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Effective Formular On How To Sell

Digital Services & Grow Your

Business Using LinkedIn...
Discover how to find paying clients in any niche, on
LinkedIn… without spending A Dime.
In recent times, a lot of businesses have come to embrace social media as
the cornerstone of their marketing strategy and with over 3.2 billion
people around the world on social media, this strategy has been effective
in lead generation,engagement and conversion.

Most business owners and marketing experts have mastered what it takes
to market on facebook,instagram and even tik-tok but there remains an
untapped area in the social media space and this is exactly what I am
bringing to you in this article.

What do you think would happen to your agency business if you place it in
front of over 810 million people who are key decision makers,leaders of
industries,business owners and the likes?

Your guess is as good as mine!

While often viewed as a network for job hunting and recruiting, LinkedIn is
also an excellent social network to discover and connect with leads and
… This is so because:

→ LinkedIn is the No. 1 platform for distributing B2B marketing content,

and 7 out of 10 professionals say they consider LinkedIn to be a
trustworthy source of professional content.
→ LinkedIn gives you un-gated access to decision-makers.
→ LinkedIn may be a smaller social network when compared to some
other social platforms, but this is an issue of quality over quantity. The
customers that are reached will be of higher quality because everyone is
on LinkedIn for business purposes.
→ Just about every feature of LinkedIn gives business owners an
opportunity for lead generation.

So as one running an agency business, If you're not leveraging LinkedIn to

get free traffic and find your dream clients, you're leaving so much money
on the table.

In this article, I have outlined TEN (10) TIPS to help you find new
prospects, build relationships with them, and pitch your marketing
services successfully.
#1. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is the first step in building your client base
on LinkedIn, that is assuming you already have a Linkedin account, if you
dont have one, simply login to and sign up.

Many users take LinkedIn profiles for granted and underestimate the
potential they can bring. Some users even have incomplete profiles on the
network. They also have not updated most of the details as they haven’t
used the profile for months.

The fact is your profile is your calling card, so make sure it presents you
in the best possible light. Most clients are going to make the decision of
hiring you or not based on your profile so you have to create an
impressive first impression.
Here are a few tips to give your profile the professional touch it needs:

→ Choose the right profile picture( A headshot is preferable): Your

profile picture is a key element of your LinkedIn presence. Research shows
that just having a picture makes your profile 14 times more likely to be
viewed by others. make sure the picture is recent and looks like you,
ensure your face takes up around 60% of it (long-distance shots don’t
stand out).

→ Create an eye-catching headline: Your headline is positioned right

below your name on your LinkedIn profile and will be the first thing profile
visitors read. Think of it as a small billboard advertisement for you and
what you do. Don't forget to keep your target audience in mind while at

→ Craft an interesting summary: Your LinkedIn summary gives you the

opportunity to tell your story. Your summary can be a longer form of your
headline; here you have 2,000 characters to work with so you can dive in a
little deeper. Keep in mind that keywords are crucial here — use words
that you want to be strongly connected to in your field.

→ Spotlight the services you offer: Services is a new LinkedIn feature

that helps consultants, freelancers, and those working for smaller
businesses to showcase the range of services that they offer. Filling out
the Services section of your profile can boost your visibility in search
#2. Identify Your Prospects

To get clients on LinkedIn, you need to have a clear definition of your

target audience. You need to define the kind of clients that needs the
skills/services you offer.

So begin by thinking of common titles your market would use to

describe themselves. This will be a CRUCIAL PART of finding prospects
to connect with online.

Identifying your prospects is important because it is easier to pitch to

warm leads in the buying process of your service.
#3. Join And Engage On Relevant LinkedIn Groups:

LinkedIn groups can be a goldmine for your dream clients.

Start joining the most relevant ones that fit the target audience you are
looking for… By joining relevant groups in your industry, you can start to
build relationships with prospects who are looking for help in your area of

Besides,research has shown that your profile is 5 times more likely to get
viewed if you join and participate in groups.

You can find groups using the search bar at the top of your homepage.
#4. Share relevant content :

Posting high-quality, valuable content regularly keeps you in front of your

connections, making them more likely to remember you when they have a
problem you can solve. Plus, they can share your content to expose you to
an even wider audience with more opportunities.

This means you can set yourself up as a niche expert and thought leader in
your industry.

You can make a start by keeping a close eye on your LinkedIn feed and
sharing content that you find genuinely interesting and relevant.
#5. Make New Connections:

The bigger your network gets the easier it is for prospects to find and
contact you. To make new connections, you can start by making a target
of how many people to reach out to in a week.

One of the easiest and yet most relevant ways to grow your LinkedIn
network is to synch your profile with your email address book. This
enables LinkedIn to suggest people you could connect with.

Another way to find people to connect with is by looking at the "People

Also Viewed" on the sidebar on the right side of the page. You might find a
few more promising leads there.
#6. Make Your Connection Message Personal:

Just like personalizing an email by adding the recipient's name increases

the chances of the recipient opening the mail, Tailoring your connection
message to the recipient increases the odds that they'll accept your

… And it makes them more likely to want to interact with you later.

Don't just fall back on LinkedIn's default text when you request to connect
with someone new. Take a few minutes to write out a short, personalized
message. Try not to pitch, this should be a relationship-building
7. Send a Thank You Message:

When you receive a notification that someone has accepted your

connection request on LinkedIn, reach out with a personalized “thank you”
message. Don’t pitch your services or self-promote in any way other than
adding the URL to your website in your signature.

Don't just add new connections, follow up with them!

For the most part, we humans love interaction with other humans. Don't
randomly add people without taking a moment to create that personal
connection. It's not just the polite thing to do, it's how you get more leads
and clients.
#8. Offer Help:

Giving without the expectation of receiving is a critical part of building

authentic relationships with people. To land new clients on LinkedIn, you'll
have to win their trust first. One of the best ways to do that is to approach
your interactions with a genuine spirit of helpfulness.

Look for ways you can give people a boost without expecting anything in
#9. Showcase Your Skills:

Part of landing clients is knowing how and when to market yourself.

It's hard to trust somebody who's all talk. If you brag about your skills on
LinkedIn but don't provide evidence to back them up, most people won't
feel confident about working with you.

Focus on building up a portfolio of past projects and original content that

leaves no doubt about your skill.
#10. Consistency:

Consistency is key in any life endeavor. Getting clients on linkedIn is not an

exception. With the consistent addition of targeted connections to your
network and building your reputation as an authority in your industry, you
will begin attracting a steady stream of your ideal clients through your
proactive efforts.
In conclusion, the key to getting high-paying clients on LinkedIn is building
relationships.The more professional relationships you have, the more likely
it is that some of those people will eventually become clients. Focus on
Providing content that truly helps your prospects consistently & you’ll
start landing clients soon enough.


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