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Name: Jesus Manuel Gutierrez Nuñez

Matricula: 19110190
Group: MSM-61l
MT. Marco Thome / Microcontroladores
In this activity, our teacher asked us to make a report, in which we will carry out
some research in order to understand more about the topic seen, likewise we will
generate a report in which some points of view that the teacher selected will be
indicated, in In this activity we will talk about microcontrollers, from their
operation, types, among other operations.

As I mentioned earlier in the introduction to this activity, we will talk about micro
controllers, in order to learn about these devices, as well as their operation and
main use, for this we will take into account some documents that our teacher
provided us in the Neo platform. Next we will explain the most important things
about the micro controller.
What is a micro controller?
A micro controller is a digital integrated circuit that can be used for many
different purposes because it is programmable. It is made up of a central
processing unit (CPU), memories (ROM and RAM) and input and output lines
As you can see, a microcontroller has the same basic operating blocks as a
computer, which allows us to treat it as a small computing device.


A microcontroller can be used for many applications, some of them are: handling
sensors, controllers, games, calculators, agendas, light warnings, light sequencer,
electronic locks, motor control, clocks, alarms, robots, among others. The limit is
the imagination.

How does a micro controller work?

As the hardware is already integrated into a single chip, to use a micro controller,
its operation must be specified by software through programs that indicate the
instructions that the micro controller must carry out. The programs are stored in a
memory and an element called the CPU is in charge of processing the program
instructions step by step. The typical programming languages used for this
purpose are assembler and C, but before recording a program to the
microcontroller, it must be compiled to hexadecimal, which is the format in which
the microcontroller works.

To design programs it is necessary to know the basic functional blocks of the

microcontroller, these blocks are:

• CPU (Central Processing Unit)

• ROM memory (Read-only memory)

• RAM memory (Random Access Memory)

• Inlet and outlet lines (Peripherals)

The way in which these blocks interact will depend on their architecture

The CPU has, independently, a fast access memory to store data called registers,
if these registers are 8 bits, it is said that the microcontroller is 8 bits.

What does it take to record a program on a microcontroller?

You basically need three things:

1. A computer
2. Programming software (including a compiler).
3. A programmer circuit
And obviously you also need a microcontroller.
The computer, through the recording software, is responsible for
sending the program to be recorded to the microcontroller through
the programmer circuit. The details of this process will be given
in Unit IV.
Where do I get what I need?
Microchip Technology, commonly referred to as Microchip is one of the leading
companies in the manufacture of microcontrollers. For this company,
microcontrollers are known by the nickname "PIC." Due to their low costs,
efficient performance, great documentation and easy acquisition of development
kits, Microchip microcontrollers, known simply as PICs, will be the ones I will
use throughout the tutorial.

Advantages of a PIC microcontroller:

 PIC microcontrollers are very easy to record as we only need a computer

or notebook. A PIC can be recorded through different ports, such as serial
or USB. These are the two most popular ones used by conventional
 The great advantage of a PIC that did not exist before is that it allows us to
control, program and synchronize electronic tasks through time simply by
performing a correct programming. In the not too distant past, this was not
possible since to control each process a very complicated and specific
circuit was necessary for each thing that is needed. Instead, with a PIC
microcontroller, this integrated circuit does everything for us.
 There are several softwares on the market that help us to program a
microcontroller of this type, such as the PICC, or the MPLAB, that is, the
PICs are very widespread and widespread in today's electronics.
 There is a great diversity of PIC microcontrollers in the Microchip market
and this is also a great advantage, since we can choose between various
characteristics that one does not have but another does, such as number of
ports, number of inputs and outputs, Analog to Digital converter , amount
of memory, physical space, and these types of qualities that allow us to
have a better choice of a PIC.

Disadvantages of a PIC microcontroller:

 One of the disadvantages of a PIC microcontroller is that many instructions
need to be called to perform a particular task. This as long as the project is
 Another disadvantage but not so significant or important is that PICs are
not as cheap as one might expect. Buying a PIC may not be that expensive
but not cheap either.


Finally, thanks to effort and dedication, we managed to understand
something about microcontrollers, such as their advantages and uses,
thanks to the support of our teacher and some internet sites, we managed
to conclude this activity.

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