ESTRELLA - Detailed Lesson Plan in Research

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I. Objectives
After the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Understand the methods in creating simple qualitative research;
b. Enumerate the methods that is important in creating qualitative research and;
c. Appreciate the value of doing qualitative research in a local setting.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Methods of Qualitative Research
Materials: Powerpoint presentation, Microsoft Teams
Concepts: Discussion, Question and Answer

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
a) Reminders before the class starts
“Please turn on all your cameras and kindly (Students will open their cameras and
mute your microphone to eliminate muting their microphones.)
unnecessary noise.”
b) Prayer
Before we formally start our lesson, may we
all remain silent for a short prayer to be
led by (Students will pray)
Before we formally start our lesson, may we
all remain silent for a short prayer to be
led by
Before we formally start our lesson, may we
all remain silent for a short prayer to be
led by
Before we formally start our lesson, may we
all remain silent for a short prayer to be
led by
Kristel. “Good morning, Sir Lee!”
Before we formally start our lesson, may we
all remain silent for a short prayer to be
led by
Before we formally start our lesson, may we
all remain silent for a short prayer to be led
by Mr. Samonte.
“Institutional Prayer
Lord, we turn our life and will over to You
That we will cease to struggle alone
But instead allow You to lift us up
On eagle’s wings.
Saint Michael, defender of the Church of God,
take us under your care and protection.
This we humbly pray.
c) Greetings/Checking of Attendance
“Good morning, Grade 10 – Temperance.
May I check the attendance? As I call your
name instead of saying present you will tell
the class how your day is. Okay?”
(Checking the attendance)
a) Motivation
“I have here some questions and I want you
to answer it by typing your answers on the
meeting chat box.” Basketball
1. What is your favorite sports? Volleyball
2. Why is it your favorite sport? Badminton
3. Who is your favorite player?
Because it promotes rigorous body
4. How did you appreciate the said
movement that may promote good
sport and who influenced you?

LeBron James
Riri Rondina

When I was just in elementary, my father

used to watch NBA game in TV. He was once
also a basketball player.
When I saw the UAAP in the television
watched by my brother.

“Okay, thank you for your answers. Now let’s

move to our learning objectives for today’s
lesson and we will find out what is the
relationship of our previous activity a while
b) Learning Objectives
After the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Understand the methods in creating simple
qualitative research;
b. Enumerate the methods that is important
in creating qualitative research and;
c. Appreciate the value of doing qualitative
research in a local setting.

c) Discussion
“Our lesson for today is about Methods of
Qualitative Research.”
Sir, I understand in our activity we gathered
“In the activity, you may have noticed that information in such different question.
you’re asking and answering questions is
pretty much like a short interview. So, what
have you understand in our activity?

“Okay, very good.”

“So, in that activity one of the methods in

qualitative research is gathered data or
“I have here a word Qualitative Research. Sir, Qualitative Research is a way of getting
What comes in your mind when you here that the specific information or opinions.
word?” Sir, Qualitative Research is one of the two
types of research, and it focuses more on the
Sir, it is the type of research that is not
focused on numbers.
“Very good.”

“Qualitative Research is a general term used

to describe a way of knowing in which a
researcher gathers, organizes and interprets
information obtained from humans in natural
and social settings.”

“There are four Methods in Qualitative


“Can you please read what are the four

methods ____?” 1. Participant Observation
1. Participant Observation 2. Direct Observation
-Discusses how to enter the context, the role
of the researcher as a participant, the 3. Unstructured interviewing
collection and storage of field notes, and the
analysis of field data. 4. Case Studies

2. Direct Observation
-Suggests a more focused than participant
observation. The researcher is observing
certain sampled situations or people rather
than trying to become immersed in the entire

3. Unstructured interviewing
-Involves direct interaction between the
researcher and a respondent or group.

4. Case Studies
-Is an intensive study of a specific individual
or specific context.

“So, these are the four methods in qualitative Sir, the four methods in qualitative research
research.” are first participant observation, second
direct observation, third unstructured
“Again, what are the four methods in interviewing and, fourth is case studies.
qualitative research?”

“Thank you, ____.” Sir, the difference between the two is in the
participant observation it requires that the
researcher become a participant in the
“What is the difference between participant culture or context being observed. While in a
and direct observation? “ direct observation suggest a more detached
perspective, the researcher is watching
rather than taking part.

“Very good. You really know the difference of

methods in qualitative research.”

d) Generalization
“Now let’s have an activity.”
“I will flash five different colors and I want
you to pick two or more.” Yes, Sir!
(Flash the five colors and let the students
pick their colors.)
“Are you done choosing your colors?”

“Okay, behind those colors are the topics we

have discussed today. So, I want you to give
your take aways about our topic based on
the color you picked. Alright? Let’s start.”
Orange – Qualitative Research
Green – Participant Observation
Yellow – Direct Observation
Pink – Unstructured Interviewing Sir, I picked orange, blue and pink. In color
Blue – Case Studies orange which is qualitative research I learned
on how we can gather information in
(Call students to answer) different forms, second is color blue which is
“May I hear from ____, what colors have you case studies we all know that doing case
picked?” study has a specific context, so we use to
combine a method of unstructured and
direct observation. And lastly, color pink it
has useful in exploring a topic broadly.
“Okay, very good ____.” Sir, I picked orange and green. So, for color
orange, Qualitative research is a type of
study that focuses on gathering and analyzing
data that is natural and interpretive in
“Let’s have ____, what are your learnings for
nature. In other words, it looks for an in-
depth understanding of the social aspect
within its natural setting. And for green,
Participant observation is the process of
entering a group of people with a shared
identity to gain an understanding of their

“Very good ____. It seems like all of you are

ready to conduct research, aren’t you?”

e) Application
“Now, let’s move to our next activity. Using
the breakout rooms, I will group you into four
groups and you will give two to three sample
problems and present it to the class using
Powerpoint presentation.”
(Group the students using the breakout
rooms and give their assigned tasks)

Group 1 – Participant Observation

Group 2 – Direct Observation
Group 3 – Unstructured Interviewing
Group 4 – Case Studies
(Group presentations)
(During the breakout rooms, visit each group
and check if the group is working.)

“Alright, welcome back. So, let’s have the

Group 1 for their presentation (and so on…)”

“Let’s give everybody a virtual clap. You all

did great for our today’s session, and I am
very happy for it. I hope you will perform well
when you create your own research.”

“For your group task…”

“Your group should list down what are the
importance of the presented methods in
making a research? (10 points)”
“Next, answer the question: “How important
is it to create qualitative research by your
own understanding of its methods?” (10

“This will be presented next meeting.”

“On your assignment…”

Research the different methods of
quantitative research and site examples of
these types of research.

“Do you have any questions or clarifications, None, Sir.

Grade 10 – Temperance?”

“With that, let’s now end our meeting and I

hope you learned an important lesson during
our class and soon you can apply on your
upcoming activities.”
Goodbye and thank you, Sir. See you next
“Goodbye and thank you, Grade 10 – meeting.
Temperance. See you all next meeting. You
may now leave the call. Thank you.”

Prepared by:

JHS Faculty, English

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