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> SCHOOL EXAMINAT IONS COUNCIL | Certificate of Education Ordinary Level General COMBINED SCIENCE 4003/2 NOVEMBER 2020 SESSION 2hours The Periodic Table is provided on page 15. Time 2 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES ire number and candidate number in the spaces atthe top, Seetion 4 Aaswer all que For examiner’s use 1 the spaces provided on the question Section A Section B Section C a wer any two questions. ae Write your answers on the separate answer sheets provided.|Section D ts | INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES | The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of [TOTAL cach question, This question paper consists of 16 printed ages. Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, N20: a [Turn over J Section A Answer all the questions in the spaces, provided. L @ Define the term ecosystem. [2] ) State any two physical components of an ecosystem. 1 2 2 © i Draw a food chain, with three trophic levels, involving named organisms GI Fig.2.1 shows a cell membrane separating water and sugar solution. Define the term diffusion. Blood circulating around the body has plasma, water, platelets, glucose, red blood cells, carbon dioxide, oxygen and white blood cells. (b) @ Select two substances that are needed by respiring cells. 1 2 400372 N2020 2 (1) Q) [Turn over © @ Explain the importance of blood clotting. State the component of blood responsible for blood clotting. ie] a Sulphur dioxide ($02) reacts with oxygen (0,) to form sulphur trioxide ($0,) during the manufacture of sulphuric acid as shown in the equation: @ (b) © @ 280; + O25 280; + heat State the oxidation state of sulphur in sulphur trioxide. State the meaning of the symbol +=. Write an equation to show the formation of oleum. State any two industrial uses of sulphuric acid. soos. N2t20 a a 4 (2) Fig.4.1 shows the stages involved in the extraction of gases A and B from air, \ smb in 186 "CSS argon = J WIC S Hh cooling elite Te expansion tower X liquid Fig.t @ ‘Name the component that is removed during filtration, 0) (6) @)_—_ Identify the process that occurs in tower X. 8] (ii) Explain why the air is compressed and expanded rapidly and repeatedly, 1 © Explain why gas A is collected first. sana 2020 rare ovat A fu) @ Identify the gases A and B. A B [2] ©) Abox contains resistors of different sizes. Ten resistors are rated 5 Q, twelve ‘are rated 8 Q, eight ae rated 10 Q and ten are rated 15 @. © State any one way of presenting the data apart from the description. 0) Gi) Calculate the percentage of the resistors rated 15 Q. (2 () One side of a cube measures 6,0 cm, Calculate the volume of the cube, 2) 400372 N2020 ° Give the most suitable instrument for measuring (@D the intemal diameter of a test tube, (@) @__Explain the function of the shiny curved surface. 2 (i) Explain why the pot is painted black. 400a/2 N2020 @ @ Give a reason why solar energy is called a renewable source of energy. 0) Explain how solar energy is indirectly used to produce electricity. 2] 2 (@ () (b) 9. (a) (b) © Section B Answer any two questions on the separate answer sheets provided. @ ‘State any three methods of ‘contraception. BI @) Describe how each method stated in (1) prevents fertilisation. BI @ Define the term rhizome, a @) State any three advantages of reproducing plants by means of thizomes, (3) @ State any two components of a balanced diet and state one function for each. 4] @) Explain the term deficiency disease. Q] (il) Give any three deficiency diseases. 1 State any two processes through which energy is lost in food chains and food webs. Q) @ Define the term immunity. ist) di) State the two methods by which infants acquire immunity. 2 Describe the process of vaccination. [4] Le) Describe any three methods of controlling mosquitoes. Section C Answer any two questions on the separate answer sheets ‘provided. 10. (@) __The reaction between copper oxide (CuO) and hydrogen (H:) involves oxidation and reduction. CuO +H; + ~— Cut+H.0 © Define the term oxidation. oO () _ Hdentify the reducing agent in the reaction between copper oxide and hydrogen. Oy] ©) Tron is extracted from iron(Llt) oxide in the blast furnace. @ Name any two raw material s that are fed into the furnace from the top. [2] , (@) Write a chemical equation for the reaction that produces iron. 2] © @ Describe, with the help of equations, how slag (calcium silicate) is formed in the blast furnace. Bl (ii) State any one metal which is added to iron to make stainless steel. eat AL (a) Pig.ttt represents an incom nplete electrolytic cell that cun be plating an iron object "at cam be used for copper oy copper electrode iron object electrolyte FigAL.t @ Define the term electrolysis. a (i) Name the electrolyte used in the process. Y (iti) Identify the missing apparatus. tt (©) State one change which occurs at the copper electrode, Wi (iron object. tt] (©) State two reasons for electroplating iron objects. [2] @) Write the half equation for the copper electrode, B) 12,4 volume of 0025 dm’ of 0.1 molim’ sodium hydroxide (NaOH ) solution was put {nto a flask and a few drops of phenolphthalein indicator were added. A volume of 0.020 dm’ of dilute hydrochloric acid (HC/) was used to completely neutralise sodium hydroxide solution. 1) (@) Name the method of neutralisation used. a 4008/2 N2020 [Turn over (b) © @ © 12 1e3} Explain the purpose of adding phenolphthalein indicator. Write a chemical equation for the reaction between sodium hydroxide and QR) hydrochloric acid. Give a reason why hydrochloric acid should be handled with care. th {s} Calculate the concentration of the dilute hydrochloric acid. 13 Section D Ans nner any to questions on the separate answer sheets provided, 43. (@) Explain how a positively ch the charge on ane harBed gold leat electrscope ean be used totes () © __ Describe how a house is protected by a lightning conductor. () State any two dangers of lightning. (dil) State any one safety precaution that should be taken against (4) GB) 2] B] 2] 4] 2] lightning. a 4. @) Figt41 shows a model of a hydroelectric power station designed by a turbine vwiter outlet Fig. 14.1 () Describe, using energy changes, how the bulb in the model lights. (i) Explain why using a hydroelectric power station is better than using a thermal power station. ® @d State the relationship between voltage and current. (ii) State any two factors that affect resistance of an electrical conductor. (iii) Calculate the current flowing in a circuit if the potential difference across a2 Q resistor is 6 V. 400372 N2020 [Turn over 14 @ A pot with water is placed on an electric stove and the water is heated until it boils. @ State the modes of heat transfer involved. @) Describe the modes of heat transfer stated in (a)(i). The electric stove is marked 2000 W. \ @ Define the terms electrical power and electrical energy. The water in the pot boils after 8 minutes. Calculate the energy supplied by the electric stove. 2] [3] 2] 3]

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