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6 acupuncture points are all Ghost points which means they address specific mental health issues.

ST 6: This point is perfect for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Patients with PTSD have tendency to
clench their jaw, so ST 6 acts as a jaw relaxer as well.
BL 62: In clinical practice it is used for long standing childhood trauma related to sexual abuse,
leading to anxiety and/or depression as an adult.
Li 11: this acupuncture point clears heat and balance the digestive system. It’s used for patient
who like to be in control, and get diarrhea or suffers from IBS when they feel out of control.
PC 7: it is the protector of the heart, which makes it the perfect point to needle for those who are
emotionally upset (broken hearted) after the break up of a relationship.
Lu 11: this acupuncture point is perfect, when a vow, contract, or an important agreement is
broken, and anger results. Good during or after a nasty divorce, or a business partnership which goes
REN 24: this is a great acupuncture point for people who are always worried and are consumed by
their dark thoughts for years. They don’t ever smile or laugh.

Podróż do zdrowienia pacjenta musi odbywac się na 3 poziomach:

- fizycznym

- emocjonalnym

- duchowym

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What emotional release have you seen in patients? Please share   Here are a few of mine.
- I needled Ren 17 on a patient, and she cried non stop for 2 days and 2 nights. She had to cancel
work, and her husband was so worried he called me. She had chest pain and anxiety since her teens.
After the 2 days, her chest pain was gone and she felt lighter and free! AWESOME 
- I have a patient who sees blue light behind her eyelids only when I needle BL 62 (Ghost point for
anxiety due to childhood abuse). She says it's beautiful and makes her feel at peace.
- One patient falls asleep in less than 1 minute after I needle BL 15. She has chronic insomnia. She
never fell asleep in treatment when she was supine, until I decided to make her face down and
needle the HT Back-shu.
I feel like it’s a TCM Liver kind of day
So many patients of mine have chronic anger or repressed anger...
I tell them: “you can CHOOSE to feed your Anger/frustration or feed your joy/kindness.
You can water the weeds of your ego, or the seeds of your self-esteem.”
- Ego is always right, knows everything, is agressive, won’t show weakness, and is self centred. The
TCM liver rises when the Ego is in control!
- Self-esteem is curious, wants to grow & learn, shows vulnerability, and is service centred. A smooth
TCM Liver is relaxed and has a healthy self esteem.
Here what I suggest to my patients to bring their Liver Yang down or move their Liver Qi: avoiding
alcohol and processed foods, making time for Yoga, Mediation, and acupuncture, being outdoors,
singing, avoiding violent movies & shows, and doing what inspires them and feeds their soul
What are your go-to acupuncture points for emotional health?

This past Friday I had 13 patients! All follow ups. All women!
- 3 for chronic pain issues
- 2 anxiety
- 1 pregnancy cervical ripening
- 1 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- 1 post Cancer recovery
- 5 fertility
In TCM it is said that 70% of all chronic illnesses stem from long standing Emotions.
I can sincerely say in my 16 yrs of practice, I would argue that number is even higher!
So except for my pregnant patient, with all my other patients yesterday, EMOTIONS are affecting
their physical health & are the major CAUSE of their issues.
My favourite go-to points are:
Buddha’s Triangle: HT 7, Lu 9 & Pc 6 (great for depression with anxiety)
Yin Tang and Ear Shen Men (to stop the constant chat in the head)
Kd 1 (for those who need to be grounded, and feel scattered)
Bl 62 (for those who carry the world on their shoulders)
St 6 (Best for PTSD)
St 40 (my all time favourite point for years of anxiety)
Gb 34 (for low self esteem and self doubt)

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