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CONFIDENTIAL CSIDEC 2016/¢SC580 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE PARALLEL PROCESSING COURSE CODE CSC580 EXAMINATION DECEMBER 2016 TIME 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1 This question paper consists of seven (7) questions. 2. ‘Answer ALL questions in the Answer Booklet, Start each answer on a new page. 3, Do not bring any material into the examination room unless permission is given by the invigitator. 4 Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of i) the Question Paper ii) an Answer Booklet ~ provided by the Faculty 5 ‘Answer ALL questions in English DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO This examination paper consists of 6 printed pages (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA, CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 2} CSIDEC 2016/¢Sc580 QUESTION 1 a) Describe TWO (2) reasons why the development of parallel software has been thought as both time and effort consuming. (4 marks) b) List TWO (2) factors that determine the overall speed of computation. (2 marks) ©) Consider the shared-address-space platform's architectures below: P (a) P bo * mM (b) z 2 2 2 2 eho s M § : 5 z e| | 2 eh = M M ji) Determine the type of (a) and (b) architectures above (2 marks) ii) Describe TWO (2) differences between (a) and (b). (6 marks) QUESTION 2 ) Superscalar is a technique that expands the execution rate of pipelining by employing ‘multiple pipelining. i) List THREE (3) dependencies that need to be considered when employing superscalar technique. (3 marks) ii) Differentiate between in-order and out-of-order issue mechanism that can be employed in superscalar technique. (4 marks) © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 3 CSIDEC 2016/¢SC580 iil) State the technique that relies on the compiler to exploit instruction-level parallelism. (2 marks) b) Differentiate between bandwidth and latency in memory system, (4 marks) ©) List THREE (3) protocols that can be used to resolve concurrent write in parallel random access machine (PRAM). (3 marks) QUESTION 3 Decomposition is a process of dividing a computation into smaller parts, some or all of which could be executed in parallel. a) Given the following 3x3 matrix multiplication: ‘As Ay Ais\ (Bi Baz Bis Car Cra Cas Ax, Azz Aaa }.( Ba: Bar Bas }=(Car Cor Cos a Ase Ass/ \Bax Bar Baal \Car Car Ca Show the decomposition of the above matrices into multiple different tasks by partitioning its output data. (9 marks) b) Given the following sequence of number: {12, 14, 7, 9, 22, 8, 24, 3) Draw the task-dependency graph for finding the minimum number within the sequence, (9 marks) QUESTION 4 Given the task-interaction diagram below: Draw the task decomposition matrix that corresponds to the above diagram. (10 marks) (© Hak Cipta Universiti Toknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 4 CSIDEC 2016/¢SC580 QUESTION 5 a) Explain the usage of the following message passing function: i) MPr_sena ji) MPT_Recv iil) MPT_Bcast iv) MPI_Reduce (8 marks) b) A brute-force string matching program took a total of 215 seconds to complete by sequential execution. After employing parallel processing to speed up the execution time, itis found that the program able to achieve speedup of 1.56, 3.22, and 4.97 when executed via 2, 4, and 6 computers respectively. ') Calculate the execution time for every parallel execution in b). (3 marks) ii) Calculate the speedup for parallel execution via 8 computers if the efficiency is 0.63, (3 marks) QUESTION 6 Consider the weighted adjacency matrix below: 03 1 oo 30 5S 2 o| 15 007 lo 2 0 2 «© 7 2 ol a) Draw the graph representation of the above matrix. (4 marks) b) Find and draw the minimum spanning tree (MST) of the graph in a) by using Kruskal’s algorithm, (8 marks) © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologl MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 5 CSIDEC 2016/CSC580 QUESTION 7 Given the following graph: a) Show the weighted adjacency matrix for the graph above (4 marks) b) Identify the all-pairs-shortest path for the above diagram by using Floyd's algorithm. (12 marks) END OF QUESTION PAPER (© Hak Cipta Universit Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

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