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FULL NAME: _______________________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: _______

COMPETENCIA: Lee diversos tipos de textos escritos en inglés como lengua extranjera.
PROPÓSITO: Comprende información específica y relevante de un texto en inglés sobre la escacez del agua
alrededor del mundo, tomando en cuenta su uso y cuidado responsable.

Overpopulation Global warming Water pollution Drought

Causes: Water Scarcity

__________________ _ _________________ ______________ _________________

Listen and fill the blanks :

without – conserve - People – polluted – precious - sad- water (x3) – drink (2) - delicious
- cool- river – think – wars - use - need - thirsty


Few _____________ think about how important _____________ is. We do when we're really ___________.
I remember hiking for hours in really baking sun ______________ anything to ____________. I was dreaming
about drinking ________ ____________. And when I came to a small ____________, the water was
______________. And cool. But that was years ago. I ____________ the water in that river is ___________
today and dangerous to drink. That's ________. When I was a kid, ___________ was fun. You could splash
around in it and ___________ it in the countryside. Not today though. Water is becoming more and more
______________. In fact, there will soon be ___________ over water. We really ________ to start thinking
more about water and how we can ___________ it. Some countries __________ crazy amounts of water.

Let’s play:

Listen to and read:


Our bodies are as much as 60% water. All living things contain it and, like us, depend upon it for survival. Although
70% of the Earth is covered with water, a staggering number of the world’s poor lack even the most basic sanitation
and access to clean water. 97% of the water on Earth is salt water. 2% is frozen in glaciers and ice caps. Only 1% is
fresh water. That needs to be enough for everyone. All seven billion of us. One out of every eight people on Earth
searches every day for clean water. One in six has no access to a toilet. None. Think about that. What would your life
be like if that were you?

'Hmm, well, no bottled water, I guess. And no water running from the tap at home, so no shower. But seriously, no
toilet? Not even this?'

Every day, women around the world walk mile after mile to collect water for bathing, cooking, cleaning and for
their families to drink. They can only take back home as much as they can carry. Often that water is teeming with
bacteria that will make them sick. But they have little choice. To go without even this polluted water would mean
dehydration and possible death.

'You can only go three days without water.'

Countless hours spent searching or waiting in line. Lives and days wasted by illness. Time lost that could have been
spent in school and work, planting, building, providing for their loved ones.

Every twenty seconds a child dies from a water-related illness like diarrhoea.

Match the pictures of sources of water with their names:

Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

1. All living things ......

a) are 60% water.

b) contain water.
c) need to drink.
2. 97% of the water on Earth is ......
a) frozen.
b) drinking water.
c) salt water.

3. One out of eight people …….

a) has to search for fresh water every day.
b) has no toilet.
c) dies from a lack of clean water.

4. Many women have to ……...

a) go days without water.
b) find clean water.
c) walk a long way to get polluted water.

5. This time could be used ...

a) at school, work, or planting and building.
b) looking after sick children.
c) finding better water.

6. A child dies from a water-related illness …......

a) every 20 seconds.
b) every 20 minutes.
c) every 20 hours.

Fill in the blanks with the correct verb

1. Water______ the basic need.

2. We ____________ always turn off the taps.
3. Only 1% ______ fresh water.
4. We ______ water for drinking, cooking, etc.
5. I need water to _______ my teeth.
6. Alex _______ fresh water every day.
7. You don’t need water to ________ television.
8. Every day, women around the world _____ mile after mile to collect water.
9. We ______ water for so many purposes.
10. We need water to _________ my face.

Answer this question?

What kind of water do people need to live? and why?


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