Rigidity BIP Sample

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Objective: To replace problem behavior that has been acquired when problem behavior has resulted in the removal
of demands to accept changes to routine, daily situations and inflexible routines. The onset of problem behavior has
resulted in adults delaying/stopping demands to engage in a non-routine situation, or altering the environment in a
way that is more acceptable to Child (for example, adults wearing their hair the same way each day, walking the
same way to scheduled activities each day).

Candidates for this program: Following a functional assessment, learners whose behavior has been determined to be
a function of a history of having demands to change rigid/inflexible routines be removed. As a result of the onset of
problem behaviors, Child has been allowed to escape unscheduled activities or avoid changes to his environment.


1. Routines that are the same each day have been identified and will be targeted for
changing/flexibility each day.
2. Therapists and family members will deliver instructions throughout the day that will interfere with
child’s regular routine. For example, staff members will complete tasks in a different order, play
with blocks/cars in a different way (teaching a replacement behavior).
3. If child complies (replacement behavior) with adult request and does not engage in any problem
behavior, provide child with a highly preferred reinforcer, such as a preferred edible reinforce, or
access to a highly preferred video, token, verbal praise that is available only for cooperating with
adult directives that interfere with regular ‘routines’ . (EO Manipulation) Continue to deliver preferred
reinforcers for every 3 seconds (one Mississippi…) that Child complies with adult request without
4. If child engages in problem behavior upon adult directive being given, or the routine being
changed, the adult will immediately repeat his/her direction and prompt child to follow direction (for
example; keep walking) and complete her routine as planned (for example; walking down a
different hallway to get to the cafeteria). The adult will say nothing about the problem behavior.
Child will not receive a preferred reinforcer in this situation, nor will the demand to complete the
request be removed or reduced (Extinction).


2580 Lin Do Court • Sumter, SC 29150 • P: (803) 905-4427 • F: (803) 905-4431 • W: earlyautismproject.com
1. Child’s rigid routines have been task analyzed to reveal their component parts. Our goal is to
‘chip away’ at his rigid/inflexible behaviors, versus attempting to take complete control over
them. We want to reinforce successive approximations along the way.
2. Once we have targeted and mastered 2 or more parts of a rigid routine, it is recommended that
team members are flexible about what they will ask learner to be flexible with. In other words, if
child learns to go to a different restaurant to eat, or a new place to put his toy, it does not mean
we always want to follow these new ways of doing things. If we do, they will simply become
the new rigid routine. We as adults must remember to be flexible with our behaviors as well.
3. In accordance with number 2, data collection will identify which part of the routine was
attempted, with or without success, in order to better guide adult decision making.

Parents and therapists must agree to all aspects of the behavior intervention plan, and sign below, before this plan is

Informed Consent:

 As legal guardians for ______________________________

I, ______________________, hereby consent to the use of the treatment procedures described on the
previous pages in the treatment of my child.

 I acknowledge that no guarantees have been made to me regarding the results of this treatment.
 I understand that within the scope of this treatment there is no intent to cause detrimental side
effects to the learner.
 I understand that the treatment procedure described above will be closely monitored by staff and
myself and in the event of the observation of any side effects, which might be injurious to the
learner; the treatment procedures will be immediately terminated. I understand that the decision to
terminate may be made by the clinical staff or me.
 I know I have a right to withdraw my consent for this procedure at any time and I have been
assured that should I decide to exercise that right, possible alternative treatment options will be
 This form has been explained to me and I certify that I understand its contents.

Signature of persons legally authorized to consent for _________________________.



Therapist Implementation:

I understand and agree to implement the procedures outlined in this behavior plan.




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