Gods Word

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The word of God is the manifestation of the clear

appearance of the mind of God. The word of God is scattered

all over the scriptures and it has changed the lives of man. The
word of God came to people in the scriptures from a different
standpoint, what this means is that to some the word of God
came as a prophesy, as an instruction, as a promise, as a seed,
also the word of God serves as various things to mankind which
are the word as a: Light, a Guide, a Sword. The word of God
servers as a comfort to man.
The word of God servers as an instrument that is used for
creation that is the word of God can be used to create anything
that needs to be created. Even the world that we live in was
created by the Word. Heb 11:3
(3)  Through faith we understand that the worlds were
framed by the word of God so that things that are seen were
not made of things that do appear.
The word of God servers as food to the soul of man
Jer 15:16  Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and
thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I
am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.
God himself showed up to man in different dimensions
same as his word can come to man in a different form.
The word of God is personified Joh 1:1, In the beginning,
was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was
God. V 4 the Word gave life to everything that was created and
his life brought light to everyone. NLT
There is no life without the word of God and without the
light that comes from the word of God you can't travel far and
fast. Our access to the word of God is what makes the
difference in a man’s life. The power of God is in his word and
the word of God is the manifestation of the power of God.
Whatsoever the power of God can do the word of God can also
do. The word of God carries miraculous signs and wonders.
The word of God can make a man. Mat 4:19
(19)  And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make
you fishers of men. Following the word through, transforms the
life of a man and makes the life of the man become a wonder
to his fellow man.
The word of God gives us hope in the future Jer 29:11
(11)  For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord
they are of good and not for disasters, to give you a future and
a hope NLT (12) in those days when you pray, I will listen, (13)
if you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. This is
where our confidence lies. That whenever we pray He always
listens and when we seek him wholeheartedly we will find him,
and our future is secured in him, so why worry about the
future. All you need is to seek and find the word of God about
your future and act on it. Doing whatever the word says is what
empowers believers to command supernatural results. The best
of our life cannot show forth unless we obey God’s word. The
word of God comes to man per season and per time and they
are meant to be acted upon as it comes.
The word of God is the bases on which the life of a
believer is founded upon. When we say we believe in God what
we are saying is that we believe god’s word and the power in it.
What then is the word of God? The word of God is the promises
he has made to us in the scriptures, the instructions God has
given his child to engage in his promises, the word of God also
is the prophecy’s God has spoken consigning our lives and
before prophecies can manifest, there have to be instructions
to obey. In other words, obedience to the word of God is the
condition that brings about the manifestation of the power of
God in our lives.
The strength of delivering divine promises is only tied to
obedience. God doesn’t force obedience on you, and obedience
may be costly but the reward is priceless. The word of God is
the relevant operation of God, it is the wisdom of God and it’s
shown how God functions.


Psa 119:18
(18)  Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things
out of thy law. This was the prayer of the psalmist, he prayed
that his eyes should be opened to behold wondrous things out
of the law. It takes to behold wondrous things, when we say
open eyes, what it simply means is that your spiritual eyes of
understanding have to be enlightened for you to know, behold
and see wondrous things from the word of God
Wonders in His Word
1 the word of God create Joh 1:3
(3)  All things were made by him, and without him was not
anything made that was made.
Heb 11:3
(3)  Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed
by the word of God so that things that are seen were not made
of things that do appear.
I believe we all know the creation story, where God created the
heaven and the earth with the raw material called “the Word of
God”, “and God said let there be and there was.” He created
everything including things we can see and things we can’t see,
the Word of God also created something out of nothing. Gen
1:2  And the earth was without form and void, and darkness
was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved
upon the face of the waters.
The earth was void, empty, it didn’t have any form but when
the word of God came, its created both the living and non-living
things in the earth. We can engage the creating power of the
Word of God in our lives by creating whatever we want for
ourselves. What this simply means is that we can use the Word
of God to call forth things that are not into existence. Create
your destiny with the Word of God, change your situations
around for good by engaging the creating power of the Word.
All things were made by the Word of God, all things including;
your destiny, marriage, academic success, career, business, all
were made by Him. Your success lies in the Word of God all you
need to do is to find the Word of God that is meant for you per
time and season engage with it by obeying the instructions that
are found in the word, then your success is sure. Peter toiled all
night Luk 5:5  And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we
have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless
at thy word, I will let down the net. (6)  And when they had this
done, they gathered a great multitude of fishes: and their net
brake. This story made us understand that peter had toiled all
night, he has made of his professional skills in fishing but he
was not able to catch a single fish, but when the Word of God
came to Him, the same river where there was no fish was the
same river he had a net breaking testimony. Note, this
testimony came only because peter did not argue with the
Word of God that came to him, he would have said he had a
Ph.D. in this business so you cant tell what to do, but what did
peter say v5 Nevertheless, which means notwithstanding, no
matter the degree I have in this business, no matter the amount
of knowledge I have about this course, “but at thy Word”.
Instant obedience can call forth this that were not into
Another example was the wedding at Canna of Galilee Joh 2:1-
5 (1)  And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee,
and the mother of Jesus was there: (2)  And both Jesus was
called, and his disciples, to the marriage. (3)  And when they
wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no
wine. (4)  Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with
thee? mine hour is not yet come. (5)  His mother saith unto the
servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. (6)  And there
were set there six water pots of stone, after the manner of the
purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece. (7) 
Jesus saith unto them, Fill the water pots with water. And they
filled them up to the brim.
Jesus mother said unto the servants, what so ever he saith unto
you, do it. Jesus understood that when the word comes forth,
comes with possibility and ththose servantsbeyed blindly they
didn’t even think that; what if it doesn’t turn to wine, what will
become of them, but they obeyed, they didn’t question the
instruction that came.
Obedience is all it takes to the impossibility become possible.
God can make the impossible to become possible, he calls the
things that were not as though they because when he calls
them, ten they begin to exist. Whatsoever God has promised to
do, he does it and if they don’t exist, he creates them.
Joh 1:4  In him was life, and the life was the light of men.
Pro 4:20-22 (20)  My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear
unto my sayings. (21)  Let them not depart from thine eyes;
keep them in the midst of thine heart. (22)  For they are life
unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.
In Him we have life for the life that we live is found in Christ
and outside Christ is death. There is a place for finding =, you
have to find the Word of God that is meant for you for they are
life to those that finds it’s the Word of God is also medicine to
our flesh. The Word of God can be prescribe to a person just as
drugs are prescribe to a patient in other to get well, so also is
the Word of God for they are health to their flesh. It is not just
for your physical health it is all-rounder which means the Word
of God can take care of your emotional health, mental health,
spiritual health, physical health, and lots more. So why not take
the Word of God has a multivitamin capsule that provides you
with vitamins that are needed for your day to day activities.
In Him was life (Jesus who is the Word) was life.
Eze 37:3-5 (3)  And he said unto me, Son of man, can these
bones live? And I answered, O Lord GOD, thou knowest. (4) 
Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say
unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD. (5) 
Thus saith the Lord GOD unto these bones; Behold, I will cause
breath to enter into you, and ye shall live:
The Word of God came to Ezekiel saying prophesy and he
prophesied has he was commanded and does dry bones
became a whole army of Israel, at the Word of God life is
birthed, hope was revived, dry bones became the army of the
Lord. Whatever situations we find ourselves in is bound to
change for good once the Word is spoken over it. All we need
to do is to find the Word that is directly proportional to the
situations to the situation that you are going through Pro 4:22
(22) For they are life unto those that find them, and health to
all their flesh.
(105)  NUN. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto
my path. A lamp is a source of visible illumination. Years back
while I was in school I was treading on a path that was very
bushes, while I was going I wasn’t with tourch light or amy
source of light which could aid my journey, I couldn’t see
clearly, a walk the shouldn’t take me more than ten minutes I
ended up using more than 30minute to walk. Why did this
happen? It happened because, I wasn’t with any source of light
that could serve as a guide for me, not only did I waste a lot of
time, I also ended up with an injury on my toes which took time
before it could heal. My walk would have been very smooth if
only I had a source of light, come to think of it, it doesn’t even
matter how little the light was, it would have been helpful.
In the journey of life, the Word of God is a lamp that’s guides us
through this journey. The Word of God has assured us of a
future. Jer 29:11  For I know the plans that I have for you says
the lord, they are plans of good and not for disaster to give a
future and a hope NLT. Its is still the same Word that servers as
a guide into the future that God has prepared, getting into the
future that God has prepared for us might be very difficult to
achieve if only we let the Word of God serves as a guide into
our glorious future. A journey that is expected to last for about
10 years, you might end up using more than 20years just
because the Word was missing in your journey.
The real secrete to our success is not in what we studied, not in
what life has to for us, but it can only be found in this book
which is the Word of God. If only we search through the
scriptures to find out what plans he has for our lives, we would
be amazed about what God will make out of our lives. In this
kingdom ignoring the power of the Word leads to damnation
but when we embrace the power of His Word, our success is
Engaging the power in the Word of God
Josh 1v8; study this book of instruction continually, meditate on
it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written
in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. NLT I
know this is a very popular scripture that we all learnt while we
were growing up, but if we can really study it therein lies our
success in all areas of our life. The very first thing I need us to
take cognizance of is that this book is a book of instructions,
wherever you find any promise God has made for his people
check well there is an instruction God before He brought about
the promise.
Promises doesn’t come expect there is an instruction to follow.
Considering Gen 12:1-4 (1)  Now the LORD had said unto
Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and
from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: (2) 
And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and
make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: (3)  And I
will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth
thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. (4) 
So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot
went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when
he departed out of Haran.
The first verse was an instruction that came from the Lord to
Abraham and the second and third verses was the promise that
comes after the instruction has been carried out. Then verse
four tells us that Abraham obeyed the instructions. Can I tell
you what came after that obedience? In Gen 13:2 And Abram
was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold. its shows thatvthe
result of obedience cannot be over emphasized.
For God to bless you, He has to give you an instruction for you
to obey, “Question” what instruction has God given to you and
have you obeyed it? Our blessing is tied to the instruction God
has given, so what we have to do is to diligently search for
instructions that consigns you and have you obeyed it. That
leads us to the obedience that works.
Obedience is the condition that brings the wonders in the Word
of God also the strnght of delivering divine promise is only tierd
to obedience. Obedience simply means to abide, comply,
follow, heed, listen or take orders. A life that is bent on taking
orders from the Word of God as no other options then to
prosper. Prov 6v20; those who listen to instruction will prosper
NLT. our prosperity is tied to our listening to instruction. Our
lives is built on instructions that we have listened to over the
years, simply put, we are what we listen to, if it’s the devil we
have always harken unto over the years we will be so sorry
about the result our lives would produces, but if its God we
have always listened to believe me the result will be so glaring
for others to see.
Obeying God can be one of the most difficult task or a growing
believer, but trust me that is where our prosperity lies. It takes
empowerment for a believer to obey instruction, all you need
to do is to ask for the grace and enablement to obey His
instruction. Deu 28:1  And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt
hearken (listen) diligently unto the voice of the LORD (His
commandment) thy God, to observe (fully obey) and to do all
his commandments (instructions) which I command thee this
day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all
nations of the earth: God doesn’t enforce obedience to you,
that why the verses started with and it shall come to pass, “if’
thou, if is a conditional statement that places you in a situation
that makes you choice whether to do or not to do.at this
implies is that you can choice to obey or not, but when you
have decided to obey then you can then move to the next stage
which is to harken (listen) to His command (instruction)
obedience may be costly but the reward is priceless,
instructions from God are always costly and demanding but he
end result are always awesome, be careful if the instruction you
receive doesn’t cost you anything my dear, it might not be from
God after the instruction that came in deut 28v1, the next verse
that is v2-13 where the promises that is attached to the
instruction in then v15-68 were the consequences of not
obeying this instruction, so we can all see that the reward for
obedience is priceless while the consequences of disobedience
is disastrous.
The strength of delivering divine promise is only tied to
obedience and obedience to the Word of God has to be total, it
has to be total, it has to be done with love and it must be done
in fear and trembling. Obedience that is done outside of this
factors is not considered as obedience. Considering the
obedience of king Saul in 1sam15, his obedience was not total
and the condition of his heart when he carried out the act was
not pure and it was accounted unto him as disobedience and
the consequence cost him his throne, so what God demands
form us is complete obedience Pro 21:2-3 (2) people may be
right in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their heart. The
Lord is more pleased when we do what is right and just than
when we offer Him scarifies NLT. Simply put obedience is better
than scarifies 1sam15v22b.
Back to our text, Josh 1v8; study this book of instruction
continually, meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to
obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and
succeed in all you do. NLT. We are all expected to study this
book continually, and what does this mean? It means that the
book should be studied in a continuous manner, over and over
again without stopping or interruption. You are expected to
study this book by meditating on it and meditation is done by
focusing your thoughts or pondering over the Word and this is
done consciously and your consentration is highly need.
Josh1v8 gave us the best time to meditate on the Word, which
is day and night. Thank God the scripture did not say morning
and night, if not we would have just been doing religious
activities that teaches us to read our bible both morning and
night, but it said day which include morning and afternoon
while night includes evening and night. So meditations is too be
done all the time by focusing our thought or pondering over the
Word of God. It is in the process of meditating on the Word get
light and that light is capable of birthing the wonders you desire
in the word.
How to tap into the power in the word
1 keep meditating on the Word of God continuously and
consciously. Josh1v8
2 keep speaking the Word of God over your life and destiny
because there is power in the Word and its then same Word
God spoke and things that were not came into been. This is also
applicable to us too, whatever we say with our mouth over
time begins to manifest, so why don’t you stat speaking the
Word of God to change every bad situations around.
Negative situations + positive speaking = glorious destiny and
positive situations.
3 Be committed to give God all the glory for all He has done, all
He is doing and all He will do. 1Th 5:18 In everything give
thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Thanksgiving is the will of God for us in Christ and also an
instruction from God to us that are in Christ Jesus. Heb
10:36 For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done
the will of God, ye might receive the promise. Like we have
discussed, there is always a promise after an instruction has
been given and the instruction is that we should always give
thanks to God and His promises which are endless will be
manifested in our lives.
In conclusion, when God sent his Word, wonders follows, God's
words precedes Gods wonders and every appereance of God is
by his Word. The Word of God set the captives free, the Word
of God is prophetic and it has the capacity to turn things around
for you. Walking in the Light of His Word is what changes nour
story from Glory to Glory.

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