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Test I. Directions: answer the following questions. In your answer sheet, write only the
letter that corresponds to your answer. You may have further research about each
item. Explain your answer or tell why you have chosen the letter A, B, C, D, E, or F as
your answer. Two points for your answer and 3 points for your explanation for each.
(50 points)
1. Which of these is not a qualitative method or approach?
a. Discourse Analysis
b. Text Analysis
c. Grounded Theory
d. IPA
e. Social Constructionism
f. Interviewing
2. Complete the thought: Qualitative Research……………..
a. Can be combined with quantitative approaches
b. Isn’t concerned with replication
c. Isn’t concerned with large samples
d. Is suited to richer understanding of ideas
e. Avoids statistical arguments about data
f. All of these
3. Which of these is not a term typically used by qualitative researchers?
a. Repertoire
b. Saturation
c. Phenomenological
d. Discourse
e. Regression
f. Textual analysis
4. Which of these is a typical criticism of Grounded Theory?
a. It relies on creating theories from the data.
b. It is too qualitative
c. It is too quantitative
d. It is too similar to IPA
e. It relies on starting without any presumptions, which is impossible
f. It requires saturation
5. Which of these is not a term used in conducting qualitative research?
a. Discourse
b. Reflexivity
c. Axial coding
d. Saturation
e. Reductionism
f. Theme
6. Triangulation means
a. Using trigonometry in your research
b. Verifying your results by cross-checking with other methods of research
c. Using three researchers
d. Conducting research over three months
e. Conducting your research in a pyramid
f. Revisiting your data until you run out of ideas

7. Which of the following needs a qualitative approach?

a. Relationship of teaching styles and grades
b. Different tribal groups in the Philippines
c. Percentage of early pregnancy in years 2010-2020
d. Academic performance of Grade 12 students in Research
e. None of the above
8. Which of the following is an example of quantitative research?
a. Correlational research
b. Descriptive research
c. Pure research
d. Ethnographic research
e. Survey research
9. All statements about research are true EXCEPT?
a. Research is about data gathering
b. Research is the scientific process of attaining information
c. Research and Inquiry are just the same thing
d. Research could be used to solve real life problems
e. Research is a process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of data;
documentation of critical information; and analysis and interpretation of
that data/information.
10.If you want to have specific research about tribal groups and their culture, what
specific type of research should you employ?
a. Quantitative research
b. Qualitative research
c. Pure research
d. Applied research
e. Correlational Research
Test II. Based on what you read from your Module in Lesson 2, answer each
question or statement correctly. Choose the letter of the correct answers from the list
of choices:

A. Online surveys, questionnaires, and polls B. Quantitative Research

C. Online surveys D. Focus Groups: E. Qualitative research F. One-to-

one Interview
G. Text Analysis H. Case Study I. Ethnographic Research
___1. When you use this method, you will use a computational and statistical process
to collect and analyze data.
___2. In here, you need to involve large population— more people mean more data.
With more data to analyze, you can obtain more accurate results.
___3. As a researcher, it allows you as survey creators to reach large amounts of
people or smaller focus groups for different types of research that meet different goals.
___4. Which method uses close-ended questions because the researchers are typically
looking to gather statistical data?
___5. What are the data collection tools used in quantitative research?
___6. In which method do you need to collect data using conversational methods?
___7. In which research, do we ask participants the open-ended questions?
___8. When you use this research method, the responses that will be collected are
essentially non-numerical.
___9. Which interview is conducted with one participant at a given point in time?
___10. Which of them refers to the small groups comprising of around 6-10
participants who are usually experts in the subject matter?
___11. It is an in-depth form of research where people are observed in their natural
environment without This method is demanding due to the necessity of a researcher
entering a natural environment of other people.
___12. You noticed the little difference of this method from other qualitative methods
as it is used to analyze social constructs by decoding words through any available
form of documentation.
___13. In research, it is used to study an organization or an entity. This type of
research is also used in fields like the education sector, philosophical studies, and
psychological studies.

Test III. After reading your modules, decide whether you will use QUALITATIVE
or QUANTITATIVE research in your own study. Explain your reasons sensibly. (37
If I were asked to write a research paper, I will choose ____________________________

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