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Lesson 1 Review

1. They can be misleading because many of the messages are not true and just want you to
buy their product so they can make more money.
2. A company or stores written agreement to repair or refund your money should the
product not function properly
3. Price, convenience, and product information
4. Price, compare the prices, and look for features. I would look for the material its build
with and how comfortable it would be. First price than features.

Lesson 2 Review

1. Primary care physicians provide checkups and general care. Specialists are trained to
handle particular patients or medical conditions
2. Checkups and general care as well as vision and hearing screenings, and sports physicals.
3. 1) Before you go, write down your reasons for seeing the doctor.
2) Ask about any diagnoses, medications, or procedures that you are unsure about 
3) Inform the staff of any allergies or medications
4. An older person may have a harder time getting out to go to the doctor. The cost may be
higher too because of different plans, and it may therefore be less available, as well.

Lesson 3 Review

1. Deliberate deceit or trickery

2. For major health concerns, such as those involving surgery or other extensive treatment.
3. When there is a legal dispute involving money below a certain dollar amount
4. Products may be more than ineffective; they may be life threatening

Lesson 4 Review

1. A community wide effort to monitor and promote the welfare of the population
2. Medicaid
3. World Health Organization and International Committee of the Red Cross
4. Representatives of a government agency would likely to be more objective and apply
public health laws more fairly.

Chapter 3 review:
Lesson 1

1. Health consumer
2. online shopping
3. comparison shopping
4. media

Lesson 2

5. Health care system

6. preventive care
7. health insurance
8. medical history

Lesson 3

1. 9. fraud
10. Malpractice
11. consumer advocate

Lesson 4

12. Public health

13. Epidemiology

Recalling the Facts

Lesson 1

1) 1. A habit and personal taste

2) 2. bandwagon, rich and famous, and free gifts.
3) 3. in order of predominance, with the ingredients used in the greatest amount first,
followed in descending order by those in smaller amounts.

Lesson 2

4. emergency rooms are in hospitals and urgent care centers are staffed by primary care
5. A deductible is the amount you pay for health care services before your health
insurance begins to pay
6. So they will have information on your immunizations and health problems you have up
to date.

Lesson 3

7. reread instructions, decision to return or not, and list reasons for returning and then
8. You can change your health care professional.
9. the Federal Trade Comision

Lesson 4

10. to focus on disease prevention.

11. World Health Organization
12. 1: Follow all safety and health laws and ordinances
2: Avoid actions that could endanger the lives of others
3: Find out which community groups deal with public health issues.


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