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Thesis Statement

Positive statement results in a change in behavior, motivation, and achievements

Positive statements are a powerful tool for parents when raising children. They help children feel
good about themselves and give them the confidence to try new things. Positive statements also
help children develop a strong self-image, which is important for their emotional well-being. In
addition, positive statements can help children learn to cope with difficult situations. By
providing a sense of security and support, positive statements help children grow into happy and
healthy adults.

Body Paragraph 1 - Topic sentence: Encouraging words nourishes a stable behavior in


When parents and caregivers provide positive encouragement, it can help foster stable behavior
in children. Research has found that encouragement is one of the most powerful tools for
influencing children’s development and future success. It has been shown to increase self-
esteem, encourage effort, and promote positive social behavior. In addition, encouragement helps
children learn how to cope with setbacks and develop resilience. By providing a supportive
environment with lots of encouragement, parents can help their children thrive and become
confident individuals.

Support 1: “Our children need positivity, clear guidance, and direct statements as they make
behavioral changes” (S., 2022, para.9)

For children to make lasting changes in their behavior, they need encouragement. Positive
reinforcement is one of the most effective means of encouragement. It not only rewards good
behavior but also models desired behavior for the child.

Clear guidance is also important. Parents and caregivers should be specific in what they expect
from the child and provide clear instructions on how to achieve it. Direct statements are more
likely to result in positive change than vague ones.

Children need emotional support as they endeavor to change their behavior. They need to feel
that they are loved and accepted no matter what, even when they make mistakes. With love and
support, children can grow into responsible adults with stable behaviors.

Support 2: Activities and techniques to ensure an encouraging environment.

Positive reinforcement is one of the most effective ways to encourage children to
exhibit desired behaviors. When parents or caregivers offer praise, smiles, and
positive words in a consistent and loving manner, it encourages children to behave in
a desirable way again and again. The following are some activities and techniques
that can help ensure an encouraging environment for your child:

1) Offer sincere praise when your child exhibits desired behavior. Make sure your
words are meaningful and heartfelt, rather than perfunctory or empty.

2) Smile at your child when they behave in a positive way. This simple gesture can
communicate that you are happy with their behavior and make them feel loved and

3) Use affirmative statements such as “I love you” and “You did a great job” to
reinforce good behavior.

Support 3: Every child is a bud in himself, words can make it grow or nub it in
the bud itself.

When a child is praised for good behavior, it encourages them to continue that
behavior. In a study by the University of London, children who were praised for
their intelligence were more likely to perform well on intelligence tests than
those who weren’t. The same is true for other desirable behaviors – when
children are praised for being polite, helpful, or kind, they are likely to do more
of those things.

The problem with not praising children is that it can make them feel insecure or
unsure of themselves. If a child does something good and their parent doesn’t
say anything, the child might start to wonder if they did something wrong. This
can lead to a lack of confidence and low self-esteem.

Praise is an important tool for parents because it encourages children to keep

doing the things, we want them to do.
Body Paragraph 2 - Topic sentence: Words matter. They are packages of power that can
motivate or demotivate a child.

Parents and educators often underestimate the power of words. Words matter. They are packages
of power that can motivate or demotivate a child. When parents and educators use positive
words, they help children feel good about themselves. Positive words give children the strength
to face challenges and the courage to try new things. Negative words have the opposite effect.
They make children feel bad about themselves and can cause them to give up easily.

Support 1: “Positive language also allows children to feel happier and more content” (S., 2022,

Positive language has a plethora of benefits for both children and adults. When speaking to or
about someone, using positive language allows that person to feel happier and more content.
Positive language also can improve relationships, increase productivity, and reduce stress levels.
In addition, research has shown that using positive language can help boost the immune system,
increase life expectancy, and improve mental health.

Support 2: A surge of confidence about themselves and in their abilities develops.

A surge of confidence about themselves and in their abilities develops in children as

they grow and learn. This newfound sense of assurance can be seen in their
interactions with others, in their willingness to try new things, and in the way they
carry themselves. As a parent, it is important to encourage this growth and help foster
a healthy sense of self-confidence in your child.

Support 3: Activities to ensure the motivation of the child in its own abilities.

There are many activities to ensure the motivation of the child in its own
abilities. The first is to praise the child for any effort, no matter how small. This
helps the child feel good about themselves and builds self-confidence. Another
way to help build confidence is to encourage the child to try new things. A third
way is to give the child tasks that are just within their ability, so they can
succeed easily. Fourth, avoid comparisons with other children, especially

Body Paragraph 3 - Topic sentence: Words Can Change Your Brain: 12 Conversation
Strategies to Build Trust, Resolve Conflict, and Increase Intimacy( Waldman M.R., Newberg A.,
The human brain is an amazing organ that can change and grow. This means that the more you use your brain,
the more it will grow and develop. This is especially true when it comes to language. The words you use can
affect your brain in several ways, including increasing trust, resolving conflict, and increasing intimacy.

Support 1: “A single negative word can increase fear and stress in a child’s brain, while a single
positive word can promote brain function” (S., 2022, para.10).

When it comes to the brain, it seems that a little bit of stress can go a long way. A single negative
word can increase fear and stress in a child s brain, while a single positive word can promote
brain function. This is according to a study by the University of California, Berkeley. The
researchers scanned the brains of 32 children while they were shown a series of images.

Support 2: Research shows that children who grow up in a positive environment

perform better in K-12 schools.

When it comes to their academic success, children who grow up in a positive

environment perform better in K-12 schools than those who do not, according to
recent research. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto found
that students who experienced high levels of family warmth and positive involvement
from their parents and caregivers had higher grades and test scores and were more
likely to enroll in postsecondary education.

Support 3: Self-esteem and confidence help them to succeed in every step of life.

Self-esteem, confidence, and a positive outlook on life all play a role in helping
children succeed. A child who feels good about themselves is more likely to try new
things and take risks. They are also more likely to be successful in everything they do.
Confidence allows children to stand up for themselves and speak up when they need
to. A positive outlook allows them to see the best in every situation, no matter what
may happen.


Positive statements are expressions of friendship or love that can make all the difference. Each
and everything said matters and mostly the degree of tone and the respect with it is uttered
creates all the difference. Positive statements build self-esteem and confidence in the children. It
gives them the power to positively work on their mistakes and take wisely and corrective action
on their own under the guidance of mentors.

1. Mahalakshmi S.. (January 31, 2022). How Positive Language in Preschool Benefits
2. Deb Jones. (September 2019). Using Positive Words: Creating an Encouraging
Classroom, Teaching your Children. 12(5).
3. Mark R. W., Andrew N.. (January 26, 2014). Words Can Change Your Brain: 12
Conversation Strategies to Build Trust, Resolve Conflict, and Increase. Paperback

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