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Piaget s system of intellectual derailment was greatly influenced by his work as a biologist. He described that how humans go about making sense of their world by gathering and organizing information. According to him, intellectual and biological activities are both part of the overall process by which an organism adapts to the environment and organizes experiences. He made four basic cognitive concepts, those must be grasped.1ST is schemas; mental systems or categories of perceptions and experiences are schemas. They are basic building blocks of thinking. They are organized systems if actions or thoughts that allow us to mentally represent or think about the objects and events in our world. Schemes may be very small and specific, or they may be larger or more general. Schemata are plural of schema. Schemata are not physical objects, they are linked with our nervous system and they are not observable. Schemata can be simplistically thought of as concepts or categories. 2nd is assimilation, fitting new information into existing schemes is called assimilation. It takes place when people use their existing schemes to make sense of events in their world. Assimilation involves trying to understand something new by fitting in into we already know. It is occurs all the time. It theoretically does not result in a

change of schemata and is thus a part of development. 3rd is accommodation, altering existing schemes or creating new ones on response to new information is called accommodation. If data cannot be made to fit any existing schemes, then more appropriate structures must be developed. No behavior is all assimilation or all accommodation. In fact, both processes are important and required most of time. 4th and final is equilibration, state of balance between assimilation and accommodation is called equilibration state of imbalance between assimilation and accommodation is called disequalibration. According to him assimilation and accommodation can be seen as a kind of complex balancing act. The actual changes in thinking take place through the process of equilibration- the act of searching for a balance. He assumed that people continually think about self in order to achieve that balance. So, at the every stage of life schema, assimilation, accommodation and equilibration do work.

Chapter no 3 Sensori motor development Mental development is a process that begings the day an infant is born. The typical child at age 2 is cognitively and affectively different from the infant at birth. At birth the child behavior is reflexive. Toward the second month of life an infant makes primitive differnation of object in his or her immediate environment, primarily via the sucking reflex. Between the fourth and eight month coordination of vision and touch typically occurs for the first time. The child grasps what he or she sees (period 3). Toward the end of the first year the child begins to develop object permanence and an awareness that object other thin himself or herself can cause events. Two (or more) familiar schmeta are coordinated to solve new problems (period 4) . early in the second year true intelligent behavior typically evoloves the child construct new mean of solving problem through experimentation. Also the child sees himself or herself as an object among objects (period 5) toward the end of the second year the child become able to internally represent objects and events. The ability liberate the child from sensorimotor intelligence, permitting the invention of new means of solving problem through mental activity. Do infants contract knowledge? In piagets view, they clearly do. The functioning of assimilation and accommodation is evident shortly after birth. Much of the knowledge constructed during the first two year of life is physical knowledge, knowledge about the physical characteristics of object. An infant discover properties of object in his or her environment by manipulation them. Most of the discussion in this chapter has been direct at the childs development of logical-mathematical knowledge. Concepts about causality, space and the object concept are example of logicalmathematical concept. Each deals with relationship and is created mentally by the child. An infant is born asocial. At the outset, nothing he or she does involves true social interchange. By the end of the second year of life, the typical infant is developmentally at the point where true social interchange becomes possible. As the infant develop cognitively, the changes promoted affect behavior in all areas. Concepts do not develop independent of one another. For example, in period 4 (8-12 month), the typical child become able for the first time to systematically turn a bottle around so that he or she can get the nipple. What does this imply about the childs concepts or schemata? First, the behavior suggests the child is aware of the constancy of shape of objects. Objects do not change on shape when perspectives on them change (object concept). Because all actions occur in space, the child must also have a function concept of space and the relationship between objects. Also, the behavior of turning the bottle around is clearly an intentional act requiring a measure of hand-eye coordination. Each of these abilities evolves at about the same time their paths of development are one. As a child assimilates and accommodates, all

of his or her schemata are elaborated. Thus it is that evolving behavior reflects qualitative change in many schemata. It is important to recognize that intellectual develop is a self regulatory process. The process of assimilation and accommodation are internally continued controlled, not externally controlled. Affect plays a major role in this control through selection and energizing of behavior. It should also being to become clear what piaget meant when he said all intellectual development is adoption in the biological sense. In each period of the sensorimotor stage, new and more sophistical capabilities and increasing self-control emerge. Each bit of progress makes the individual child better equipped to deal with the demands of life. As such, intellectual development is adaptive.

Chapter 4 The development of preoperational thought

Qualitatively the thought of the preparation child is an advance over that of the sensorimotor child. Preopertional thought is no longer restricted to immediate perceptual and motor events. Thought can proceed at the level of representation and behavior sequences can be played out in the head rather than only in real physical event. Even so, perception still dominates reasoning. When conflicts arise between perception and thought, as in conservation problems, children using preoperational reasoning make judgment based on perception. The preoperational stage is marked by some dramatic attainments. Language is constructed very rapidly between ages 2 and 4. behavior in the early part of the period is largely egocentric and nonsocial. These characteristics become less dominant as the stage proceed and, by age 6 or 7, childrens conversation become largely communicative and social. Although proportional thought is an advance over sensorimotor thought, it is not yet fully logical; it is pre logical. At the outset , the child is unable to reverse operation and cannot follow translation , perceptions trend to be centered , and the child is egocentric . These character tics make for relatively slow, concrete, and restricted through. During this stage thought is still largely under the control of the immediate and the perceptual, as can be seen in the typical preoperational childs inability to solve conservation problems. As cognitive development proceeds, so too does affective development. As the child continues to assimilate and accommodate experience into cognitive schemes, so too are affective and social schemata under constant construction and reconstruction. The 2-year-old is egocentric in his or her view of the world and use of spoken language. Under the press of social interaction with others (particularly peers), the child by the age 7 or so comes to understand that others points of view may differ from his or her own. Affective experience, such as feeling, are represented and

rembered, changing forever the nature of affective thoughts. As cognitive reasoning during the preoperational stage is semilogical, so too are preoperational childrens understandings of rule, justice, and other elements of moral reasoning semilogical. Cognitive development and affective development are not arrested from age 2 to age 7. Rather, they move steadily along, assimilation and accommodation resulting in the constant construction of new and improved cognitive machinery (schemata). The preoperational childs behavior is initially like that of the sensorimotor child. By age 7, there is little resemblance.

Chapter 5
The development of concrete operation
During the development of concrete operation (7-11) a child reasoning process become logical. He or she develops what piaget called logical operation. Piaget said that an intellectual operation is an internalized system of actions that is fully reversible. During the concrete operational stage the child involves logical thoughts processes that can be applied to problem that exist. The concrete operational stage can be viewed as a transition between prelogical thoughts and the capabilities for completely logical thought of older children who have attained formal operation

How concrete operational thought differ from preoperational thought

The preoperational childs thought is characterized by the dominance of perception over reasoning and by egocentrism, centration, an ability to follow transformations, and an ability to reserve operations, the preoperational child is inability to solve conservation problem but concrete operational child is free from that problems

Egocentrism and socialization

The preoperational childs thinking was dominated by egocentrism but the concrete operational child is liberated from the intellectual egocentrism of previous period.

The concrete operational childs thinking is not characterized by centering. Concrete thought becomes decentered.

The concrete operational child constructs a functional understanding of transformations. He or she can solve problem involving concrete transformation and is aware of and understands the relationship between successive steps

Concrete operational thought is reversible. He can invert the change and make the appropriate deduction. Inversion is one of two primary forms of reversibility. The second type of reversibility is reciprocity.


The ability to decenter, to follow transformation, and to reverse operation by inversion and reciprocity are all the instrument in developing conservation skills and advancing reasoning

Logical operation
Cognitively the most important development of the concrete operational stage is the attainment of logical operations. Logical operations are internalized cognitive action that permits a child at conclusions that are logical. Operation is means of organizing experience that are superior to prior organization. According to piaget operation always has four characteristics; reversibility, conservation, seriation and classification

Seriatin is the ability to mentally arrange a set of elements accurately along a dimension such as size, weight, or volume.

There are three levels of classification

Level 1: children 4 or 5 years old typically proceed by selecting objects to go together based on

Level 2: through age 7, children typically form collection of like objects along one dimension. Missing
at this level of reasoning is any awareness of the relationship between collection or sub collections.

Level 3: around age 8, children typically demonstrate an understanding of the class inclusion principle.
They consider differences as well as similarities in classification and are able to reason about the relationship between classes and sub classes

Development of causal concepts starts in sensorimotor period

Time and speed

Piaget and inhelder contented that children typically do not understand the relationship between time and speed. The concrete operational childs concept of time and speed is superior to those of the preoperational child. Not until the stage of concrete operations do accurate concept appears.

Affective development
Piaget attached clear importance to the social relations among children for intellectual and effective development. In general, interaction with adults is based on unilateral respect whereas interactions with peers, where peer problems are worked out, come increasingly to be based onmutual respect. Around 7 or 8 age, child emerge conservation

of feelings and values. Children become able to coordinate their affective thought from one event to another. Internalized reversible operations appear in the affective domain.

The will
There are situation where one is confronted with a choice between what one wants to do and what one should do or feels obligated to do morally.

Autonomy of reasoning is reasoning according to ones own constructed set of norms. Children can develop mutual respect only after they become able to set someones point of view.

In concrete operational, they will spend more time arguing about what the rules are, in an effort to win, than they will spend actually playing the game

Accident and clumsiness

Around age 8 or 9 the typical child begins to develop the ability to consider others point of view. The young children can not be taught to understand other childrens intention.

At this level, untruths that are not intended to deceive are not automatically judge to be lies. Most children can not understand the adult conception of lie before developing middle concrete operational thought.

During concrete operational development, child begins to consider the role of intention in deciding what is just. As child develops affectively, parallel changes can be observed in their moral reasoning.


Piaget coined the term concrete operations to describe this stage of hands-on thinking. The basic characteristics of the stage are the recognition of the logical stability of the physical world the realization that elements can be changed or transformed and still conserve many of their original characteristics, and the understanding that these changes can be reserved. This stage is different from preoperational. The typical concrete operational child can solve conservation problems. His thought is less egocentric; he can decanter his perceptions, w The concrete operational childs thinking is not egocentric in this respect. The concrete operational child is liberated from the intellectual egocentrism of the previous period. Children exchange information with one another in their conversations and learn to view events from the positions of others. The concrete operational childs thinking is not characteristics by cent rating. They thought becomes debentured. The concrete operational child constructs a functional understanding of transformation. Concrete operational thought is reversible. A concrete operational child who has constructed reversibility has no trouble with the every problem and makes the appropriate deduction. A

child becomes able to solve conservation of number problems around age 6 to 7. The most important development of the concrete operational stage is the attainment of logical operations. Through logical thinking and activity, they arrive at conclusion. Many more good things or activities develop in this stage. Like recitation, in it child or class the objects according to their size, weight, volume and arranges them. Classification, in it child mentally grouping objects according their similarities. Three levels of development emerge from these studies. In this stage, childrens concepts of causal concepts develop in the same manner that other concepts do. Piaget contented that children typically do not understand the relationship between time and speed until age of 10 to 11. The concrete operational childs concepts of time and speed are superior to those of the preoperational child.Cognitive, affective and social development is insaperatable. Cognitive is related to our feelings, how can we describe, identifies, liable things etc. Effective development is about our behavior and Piaget suggested that social interaction during the preoperational style encourages the development of conservation of feelings. That are situations, where one is confronted with a choice between what one wants to do and what one should to do or feels obligated to do morally. A second development advance in affectivity during the concrete operational period is the emergence of concrete autonomous feelings and their eventual product, mutual respect relations with adults. The child increasingly is capable one evaluating arguments rather then simply accepting performance unilateral ideas. This is accompanied by an understanding

of intentionally and an increased capability of considering motives when making judgment. Growth can be seen in childrens moral concepts, such as their understanding or rules, accidents, and justice.

Chapter 6
The Development Of Formal Operations
The Formal operational stage begins at approximately age twelve to and lasts into adulthood. During this time, people develop the ability to think about abstract concepts. Skills such as logical thought, deductive reasoning, and systematic planning also emerge during this stage. Piaget believed that deductive logic becomes important during the formal operational stage. Deductive logic requires the ability to use a general principle to determine a specific outcome. This type of thinking involves hypothetical situations and is often required in science and mathematics. While children tend to think very concretely and specifically in earlier stages, the ability to think about abstract concepts emerges during the formal operational stage. Instead of relying solely on previous experiences, children begin to consider possible outcomes and consequences of actions. This type of thinking is important in long-term planning. In earlier stages, children used trial-and-error to solve problems. During the formal operational stage, the ability to systematically solve a problem in a logical and methodical way emerges. Children at the formal operational stage of cognitive development are often able to quickly plan an organized approach to solving a problem. The Concrete operational stage begins around age seven and continues until approximately age eleven. During this time, children gain a better understanding of mental operations. Children begin thinking logically about concrete events, but have difficulty understanding abstract or hypothetical concepts.

Piaget determined that children in the concrete operational stage were fairly good at the use of inductive logic. Inductive logic involves going from a specific experience to a general principle. On the other hand, children at this age have difficulty using deductive logic, which involves using a general principle to determine the outcome of a specific event. One of the most important developments in this stage is an understanding of reversibility, or awareness that actions can be reversed. An example of this is being able to reverse the order of relationships between mental categories. For example, a child might be able to recognize that his or her dog is a Labrador, that a Labrador is a dog, and that a dog is an animal. Concrete operational phase is when children master the ideas of conservation, like if you pour milk in one glass into another, the same amount of milk is there, and just the glass is different. Formal operational phase is being able to think about abstract concepts. Three major structures are developed in the formal operational stage: hypothetical-deductive reasoning, scientific-inductive reasoning, and reflective abstraction. Hypothetic-deductive reasoning as the ability to be able to deal with not only objects and experiences but with hypotheses as well, with "the possible as well as the real". Scientific-inductive reasoning is the ability to think like a scientist, to make conclusions by going from specific observations to realizations. Analogies are about constructing relationships between objects, and these relationships can only come about through reflective abstraction. According to Piaget, Formal thought is characterized by a set of operational structure that is based on propositional logic. Propositional logic is verbal reasoning. A child in the formal stage will evaluate verbal statements. For example, look at the following statements: either the hat on my head is purple or it is not purple. The hat on my head is purple and it is not purple.

A child with verbal reasoning would say the first statement is true and the second statement is false. Formal operational schemes and propositional operations assist one another. Formal operational schemes can also be known as operational skills. These schemes are necessary for a formal child to logically solve problems. The tasks within formal operational schemes help the child to develop formal thought. The skills the child has developed coordinate into structures for logical thinking. Piaget suggested the normal and necessary cognitive and effective developments during adolescence are useful in understanding many aspects of adolescent behavior heretofore often attributed to puberty and sexual awaking. Adolescent egocentrism is characterized by applying a criterion of what is logical to human and societal actions with insufficient understanding that the world is not always ordered logically and its citizens are no always logical. the adolescent, necessarily an idealist of sorts,explores,in thought and conversation, ways to reform society. these developments, in Piagete s view, are brought on not by puberty, but by the normal and necessary intellectual and affective developments that take place during the acquisition of formal operations.


Piaget s constructivism theory makes clean that there arf universals of development.Development of knowledge is not automatic.Half of the adult population never fuffy develops formal operational reasoning. Development is not the only goal of education.Each child is asked by its culture to adapt not only to the developmental demands of life,but also the expactations of the culture.The constructivist vision is that educational practice and development need not and should not be at adds.The constructions are more authentic.Piaget s theory cannot be reducedthe set of operational procedures. Piaget s theory is one perspective on whicg to reflect that can be used to aid teachers in underrstsnding children and evaluate why they do or not learn in school.american educational practice is based on the premise that knoweldge is something that can be transmitted directly from teachers to students.The assumptons is that meaning can be carried by the spoken written words and language is sufficient to transfer the word.Children constuct knowledge out of their exploratory action on the enviorment ,his knowledge is constructed through action on objects.logial mathematics knowledge is constructed from exporatory action on objects when the most important component is child action not particular objects.The construction of social knowledge depends on child exporatory action,intraction with other people.Motivation :the main aim of motivation is

reforcement.When we apply schme to an event then equilibrium exist.if it is not work then disequilibrium exist.this motivates us to keep searching for a solution. Interest:most of ous recoganize the power of our interest to spark learning.Children should be premitted to explore many of their interest in educationlly legitimate ways.Cognative conflict:is created when one s prediction based on one s current reasoning,are not confirmed.It is disequiluibrium is a method of queastioning teacgers can be used by student to help lead students into productive conflict and to produce diseequilibrium. Social interactio important or child learning conflict generates cognitive conflict. Intellectual autonomy:has a cognitive component.Affective autonomy leads to ooperative social action. Intellectual autonomy is important because its permits children to learn how to find way for development.Individual differences: Children rates of inetllectual development are very considerable. Children have constructed their overall levels of intellectual development.these are major factors in this terminology. Experience ,maturiation and experience.problem solving as they are capabilities that are different from those that can envole in the normal course of development.It is not separate type of thinking nor reasoning involed.These abilities are not learned through passive educational that cover endless quntities of content.Piaget s has show us how moral concepts are develop.Moral resoning is compulsory fore moral behaviour.It is ture that moral reasoning does not ensure consistant moral behaviour.Accroding to Piaget s moral behoviour is very much under the control of the will.Children construct moral knowledge from their action in enviroment. Children moral development there are several suggestion consist piaget s theory: 1:teacher and parents should act mutually.

2:panishment based on reciprocity not on expiation. 3:sociol interaction b/w teachers and students . 4:classrooms should be constructed to improve student s activity.

Chap# 9

principle of constructivism
Piagets constructivism theory makes clean that there arf
universals of development.Development of knowledge is not automatic.Half of the adult population never fuffy develops formal operational reasoning. Development is not the only goal of education.Each child is asked by its culture to adapt not only to the developmental demands of life,but also the expactations of the culture.The constructivist vision is that educational practice and development need not and should not be at adds.The constructions are more authentic.Piagets theory cannot be reducedthe set of operational procedures. Piagets theory is one perspective on whicg to reflect that can be used to aid teachers in underrstsnding children and evaluate why they do or not learn in school.american educational practice is based on the premise that knoweldge is something that can be transmitted directly from teachers to students.The assumptons is that meaning can be carried by the spoken written words and language is sufficient to transfer the word.Children constuct knowledge out of their exploratory action on the enviorment ,his knowledge is constructed through action on objects.logial mathematics knowledge is constructed from exporatory action on objects when the most important component is child action not particular objects.The construction of social knowledge depends on child exporatory action,intraction with other people.Motivation :the main aim of motivation is reforcement.When we apply schme to an event then equilibrium exist.if it is not work then

disequilibrium exist.this motivates us to keep searching for a solution. Interest:most of ous recoganize the power of our interest to spark learning.Children should be premitted to explore many of their interest in educationlly legitimate ways.Cognative conflict:is created when ones prediction based on ones current reasoning,are not confirmed.It is disequiluibrium is a method of queastioning teacgers can be used by student to help lead students into productive conflict and to produce diseequilibrium. Social interactio important or child learning conflict generates cognitive conflict. Intellectual autonomy:has a cognitive component.Affective autonomy leads to ooperative social action. Intellectual autonomy is important because its permits children to learn how to find way for development.Individual differences: Children rates of inetllectual development are very considerable. Children have constructed their overall levels of intellectual development.these are major factors in this terminology. Experience ,maturiation and experience.problem solving as they are capabilities that are different from those that can envole in the normal course of development.It is not separate type of thinking nor reasoning involed.These abilities are not learned through passive educational that cover endless quntities of content.Piagets has show us how moral concepts are develop.Moral resoning is compulsory fore moral behaviour.It is ture that moral reasoning does not ensure consistant moral behaviour.Accroding to Piagets moral behoviour is very much under the control of the will.Children construct moral knowledge from their action in enviroment.


is a content area where traditional nonconstructive methods have had the most detrimental effects on chidrens school learning.The main crulprits are methods that focus on direct transmision from teacher to students on correct answer rather than ontonomous thinking.Learning mathematics is concept about reasoning and require application of concrete and formal operation to the content of mathematics.Computation is important skill to be learned.The basic principles that must be present in arithmatic programs if they are consist with constrnctivist theory.(1)Psychological structures must be develop before numerical question are introduce.(2) Psychological structures must be develop before formal symbolism is introduced.(3)Teacher must be understand the nature of student mistakes.(4)An atmosphere for thinking must be established. Students are actively engaged in constructing knowledge.The activity was promated by disequilibration.The action were autonomous,coperative and intrest driven.They also learn about infinity.A good idea to have all students try to write infinity and make it part of math instruction.Piagets theory doesn,t lead direactly to a methodology for writing and reading but provide a instruction that can be evaluated.learning to read is different from reading.The content of children reading activity should be meaningful to them.Constructivist education have historically been to sperate field small overlap reguards to philosophy.The critarion for excellence as a person was musical ability rather than school grades .would be correct labedled as learning disabled.LD students is often highly structured.Notion of diseqilibration are rarely evident. Piagets constructivism is belief that knowledge is a construction .LD students comman problem is memory both short and long term.LD students can be more dependent on than non LD

student.They tipically have lower self esteem.Non-LD peer avoid acadamic taske.Both can have close gates,LD student surely do.A teachers is how to help them keep gates open and close.If students have close gates its mean their feeling about the gates are negative.These reflect outonomously constructed value.Piagets theory is belief that development that automomously directed better than extremly directed.Selfregulation in Piagets theory is refer to inlination of the chold to experience disequilibration.Autonomous learning is seen better because it build child existing knoweldge.Its direct learning improved comprehension.Piagets saw mutual respect relation is compulsory for peers autonomy and it is also necessory for peers personality. He did not use xord caring to desribe relationship.The establishment of the autonomy require establishment of what Piagets called mutual raspect relation.The learning opproach to reading instruction is associated with constructivist theory.Intellectual development is a from of adaptation in the biological senses. Constructivist hypothesis regading the delayed speech was that child had no reasonm to speek so he didnt.NO adapatation value for this child to learn speek any time.Autonomy is central efficient of knowledge in constructivist theory . Autonomy is value to read,speak in all learning.Advocates for whole-language reading instruction belive in standing back carefully when to intract with chldren and student.A teacher ned to model themselves.The fact is that oll of us construct our own theory of education which modify reconstruction.

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