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Separation of Uranium Isotope by Plasma


Osami OKADA , Taro DODO & Toshio KAWAI

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lO[lO], p. 626-631 (October 1973).

Separation of Uranium Isotope by Plasma Centrifuge

Osami OKADA and T a r o DODO

Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.*

Toshio KAWAI
Atomic EneFgy Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.**

Received February 2, 1973

Revised July 6, 1973

A method of centrifugal separation of isotopes by electromagnetic means is presented. The

principle proposed utilizes electromagnetic acceleration by the interaction between an electric current
in a slightly ionized gas and an external magnetic field. The analysis shows that an azimuthal flow of
2.6km/sec can be realized with a magnetic field of 200gauss and an electric current of 1.5kA. The
resulting centrifugal force is large enough to permit realization of a more compact concentration
cascade than the conventional mechanical centrifuge.
KEYWORDS: plasma centrifuges, isotope separation, electromagnetic acceleration, uranium
235, uranium isotopes

I. INTRODUCTION and the plasma rotation is caused by the J x B

force due to the interaction between an electric
In order to obtain nuclear fuel for fission current flowing through the uranium gas and the
reactors, it is necessary to concentrate 235Uto transverse magnetic field. In the mechanical
about 3% from the natural abundance of 0.7%. centrifuge the container is subjected to centrifugal
A number of methods have been proposed or stress, and from consideration of material strength,
used for this purpose. The diffusion method the maximum peripheral speed has to be limited
which has been widely used, necessitates a cascade to about 400m/sec. The method we propose
facility of about 1,000 stages. Even the me- here embodies no moving structural parts, and
chanical centrifuge which is considered more can easily permit maximum speeds rising to
advantageous than the diffusion method, requires several kilometers per second.
a cascade of 20 to 30 stages. When the total In Chap. II is shown the theoretical formu-
system for separation consists of a large number lation of the rotating plasma flow. Analytical
of units, there arise many disadvantages such as expressions are derived for steady flow. A time
increasing burden of maintenance and decrease constant representing the characteristic time of
of mean time between failures. acceleration to the maximum speed is also
The purpose of the present study is to propose discussed in this chapter. The effectiveness of
a new method of separation by which a cascade the method for isotope separation is discussed in
could be composed of a smaller number of Chap. IK.
working units. The method we propose here is
somewhat similar in form to that proposed by II. ANALYSIS
Bonnevier & Lehnert"' and Bonnevier"'. The
process, however, is based on a different principle. PLASMA
Bonnevier's analysis, which is based on the We consider a plasma contained in an annular
guiding center approximation of fully ionized space surrounded by concentric electrodes and a
plasma, showed that the plasma is rotated due to pair of insulating end plates set at the top and
the E x B drift motion of individual charged
particles. The present analysis is based on the * Higashi Koigakubo, Kokubunji-shi, Tokyo.
continuous fluid model of slightly ionized plasma ** Ozenji, Tama-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
- 40 -
Vol. 10, No. 10 (Oct. 1973) 627

bottom. When an electric field is applied in the The resulting expressions become,
radial direction and a magn2tic field in the
direction parallel to the electrode axis, a body
force j x B results and accelerates the gas
azimuthally. The purpose of this chapter is to
obtain the distributions of the velocity and the
density of this accelerated flow.

1. Basic Equations j*=a*(E*+u*x

B*-oecej*X B*), (7)'
In order to obtain a fully ionized plasma it p*=p T , (8)
is necessary to heat the gas to a high temperature where the nondimensional quantities are expressed
above 104K. For the present purpose to obtain with asterisk. Here, the nondimensional electric
a high-speed rotating plasma flow, only a partial field, electric current, time and gradient operator
ionization is sufficient. The forces acting on the are defined by,
medium are the viscous friction and the e!ectro-
magnetic force.
Conservation equations of fluid mass and
U V*=LoV.
momentum at uniform temperature are expressed
as follows: LO,
The electron cyclotron frequency and the mean
time between collisions are represented by we and
re. The Mach number M , the interaction pa-
rameter E and Reynolds number Re are defined
by >
M2 uo2
rpo ,
The electric current in the gas is assumed to
satisfy the generalized Ohm's law with conduc-
tivity anisotropy: The electric field and the
electric current are related by the equation R e = -poUoL0
(3) 2. Steady-state Solution
Equations ( 1 ) through ( 3 ) , together with the Solutions of Eqs. ( 5 ) through ( 8 ) in the
equation of state, steady state under the assumptions of no axial
variation and axial symmetry are obtained as.
p=EkT, (4) described below. Further, it is assumed that
there is no axial flow and that T and u are
is to be solved with respect to u, p , p and E. uniform. The magnetic field is assumed to have
The magnetic field B is uniform, and the current-
only an axial component Bo. The electric current
induced magnetic field is assumed to be negligible.
satisfies the charge conservation relation div j=O.
The gas pressure and density are denoted by p
The flow velocity on the electrode surface is zero,
and p, respectively, and u is the velocity vector.
and hence, from Eq. ( 5 ) , the radial velocity of
The temperatures of atoms, ions and electrons
flow is equal to zero everywhere in the field.
are assumed to be equal, and expressed by T .
The current density in the radial direction
The electrical conductivity, viscosity coefficient,
becomes, from charge conservation,
Boltzmann constant, and the mass of a gas
particle are denoted by a, p, K and m respectively. j,*=--, J* .1 -

Equations ( 1 ) through ( 4 ) are nondimension- 2nL r*,

alized with the characteristic velocity Uo, di- where L* is the dimension of the apparatus in
mension Lo, temperature To, density p ~ magnetic
, the axial direction, and 7 the total discharge
flux density BQ and electrical conductivity go. current. Then the following expressions a r e

- 41 -
628 J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.,

obtained with vectors decomposed 3. Transient Problem

When the magnetic field is suddenly applied
at t = O to a stationary and uniform gas with
electric current flowing through it, the gas is
accelerated into rotational motion and finally
attains the velocity shown in Eq. (19). We will
j,.*=- o* try to estimate the time constant of the acceler-
2(E-*+vs*Bo*), (15)
l+oe re ation. From the 0 component of Eq. ( 6),
j g * =jr*oere. (16) po -=-A* Go-EBo*jr*,
at* Re (23)
For vg*, from Eqs. (12) and (14),
is obtained. Here, A* is an abbreviation of the
nondimensional Laplacian operator with the
assumption of no axial and azimuthal variation,
and 50 denotes time-dependent azimuthal velocity.
Since Gg=O at t = O , the approximate expression
The solution of Eq. (17) which satisfies the
boundary conditions that vg*=O at inner electrode
surface r*=r1* and at outer electrode surface
Ga=vg* 1- exp (-$)I
might be introduced. From Eqs. (14) and (23),
ro*, is,
we obtain,
ve*=-a*r*In r*+u*r* b*
-r + (18) E=
* *
-&Bo*~r. * ,
2 r , z*
where a*=---. a* r1*21nrl*-ro*21nro* from which,
2 r<2-ro*2 3

b*= --.a*2 lnrl*-lnro*

1 1
In the dimensional form,
r1*2 ro*2 .

The dimensional form of vg is: r=-pove

Bo j , .
The acceleration is interpreted as an accumulation
of an angular momentum povg supplied by the
-[ rlz(r2- r02) In
- ( r 1 2 - r2)rOz ~ n s ] (19)
r .
electromagnetic force BOj,. The time constant
of acceleration is estimated in the next chapter
The electric field in the radial direction is with typical values of vg and j,.
obtained from Eq. (15) with j , and vg, and the
electric potential V is obtained from the inte-
gration of E,: lU. DISCUSSIONS
1. Application to Isotope Separation
o (20)
As has been shown in the preceding chapter,

V = E,dr.
The density distribution is obtained from the
the distribution of gas density can be calculated
when the gas characteristics, applied field intensity
and the dimensions of the apparatus are given.
integration of Eq. (13) with j , given by Eq. (16) : Conventionally, the separation has been performed
or tried on uranium hexafluoride (UFs), of which
no reliable values of ionization potential and
electrical conductivity are available. In the pre-
sent discussion, therefore, uranium gas is hypo-
thetically considered.
The number densities of electrons, ions and

- 42 -
Vol. 10, No. 10 (Oct. 1973) 629

atoms are calculated with Saha’s equation on the

basis of local thermal equilibrium. T h e viscosity
coefficient is calculated with the rigid sphere
model(3). T h e cross section is approximately
estimated from that of lighter atoms with the
difference of mass taken into account. T h e
electrical conductivity is calculated with Spitzer’s
Saha’s equation is applied only to the gas in
the local thermal equilibrium. When electrical
energy is continuously supplied to the gas,
electrons are usually more energetic than ions
Radial position, crn
and atoms. T h e electrical conductivity of such
Solid line shows the result of Eq. (19), and
gas is larger than that in the thermal equilibrium, the broken line the drift velocity due t o the
and more current can flow through the gas. local electric and magnetic fields. The Hall
effect is neglected.
Then the e!ectromotive force j x B becomes Fig. 1 Radial distribution of rotational
larger, and a higher rotational velocity can be velocity (Bo=200 gauss, J=L5 kA)
expected. T h e following calculation is made
with the modest values of electrical conductivity particles, is higher than the rotational velocity
in the thermal equilibrium. by about 5km/sec. T h e distribution of the
Now we consider the rotational-flow field of normalized pressure p / p l is shown in Fig. 2.
a weakly ionized plasma a t a n equilibrium
temperature of 2,500K and initial pressure of
0.2 Torr. T h e viscosity coefficient is found to
be 4.5 x 10-5g/cm.sec. T h e ionization fraction
and the electron number density of uranium gas
are estimated to be 0.03% and 3 x 10” cm-3 from
Saha’s equation with a n ionization potential of
6.25 VC5’. T h e mean-free-path of an electron
with ions is about 0.9cm and that with atoms is
about 0.1cm. T h e e!ectrical conductivity is 2.4
B/cm. T h e dimensions of the apparatus are 10
cm inner-electrode radius, 15cm outer-electrode
radius, and 10cm axial length. T h e electric
loolo II 12

Radial position,

14 15

current and the axial magnetic field are assumed

to be 1.5kA and 200 gauss, respectively. The Hall effect is neglected. The density
ratio also has the same distribution.
T h e distribution of azimuthal velocity calcu- Fig. 2 Radial distribution of pressure
lated from the values given above is shown in (Bo=200gauss, J=1.5kA)
Fig. 1. T h e maximum velocity of about 2.6
T h e ratio Po/PI,which is called the final pressure
km/sec is reached roughly mid-way between the
ratio, is more than lo7, and if po is 100 Torr,
electrodes. T h e Hall coefficient of electrons is of
the order of unity. In the present example,
PI must be about Torr. T h e equilibrium
separation factor, the ratio of the final pressure
however, the Hall effect is neglected for simplicity.
ratio of 23*Uto that of 235U,is calcu!ated to be,
This should not affect the velocity distribution
to any extent, as is seen from Eq. (19). T h e (Po)238/(&) =1.25
electromagnetic drift ve!ocity, which is given by Pl PI 235
the local electric field and the axial magnetic Only 13 stages are sufficient for raising the
fie!d as EJBo, is also represented in the figure concentration from 0.7 to 3%. A considerably
by a broken line. T h e drift velocity which gives more compact concentration system is thus
the upper limit of the velocity of charged possible in comparison with the conventional

- 43 -
,630 J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.,

diffusion method or the mechanical centrifuge. heating and ionization of the gas, the surface of
T h e separative work, which is a measure that the electrodes is covered by an electric sheath
takes account of the concentration and the amount where the electric potential shows a large gradient.
.of product, is 7.4 x gSWU/sec from the T h e potential difference across the sheath is
equilibrium separation factor and the flow rate approximately equal to the ionization potential.
.of gas through the apparatus. T h e time constant T h e discharge voltage is thus estimated to be
of the apparatus is 1 . 4 10-3sec
~ from Eq. (25), about 18V.
and the uranium gas with a volume equal to the
apparatus is assumed to be separated within a
.duration of time equal to ten times the time
constant. In contrast, the mechanical centrifuge
has a value of 3 x gSWU/sec. T h e azimuthal
velocity ve increases in proportion to the electro-
motive force j x B. T h e concentration to 3%
b y a single stage can be realized if the equilibrium
separation factor can be made to reach 4.3. The
necessary final pressure ratio for this separation
factor is lo5", and this pressure ratio should be
obtainable with a magnetic field of 400 gauss Radial position, crn
and an electric current of 2kA. T h e relation m.
The solid line represents the result of (21)
between the final pressure ratio and the electro- with no Hall effect and no sheath formation.
motive force is shown in Fig. 3. The broken line shows the distribution in the
absence of magnetic field. The difference
between two lines represents the inverse
potential induced by the azimuthal flow.
Fig. 4 Radial distribution of electric potential
(Bo=200gauss, J=1.5kA)

T h e electric power necessary for the operation

is about 27kW. T h e power consumed per unit
product quantity is 1.16kW/(kgSWU/yr). This
is about ten times the value of 0.1 for the
mechanical centrifuge. T h e large power con-
sumption, however, cannot be considered a vital
defect when we note that the cascade system can
be composed of a smaller number of units, and
that the same performance can be obtained
Driving force , . A.Tesla with smaller power consumption by increasing
Driving force is the product of total the magnetic field and decreasing the electric
electric current and magnetic field.
The Hall effect is neglected. current.
Fig. 3 Variation of final pressure ratio
with driving force at three 2. Discussion on Analysis
different 'temperatures T h e final pressure ratio is more than lo' in
the example given in the preceding chapter.
In Fig. 4 is shown the distribution of electric When the outer surface pressure is lo2 Torr, the
potential between the electrodes. T h e solid line pressure is Torr a t the inner surface, and
represents the electric potential given by Eq. (21), the mean-free-path between neutral atoms is about
and the broken line is that with no magnetic 10cm. In order that the pressure gradient be
field. T h e potential difference between the two balanced by the centrifugal force, the pressure
lines is due to v ~ x B ~T h. e electric potential has to vary slowly over the length equal to one
for steady acceleration is shown by the solid line mean-free-path between neutral atoms. This
in the figure, but when there is continuous requirement is not satisfied near the inner

Vol. 10, No. 10 (Oct. 1973) 631

electrode surface in the present example. Conse- IV. CONCLUSION

quently, the number density of atoms at the inner
surface may possibly be higher than that given The following conclusions have been obtained
by the present estimate. It is quite difficult to from the present analytical study on the electro-
analyze exactly a flow field where the collisions magnetic acceleration of a plasma :
are frequent only in the outer region. (1) Partially ionized gas can be easily ac-
The maximum velocity of 2.6 km/sec in Fig. 1 celerated to 2.5 km/sec or higher.
exceeds that of sound. If a shock wave forms, (2) With an electric current of 1.5kA and
the final flow field and as a consequence the an external magnetic field of 200 gauss, an
expected enrichment would not be realized. equilibrium separation coefficient of 1.25 is
Formation of a shock wave is initiated by the obtained, which is higher than that realizable
growth of a compression wave. When com- in the mechanical centrifuge.
pression occurs, the local temperature increases. (3) When the equilibrium separation coefficient
The electrical conductivity, which increases as is 1.25, 235U’isto be concentrated from 0.7
T3I2,increases in the compressed region, and the to 3 % with a cascade of 13 stages.
electric current concentrates there. This produces
local increase of the electromagnetic driving force -REFERENCES-
~ x B which,
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