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Science – Grade 9

Learner Activity Sheets

Quarter 1 – Week 3: Non-Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance:
Incomplete Dominance and Codominance
First Edition, 2021

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Development Team of the Learners’ Activity Sheets

Author: Jonas F. Saldia

Regional Level Validators:

Ma. Edylyn L. Noguerra
Dominico P. Larong, Jr.
Gersim S. Lumintac
Dante M. Orozco
Ruth B. Miasco
Amelita B. Ajoc
Ma. Vicenta Villamor
Bernardo T. Portillo
Pejie Ann Cornites
Analou O. Hermocilla
Haydee C. Diola
Analou T. Demetria
Rosario P. Polea
Saphirra D. Orzales
Laurence C. Layson
Aiza S. Besinga
Division Level Validators:
Jean B. Ramirez
Elvira D. Falcon
Ivy G. Hontalba
Anni Grace C. Macalalag
Delia C. Pioco
KC M. Reyna
Julie Ann P. Requirme
Stephen Laurence C. Rosales
Nanette L. Samson

Management Team:
Marilou B. Dedumo, PhD, CESO V, Schools Division Superintendent
Manuel O. Caberte, Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
Maria Dinah D. Abalos, PhD, CID Chief
Donald D. Orbillos, LR Manager
Jean B. Ramirez, Science Education Program Supervisor

Author: Jonas F. Saldia 1

School/Station: Taligaman National High School
Division: Butuan City
email address:
Author: Jonas F. Saldia 2
School/Station: Taligaman National High School
Division: Butuan City
email address:
Science 9, Quarter 1, Week 3

Name: _______________________________________ Section: _________________

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Explain the different patterns of non-Mendelian inheritance. (S9LT-Id-29)

Learning Objectives:
The learners shall be able to:
1. name factors that influence an individual's traits and characteristics;
2. explain the incomplete dominance pattern of inheritance;
3. solve the genetic problems related to codominance; and
4. solve the genetic problems related to ABO blood type.

Time Allotment: 4 hours

Key Concepts:

• A trait is an observable or an inherited characteristic of an organism from a parent

determined by genes.
• Genes are functional unit of heredity found in the chromosomes, which are in the
nucleus of a cell as illustrated in Figure 1. Genes are sections of deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) that are in charge of different functions like making one of the proteins.
Each gene has a special role in determining physical traits — how we look —and many
others about us. They carry information that makes you who you are and what you look
like: wavy, curly, or straight hair, long or short legs, fair or brown skin and even how
you smile or laugh or cry. Many of these things are passed by genes from one generation
to the next in a family.


Figure1. Chromosome Structure


Author: Jonas F. Saldia 1

School/Station: Taligaman National High School
Division: Butuan City
email address:
• Factors that influence an individual's traits and characteristics:
1. Genes. The traits the organisms express are determined to a large extent by the
genes inherited from the parents. Dominant genes are expressed always, however
recessive genes are only expressed when received in two copies. Genes also interact
in patterns such as partial dominance or co-dominance, the trait is expressed as a
mix between two genes. Most traits are influenced by many genes, there are many
ways for those genes to influence how the trait is expressed.
2. Environment. The environment in which an organism lives can influence how that
organism expresses its genome. Drugs, chemicals, temperature, and light are just a
few of the environmental factors that can control how traits are expressed. For
example, identical twins could have very different skin tones if one spent more time
in the sun.

While the influence of genetics and the environment is usually proposed as

contrasting, the reality is that genetics and the environment often interact to produce
traits. Environmental factors turn genes on or off or change the function of the
encoded proteins and enzymes. In Himalayan rabbits, there is a gene that codes for
dark colored hair, but it only turns on at cool temperatures. Normally the dark hair
only shows up on cool parts of the body, but if the rabbit lives in a hot climate, it will
not have any dark hair.

• There are two patterns of inheritance: the Mendelian and Non-Mendelian Patterns of
✓ Mendelian patterns of inheritance, which was discussed in Grade 8, describes the
inheritance of phenotypes, determined by only two alleles. One of the two alleles is
dominant, and the other is recessive for the phenotype. The dominant trait is
expressed and masked the recessive trait.
✓ Non-Mendelian patterns of inheritance describes how multiple alleles and
polygenes are involved in the determination of phenotypes. It can be observed and
shown in the following:
▪ Incomplete Dominance;
▪ Codominance;
o Multiple Alleles (specifically in determining human blood type);
▪ Sex Determination; and
▪ Sex-related Inheritance (Sex-limited, Sex-linked and Sex-influenced traits).
• Incomplete Dominance. It is a form of intermediate inheritance in which one allele for
a specific trait is not completely dominant over the other allele. Neither allele is
dominant over the other. This results in a third phenotype in which the expressed
physical trait is a combination of the dominant and recessive phenotypes.
✓ An example of incomplete dominance is flower color in four o’clock plant, like those
shown in Figure 2. When a pure red-flowered four o’clock plant is crossed with a
pure white flowered four o’clock plant, the offspring will produce neither red nor
white flowers. Instead, all flowers will be pink.
✓ In incomplete dominance, it is only the phenotype that is intermediate. The red and
white alleles remain separate and distinct. Half the gametes of the pink four o’clock
carry the allele for red and half carry the allele for white. Therefore, the genotypic
ratio also becomes the phenotypic ratio.

Author: Jonas F. Saldia 2

School/Station: Taligaman National High School
Division: Butuan City
email address:
RR (Red)

WW (White)

RW (Pink) RW (Pink) Phenotypic Ratio (PR) of the

offspring: 4 pink

Genotypic Ratio (GR) of the

offspring: 4 RW
RW (Pink) RW (Pink)
Figure 2. Punnett square showing a cross between red and white four o’clock flowers
Adapted from Science 9 Learner’s Module

• Codominance. In this pattern of inheritance, both alleles are expressed equally in the
phenotype of the heterozygote. This results when one allele is not dominant over the
✓ A good example of codominance is roan fur in cattle as shown in Figure 3. Cattle
can be red (RR = all red hairs), white (WW = all white hairs), or roan (RW = red &
white hairs together).

Figure 3. Codominance in cattle

Adapted from Science 9 Learner’s Module

✓ Another example of codominance is the expression of human blood type. Another

blood group system in humans, the ABO system, is an example of a character
governed by multiple alleles. Three alleles are responsible for this blood system: IA,
IB, and i. The ABO blood type is determined by the presence or absence of two
antigens, A and B. Allele i does not code for an antigen. There are four possible blood
types as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Human ABO blood types and their phenotypes

Blood Types Genotypes
A IA IA , IA i
B IB IB , IB i
O i i

Author: Jonas F. Saldia 3

School/Station: Taligaman National High School
Division: Butuan City
email address:
o The IA and IB alleles are dominant over the i allele, which is always recessive.
However, when the IA and IB alleles are inherited together, both alleles are
expressed equally. This also makes IA and IB codominant of each other. If a person
receives IA and IB alleles, his/her blood type is type AB.

Activity 1. Genes versus Environment

Objective: Name factors that influence an individual's traits and characteristics.

What you need: paper and pen
What to do:
1. Read each statement carefully.
2. Write G if the statement tells that the trait expressed in the organism is caused by the
inherited genes from the parents; and E if it is caused by exposure to certain
environmental factors.
3. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Statement #1: Gina’s hair is wavy. She thought it is because her mother has curly hair while her
father has straight hair.
Statement #2: All the cute puppies of John have large upright ears.
Statement #3: Plants that are placed under shady areas have yellowish leaves.
Statement #4: Giraffes use their long necks to reach the leaves of the trees.
Statement #5: Some of the artists use injectable Glutathione to lighten their skin color.

Guide Question:
Which of the two factors do you think greatly influence the expressed traits in an organism?
Justify your answer.

Scoring Rubric
Points Description
3 Explanations are conceptually correct and complete.
2 Explanations are conceptually correct but incomplete.
1 Explanations are conceptually incorrect

Activity 2. Phenotypes and Genotypes in Incomplete Dominance

Objective: Explain the incomplete dominance pattern of inheritance.

What you need: paper and pen
What to do:
1. Read the given problem:
In four o’clock plants, R is the allele for red color and W is allele for white color.
Two pink four o’clock flower plants were crossed.

Author: Jonas F. Saldia 4

School/Station: Taligaman National High School
Division: Butuan City
email address:
Show the possible outcome of the cross between two pink four o’clock flower plants
by using the Punnett square. The alleles for both parents and a result for the offspring are
already provided.



2. Now, another cross was made involving a red flowered four o’clock plant and a pink
flowered four o’clock plant.
3. Using the Punnett square again, show the possible outcome.
4. Show your Punnett square for problems 1 and 2; then, answer the questions that
5. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Guide Questions:

Q1. How many types of gametes will each parent produce in problem no. 1? In problem no. 2?
Q2. What is the phenotype of a heterozygous four o’clock flower?
Q3. What are the possible phenotypes of the offspring from the cross of the parental plants in
problem no. 1? In problem no. 2?
Q4. What are the possible genotypes of the offspring from the cross of the parental plants in
problem no. 1? In problem no. 2?

Activity 3. Mystery Bull

Objective: Solve the genetic problems related to codominance.

What you need: pen and paper
What to do:
1. Read the given problem.

Mang Marcelino owns purebred red cows. In his farm he noticed that after a
typhoon several months ago, all the fences that separate his cattle from his
neighbor’s cattle were destroyed. During the time that the fences were down, three
bulls, one from each neighbor, mingled with his cows. For a while, he thought that
none of the bulls found his cows, but over the months, he noticed that all his cows
are pregnant. He suspected that one of the bulls is the father. Which bull is it? Help
Mang Marcelino look for the father by solving the given problem.

Author: Jonas F. Saldia 5

School/Station: Taligaman National High School
Division: Butuan City
email address:
2. Determine the possible traits of the calves if:
a. a red (RR) bull is mated with a red (RR) cow 1;
b. a red (RR) bull is mated with a white (WW) cow 2; and
c. a roan (RW) bull is mated with a red (RR) cow 3.
3. Illustrate your answer using the Punnett square. Then, answer the questions that follow.
4. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Guide Questions:

Q1. Will you be able to trace the father of the calves? What are the possible phenotypes of the
calves for each cow?
Q2. Do you think you will make Mang Marcelino happy about the result of your investigation?
How are you going to explain it to him?
Q3. How would you apply what you have learned to improve the breeds of livestock in your
Q4. What possible suggestions can you give to animal breeders in your area?

Scoring Rubric for Q2, Q3 and Q4

Points Description
3 Explanations are conceptually correct and complete.
2 Explanations are conceptually correct but incomplete.
1 Explanations are conceptually incorrect

Activity 4. What’s Your Blood Type?

Objective: Solve the genetic problems related to ABO blood type.

What you need: pen and paper
What to do:
1. Given the blood types of the mother and the child, identify the possible blood type of
the father. The first item is already given.

Mother’s Blood Type Father’s Blood Type Child’s Blood Type

A A, AB, O A

Author: Jonas F. Saldia 6

School/Station: Taligaman National High School
Division: Butuan City
email address:
2. Show the possible alleles that can be found in each offspring and write the blood type
for each offspring. The first item is already given for you.
Possible alleles from Father
I IB i
Possible IA IA IA
alleles from IB
Mother i

3. Study the tables above. Then, answer the questions that follow. Write your answers
on a separate sheet of paper.

Guide Questions:

Q1. What blood type (or types) can be found in an offspring if a mother has type A blood, and
the father has type B blood?
Q2. What blood type (or types) can be found in an offspring if a mother has type AB blood, and
the father has type B blood?
Q3. What blood type (or types) can be found in an offspring if a mother has type O blood, and
the father has type B blood?


Explain the importance of knowing your own blood type, as well as your family members’
blood types.

Scoring Rubric
Points Description
Practical application is scientifically explained consistent with the
concepts and has no misconception.
Practical application is scientifically explained consistent with the
concepts, but with minimal misconception.
Practical application is scientifically explained consistent with the
concepts, but with misconceptions.

Author: Jonas F. Saldia 7

School/Station: Taligaman National High School
Division: Butuan City
email address:

Alvarez, Liza A., Angeles, Dave G., Apurada, Herman L., Carmona, Ma. Pilar P., Lahorra, Oliver
A., Marcaida, Judith F., Olarte, Ma. Regaele A., Osorio, Estrella C., Paningbatan, Digna
C., Rosales, Marivic S., Delos Santos, Ma. Teresa B. 2014. "Science 9 Learner's Module."
28-35. Pasig City: Department of Education

Becker, A. (2017, April 25). Sciencing. Retrieved June 22, 2021, from

Harper, Brittany. n.d. SlidePlayer. Accessed August 4, 2021.

Lakna. 2017. PEDIAA. August 5. Accessed June 22, 2021.


Rabago, Lilian M., Joaquin, Cresencia C., Lagunzad, Catherine B. n.d. "Science and Technology
BIOLOGY Textbook for Second Year." 356-367. SD Publications, Inc.

Author: Jonas F. Saldia 8

School/Station: Taligaman National High School
Division: Butuan City
email address:
email address:
Division: Butuan City
School/Station: Taligaman National High School
9 Author: Jonas F. Saldia
Activity 4. What’s Your Blood Type?
Mother’s Blood Type Father’s Blood Type Child’s Blood Type
A A, B, AB, or O A
B A or AB AB
AB A, B, AB, or O B
O A, B or O O
Possible alleles from Father
Possible IA IA IA ; Type A IA IB ; Type AB IA i ; Type A
IB IA IB ; Type AB IB IB ; Type B IB i; Type B
Mother i IA i ; Type A IB i; Type B ii; Type O
Q1. A, B, AB, and O
Q2. A, B, and AB
Q3. B and O
Activity 3. Mystery Bull
Q1. Yes. Cow 1 will have red calves; Cow 2 will have roan calves; Cow 3 will have red and roan calves.
Q2. Yes. (Students’ answers should be based on the Punnett square they have already prepared in their activity.)
Q3. Students may give varied answers. (Possible answer: You may choose livestock with desirable traits for
Q4. Students may give varied answers. (Possible answer: Animal breeders can cross breed animals for them to get
the desired traits that will improve livestock in terms of meat quality and milk production.)
Activity 2. Phenotypes and Genotypes in Incomplete Dominance
Q1. Problem # 1: Two types of gametes for each parent, since their genotypes are RW & RW
Problem # 2: One parent will have one type of gamete and the other two types of gametes since their genotypes
are RR & RW.
Q2. Pink flowers
Q3. Problem # 1 Pink & Red flowers Problem # 2 Red, Pink & White flowers
Q4. Problem # 1 RR, RW, WW Problem # 2 RR, RW
Activity 1. I Appear Like This Because…
Statement #1: G
Statement #2: G
Statement #3: E
Statement #4: G
Statement #5: E
Guide Question:
Which of the two factors do you think greatly influence the expressed traits in an organism?
Genes, because these dictate/determine all the physical traits you have. Only a few of these traits may be altered
when exposed to environmental factors.
Answer Key:

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