Electrical Circuit Batetery Modeling in Simplorer

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Electrical Cire uit Battery Modeling in Simplore r® aca Seam) Zed Tang Brel ANSYS Inc ele Cole araili) Circ uit Model Motivation + Simple enough for system level analysis — Models based on detailed electrochemistry or detailed CFD analysis is too complex and/or too time consuming for system level analysis * Accurate enough for virtual prototyping — Non-linear circuit voltage as a function of SOC — Transient I-V performance — Runtime prediction — Rate dependent capacity — Temperature effect — Accurate transient temperature prediction Outline of Models * Chen’s electrical model — Accurate if temperature and discharge rate is constant * Gao’s modification — Introduces temperature and discharge rate effect — Thermal network model introduced + Foster network thermal modeling — As accurate as CFD or testing ¢ Battery system example Chen’s Electrical Battery Cell Model + Accounts for non-linear open- ex, circuit voltage * Capable of predicting runtime Error less than 0.4% r + Capable of predicting transient I-V performance — Error less than 30-mV * Can be implemented easily in circuit simulator feck ectery 2 — Current implementation is done in Simplorer® Results - Comparison + Pulse discharge and charge. [Berne sito Results from Simplorer® Results from Chen Reference: M. Chon, GA Rincon Mrs, “Accraeekciclbatery model capable of predieing Runtime and FY perfamance:TEE Trans. On Experimental Observation + Chen’s model works OK compared with testing data. — Under constant temperature and discharge rate + Rate effect and temperature Impact of isthe rae effect are important to a i consider ‘les Impact of temperature Suggested Modification by Gao ANS * The discharge history is sensitized to rate of discharge and temperature through rate factor and temperature factor SOC =1— a Ue) dt x Chen's model A soc=1 ~j [von + BITC] +t) ae <= _ Gao's model Vu Rate factor Temperature factor Referncs Gao, Liu, nd R A. Dougal, "Dynamic iumon bat made for sytem simulation” IEEE Trans, Compon Packag Complete Cire uit Model for'Liion Battery: 1 Celt INNS Electrical circuit and thermal a i circuit are coupled ‘ Electrical circuit provides power to thermal circuit Thermal circuit provides temperature to electrical circuit Includes Positive Temperature Coeff (PTC) Ambient / Simplorer® Imple mentation of Gao’s Model with PTC and 3 T Nodes Pee ees Implemented using VHDL-AMS. 1__ [New Page] Results mperature Effect ANS Added a2 2 04 of o8 1 12 ° os 06 08 state of bicharse Stato Discharge Impact of rate Impact of temperature Results —No Overloading « Discharge with a resistor of 10 Ohm. + Temperature close to ambient Voltage PTC and Battery Temperature Results —- Overloading « Discharge with a resistor of 2 Ohm. + Temperature of PTC goes high Voltage PTC and Battery Temperature From Thermal Network to Foster nS Network Even though the thermal network method works OK, the model has limited accuracy due to the fact that it has only a limited number of thermal nodes, two in the example A Foster network can be used to replace the thermal network + Foster network is as accurate as CFD or testing A Foster network is a ladder of RC network shown BV I NI The response of the Foster network ® | system is a sum of several > exponentially decaying terms. they Vel: » Ry (1 =8 ) Foster network pal iach te What is an LTI system? + ALTI system is a Linear Time Invariant (LTI) system + Linear means that it satisfies superposition + Time invariant means the behavior will not change if you test it tomorrow * The Foster network is a LT! system + Battery cooling problem can be treated like a system, in which the inputs are the power generated by individual batteries and the outputs are temperatures at user specified locations + Under certain conditions, such a system is a LTI system Battery1 Power Srencenaure) Battery2 Power Temperature2 » — ET cian Battery3 Power “Temperatures Characteristics of LTI Systems + Impulse (or step) response completely characterize such systems * The Laplace transform of the impulse response is the transfer function of such a system + Any transient response of the system is the convolution of input and the impulse response * If two LTI systems have the same impulse (or step) response (or transfer function), then the two systems have identical behavior. * The output of the two systems are the same provided that the input to the two systems are the same — one can replace one with another even though two systems may have completely different internal structure * Electrical analogy works for mechanical/thermal systems - Both the Foster network and battery system are LTI systems * If we can find resistance and capacitance of the Foster network such that it has the same impulse (or step) response as the battery thermal system, the transient behavior of the battery system can be represented by the Foster network. Electrical Model Plus LTI Foster Network + Electrical circuit part is unchanged * Thermal network model is replaced with the Foster network — The Foster network is curve fitted to have the same impulse (or step) response as the battery thermal system using CFD. * Battery circuit model provides power to Foster network and Foster network returns temperature to battery circuit model — This aspect is similar to the thermal network approach Complete Circuit Model for Li-ion Battery: 1 Pack + Electrical circuit and Foster network are coupled + Electrical circuit provides power to Foster network + Foster network provides temperature to electrical circuit Electricalithermal interaction Battery Power Temperature Battery2 Power Temperature ———)_ Foster LT! © Battery3 Power Temperature Example + The thermal model is replaced by a LTI Foster network * The Foster network is curve fitted to have the same impulse response as CFD. + Using step response for curve fitting is also OK. + The LTI Foster network is then as accurate as CFD Fluid Flow Region Aj. LTI Foster Network Model - Simplore r® AN " Implementation of One Pack + The LTI Foster network model is within a sub-circuit See ~e t LTI Foster Network Model Results + Results from the Foster network are so close to Fluent that they are on top of each other Battery 0 Battery 3 Battory 4 Battery 2 Battery 5 * Cells connected in series and parallel combinations to form packs + Packs are then connected series and parallel combinations to form final configuration An Example of Sixty Cells in Serial and Paralle| SAC Fm zi Ui sect 1 ssi * ff 01 See $ gf U2 Sone $US Seon [GU

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