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Detailed Lesson Plan

In Mathematics

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
 illustrate ratio and proportion;
 identify the ratio of the given example;
 simplify ratios;
 value the importance of ratio and proportion through real life word
problems; and
 solve the missing terms of the given real-life word problems involving

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Ratio and Proportion
Reference: Mathematics Learner’s Module for Grade 9 pp. 358-359,
Geometry Textbook pp. 144-146, and Math Connection pp.
Method: Collaborative Learning Approach
Strategy: Problem Solving, Groupings, Inquiry Approach
Values Integration: value the importance of ratio and proportion in our
daily life, relating real life situation.
Instructional Materials: printed pictures, chalk, felt tip pen, charts

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
Teachers’ Activity Students’ Activity
i. Prayer
Who wants to lead a prayer? Let us pray.
ii. Greetings
Good afternoon class! Good afternoon too ma’am!
How are you this morning? We’re good ma’am, how about you?
I’m also good.
Before taking your seats, kindly pick up
some garbage under your chairs and
Yes ma’am!
arrange your chairs properly and observe
the alignment.
Please be seated.

iii. Checking of Attendance

Monitor kindly check the attendance. Yes ma’am!
iv. Setting of Standards
Class, before we discuss our lesson this
morning, I want you to inform first our
classroom rules.
(post the rules)
Everybody read the rules.
1. Sit properly.
2. Raise your hand if you want to
3. Avoid chitchatting with your
4. Do not use your gadgets if it’s
not necessary.
5. Respect your teacher and your

Let me see if you’re seating down

properly. Class, if you want to answer
you may raise your hand in order for you to
be recognized.
Here in my class I want you to respect
one another. Are the rules clear to you?
Yes ma’am!
6. Review
Take a look at this illustration. What have
you observed? Fraction ma’am.
Very good!
Way back in your previous lesson. Who
can simplify this example? On the board.
4 1
8 2

Very good! What is there common 4 ma’am.

Very good!
Is there any questions about our None ma’am!
previous topic?

B. Developmental Activities

i. Motivation

(post the pictures)

Take a look at this picture, what can you There are pineapples and pens
observed? ma’am.

Very good! How many pineapples are 4 ma’am.

8 ma’am.
Very good! How about the pens?
Very good! Now, this illustrations tell us
that there are 4 pineapples for 8 pens. Which
of these two sets has a higher quantity? Pens ma’am.
Very good! How about this illustration?
5 2
10 4 Fractions ma’am.
What have you observed?
Very good! Can you reduce it into lowest Yes ma’am!
If you reduce it into lowest term, what will 1
5 ma’am.
? Who wants to solve 2
be the value of
on the board? 1
How about the ?
They are equal ma’am.
What have you observed about the
simplified fractions?
Very good observation!
ii. Presentation

A while ago we compare the pineapples

and the pens right? I asked you which of
those two sets has a higher quantity, and I
said that 4 pineapples for 8 pens. And
you said that these simplified fractions are
Comparing two objects and two equal
equal to each other. Based on that, what is our
Very good!
This afternoon, our topic will be ratio and
Yes we are!
Are you ready to listen class?
(students will read the objectives)
Before we proceed to our discussion I request
everyone to read our objectives.
Thank you!
iii. Discussion

Base on your population here in class, how

many boys are here? 10 ma’am.
And how many girls? 17 ma’am.

Now, we are going to use your population as

an example of ratio.
There are three ways in representing the
First is using the word “to”
Ex. 10 to 17
Second is in colon form and colon (:) is
read as “is to”
Ex. 10:17
Third is in fraction form
Now that I already show to you the three ways None so far!
of representing the ratio, are there any
question and clarification?
 In using ratio the two quantities must be in
the same unit. For example, three days is
to one week.
First, you should convert them in the same
unit. In one week there are seven days.
Therefore 1week is equal to 7days. Our ratio
now will be 3:7.
 The quantities must be reduce into lowest Ratio is the comparison of two things
term. For example 5/10. or quantities.
(student will answer)
5 and 10 is divisible by 5. Therefore 5/10 can
be reduce into ½.
Base on the example given, what is ratio?
None so far!
Very good! Now that you already know what
is ratio. Who can give another example?
Yes ma’am.

Are there any questions?

Now, we will proceed to proportion.
Are you ready to listen class?
Look at the illustration in the board.
“Dave and Jered prepared a pitcher of juice for
his friends. They used four glasses of water for 4:8
eight tablespoons of powdered juice. The next
week, he made another pitcher of juice, but
this time, he used nine glasses of water for 9:18
eighteen tablespoons of powdered juice.”
Now, give me the ratio of the first
preparation. Yes ma’am!
Very good! How about the ratio of the
second preparation.
Very good!
Exactly! Observed the two ratios. Are they
There are two ways of finding out if the two
ratios are equal or not:
1st is by changing both ratios to their simplest (student will answer and explain)
4 9
8 18
Who wants to solve on the board?
Very good!
And the 2nd way is By cross multiplying the
means and the extremes.
4 9
4:8=9:18 or =
8 18 Proportion is a pair of equal ratios.
Means (student will answer)
8 *9 =72
4 *18 = 72 None so far!

Base on the example, what is proportion?

Very good! Who can give me an example of
Now, that we already discussed the ratio and
proportion. Are there any question and

iv. Application
Now, we will have a group activity. But
before that I will divide you into 4 groups.
Each group will answer different problems,
and all your answers must be written in the
manila paper provided, within 5 minutes Yes ma’am!
you must finished your task and I’ll be the
one to select the representative to explain your
work. These are the criteria(post the criteria)
1. Accuracy of the solution 30%
2. Delivery 20%
(student will answer)
Is that clear class?
(Group 1)
xxx. Problem 1. xxx
Is this proportion or not?
2:6 = 3:9
Solve it with your group mates.
xxx. Problem 2. xxx
Find the missing term.
7 14 (student will answer)
2 x
How will you find the missing term of the
given proportion?

(Group 2)
xxx. Problem 1. xxx
If a turtle travels 5 inches every 10 seconds,
how far will it travel in 50 seconds?
How will you solve this problem?
xxx. Problem 2. xxx
n 7
1. = (student will answer)
21 3
(Group 3)
xxx. Problem 1. xxx
Simplify the ff. ratios:
1. 14 days to 4 weeks
2. 1 hour to 30 minutes
xxx. Problem 2. xxx
Joan and Rico bought a pen in the
department store. In every 1 pen there are 5 (student will answer)
popsicle sticks free. If they bought 3 pens,
how many popsicle sticks are free?
(Group 4)
xxx. Problem 1. xxx
Printed pictures: birds, bananas, and trees.
Find the ratio in colon form and in fraction
form of the following:
1. Banana to tree
2. Bird to banana
xxx. Problem 2. xxx
Lyra and Angelou prepared plastic spoons and
cups in preparation for the fiesta celebration.
In every 2 cups they prepared, there are 4 spoons.
If they prepared 4 cups, how many spoons are
Ratio is the comparison of two
After 5 minutes the teacher will select 1 quantities.
representative each group to explain their
answer in front of the class. Proportion is a pair of equal ratios.

Based on our activity I can say that you really

understand our topic this morning.

v. Generalization
What have you learned this morning?
What is ratio? (student will answer)

How about proportion?

(student will answer)
Very good!

vi. Valuing
How important is the Ratio and Proportion in
our daily lives?
Can you give a situation or example of
real life problems involving ratio and
proportion in your own experience?
Very good! Thank you.
IV. Evaluation

A. Direction: In a 1 whole sheet of paper, express the

following ratios in lowest term.
1. 5:20
2. 9 days to 3 weeks
B. Direction: find the value of n in each following
25 4
3. =
100 n
4. Ginalou, Kay, and Lende decided to make
chocolate chip cookies for the math club! The
recipe calls for ¾ cups of sugar and the recipe
makes 20 cookies. The math club has 60 members!
How much sugar will you need?

V. Assignment
Solve the following problems in a 1 whole
sheet of paper.
1. In grade 9 Lavoisier of Sta. Cruz NHS,
there are 15 boys and 30 girls. Find the ratio of boys
to girls.
2. Lianne and Rachell Ann cooked a chicken
soup, they used 1kl. of chicken for 4 glasses of
water. In the next day, they cooked another
chicken soup. But this time they used 2kl. of
chicken. How many cups of water did they
3. Make your own problem in real life
situation involving ratio and proportion. Only
one problem.
Detailed Lesson Plan

Prepared by:
Glinda G. Ebaya

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