Post Purchase Dissonance Scale

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Post purchase dissonance scale

Coginitive post purchase dissonance scale developed by Sweeny,(2000)The

questionnairecontains 22 items measuring post purchasing cognitive dissonance state of
mind. The questionnaire items were framed by using likert 5- point scale ranging from
1=stronglydisagree to 5=strongly agree

1. After I bought this product:

2. I was in despair
3. I resented it
4. I felt disappointed with myself
5. I felt scared I felt hollow
6. I felt angry
7. I felt uneasy
8. I felt I’d let myself down
9. I felt annoyed
10. I felt frustrated
11. I was in pain
12. I felt depressed
13. I felt furious with myself
14. I felt sick
15. I was in agony
16. I wonder if I really need this product
17. I wonder whether I should have bought anything at all
18. I wonder if I have made the right choice
19. I wonder if I have done the right thing in buying this product
20. After I bought this product I wondered if I’d been fooled
21. After I bought this product I wondered if they had spun me a line
22. After I bought this product I wondered whether there was something wrong with the
deal I got

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