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Click 'send' to Readcast! edit preferences <#> *Set your preferences for next time...*Choose 'auto' to readcast without being prompted. <#><#> Tai Smith Tai Smith Link account <#> Advanced <><#>Cancel <#> <#> Add a Comment Submit share: Characters: 400 <#> Share & Embed < 36%2FWeek-Six-STR581-Sample-Final-Exam%23source%3Afacebook>< ome? %23Readcast>< oc%2F39256336%2FWeek-Six-STR581-Sample-Final-Exam&message=> <#> Add to Collections Download this Document for Free Auto-hide: on <#> STR 581 Strategic Planning and Implementation: Sample Final Exam STR/581 Sample Final Exam Marketing Strategic marketing Metrics and control mechanisms-CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) Environmental scanning and marketing planning Innovation Buyer behavior Consumer and business purchasing processes Factors influencing consumer and business purchasing Segmentation Market research Competitive intelligence Problem formulation Managerial decision making Target segments and marketing mix Specifying target markets Pricing Products/services (new product

development, brand management, positioning) Promotion (integrated marketing communication) Channels and distribution/supply chain Page 1 str/581r2 This Sample Final Exam is provided as a resource to help familiarize students with the content areas and types of questions that they may encounter when they complete the comprehensive STR/581 Final Exam in Week Six. Marketing Section STR 581 Strategic Planning and Implementation: Sample Final Exam 1.____________ is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs a. a Performance b. b Value c. c Quality d. d Customer retention e. e Customer loyalty 2.Marketers need to be aware of threats and opportunities associated with four trends in the natural environment. All of the following are among those trends EXCEPT________. a. a The shortage of raw materials b. b The increased cost of energy c. c Near 90 percent corporate support for green causes d. d Increased pollution levels e. e The changing role of governments 3.A(n)________ is any good, service, or idea that is perceived by someone as new. The idea may have a long history, but it is new to the person who sees it as such. a. a Product b. b Innovation c.

c New idea d. d Creative product e. e None of these 4.In market-penetration pricing, the company s objective in pricing is to________, believing that higher sales volume will lead to lower unit costs and higher long-run profits. a. a Block competitive launches b. b Maximize their market share c. c Minimize their market share d. d Maximize volume e. e None of the above 5.Most companies will________ their list price and give discounts and allowances for early payments, volume purchases, and off-season buying. a. a List two prices b. b Increase c. c Reduce d. d Adjust e. e None of these 6.If a marketer decides that segmenting a market based on neighborhoods, the marketer will have chosen the________ method of segmentation. a. a Demographic Page 2 str/581r2 STR 581 Strategic Planning and Implementation: Sample Final Exam b. b Psychographic c. c Geographic d.

d Cultural e. e Social class 7.________ is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company. a. a Marketing intelligence b. b MIS (marketing information system) c. c Marketing research d. d Demographics e. e Marketing management 8.Companies undertake surveys to learn about people s knowledge,________, preferences, and satisfaction, and to measure these magnitudes in the general population. a. a Beliefs b. b Psyche c. c Inner id d. d Deepest secrets e. e Intelligence and literacy 9.Designing a research plan calls for decisions on all of the following EXCEPT________. a. a Drafting research objectives b. b Data sources c. c Research approaches d. d Research instruments e. e Sampling plans 10.Procter & Gamble has many soap brands. One reason for this is that soap users tend to group

together in terms of preferences such as bleaching action, softness, stain-removal, et cetera. Which of the following preferences pattern would most likely apply to P&G s method of response to market needs? a. a Homogeneous preferences b. b Diffused preferences c. c Clustered preferences d. d Psychological preferences e. e Cultural preferences 11.Companies price their products in a number of ways. Small companies prices are set by the boss, in larger companies, pricing is handled by division and product-line managers. In industries where price is a key factor, companies often establish a________ department reporting to other internal departments. a. a Financial b. b Pricing c. c Sales d. d Marketing e. e Distribution 12.Most new-product activity is devoted to________ existing products. a. a Improving b. b Coordinating Page 3 str/581r2 STR 581 Strategic Planning and Implementation: Sample Final Exam c. c Distributing d. d Pricing e. e

Marketing 13.Modern marketing calls for more than developing a good product, pricing it attractively, and making it accessible. Companies must also________ with present and potential stakeholders, and the general public. a. a Attract b. b Reach c. c Relate to d. d Advertise to e. e Communicate 14.Intermediaries include retailers,________, and logistical organizations. a. a Internet companies b. b Wholesalers c. c Competitors d. d Box stores e. e None of these Page 4 str/581r2 STR 581 Strategic Planning and Implementation: Sample Final Exam STR/581 Sample Final Exam Management Organizational behavior Leadership Teams Conflict Negotiation Motivation Human resource management Recruiting and selection Compensation Employment planning Training and development Organizational theory Organizational change and development Organizational structure design Systems thinking Entrepreneurship/small business management Operations planning/management science

Quantitative decision making models Quality/process management Supply chain logistics Planning Control Service management Page 5 str/581r2 Management Section Week Six - STR581 - Sample Final Exam Download this Document for FreePrintMobileCollectionsReport Document Report this document? Please tell us reason(s) for reporting this document Spam or junk Porn adult content Hateful or offensive If you are the copyright owner of this document and want to report it, please follow these directions <> to submit a copyright infringement notice. Report Cancel <javascript:void(0)> This is a private document. Question_small </static/help?type=private> Info and Rating Reads: 4,608 Uploaded: 10/13/2010 Category: /Uncategorized./ Rated: Copyright: Attribution Non-commercial Attribution_noncommercial <> <#><#> <> Onlinetutor365 <> Share & Embed < 36%2FWeek-Six-STR581-Sample-Final-Exam%23source%3Afacebook>< ome?

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