is close to 180°

(the force is rapidly varying) u(t) is out of phase with the force

β = 1; ω = ω φ = 90° for all values of damping

u(t) attains its peaks when the

force passes through zero

Earthquake Engineering Lecture 4

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