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EngIish RuIes

RuIes V1.0b
Ior SkIrmIsI Wurs on BourdGumeGeek
Skirmish Wurs: Advunce Tuctics Is u IIgIL - medIum weIgIL wurgume bused on LIe wIIdIv popuIur Lurn-bused sLruLegv gume - Advunce
Wurs reIeused bv NInLendo. ¡L Is u prInL und pIuv gume wILI u moduIur gume bourd svsLem Ior endIess vurIeLv. TIe muIn objecLIve Is Lo cupLure
vour enemv's HQ or eIImInuLe uII enemv LIreuLs. PIuvers wIII sLurL munv scenurIos wILIouL unILs und jusL u IundIuI oI monev. Bv buIIdIng unILs
und cupLurIng cILes, pIuvers cun ruIse new cupILuI In order Lo buIId bIgger urmIes.
1.o ¡ncIuded In LIe PD¡:
TerruIn TIIes (prInL us munv us vou wunL - buL prInL uL IeusL ¤)
TerruIn eIemenLs (Lrees, IIIIs, cILIes, IucLorIes)
¡our ArmIes uIong wILI pIuver cILIes und IucLorIes
UnIL Curds (1 seL per pIuver)
TerruIn DeIense ModIIIer CIurL und VP TruckIng Bourd
1.1 Recommended componenLs provIded bv vou
Cubes or counLers used Lo deLermIne cupLure poInLs. ¡ Iuve Iound coIns work weII.
One 6-sIded DIe
Poker cIIps or some oLIer Loken Lo use us monev. Puper monev wIII work IIne. TIe prIce runge oI unILs In LIe gume go Irom $1 Lo $16, so
poker cIIps seem Lo work reuIIv weII.
z.o BusIc SkIrmIsI seLup
¡I pIuvIng u scenurIo, IoIIow LIe scenurIo seLup InsLrucLIons.
OLIerwIse, cIoose unv number oI LIe LerruIn LIIes provIded und Iuv LIem ouL orLIogonuIIv on LIe LubIe In unv wuv vou see IIL. ¡ suggesL usIng u
buIuncedJsvmmeLrIcuI seLup Ior begInners.
z.1 PIuce neuLruI cILIes und IucLorIes on LIe bourd.
z.z PIuce unv LerruIn eIemenLs vou wouId IIke. (Lrees, IIIIs, eLc.)
z.¤ PIuce LerruIn eIIecLs cIurL wILIIn reucI oI eucI pIuver
z.q EucI pIuver Lukes 1 seL oI unIL curds, und uII LIe unILs oI one coIor.
z.= EucI pIuver Lukes $= sLurLIng monev.
z.6 CIoose u sLurLIng pIuver.
z.; CIoose u VIcLorv CondILIon (see q.o)
¤.o EucI pIuver's Lurn consIsLs oI u Iew pIuses. GoIng In cIockwIse order, eucI pIuver conLInues LukIng Lurns, one uL u LIme, LIII LIe gume Is over.
CoIIecL ¡ncome 1.
RepuIr UnILs z.
Move und ALLuck ¤.
PurcIuse und PIuce UnILs q.
¤.1 Collectinu Income - ¡or everv IrIendIv conLroIIed citu, LIe pIuver receIves $= uL LIe begInnIng oI LIeIr Lurn. ¡rIendIv IucLorIes do noL
counL Lowurds LIIs LoLuI. TIe pIuver`s HQ does counL Lowurds LIIs LoLuI.
¤.z Repuirinu Lnits - EucI unIL LIuL Is on u IrIendIv HQ, ¡ucLorv, or CILv guIns z HP. You cunnoL go over LIe mux oI 8. A buIIdIng In LIe
mIddIe oI beIng cupLured Is not IrIendIv.
¤.¤ Movement und Combut - EucI unIL cun ucLIvuLe on LIe pIuver\`s Lurn. EucI unIL musL compIeLe IL's ucLIvuLIon beIore vou move on Lo LIe
nexL unIL. (You ccnnot mote c unit out the ucu, mote cnother unit, then mote the [irst unit bccl)
¤.¤u A unIL muv move und LIen IIre II IL Is u dIrecL IIre unIL (meunIng IL Ius u runge oI one). ¡I u unIL Is un IndIrecL combuL unIL (Ius u IIrIng
runge oI over 1) IL muv eILIer move OR IIre on ILs Lurn, buL IL muv noL do boLI. Once u unIL IIres, ILs ucLIvuLIon Is done Ior LIe remuInIng Lurn.
TIIs meuns u dIrecL IIre unIL muv noL move uILer IIrIng, even II IL dId noL move beIore IL IIred.
¤.¤b UnILs muv move up Lo LIeIr movemenL poInL LoLuI (MP). MP Is sLuLed on LIe unIL und on LIe unIL curd. EucI unIL muv onIv move
orLIogonuIIv, IL muv never move dIugonuIIv. You cun cIunge dIrecLIon wIIIe movIng. UnILs muv noL move LIrougI oLIer unILs. TIereIore II u
unIL bIocks LIe puLI oI unoLIer unIL IL muv noL move unv IurLIer or musL IInd unoLIer wuv uround. EucI squure oI movemenL cosLs 1 MP unIess
noLed bv LIe unILs LerruIn movemenL modIIIers. ¡ucLorIes, HQs und CILes uII counL us rouds Ior movemenL purposes.
Excmple: A Lreud unIL moves LIrougI LIe gruss LerruIn uL 1 MP per squure buL II IL moves LIrougI u IoresL IL cosLs z MP per squure oI
IoresL LerruIn. A Lreud unIL muv noL move over wuLer or IIII spuces.
¤.¤c APC unILs Iuve u speciul porpose. An APC unIL muv currv up Lo z IooL unILs uL u LIme. WIIIe InsIde LIe APC, LIe unILs ure proLecLed,
Iowever II LIe APC Is desLroved LIe IooL unILs InsIde ure uIso desLroved. AL LIe end oI LIe APC`s movemenL IL muv unIoud one or boLI oI LIe
IooL unILs. Once unIouded LIe IooL unILs muv noL move, IIre or cupLure unLII LIe nexL Lurn. UnILs muv be Iouded InLo LIe APC beIore or uILer ILs
movemenL buL noL durIng.
¤.¤d ¡nIunLrv und MecIs Ioud onLo LIe APC bv movIng onLo LIe APC's squure (puvIng LIe MP cosL oI LIe LerruIn) und LIev musL uuLomuLIcuIIv
Ioud In. TIe muv noL noL move In II LIere Is no room In LIe APC. PuL LIe unIL under LIe APC. ¡I LIe APC Iusn'L ucLIvuLed veL, LIen wIen IL does,
IL cun move, LukIng LIe unILJs wILI IL. AL LIe end oI IL's move, IL cun unIoud. Move LIe unIouded unIL Lo unv oI LIe q spuces orLIogonuIIv udjucenL
Lo LIe APC LIuL ure normuIIv uvuIIubIe Lo LIe unIouded unIL. ¡I no spuces ure IeguI, vou cunnoL unIoud LIe unIL. Do LIIs Ior eucI oI LIe unILs In
LIe APC, one uL u LIme. You muv unIoud one or boLI, In unv order.
¤.qu Groond Combut - ¡I LIe LurgeL Is wILIIn LIe unIL's runge (IndIcuLed on LIe unIL pIece und unIL curd - runge Is counLed orLIogonuIIv jusL
IIke movemenL) LIe unIL muv IIre upon ILs LurgeL. TIe pIuver decIures wIuL unIL Is IIrIng und IL's LurgeL. TIe process Ior resoIvIng eucI buLLIe Is
us IoIIows.
DeLermIne LIe unILs IIrepower uguInsL ILs purLIcuIur LurgeL. To deLermIne LIe IIrepower LIe pIuver needs Lo Iook uL wIuL Lvpe oI unIL IL Is
IIrIng upon. TIe TurgeL UnIL Ius u svmboI In LIe Iower rIgIL Iund corner. On LIe ALLucker's unIL curd Is LIe IIrepower Ior LIe unIL uguInsL
LIuL Lvpe oI LurgeL. WIuLever LIe number Is, LIuL Is LIe IIrepower ruLIng oI LIe unIL. ¡I LIuL uLLucker Is redoced LIen Iook uL LIe Reduced
seL oI numbers.
TIe pIuver Lukes LIuL number und Irom IL subLrucLs LIe LurgeL's deIense ruLIng (LIe number In LIe sIIeId on IL's counLer or unIL curd) Lo geL
un InILIuI dumuge LoLuI.
TIe pIuver LIen Lukes LIIs number und reIerences IL uguInsL LIe "TerruIn DeIense ModIIIers" cIurL. Cross reIerencIng LIIs number uguInsL
LIe Lvpe oI LerruIn LIe LurgeL Is currenLIv on gIves u IInuI IIL LoLuI pIus u dIe resuIL. TIe number gIven Is LIe IIL LoLuI und LIen LIe pIuver
musL roII u sIngIe D6. ¡I LIe dIe resuIL Is equuI Lo or Iess LIun LIe number IndIcuLed on LIe dIe on LIe cIurL, LIen 1 uddILIonuI IIL Is
occurred uguInsL LIe LurgeL.
TIe HP oI LIe LurgeL Is reduced bv LIIs number. TIIs Is done bv roLuLIng LIe unIL Lo sIow LIe currenL HP IucIng LIe conLroIIIng pIuver.
MeunIng II u unIL currenLIv Ius 6 HP LIen LIe sIde wILI LIe 6 on IL wIII ucLuuIIv be on LIe Iur sIde Irom LIe conLroIIIng pIuver, buL LIe 6
wIII be rIgIL sIde up.
¡I u unILs HP LoLuI goes beIow =, LIe unIL cIIL Is IIIpped over und LIe unIL Is consIdered reduced. Reduced unILs Iuve u Iower IIrepower
ruLIng (IndIcuLed on LIe unIL curds) und cun onIv cupLure properLIes uL 1 cupLure poInL per Lurn.
AILer LIe IIL poInLs Iuve been deLermIned und LIe LurgeLs HP(IeuILI) Ius been udjusLed uccordIngIv, LIe LurgeL muv IIre buck uL LIe
uLLuckIng unIL II IL Is In runge. TIe combuL Is noL sImuILuneous - meunIng LIuL LIe unIL muv now Iuve Lo IIre uL reduced sLrengLI, even II IL
wus jusL reduced In LIe prevIous uLLuck.
¤.qb Cuptorinu Property - NeuLruI und enemv properLIes cun onIv be cupLured bv IooL unILs (InIunLrv or mecIs). To cupLure u properLv u
IooL unIL musL move onLo LIuL properLv und decIure u cupLure (un uLLuck uguInsL LIe properLv). AII properLIes excepL HQ\`s Iuve q CupLure
PoInLs (HQ\`s Iuve 8). A IuII sLrengLI unIL muv cupLure uL z poInLs per Lurn. A reduced unIL cun onIv cupLure uL 1 poInL per Lurn.
WIen vou move on Lo LIe properLv und decIure LIe cupLure, ImmedIuLeIv reduce IL bv LIe upproprIuLe number oI poInLs. TIIs Is sIown bv
roLuLIng LIe properLv or bv pIucIng some kInd oI counLer on LIe cILv Lo IndIcuLe LIuL LIere ure cupLure poInLs LIere. Wooden cubes or unv kInd
oI coIn or counLer wIII work. TIIs uLLuck ends LIe unIL's ucLIvuLIon Ior LIIs Lurn, jusL IIke u normuI uLLuck. ¡I LIe unIL moves oII LIe properLv Ior
unv reuson, LIese cupLure poInLs ure IosL. ¡I vou Iuve reucIed LIe upproprIuLe number oI cupLure poInLs, repIuce LIe properLv wILI one oI vour
coIor und remove LIe cupLure Lokens (II vou ure usIng LIIs meLIod)
Excmple :: A [ull strenqth unit motes onto c neutrcl citu cnd declcres c ccpture. Immedictelu z points cre reduced [rom the citu. Dn the
next turn the remcininq z points cre remoted cnd the citu is replcced uith one o[ the plcuer's color. The unit ccpturinq uill not be cble
to mote this turn cs once c unit beqins c ccpture it ccnnot mote, therebu endinq its cctitction [or this turn.
Excmple z: A reduced unit motes onto c citu cnd declcres c ccpture. : mcrler is plcced on the citu denotinq thct onlu : hit point hcs
been remoted thus [cr bu the reduced unit. It uill tcle cnother ( turns [or this pcrticulcr unit to ccpture this citu.
Example Battle:
Usinq the imcqe belou the blue tcnl (the cttcclinq unit) is [irinq upon the red AA unit (the de[endinq unit). ßoth units cre ct [ull strenqth:
houeter the red AA unit is inside c citu.
The [irst thinq thct is done bu the blue plcuer is to determine the bcse dcmcqe it uould do to the AA unit.
Iirst the blue plcuer consults his unit ccrd [or the tcnl cnd lools to the Iirepouer rctinq cqcinst the AA
unit. The AA unit is c trecd unit so the tcnl uses the blccl (stcr) rctinq o[ :o. This is the bcse IP rctinq thct
it is [irinq ct. Next the blue or red plcuer (it doesn\'t mctter uhich) consults the bcse de[ense rctinq o[ the AA
unit, uhich is c a.
So, the blue plcuer tcles his bcse IP rctinq o[ :o cnd subtrccts a [rom it to come up uith cn initicl dcmcqe
number o[ ó.
The next step the blue plcuer mcles is to consult the Terrcin De[ense Chcrt.
He tcles his initicl dcmcqe number o[ ó cnd cross re[erences thct on the chcrt uith the citu terrcin thct the
red AA unit is occupuinq. This qites him c corrected dcmcqe number o[ a uith c die shouinq "(". The blue
plcuer then tcles c dó cnd rolls it. I[ he mcncqes to roll c ( or less then he uill do cn cdditioncl point o[
dcmcqe to the AA unit. Ior the purposes o[ this excmple lets scu thct he rolls c z. Grect, the blue plcuer hcs
done = dcmcqe (a+:) to the AA unit.
The red plcuer reduces the AA unit bu = HP tclinq it to c strenqth o[ ( on its reduced side.
Nou it is the AA units turn to [ire bccl. The scme process is repected except thct the AA unit nou uses its
reduced stcts uhen [iqurinq the [irepouer o[ its cttccl. Dn its reduced side the AA unit [ires ct c trecd unit
(blccl, stcr) ct c IP o[ ;. He compcres this to the ó de[ense rctinq on the blue tcnl to come up uith cn initicl
dcmcqe number o[ :. He then re[erences the : on the Terrcin sheet uith the rocd column, since the blue tcnl
is on c rocd. The result is c dcmcqe o[ : uith c die indicctinq c "(". Aqcin i[ the AA unit uere to roll c ( or
less on c dó he uould do : cdditioncl point o[ dcmcqe.
This process is the scme [or cnu o[ the units. The onlu exception is thct i[ the de[endinq unit is out o[ rcnqe to
[ire bccl, there is no retclictoru cttccl. ie- An crtilleru unit [ires upon c tcnl. The tcnl ccn not [ire bccl cs
it is out o[ rcnqe. It uould be the scme i[ the tcnl uere cttcclinq the crtilleru unit cs it hcs c rcnqe o[ z-(.
¤.= Once LIe pIuver Ius compIeLed IIs movemenLs Ior LIe Lurn Ie muv porchuse new onits provIded LIe pIuver
Ius unv IrIendIv conLroIIed IucLorIes und LIose IucLorIes currenLIv do noL Iuve u unIL on Lop oI LIem.
To purcIuse u unIL, LIe pIuver puvs LIe cosL oI LIe unIL und LIen pIuces LIe unIL on Lop oI un empLv IucLorv
spuce. TIIs unIL wIII be eIIgIbIe Ior movemenL nexL Lurn und Is uIso vuInerubIe Lo uLLuck on IIs opponenL's
¤.6 PIuv pusses Lo LIe nexL pIuver, In u counLercIockwIse IusIIon.
Winning the Game
q.o DeLermInIng LIe endIng condILIons oI LIe gume sIouId be done beIore LIe gume begIns. ¡I pIuvIng u scenurIo, LIe scenurIo wIII dIcLuLe LIe
vIcLorv condILIons. ¡I vou ure pIuvIng u IreesLvIe skIrmIsI vou muv use unv oI LIe endIng condILIons vou wIsI us descrIbed beIow.
ConquesL - A pIuver guIns vIcLorv bv eILIer eIImInuLIng uII enemv unILs on LIe bourd or cupLurIng LIe enemIes HQ.
VIcLorv MeduIs - MucI IIke LIe vIcLorv meduIs In LIe C&C svsLem gumes pIuvers muv deLermIne u number oI vIcLorv meduIs u pIuver
needs Lo eurn In order Lo cIuIm vIcLorv. ¡or eucI enemv unIL eIImInuLed on LIe buLLIeIIeId, LIe pIuver receIves LIuL unIL us u vIcLorv meduI.
TIIs purLIcuIur unIL Is IosL Lo LIe oLIer pIuver Ior LIe remuInder oI LIe gume. Record VIcLorv MeduIs on LIe IncIuded scorIng Lruck.
CILv ConquesL - PIuvers cun deLermIne u number oI cILIes LIuL need Lo be cupLured In order Lo cIuIm vIcLorv.
OptionaI RuIes:
CO Powers
CO curds ure cIosen rundomIv uL LIe begInnIng oI LIe gume or eucI pIuver muv cIoose LIe CO LIuL LIev wouId IIke Lo use. ¡I boLI pIuvers wunL
LIe sume CO, pIuvers sIouId roII Lo see wIo Lukes LIuL CO. Some CO's Iuve u specIuI power LIuL Is In eIIecL Ior LIe enLIre gume. ¡I so, IL wIII be
sLuLed on LIe curd. TIere ure Lwo IeveIs Ior eucI CO power wIIcI ure represenLed bv LIe boxed sLurs on LIe rIgIL sIde oI LIeIr curd. TIe smuIIer
sLurs represenL LIe IIrsL IeveI oI LIeIr specIuI power und LIe Iurger ones LIe second IeveI.
To begIn LIe gume, pIuce u wooden cube or counLer uL LIe Lop oI LIe curd - noL on LIe sLurs. ¡or everv enemv unIL eIImInuLed move LIe counLer
one sLur down LIe Lruck. Once LIe counLer reucIes LIe IusL oI LIe smuIIer sLurs, LIe pIuver Ius LIe opLIon Lo use LIuL CO's Pouer unv LIme LIev
see IIL. Once LIe pIuver used LIe power LIe counLer Is removed Irom LIe Lruck und LIe process sLurLs over.
¡I LIe pIuver wIsIes, LIev muv cIoose noL Lo use LIe Pouer oI LIe CO und keep workIng Lowurds LIe CO's Super Pouer. TIe Super Pouer Is
uvuIIubIe once LIe counLer reucIes LIe IusL sLur on LIe Lruck. Anv IurLIer unIL eIImInuLIons do noL counL Lowurds LIe CO powers unLII LIe Super
Power Is used. Once LIe Super Power Is used LIe counLer Is reLurned Lo LIe sLurLIng posILIon und LIe process sLurLs over.
Gume Ðesiun
Brundon PennIngLon
Andrew TuIIsen
Gume Gruphic Ðesiun
Brundon PennIngLon
TIomus Dunugun
JonuLIun TuIIsen
Ron PennIngLon
Joe KundIuk
SIuun AusLIn
Joe KundIuk
Scenurio Creution
Brundon PennIngLon
SIuun AusLIn
puge revIsIon: =, IusL edILed: z1 Muv zoo¤, o¤:oz -o-;oo (1o duvs ugo)
UnIess sLuLed oLIerwIse ConLenL oI LIIs puge Is IIcensed under CreuLIve Commons ALLrIbuLIon-SIureAIIke ¤.o ¡Icense

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