Reasoning Checklist 87 PDF 2022 by Parul Gera

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Q.) There are certain number of persons sitting in a row and all of them are
facing north. Kriti and Sugandha are immediate neighbours of each other.
Madhuri sits fifth to the right of Radhika. No one sits to the left of Sonam.
Renuka sits third to the right of Sonam. Sugandha sits immediate left of
Madhuri. Madhuri is sitting at an extreme end. Three persons sits between Gia
and Reena. Radhika sits second to the left of Gia. Sonam sits fourth to the left
of Radhika.

1. How many persons are sitting in the row?

A. Seven
B. Eight
C. Eleven
D. Ten
E. Twelve

2. Who sits third to the right of Radhika?

A. Sonam
B. Reena
C. Kriti
D. Sugandha
E. None of these

3. Which of the following statement is true?

A. Renuka sits immediate right of Radhika.

B. Kriti sits fourth to the right of Radhika.
C. Madhuri sits second to the right of Kriti.
D. Five persons are sitting to the left of Gia.
E. None is true.

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence forms a group,
which of the following does not belong to that group?

A. Sonam-Reena
B. Radhika-Gia
C. Gia-Sugandha
D. Renuka-Gia
E. Kriti-Madhuri

5. If Renuka and Sugandha interchange their position, who among the

following sits third to the right of Sugandha?

A. Sonam
B. Gia
C. Madhuri
D. Reena
E. Radhika

Q.) एक पंक्ति में निक्चिि संख्या में व्यक्ति बैठे हैं और उि सभी का मख
ु उत्तर की ओर
है । कृनि और सुगंधा एक दस
ू रे के निकटिम पडोसी हैं. माधुरी राधधका के दायें से पांिवें
स्थाि पर बैठी है । सोिम के बायें कोई िहीं बैठा है । रे णुका, सोिम के दायें से िीसरे स्थाि
पर बैठी है । सग
ु ंधा माधरु ी के ठीक बायें बैठी है । माधरु ी अंनिम छोर पर बैठी है । क्िया और

रीिा के बीि िीि व्यक्ति बैठे हैं। राधधका क्िया के बायें से दस
ू रे स्थाि पर बैठी है । सोिम
राधधका के बायें से िौथे स्थाि पर बैठी है ।

1. पंक्ति में ककििे व्यक्ति बैठे हैं?

A. साि
B. आठ
C. ग्यारह
D. दस
E. बारह

2. राधधका के दायें से िीसरे स्थाि पर कौि बैठा है ?

A. सोिम
B. रीिा
C. कृनि
D. सुगंधा
E. इिमें से कोई िहीं

3. निम्िलिखखि में से कौि सा कथि सत्य है ?

A. रे णक
ु ा राधधका के ठीक दायें बैठी है ।
B. कृनि राधधका के दायें से िौथे स्थाि पर बैठी है ।
C. माधरु ी कृनि के दायें से दस
ू रे स्थाि पर बैठी है ।
D. पांि व्यक्ति क्िया के बाईं ओर बैठे हैं।

E. कोई भी सत्य िहीं है ।

4. निम्िलिखखि पांि में से िार एक निक्चिि िरीके से समाि हैं और इसलिए एक समह

बिािे हैं, निम्िलिखखि में से कौि उस समूह से संबंधधि िहीं है ?

A. सोिम-रीिा
B. राधधका-क्िया
C. क्िया-सुगंधा
D. रे णक
ु ा-क्िया
E. कृनि-माधुरी

5. यदद रे णक
ु ा और सुगध
ं ा अपिा स्थाि आपस में बदि िेिी हैं, िो निम्िलिखखि में से
कौि सग
ु ंधा के दायें से िीसरे स्थाि पर बैठा है?

A. सोिम
B. क्िया
C. माधुरी
D. रीिा
E. राधधका

Q.) Seven person M, N, O, G, H, I and J watch different hollywood movies
viz, Forest Gump, Inception, Avengers, Coco, Deadpool, Parasite and Joker
from Monday to Sunday but not necessarily in the same order.
M watch movie neither on Friday nor on Sunday. H watch Joker movie after O.
G does not watch movie on Thursday. G watch movie just before N, who
watch Deadpool movie. I watch Avengers movie but before the one who watch
Forest Gump movie. O watch Inception movie and not more than two persons
watch movie after O. J watch movie on Wednesday but do not watch parasite

6. Which of the following combination is true?

A. G-Tuesday
B. Joker-Saturday
C. O-Saturday
D. G-Forest Gump
E. Coco-Wednesday

7. Who among the following watch movie on Thursday?

A. I
B. J
C. O
D. M
E. N

8. On which of the following day N watch movie?

A. Thursday
B. Saturday
C. Tuesday

D. Sunday
E. None of these

9. Who among the following watch Forest Gump?

A. G
B. J
C. O
D. M
E. None of these

10. G watch which of the following movie?

A. Coco
B. Parasite
C. Forest Gump
D. Deadpool
E. None of these

Q.) साि व्यक्ति M, N, O, G, H, I और J अिग-अिग हॉिीवुड किल्में दे खिे हैं

अथााि, िॉरे स्ट गंप, इंसेप्शि, एवेंिसा, कोको, डेडपि

ू , पैरासाइट और िोकर सोमवार से
रवववार िक िेककि िरूरी िहीं कक इसी क्रम में हों।

M ि िो शुक्रवार को और ि ही रवववार को किल्म दे खिा है । H, O के बाद िोकर किल्म

दे खिा है । G गरु
ु वार को किल्म िहीं दे खिा है । G, N के ठीक पहिे मव
ू ी दे खिा है , िो
डेडपूि मूवी दे खिा है । I एवेंिसा मूवी दे खिा है िेककि िॉरे स्ट गंप मूवी दे खिे वािे से
पहिे। O इंसेप्शि मूवी दे खिा है और O के बाद दो से अधधक व्यक्ति मव
ू ी िहीं दे खिे हैं।
J बुधवार को मूवी दे खिा है िेककि पैरासाइट मूवी िहीं दे खिा है ।

6. निम्िलिखखि में से कौि सा संयोिि सत्य है ?

A. G-मंगिवार
B. िोकर-शनिवार
C. O-शनिवार
D. G-िॉरे स्ट गम्प
E. कोको-बुधवार

7. निम्िलिखखि में से कौि गरु

ु वार को किल्म दे खिा है ?

A. I
B. J
C. O
D. M
E. N

8. निम्िलिखखि में से ककस ददि N किल्म दे खिे हैं?

A. गरु
ु वार
B. शनिवार
C. मंगिवार
D. रवववार
E. इिमें से कोई िहीं

9. निम्िलिखखि में से कौि forest गंप दे खिा है ?

A. G
B. J
C. O
D. M
E. इिमें से कोई िहीं

10. G निम्िलिखखि में से कौि सी किल्म दे खिे हैं?

A. कोको
B. पैरासाइट
C. िॉरे स्ट गंप
D. डेड पूि
E. इिमें से कोई िहीं


1. D
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. E
7. A
8. C
9. D

Q(1-5) All of them are facing north

Sonam | Reena Renuka Radhika | Gia Kriti Sugandha Madhuri


Days Persons Movie

Monday G Parasite

Tuesday N Deadpool

Wednesday J Coco

Thursday I Avengers

Friday O Inception

Saturday M Forest

Sunday H Joker

Q.) Eight persons i.e. C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J are seating around a circular table.
Among them only three are facing opposite to the centre and the rest are
facing the centre. They all have different companies laptop viz, Lenovo, HP,
Dell, Apple, Asus, Acer, Samsung and Sony but not necessarily in the same
M doesn’t have Acer. J and D faces the same direction as H faces. The one who
have HP laptop is not just near to H. The one who have Apple laptop sits third
to the right of H. H have Samsung laptop. G have Lenovo laptop and sits
second to the right of C, who have Dell laptop. H sits opposite to G. C and G
faces opposite direction of each other. E have Asus laptop and sits immediate
left of G. J doesn’t sit just near to C and opposite to C. F is not an immediate
neighbour of C. D sits second to the left of E. E and H face same direction.

1. Who among the following sits second to the right of F?

A. H
B. D
C. G
D. J
E. None of these

2. Who among the following sits opposite to the one who have Acer laptop?

A. The one who have Samsung laptop.

B. The one who have Apple laptop.
C. G
D. The one who have Dell laptop.
E. None of these

3. Who among the following have Sony laptop?

A. I

B. J
C. H
D. D
E. G

4. How many persons sits between C and E when counted in clockwise

direction with respect to E?

A. One
B. Three
C. Four
D. Two
E. None of these

5. Which of the following pair face outside the center?

A. F,G,I
B. H,D,E
C. D,J,H
D. F,G,H
E. None of these

Q.) आठ व्यक्ति अर्थाि C, D, E, F, G, H, I और J एक वत्त

ृ थकथर मेज के चथरों ओर
बैठे हैं। उनमें से केवल िीन कथ मुख केंद्र के ववपरीि और शेष कथ मुख केंद्र की
ओर है । उन सभी के पथस अलग-अलग कंपननयों के लैपटॉप हैं जैसे लेनोवो,
एचपी, डेल, ऐप्पल, आसुस, एसर, सैमसंग और सोनी लेककन जरूरी नहीं कक इसी
क्रम में हों।

M के पथस एसर नहीं है । J और D कथ मख

ु उसी दिशथ की ओर है क्जस दिशथ में
H कथ मुख है । क्जसके पथस HP लैपटॉप है वह H के ठीक ननकट नहीं है । क्जसके
पथस Apple लैपटॉप है वह H के िथयें से िीसरे स्र्थन पर बैठथ है। H के पथस

सैमसंग लैपटॉप है । G के पथस लेनोवो लैपटॉप है और वह C के िथयें से िस
ू रे
स्र्थन पर बैठथ है , क्जसके पथस डेल लैपटॉप है । H, G के ववपरीि बैठथ है। C और G
एक िस
ू रे के ववपरीि दिशथ की ओर उन्मख
ु हैं। E के पथस Asus कथ लैपटॉप है
और वह G के ठीक बथयें बैठथ है। J, C के ठीक ननकट और C के ववपरीि नहीं
बैठथ है। F, C कथ ननकटिम पडोसी नहीं है । D, E के बथयें से िस
ू रे स्र्थन पर बैठथ
है । E और H समथन दिशथ की ओर उन्मुख हैं।

1. ननम्नललखखि में से कौन F के िथयें से िस

ू रे स्र्थन पर बैठथ है ?

A. H
B. D
C. G
D. J
E. इनमें से कोई नहीं

2. ननम्नललखखि में से कौन एसर लैपटॉप रखने वथले के ववपरीि बैठथ है ?

A. क्जसके पथस सैमसंग कथ लैपटॉप है ।

B. क्जसके पथस Apple लैपटॉप है।
C. G
D. क्जसके पथस डेल लैपटॉप है।
E. इनमें से कोई नहीं

3. ननम्नललखखि में से ककसके पथस सोनी लैपटॉप है ?

A. I
B. J

C. H
D. D
E. G

4. E के सन्िभा में घडी की दिशथ में गगनने पर C और E के मध्य ककिने व्यक्ति

बैठे हैं?

A. एक
B. िीन
C. चथर
D. िो
E. इनमें से कोई नहीं

5. ननम्नललखखि में से कौन सथ जोडथ केंद्र के बथहर की ओर उन्मुख है ?

A. F,G,I
B. H,D,E
C. D,J,H
D. F,G,H
E. इनमें से कोई नहीं


1. C
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. A

Directions: Answer the questions based on the information given below.

Seven persons namely Aditya, Bina, Charu, Dinesh, Eshan, Fiza and Girish were
born in four different months August, september, March and January of a year
such that not more than two persons were born in the same month. Also, each
one of them were born on seven different dates i.e., 11th, 22nd, 12th, 15th,
5th, 3rd and 10th but not in the same order.

Bina was born on 22nd of the month. Only Fiza was born in september. Girish
and Eshan were born in the same month. None of the persons, who were born
in August and March, were born on 10th.Charu was born on 15th of the
month. Aditya and Charu were born in August but Aditya was not born on 5th.
Eshan was born on 11th but not in January. The one who was born on 12th was
born in January. Bina and Dinesh were born in the same month.

सथि व्यक्ति अर्थाि ् आदित्य, बीनथ, चथरू, दिनेश, ईशथन, क़िजथ और गगरीश एक वषा
के चथर अलग-अलग महीनों अगस्ि, लसिंबर, मथचा और जनवरी में इस प्रकथर पैिथ
हुए र्े कक एक ही महीने में िो से अगिक व्यक्तियों कथ जन्म नहीं हुआ र्थ।
सथर् ही, उनमें से प्रत्येक कथ जन्म सथि अलग-अलग िथरीखों यथनी 11वीं, 22वीं,
12वीं, 15वीं, 5वीं, िीसरी और 10वीं को हुआ र्थ लेककन एक ही क्रम में नहीं।

बीनथ कथ जन्म महीने की 22 िथरीख को हुआ र्थ। लसिंबर में लसर्ा कर्जथ कथ
जन्म हुआ र्थ। गगरीश और ईशथन कथ जन्म एक ही महीने में हुआ र्थ। अगस्ि
और मथचा में पैिथ हुए ककसी भी व्यक्ति कथ जन्म 10 िथरीख को नहीं हुआ र्थ।
चथरु कथ जन्म महीने की 15 िथरीख को हुआ र्थ। आदित्य और चथरु कथ जन्म
अगस्ि में हुआ र्थ लेककन आदित्य कथ जन्म 5 िथरीख को नहीं हुआ र्थ। ईशथन
कथ जन्म 11 िथरीख को हुआ र्थ लेककन जनवरी में नहीं। 12 िथरीख को जन्म
लेने वथले कथ जन्म जनवरी में हुआ र्थ। बीनथ और दिनेश कथ जन्म एक ही
महीने में हुआ र्थ।

1)Who among the following was born on 3rd date?

ननम्नललखखि में से ककसकथ जन्म िीसरी िथरीख को हुआ र्थ?

E.Can’t be determined

2)Bina was born in ____month?

बीनथ कथ जन्म ____महीने में हुआ र्थ?

E.Either september or March

3)Who among the following was born in the same month with Aditya?

ननम्नललखखि में से कौन आदित्य के सथर् एक ही महीने में पैिथ हुआ र्थ?

A.The one who was born on 5th of the month

C.The one who was born on 10th of the month
E.None of the above

4)Who was born in March?

मथचा में ककसकथ जन्म हुआ र्थ?

E.Can’t be determined

5)Which of the following statements is true?

ननम्नललखखि में से कौन से कर्न सत्य हैं?

A.Bina and Eshan were born in the same month

B.Girish was born on 10th of the month
C.Dinesh was born on odd number date
D.Girish was born on odd number date
E.None is true



Directions: Answer the questions based on the information given below.

Seven persons Priti, Nitu, Ritu, Titu, Tanu, Mitu, and Sita are sitting at some
distance from each other.

Titu is 4m south to Mitu, who is sitting 1m south to Ritu.Priti is sitting 5m north

to Tanu, who is 2m east to Sita. Mitu is sitting 6m east to Nitu, who is sitting
1m south to Sita.

1.What is the direction of Priti with respect to Titu?





E.None of the above

2.What is the shortest distance between Sita and Ritu?






Seven persons are sitting at some distance from each other.V sitting 6m north
to U, who is sitting 1m east to T, who is sitting 2m north to S. S is sitting 4m
east to R. P is sitting 3m west to Q, who is sitting 2m north to R.

3.What is the shortest distance between P and V?





E.None of the above

4.What is the direction of U with respect to R?


B.North East


D.South West

E.None of the above

5.What is distance between P and U?





E.None of the above


1. C
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. D

In the question below are given three statements followed by two conclusions
numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if
they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the
conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows
from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.


Few bats are ball.

All ball are rackets.
Only rackets are corks.


I: Some bats are rackets.

II: Some corks are ball.

A.Only conclusion I follows

B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Both conclusion I and II follows

E.Neither conclusion I nor II follows


Only tables are chairs.

Some tables are pens.
Only pens are pencils.


I: Few chairs are pens.

II: No pencil is chair.

A.Only conclusion I follows

B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Both conclusions I and II follow
E.Neither conclusion I nor II follows


Some cats are dogs.

No dog is horse.

Only horse are animals.


I: No animals are dogs.

II: Some cats are not horse.

A.Only conclusion I follows

B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Both conclusions I and II follow
E.Neither conclusion I nor II follows


Only golds are silver

Few golds are petals
All petals are flower


I. Some golds are flower.

II. All golds are not petals.

A.Only conclusion II follows
B.Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
C.Only conclusion I follows
D.Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow
E.None of the above


Only a few wheat are bottles.

No bottle is animals.
All animals are carts.


I: Some carts are not bottles.

II: All wheat are animals.

A.Only conclusion I follows

B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Both conclusion I and II follows
E.Neither conclusion I nor II follows


1. A
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. A

Directions: Read the Information given below and answer the following
questions. At a family gathering, there are 8 members A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H.
E is the daughter of C. F is the wife of A. B is the brother of C. G is the wife of B.
H is the father of G. A is the father of C, but C is not his son.D is the son of B.

ननिे श: नीचे िी गई जथनकथरी को पढें और ननम्नललखखि प्रश्नों के उत्तर िें । एक

पथररवथररक सभथ में , 8 सिस्य A, B, C, D, E, F, G और H हैं। E, C की पुत्री है । F, A
की पत्नी है । B, C कथ भथई है ।

G, B की पत्नी है । H, G कथ वपिथ है। A, C कथ वपिथ है , लेककन C उसकथ पुत्र नहीं

है । D, B कथ पुत्र है ।

1.Who is the Paternal Grandfather of D?





E.None of these

2.Who is the son of F?


B. C



5.Can't be determined

3. How is B related to D ?





E.None of these

4.How F is related to C ?





E.Non of these

5.Find the odd?












Directions: Answer the questions based on the information given below.

In a certain code of language,
"I am fine" is coded as "al bl cl"
"He is good" is coded as "dl xl ml"

"Hari am fine" is coded as "bl al fl"
"I fine He" is coded as "cl bl ml"

1) What is the code for "fine" ?

A -bl
B - al
C - cl
D - dl
E - None of the above

2) What is the code for "I am" ?

A - cl al
B - bl dl
C - ml xl
D - xl bl
E - Cannot be determined

3) What is the code for "Hari" ?

A - al
B - dl
C - bl
D - fl
E - None of the above

4) What may be the code for" I am good"?

A - cl al fl

B - al bl cl
C - fl cl dl
D - cl al xl
E - cl al ml

5) What is the code for "good "?

A - Cannot be determined
B -al
C - xl
D - ml
E - dl



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