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united states for america

moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente

societas republicae ea al maurikanos
moorishe divyne ande nationall muvemente of the earthe
northe weste amexem + north weste affrica + northe ammerica + the northe gate
all addjoining isslands
tempel of the moon ande sun
the true ande de jure naturall peeples + heirs of the lande

unniversall sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente naturall divyne

state uf Morocco
fiduciary money {sovereigne credit voucher}lawful money
notification & command to the custodians in the office ov
Enterprise Holdings Corporation affidavit
All rize and stand and remain standing into perpetuity. This is a sovereign living ancient Article Ill
Moorish American Al Moroccan Consular Court action. i am sovereign living justice john johnny jamie
easley, {my sovereigne born appellation} in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui
juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. my chosen appellation is akil kemnebi easley el in
capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. .
All moors are the original indigenous sovereign ancient Al Moroccan Moorish American ascendants of
the great Pharaohs of Kemet and of the ancient Moabites and Canaanites. Our full faith and trust, our
allegiance, our credit and our energy are hereby vested in ourselves for we are the people who are the
original indigenous natural divine sovereign ancient Empire State for Morocco ande the de jure Moorish
Consulate and the Article Ill Moorish American Consular Court. We are peace. We are one nation. One
state. one empire and one god. We hereby accept our sovereign ascension and exercise all sovereign
rights at this time and at all points in time nunc pro tune.

I am the living fiduciary for your bankruptcy and liquidation that is the law regarding all
property & the fiduciary currency controller creditor for my estate for the empire state ov
Morocco. I’m not at war and I am not the minor {nom de guerre} in all caps the cold debtor that
you’re referring/talking about, I am my own natural persona sui juris sovereigne living flesh and
blood moorish American and not your all caps dead person… {see Federal Rule for Civil
Procedure Title 4 section 17 & 18}

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this is the empire state of morocco “fiduciary money credit voucher lawful money” not
“fiat, negotiable instrument, promissory note, debt note nor counterfeit anything made by
the U.S. Department Of Treasury will be destroyed on site”

prohibitions Article 1 section 10 clause 1 of the United States Constitution

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and
silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the bligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

I akil kemnebi easley el the fiduciary give the command that this is to be honored by all custodians
of all corporations to be used by the heirs {moors} in their sovereigne capacity to purchase the
resources that is governed in our inventory on our land northe amerika/ north weste affrica / south
amerika / northe gate / addjoininge isslamds this notification and command instructions of invoice
is to be honored any day that I and any moor desire from the date of this notification and

I will be expecting the conveyance ov executive luxury elite quality, insurance,

products{apps} & services {roadside assistance/ conveyance replacement}

kyros: time immemoriall inn to perpetuitee

ego sum justise vizier ministar: .

autograph: akil kemnebi easley el

all soverigne origeneall enndigeneous moorishe ammerican autograffs fore this ande all sovereigne
united states for amerika governmente dockumentes are on thee publick wreckord at amerika.
justises/vizirs/ministars en propria persona sui juris en proprio solo ande en proprio heredes.
all sovereigne rightes exxercised at all tymes.
northe amerika/ north weste affrica / south amerika / northe gate / addjoininge isslamds

united states for amerika

moorishe nationall repubblikk federall governmente
c/o 26 meadow lane
norristown montgomery kountee pennsylvania reeservatione
pennsylvania districte for shakamoxen
sion ne shakomoxen
unniversall nationall arrea codde: 87g64jhv+v3]]
latitude n40̊.129688 longitude w+75̊.35713
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo

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