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4 Practice: Modeling: Two-Variable Systems of Practice


Algebra II Sem 1 Name: Lyriq Wooten

Points Possible:20
Date: 7/25/22

In this assignment, you may work alone, with a partner, or in a small group. Discuss the results

of your work and/or any lingering questions with your teacher.

Your Assignment: Parks and Recreation Workshop Planning

You are helping with the planning of workshops offered by your city's Parks and Recreation

department. The director of programs has asked you to purchase snacks for one of the two

workshops currently scheduled. Circle the workshop you picked:

Create the Systems of Inequalities

1. Define the variables you will use in your model. (2 points)

x for 1 pound of fruit, y for 1 granola bar, tx is total cost of fruit, ty is total cost of granola bars
and tc is total cost

2. Write an inequality representing the total cost of your purchase. (3 points)

a. Each pound of fruit costs $4. Write an expression that shows the total cost of the fruit.

Use the variable you identified in question 1.

tx = 4*x

b. Each granola bar costs $1. Write an expression that shows the total cost of the granola bars.

Use the variable you identified in question 1.

ty = 1*y or ty = y

c. Combine the expressions from parts a and b to write an expression for the total cost. Then

use this expression to write an inequality that compares the total cost with the amount you have

to spend.

tc = tf + tg or tc = 4 * x * y

4x + y < 48

3. Write the inequality that models the number of granola bars you need to buy. (1 point)

y > 10

4. Describe in words what each of your inequalities means. (2 points)

Inequality 1: 4𝑥 + 𝑦 ≤ 48 means that the total cost of fruits plus granola bars is less than

or equal to 48
Inequality 2: y > 10 means that y is less than or equal to 10

Graph the System of Inequalities

5. Graph your system of inequalities. Shade the half plane that represents the solution for each

inequality, and then identify the area that represents the solution to the system of inequalities. (5

points: 1 point for each boundary line, 1 point for each correctly shaded half plane, 1 point for

identifying the solution)

The light blue area would have covered the numbers, so I couldn't shade the area on the

left of the y axis

Interpreting the Graph

6. Identify one point on the graph that represents a viable solution to the problem, and then

identify one point that does not represent a viable solution. Identify the number of granola bars

and pounds of fruit represented by each point, and explain why the point is or is not viable. (4

points: 1 for each point and 1 for each explanation)

Viable Solution:


x=2, the total pounds of fruit, and y=22, the total number of granola bars

4𝑥 + 𝑦 ≤ 48,

4 * 2 + 22 ≤ 48,

8 + 22 ≤ 48,

30 ≤ 48 which is true, because 30 is less than 48

Not Viable Solution


4𝑥 + 𝑦 ≤ 48,

4 * 5 + 55 ≤ 48,

20 + 55 ≤ 48,

75 ≤ 48 which is not true, because 75 is more than 48.

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