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Aaminah Mumtaz

MS Clinical Psychology
24th July, 2022.

Interpretation of House Tree and Person (HTP):

The client name is S.A. The client is male. The HTP is conducted to understand the personality
of the client. The house, tree and person is drawn on the same page. It is observed from the
drawing that house, tree and person proportional is normal. No irrelevant details are observed in
the drawing. Line quality is fine as neither too much pressure is given nor faint lines are drawn.
No color is used in the drawing. Omission of details as no chimney, absence of pathways and
absence of roots in the tree are observed.


The client was provided one sheet of paper with a pencil and eraser. The client was asked to
draw a person, tree and a house on the same page. The client can take as much time as needed.

House Details:

House represents greater energy in the client. The client tend to view the environment through a
world of fantasy images. It also indicates that the client have guarded personality and might be
shy. House represents normal ego strength.

Tree Details:

Tree indicates more ego strength. It shows that client does not distinct his problem and tend to
avoid direct confrontation. It shows that client shows concrete thinking. The client over strikes
for achievement and reach out too much to meet the needs. Insecurity is also observed in client.

Person Details:

Person in the figure represents concreteness in client. He cannot bear criticism. Need of
autonomy and productivity is also observed from the figure. It also indicates that client does not
give full attention to the task.

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