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Name of Evidence of Assignment 6 Text File
Module Name : Idioma Extranjero 3

Part 1
Read the stem on the left side in the table then provide a creative answer with a logical
meaning on the right side of the

1.- I'm going to my friend's party if... They take me to my house when I finish.
2.- If I have time tomorrow, ... I will finish the homework and go to my friend
3.- My friend Caty won't pass her She ignores me when I will explain.
driving test if...
4.- I can enter the platform if. My teacher shows me how to enter.
5.- We can prepare diner if ... You bring drinks.
6.- She can get a promotion and a I finish my degree.
better salary if..
7.- The company was almost in The entrepreneurbuys most of the shares.
bankruptcy, it can continue operating
only if...
1.-  I'd buy new jeans if... I lost weight.
2.- if there were good music on the radio I would organize a party.
tonight, ...
3.- My bedroom would be nicer if... I decorated it.
4.- if my family had more money... I would be traveling all the time.
5.- I'd feel happier if.. I finish my degree.
6.- If I saw an car accident happen, It would help those affected and take extra
7.- I could invite my friends to my home I didn't have so much English homework.
Part 2
In this section there are FOUR scenarios you have to respond all FOUR scenarios, you can
combine different conjugations, present future, past, present perfect, etc, however there have
to be at least with at least 5 conditional sentences (affirmative, negative or even interrogative),
in each paragraph you compose there should be no less than 50 words, and the most
important is your creativity and originality to respond to each scenario.

SCENARIO 1 A marketing strategy.-

If you were a Marketing Manager for a National Corporation and if you were given 20,000 USD
for a marketing campaign; consider that would have to use all that money to promote the
product (or service) of the company you work for, please, mention at least three ways to spend
that money. (Do not forget to use auxiliaries would/could/might)

Your paragraph goes here

I could carry out an advertising campaign on social networks, where I would have the possibilityof having a
great reach mainly with the inhabitants of the area, in which the most importantthing is that I could segment
by age, gender, tastes and interests. The money left over thatwould be a lot thanks to that economic
campaign would be used to incentivize employees.

SCENARIO 2 Being a congressman / congresswoman

If you were elected congressman / congresswoman in Mexico Republic, what would you do
to...? a) improve economy
b) increase quality of Mexicans life
c) decrease delinquency

Your paragraph goes here

If I were elected congressman I

could decrease delinquency by
new methods, perhaps some of
coworkers could find my
practices very extremist, but if
you want to get a better country
you could
do what needs to be done, this
means no mercy, rapists and
murderers must pay for their
with their own head, if we want a
real change we must attack the
problem at the root, I would
attack crime organizations if I
got peoples support, I will
execute all mafia leaders in order
reestablish the bases of equality
and justice that forged our nation
this big and vast nation will only
survive if they upraise against
their corrupt leaders, people
must recover what was taken
them, this revolution could only
occur if the people get enough
courage to handle evil, this way
will improve economy and
increase quality of Mexican life,
obviously it will have a cost, but
all the
life best things comes with the
bigger sacrifice
If I were elected congressman I
could decrease delinquency by
new methods, perhaps some of
coworkers could find my
practices very extremist, but if
you want to get a better country
you could
do what needs to be done, this
means no mercy, rapists and
murderers must pay for their
with their own head, if we want a
real change we must attack the
problem at the root, I would
attack crime organizations if I
got peoples support, I will
execute all mafia leaders in order
reestablish the bases of equality
and justice that forged our nation
this big and vast nation will only
survive if they upraise against
their corrupt leaders, people
must recover what was taken
them, this revolution could only
occur if the people get enough
courage to handle evil, this way
will improve economy and
increase quality of Mexican life,
obviously it will have a cost, but
all the
life best things comes with the
bigger sacrifice
If I were elected congressman I could decrease delinquency by new methods, perhaps some of my
coworkers could find my practices very extremist, but if you want to get a better country you could
do what needs to be done, this means no mercy, rapists and murderers must pay for their crimes
with their own head, if we want a real change we must attack the problem at the root, I would
attack crime organizations if I got peoples support, I will execute all mafia leaders in order to
reestablish the bases of equality and justice that forged our nation this big and vast nation will
onlysurvive if they upraise against their corrupt leaders, people must recover what was taken from
them, this revolution could only occur if the people get enough courage to handle evil, this way
will improve economy and increase quality of Mexican life, obviously it will have a cost, but all the
life best things comes with the bigger sacrifice.

SCENARIO 3 Owner of a TV Network

If you were the president of a TV Network for instance (Televisa / CNN / OnceTV / ESPN /
Azteca /...)
a) What would you do to increase Culture in Mexico population?
b) What programs, series, movies or TV commercials would you eliminate in order to diminish

Your paragraph goes here

If I were the president of the television network TELEVISA:

a) What would you do to increase Culture in Mexico population? I would seek the support of my
work team to make programs attractive to the public and I could make it possible for only people
who see it to enter trivia to win prizes

b) What programs, series, movies or TV commercials would you eliminate in order to diminish

I would eliminate programs such as Acapulco Shore, and series that do not teach anything or soap
operas and instead I could alternately put capsules of quick information or more cultural programs
that arouse the interest of the public

SCENARIO 4 Being an HR Manager under pressure

If you were the Human Resources Manager at a big company (5,000 employees in Mexico)
and if you were notified that there is an imminent company downsizing, so you have to come
up with a plan for cost reduction. What strategies would you suggest to the executives of the
corporation (you may consider to include a workforce layoff)?

Your paragraph goes here

It would seek to motivate many employees who are performing their duties in a correct way,can
grow within the company, with a better position and a higher salary, but who could performthe
work of some people who are in charge and this would generate Lower salary expensesand
motivate them to grow within the company at a lower cost.

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