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"The Nights" lyrics

Avicii Lyrics
"The Nights "

Once upon a younge r ye ar

Whe n all our s hadows dis appe are d

The animals ins ide came out to play

We nt face to face with all our fe ars

Le arne d our le s s ons through the te ars

Made me morie s we kne w would ne ve r fade

One day my fathe r—he told me

"Son, don't le t it s lip away"

He took me in his arms , I he ard him s ay

"Whe n you ge t olde r

Your wild he art will live for younge r days

Think of me if e ve r you're afraid"

He s aid, "One day you'll le ave this world be hind

So, live a life you will re me mbe r"

My fathe r told me whe n I was jus t a child

"The s e are the nights that ne ve r die "

My fathe r told me

"Whe n thunde r clouds s tart pouring down

Light a fire the y can't put out

Carve your name into thos e s hining s tars "

He s aid, "Go ve nture far be yond the s hore s

Don't fors ake this life of yours

I'll guide you home no matte r whe re you are "

One day my fathe r—he told me

"Son, don't le t it s lip away"

Whe n I was jus t a kid I he ard him s ay

"Whe n you ge t olde r

Your wild he art will live for younge r days

Think of me if e ve r you're afraid"

He s aid, "One day you'll le ave this world be hind

So, live a life you will re me mbe r"

My fathe r told me whe n I was jus t a child

"The s e are the nights that ne ve r die "

My fathe r told me

"The s e are the nights that ne ve r die "

My fathe r told me

My fathe r told me
Thanks to Arche rG., Galaxy, Be atriz Gáme z Ille ra, Justin B fo r co rre cting the se lyrics.

Write r(s): Michae l Ge o rge Silve rman, Ro be r t Jo hn Silve rman

Co pyright © 2000-2021 m

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