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Answer to the question no 1

(Prizm Model)

Family Fun Sweet Hearts

Normal Household Diligent Youngs

Urban Urban
Male and Female Male and Female
35 - 60 years 20-30 years
With Children Middle, Upper-middle and
Upper Class
Upper-middle and Upper Class
> 50,000

Positive Positive
Sincerity Sophistication
None None
Drama/News (Usually at Netflix Shows
Expected to buy at least
Expected to buy at least once a month
twice a month
Buy this as a gift for special
Looking for desserts to occasions
serve or consume so that
they don't have to cook Usually at morning, evening
& night
Usually at night
Augmented Level

Attributes: (Features, Quality)  Lowers blood pressure

 Packaging can be used further as a glass tray

Benefits (F+E) Functional: Keeps you healthy!

Emotional: Delighted as the packaging is useful.

Answer to the Question No. 2

Justification: My brand name is Bing Chilling. To determine the name, I have choosen
descriptive connotative strategy. Bing Chilling is a Chinese word which means ice-cream. My
brand personality is excitement. Ice-cream is a sign of happiness to everyone as they feel joy
while consuming it. I used ice-cream as a metaphor of happiness, excitement. It will be noticed
here that I have chosen a combination of yellow and red to draw my brand logo and mascot.
Color yellow is the visual of warmth and it is considered as cheerful. Also, I have used red
because it tends to increase the appetite and it makes people excited. For the fonts, I have
chosen Sans Serif because it is simple, sensible and straightforward. My TG will find it easy
to read and it is neutral.
My brand character is Uncle Jim. He always cooks desserts for his nephews whenever they
come visit him. This makes the children as well as Uncle Jim happy. He wants to spread the
fun. He wants everyone to live their life to the fullest and by consuming desserts it is one step
towards it.
Answer to the Question No. 3

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