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The land applied for is now occupied and cultivated by me to be the best of my knowledge,
information and belief, it is otherwise unreserved and in appropriated and is none mineral,
agricultural public land, contain no value of deposits of guano, coal or salts, and is more valuable
for agricultural than for forestry or otherwise or other purposes.

11. I agree that a strip forty meters wide starting form the back on each side of any river or stream
that may be found on the land shall be demarcated and preserved as permanent timberland to be
planted exclusively to tress of known economic value, and that I shall make any clearing thereon
or utilized the same for ordinary farming purpose even after patent shall have been issued to me.

12. That the following name witnesses will testify the allegations on this application are true.



13. I undersigned that any application who may willfully and knowingly submit false statement or
execute false affidavit in connection with his application shall be deemed guilty or perjury and
punished accordingly and that any person who not being qualified to apply for public lands filed
and application or induces permits another to file in his behalf shall be punished by a fine of not
more than five (5) years, or both thereon forfeited to the government, and shall not be entitled to
apply for any public land application in the Philippines.



Republic of the Philippines )

Province of Ilocos Sur ) S.S.
Municipality of _____________)

I, _________________________ the person making the foregoing application first being duly
sworn, upon my oath, depose and say that I have read or someone has read to me and I thoroughly duly
sworn understand and foregoing application that I signed and this affidavit in the presence of the Officer
who administer the oath; and that each and every statement in the application is true and correct.



Before me, at the place aforesaid on this ____ day of __________, 20___, personally appeared
the applicant to me known to the person whose name appeared in the foregoing application, and in my
presence signed the said application and subscribed and sworn to this affidavit. He /she exhibited to me
his /her at ____________________________ which shows him/her to be __________ years old.

Officer Authorized to Administer Oath

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