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u/gloriousirrelevance • 12h •

Cramer says he wants to see if Moderna

execs sell stock before believing early
vaccine developments

cnbc !

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josiborg 11h %
This is the second time he's been right since
predicting the bottom of the housing market in

404 Reply

greendildouptheass 11h %
haha, even broken clock is right twice a
day... I guess his day is roughly 8 years...

168 Reply

[deleted] 10h 33 votes

solidmussel 9h %
Unless digital and the time reads 88:88

10 Reply

your_knees_are_weird 7h %
It's always 88:88 somewhere

13 Reply

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superfi 11h %
easy money, look at the exec's stock selling
schedule. buy calls a few days / a week before
their scheduled sales, expect some "positive"
news right before. profit.

280 Reply

auhsoj565joshua 11h %
You post for us every time k

153 Reply

Hapaaer 9h %
Makes sense. But where do you find that

38 Reply

CBarkleysGolfSwing 8h %
SEC filings are available online

55 Reply

Timmytanks40 7h %
My DD is consists of Trump and Elon
tweet alerts.

Basically just need to see armageddon

coming if I can. Other than that tendies
are best served hot with mayo and
grape jam.

69 Reply

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A_sexy_black_man 9h %

6 Reply

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HSL 7h %
their approval for stock sale was ONE DAY
yesterday granted by the board. no one
could have caught that since it was after the

14 Reply

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Stonk_Wizard small pp gang 11h %

All the top execs sold lol. Right before news
came out...

91 Reply

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HTleo 11h %
Cramer like broken clock. Right about .14% of
time. This time he is. Modena shit stonk w bad
mgmt. PFE better play on vaccine, upcoming
earnings and spinoff of Upjohn. August PFE
calls will print.

96 Reply

ForsakenHistory 8h %
Not just earnings but long term health
effects among covid survivors so that's
arguably where the real play is.

11 Reply

Great-Coyote 6h %
im all in pfe 10/16 $40

11 Reply

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zen_nudist 5h %

August PFE calls will print.

That's what people here were saying about

their July calls. Good luck, man.

10 Reply

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lhbb551 9h %
Why didn't execs sell after the news, when the
stock went up?

20 Reply

jsntx 9h %
To appear as if they are not gaming the
system and to take some profits off the

62 Reply

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seanote1865 7h %
These execs are all on 10b5-1 plans, which
essentially sell based on certain set schedules
and conditions. These are standard for
executive insiders and shield them from any
accusations and speculations. When you get
rich, you'll understand this better.

18 Reply

cnfjti3 4h %
Hey buddy don't assume for me.

If I get rich.

11 Reply

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Jules0328 11h %
Umm I’m pretty sure they have been LOL

13 Reply

FrontButtOnFleek 11h %
$79p 8/28

16 Reply

fastnlite 6h %
Im gonna wait another day or two but this is
definitely the strategy

8 Reply

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