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St. Paul College of Paraaque PAASCU Accredited S.Y. 2009 2010 Name: Elleia Corinne B.

. Barcelon Section: IV Rationality Teacher: Mrs. Ramos PROJECTILE I. Objective To compare the experimental value of the time of a projectile in case A to its true value. II. Materials y y y y y y metal ball meter stick carbon paper bond paper scotch tape timer Score: ____________ Date: September 1, 2009

III. Procedure 1. Lay the carbon paper on the floor. On top of it, put the bond paper. Secure it with a scotch tape. 2. Push the metal ball from the table. 3. Using a timer, get the time it will take for the metal ball to reach the floor. 4. Measure the range. 5. Make several trials. 6. Push harder in the next trials so that you will get different ranges. IV. Data Table t (actual value) = 0.41 s Trial 1 2 3 4 5 dy (m) 82 cm 82 cm 82 cm 82 cm 82 cm dx (m) 15 cm 29 cm 33 cm 46 cm 106 cm t(s) (experimental value) 0.39 s 0.45 s 0.42 s 0.43 s 0.44 s Vx (m/s) 0.38 m/s 0.64 m/s 0.79 m/s 1.07 m/s 2.41 m/s Percentage error 4.88 % 9.76 % 2.43 % 4.88 % 7.32 %

V. Sample Computation A. True value t= 2dy g = 2 (.82 m) 9.8 m/s2 = 1.64 m 9.8 m/s2 = 0.41 s B. Percentage error (Trial 3) Percentage error = |experimental value true value| x 100% true value = |0.42 s 0.41 s| x 100% 0.41 s = |0.01 s| x 100% 0.41 s = 2.43 % VI. Generalization A projectile is a body which is thrown with some initial velocity, and then allowed to be acted upon by the forces of gravity and possible drag. The maximum upward distance h reached by the projectile is called the height, the horizontal distance travelled dx the range, and the path of the object is called its trajectory. If a body is allowed to freefall under gravity and is acted upon by the drag of air resistance, it reaches a maximum downward velocity known as the terminal velocity. If you push the ball harder, the time will not be affected but the range will increase. Time will not be affected because the height of the table does not change. On the contrary, the range will increase because the harder the push, the higher the velocity. Thus, it will increase the value of the range. VII. Application 1. What happens to the range as the initial horizontal velocity increases? We can solve for the range by multiplying the initial horizontal velocity by twice the tmax. Thus, the range also increases as the initial horizontal velocity increases.

2. What motion of the projectile affects the range? Explain. Because of the equation R = Vx (2 tmax) for a projectile thrown at an angle and R = Vx(t) for a case A projectile, I can say that the horizontal motion or horizontal velocity is the one that affects the range of a projectile. 3. Is the time of fall the same in all trials even if the initial horizontal velocity (Vx) increases? Yes, because the initial horizontal velocity does not affect the time of fall of projectiles. The time of fall of projectiles is solved using the formula t= 2dy for a case A projectile and Vy for g g projectiles thrown at an angle. In short, the time of fall of projectiles is affected only by the height and the vertical velocity. 4. A relief good is to be released so that it reaches the roof of a house down a flooded area. The helicopter is moving with a constant velocity of 150 km/h at an altitude of 400 m. At what horizontal distance from the roof should the relief good be dropped? Ignore air resistance, calculate the velocity of the good as it reaches the roof. Given: Vx= 150 km/h dy 400 m Conversion: 150 km/h (103 m) ( 1 hr ) = 41.67 m/s (1 km) (3600 s) Solution: t= 2dy g = 2 (400 m) 9.8 m/s2 = 800 m 9.8 m/s2 = 9.04 s R = Vx (t) = 41.67 m/s (9.04 s) = 376.70 m d = V22 V12 2g V2 = 2dg + V12 = 2(400 m)( 9.8 m/s2) + (41.67m/s)2

= 97.86 m/s 5. A soccer player kicks a stationary ball at a speed of 30 m/s at an angle of 20O to the horizontal. What is the maximum height reached by the ball? What is the range? Given: Vi= 30 m/s 0 = 20O Solution: Vx = Vi cos 0 = 30 m/s (cos 20) = 28.19 m/s Vy = Vi sin 0 = 30 m/s (sin 20) = 10.26 m/s tmax = Vy g = 10.26 m/s 9.8 m/s2 = 1.05 s dmax = V22 V12 2g = (10.26 m/s)2 (0 m/s)2 2(9.8 m/s2) = 105.27 m2/s2 19.60 m/s2 = 5.37 m Range = Vx (2tmax) = 28.19 m/s (2) (1.05 s) = 59.20 m Final Answer: dmax = 5.37 m Range = 59.20 m

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