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Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion

Deformed algebra and the effective dynamics of the interior

of black holes

Wilfredo Yupanqui Carpio

División de Ciencias e Ingenierías-Universidad de Guanajuato

Campus León

August 2, 2022

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Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion


1 Introduction

2 Classical solutions

3 Effective dynamics

4 Discussion

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Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion


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Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion

The standard expression of the metric of Schwarzschild black hole in terms of spherical
coordinates is given by

2GM −1 2
ds2 = − 1 − dt 2 + 1 − dr + r 2 dθ2 + sin2 θdϕ2 (1)
r r
this is a vacuum solution from Einstein field equations. The black hole singularity
corresponds to r = 0 and the event horizon corresponds to r = 2GM. Inside the
horizon, the temporal and radial coordinates flip roles, then, the metric of the
Schwarzschild interior now reads as the form of
2GM 2GM  
ds2 = − −1 dt 2 + − 1 dx 2 + t 2 dθ2 + sin2 θdϕ2 , (2)
t t
with t ∈ (0, 2GM) and r ∈ (−∞, ∞), and M is the mass of the black hole. Here, the
metric coefficients become infinite at t = 0 and t = 2GM. In Schwarzschild metric, an
invariant used to find the true singularities of a spacetime is the Kretschmann scalar

48G2 M 2
K = R µναβ Rµναβ = (3)
At t = 0 the Kretschmann scalar diverges, then, this point represent an honest
singularity of spacetime. In t = 2GM none of the curvature invariants blows up there,
then, this point is not a singularity.
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Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion

The Schwarzschild interior metric can be written in terms of Ashtekar variables:

ds2 = −N 2 dt 2 + 2
dx 2 + |pc |(dθ2 + sin2 θdϕ2 ) (4)
L0 |pc |

This metric is a special case of a Kantowski-Sachs cosmological spacetime. From

here, we conclude that
= − 1 , |pc | = t 2 . (5)
L20 |pc | t

This means that

pb =0, pc =4G2 M 2 , On the horizon t = 2GM, (6)
pb →0, pc →0, At singularity t = 0, (7)
 − 1
2GM 2
and we have used the Schwarzschild lapse N = t
−1 . In these variables the
Kretschammn scalar becomes
12 b2 + γ 2
K = (8)
γ 4 pc2
which satisfy
{c, pc } = 2Gγ, {b, pb } = Gγ (9)

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Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion

Classical solutions

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Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion

The classical Hamiltonian

The classical Hamiltonian of the black hole interior is written in terms of the
Ashtekar-Barbero connection (b and c) and its conjugate momentum (pb and pc ),
which is the densitized triad.
1  2  
Hclass = − 2
b + γ 2 pb + 2bcpc , (10)
here, we choose the lapse function as N = |pc | sgn(pc ). The equations of motion for
the phase space variables are
1  2 2
 pb γ2
ḃ = − b + γ , ṗb = b− (11)
2γ 2γ b
2bc 2
ċ = − , ṗc = bpc (12)
γ γ

The solutions to these equations in terms of Schwarzschild time t are

2m − t p
b(t) = −γ , pb (t) = L0 t (2m − t) (13)
c(t) = ± 2 , pc (t) = ±t 2 (14)

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Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion

-2 pb (t)
pc (t)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
t (G M)
Figure: This image represents the behavior of the minisuperspace variables as a function of time.

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Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion

Effective dynamics

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Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion

Modified dynamics
In order to find the effective GUP-modified dynamics, we impose a minimal uncertainty
in pb and pc , and thus we modify the classical algebra of variables
{q1 , p1 } = 1 + β1 q12 , {q2 , p2 } = 1 + β2 q22 , (15)

Therefore, β1 and β2 effectively define the magnitude of the effects introduced with the
algebra. Using this new algebra and the Hamiltonian (10), the new GUP-modified
equations of motion become

1   p1   1

q̇1 = − 1 + β1 q12 q12 + 1 , ṗ1 = 1 + β1 q12 q1 − (16)
2 2 q1
q̇2 = −2 1 + β2 q22 q1 q2 , ṗ2 = 2 1 + β2 q22 q1 p2 (17)

The solution to such modified equations of motion are

" #
  r 2m − t β1 γ 2 m

t −m
q 1 = ± 1 + β1 γ 2 − cos−1 (18)
t t m
" r  !#
L0 p 2m − t t −m
p1 = t (2m − t) − β1 γ 2 m + (t − m) cos−1 (19)
G t m

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Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion

q2 = h i
4m cos4(1+2β1 γ (1 − β1 γ 2 ) T2
h i
8(1+2β1 γ 2 ) (1 − β γ 2 ) T

β2 γ 2 L20 1 − cos 1 2
1 + h i  (20)
32m2 2
cos8(1+2β1 γ ) (1 − β1 γ 2 ) T2

h i
2 L2 1 − cos8(1+2β1 γ ) (1 − β1 γ 2 ) T
2m2 β γ
2 T 2 0 2
p2 = cos4(1+2β1 γ ) (1 − β1 γ 2 ) − h i (21)
G 2 8 2
cos4(1+2β1 γ ) (1 − β1 γ 2 ) T2

2 AT
cos8(1+2β1 γ )
(1 − β1 γ 2 ) =
   4(1+2β1 γ 2 )
1 t −m
t + β1 γ 2 t(2m − t) cos−1
2m m

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Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion

From (21), one can see that the minimum value of pc happens at t = 0 for which pc
pcmin-GUP = γGMℓc . (23)
It is seen that two free parameters contribute to such a minimum value: the LQG
Barbero-Immirzi parameter γ and the GUP minimal length scale ℓc . Hence the
existence of such a minimum pc is purely quantum gravitational, due to the
dependence on the mentioned parameters.

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Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion

4 βb  βc  0.008
γ  0.5; M  L0  ℓ  G  1

beff (t)
-2 ceff (t)
b (t)

-4 peff
c (t)

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

t (G M)

4 βb  βc  -0.06
γ  0.5; M  2; L0  ℓ  G  1

beff (t)

-2 ceff (t)
pbeff (t)

c (t)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Wilfredo Yupanqui Carpio DCI t (G
Black Hole andM)
GUP August 2, 2022 13 / 18
Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion

βb  0.04; βc  0
γ  0.5; M  L0  ℓ  G  1

beff (t)
ceff (t)
b (t)
c (t)

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
t (G M)

βb  -0.02; βc  0
γ  0.5; M  L0  ℓ  G  1

beff (t)
ceff (t)
-5 pbeff (t)

c (t)

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

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Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion

βb  0; βc  0.02
5 γ  0.5; M  L0  ℓ  G  1

beff (t)
ceff (t)
-5 peff
b (t)

c (t)

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

t (G M)

βb  0; βc  -0.06
4 γ  0.5; M  2; L0  ℓ  G  1

beff (t)
ceff (t)
-4 peff
b (t)

-6 pceff (t)

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

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t (G M)GUP August 2, 2022 15 / 18
Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion


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Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion

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Introduction Classical solutions Effective dynamics Discussion

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