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Poisonous Truths

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 陈情令 | The
Untamed (TV)
Relationship: Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén/Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo
Character: Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo
Additional Tags: Porn with Feelings, First Time, Blow Jobs, Overstimulation, Nipple Play,
Ambiguous/Open Ending, Possessive Behavior, Out of Character, If u
squint hard enough theres angst, ooc lxc
Stats: Published: 2020-05-25 Words: 7118

Poisonous Truths
by Pomienie


And then Guangyao smiled, thinking nothing of Xichen's peculiar behavior, "Er-ge looks
like he's thinking too deeply. What's on your mind?"

Xichen felt the poison squeeze the passage of his airways, like a snake slithering to squeeze
his heart for the truth, and he wasn't able to stop his mouth from moving, "I was thinking
about how beautiful you'd look under me."


This is for all the xiyao fuckers out there keep thriving u hornee mfs.

Another self indulgent smut from yours truly and kinda bad sex idk how cultivators have
sex or heal from wounds so proceed with caution i guess hdkskdhs

See the end of the work for more notes

The Lanling Jin Sect's joint night hunt with the Gusu Lan Sect went as smoothly as Lan Xichen

But not without some of the disciples getting injured while exorcising a certain weeping willow
demon. Its poisonous vines were said to put a person in an excruciating pain if they so much as
speak a lie. It was a low-ranking demon but it was very persistent that Lan Xichen wasn't even able
to get out of it without a scratch.
Since both the great sects have come to an agreement to help each other after receiving several
reports of the same demon wreaking havoc in their respective regions, Jin Guangyao decided it
would be best to use the Koi Tower as their refuge after the night hunt.

Guangyao ordered for the servants to guide the Lan disciples to their respective rooms. But he saw
it best to guide his own sworn brother to his designated room. Xichen couldn't help the feeling of
fondness as his gentle hands held onto him, supporting Xichen's weight while walking.

"Thank you for helping me, A-yao," Xichen said, sitting on the bed gingerly as to avoid putting
pressure on the leg that had been lashed by the vine demon.

Guangyao smiled at Xichen's gratitude and Xichen thought of how pretty Guangyao's smile was,
his dimples on full display. It never failed to make his heart skip a beat.

What? Xichen was surprised at his own thought. These kinds of thoughts and feelings were usually
buried deep somewhere inside of him. Why did it suddenly rise to the surface? Was it the poison?

"It is only my duty, Er-ge. May I?" Guangyao asked, looking at the bloodied part of Xichen's robes.

Xichen was snapped out of his stupor before looking at his injured leg as well, "Ah, yes."

Xichen thought the poison must be kicking in as he felt feverish just from looking at Guangyao. He
watched as Guangyao kneeled before him and proceeded to lift up Xichen's light blue robes and
found that the lash was quite large in size. It went from Xichen's knee down to the middle of his
leg. The wound was still bleeding but it hasn't festered the surrounding flesh. It was a good thing
that Guangyao had a servant to help him carry their medical supplies in Xichen's room, so he can
work on cleaning his wound quickly.

As Xichen watched Guangyao clean his wound, he could only think about how gentle Guangyao
was, how delicate his skin looked like in the glowing candlelights, how he wanted to mark it up,
show the whole world that this beautiful man was his and his alone. His thoughts were running
wild and he couldn't stop it. All the Lan rules he had memorized since he was a child going out of
the window.

He tried to suppress the filthy images of Guangyao under him, looking so beautifully wrecked
under the moonlight, and sucked it up to the poison spreading in his body. But Guangyao was here,
the man in his fantasies, the person he wanted to touch in hidden places no one has ever touched
before, and Xichen couldn't subdue it anymore and let it run amok. He knew those thoughts weren't
lies. It was the poison showing him his true feelings and desires.

Guangyao must have noticed the silence, and looked at Xichen as he finished up the knot of the
bandage, concern painted on his face.

And then he smiled, thinking nothing of Xichen's peculiar behavior, "Er-ge looks like he's thinking
too deeply. What's on your mind?"

Xichen felt the poison squeeze the passage of his airways, like a snake slithering to squeeze his
heart for the truth, and he wasn't able to stop his mouth from moving, "I was thinking about how
beautiful you'd look under me."

Guangyao's smile faded at that, staring at Xichen with his wide eyes. Xichen also stared at him, in
shock of what he just said.

"No- I-" Xichen felt the pain in his chest again, doubling over causing him to hold onto Guangyao.
"Er-ge!" Guangyao sat beside him to support him, "Wait here, I'll-"

"No! Stay… Please…" Xichen held Guangyao's hands as he moved to leave. It felt wrong for
Xichen to let Guangyao leave. He felt like the poison will once again put him in pain if he didn't do
what he had always wanted to do.

Guangyao sat beside him again, his eyes observing Xichen's every move, "Is it the poison, Er-ge?"

After asking the question, Guangyao's expression immediately changed. Xichen thought he must
have realized what the poison actually does to its victim. And Xichen felt an embarrassment he
hadn't felt in a long time. He felt like a child naked before Guangyao.

Xichen closed his eyes to save himself from the poison's effects. Guangyao's face was too close to
his and he didn't know what the poison might actually make him do. Or as the poison's effects did,
what he actually wanted to do.

But he felt Guangyao touch his face, soft hands on a hard sculptured face. And he felt warmth from
where Guangyao was touching him and a burning fire pooling in his lower body. Xichen felt his
heart beat faster, and he didn't know if it was the poison or if it was just from Guangyao touching
him so intimately.

"Er-ge," Guanyao said, so quiet it was almost a whisper, "What is it that you truly desire?"

Xichen felt the snake slithering again, taunting him to tell a lie, to inflict another pain. Xichen
almost wanted to submit to it so he could save himself from the embarrassment, to still uphold the
rules of his sect. But the pain was too much even with his cultivation and Guangyao, his A-yao,
was still here. And his presence was making it difficult for Xichen to hide the feelings the poison
was letting loose.

"A-yao… What I desire-" Xichen opened his eyes and there was Guangyao, closer than ever.
Xichen's eyes wandered to Guangyao's wide ones, the long eyelashes that women were envious of,
the ever watchful eyes that saw what anyone would ignore, the kind that saw importance in the
most useless of things. And inch by inch, he wandered off to the contours of his face and stopped
on his lips. Xichen felt a sudden urge to touch his lips. He wanted to know how soft it was, how it
would feel against his fingers, against his own.

" you," Xichen swallowed the lump in his throat as he held the hand that was on his face. The
snake in his chest loosened its hold but his body still felt the heat.

Guangyao smiled at him, an apologetic expression on his face and Xichen was scared that he might
have said the wrong thing, that Guangyao was going to push him away as he always did.

"You wouldn't want me if you knew what I-" Guangyao didn't continue and sighed, shaking his
head at what he was supposed to say and looking away from Xichen, "You wouldn't want me."

"I would. I want you Jin Guangyao, Meng Yao, A-yao. All of you. Everything that you are and will
be," Xichen said, gently holding Guangyao's chin to face him again.

His mouth betrayed what his mind told him to do. To stop talking, to keep his dignity intact. But
his heart wouldn't stop, the poison in his body keeping him from hiding. And as he looked at
Guangyao, he knew everything that he said was right. Guangyao's presence made everything fall in
the right place at the right time.

Guangyao shed a single tear as he smiled at Xichen, "Er-ge, I-"

Before Xichen could stop himself, he already had his own lips on Guangyao, tasting the salt from
Guangyao's tears. Xichen felt his soft lips kiss him back and he felt his heart beating in his throat,
the heat in his abdomen firing up. He angled to deepen the kiss, savoring the sweet taste of
Guangyao's lips, wanting more and more of those soft, plump lips. Xichen pulled him closer to his
body, hugging Guangyao's slender waist. Guangyao gasped into the kiss as he was placed on
Xichen's lap, straddling him on the bed. Xichen swallowed his moans, tasting every corner and
crevices of his mouth, his hands wandering from Guangyao's waist to his thighs to his rear,
eliciting a moan from Guangyao.

Xichen's hands found themselves taking off Guangyao's hat, his hands resting on Guangyao's neck.
The soft skin under his fingers felt warm to touch, feeling Guangyao's fast and unsteady pulse. This
made Xichen all the more aware that here was Jin Guangyao, so pliant under his hands, ready to be
taken by him.

Guangyao pulled away from the kiss, the passion from it making him breathless, and Xichen
couldn't stop himself from staring at the beauty before him. Guangyao's cheeks were flushed, his
eyes a little dazed, and his lips swollen from the kiss. Xichen moved to kiss his swollen lips again
but Guangyao pressed his forehead against Xichen, his eyes closed.

"This is what I can only offer, Er-ge," Guangyao whispered against Xichen's lips, like a soft breeze
against fallen leaves, promising nothing but its touch, "My body, that's it."

"Then offer me everything, A-yao. I-" Xichen looked at Guangyao's eyelids, the poison in his body
not making him stop for what he was about to say next, "I will die for you, A-yao."

Guangyao opened his eyes and pulled away from Xichen. His eyes held the sorrows of being
alone, of the burden he carried as the illegitimate son who had to climb to the top just for people to
acknowledge him. And here was Xichen telling him that he would die for that prostitute's son, the
servant from Qinghe Nie, the current sect leader of Lanling Jin. Xichen could only imagine the
turmoil Guangyao must be having from his sudden declaration. And a question was hanging in the
air as Guangyao caressed Xichen's face, his eyes wet from tears he was holding back.

Is it true? Will you really die for me, with me, Lan Xichen, Half of the Twin Jades of Lan,
Esteemed Sect Leader of Gusu Lan?

And if Guangyao would ask it outloud, Xichen knows that the poison will rip the truth from his
heart and make him answer it, in all its naked truth glory.

Yes, Jin Guangyao, I will die for you, with you.

But Guangyao didn't, instead he pulled Xichen into a searing kiss, burning with passion. Their
tongues danced like flames on a candlelight, both afraid that a strong gust of wind would snuff it
out, so they kept on with the dance, each move a little more passionate and rough than before.

Maddened by the kiss, Xichen's hands went to work on undressing Guangyao's robes, peeling off
the peony petals revealing the soft interiors, his lips not willing to let go of the soft lips on his.

But like a roaring beast which has yet to be fed, Xichen moved to Guangyao's throat, ravishing the
exposed skin. He gave them kisses and bites, earning him a gasp and a moan from Guangyao
which only made him hunger for more. The spark that was fanned by the poison continued to
spread throughout his body, the heat making it unbearable to breathe. And the only thing he could
breathe was Guangyao.

Xichen sucked on a spot under Guangyao's ear and he moaned Xichen's name right next to his ear,
a light shiver running through Guangyao's body. Guangyao held tight to him as he ground his hips
on Xichen's still clothed crotch, the friction created sparks beneath Xichen's closed eyes. And
Xichen wanted nothing more in that moment to also be free from his robes, to feel Guangyao's skin
against his skin, sharing the heat they both felt.

The wound and pain on his leg long forgotten, Xichen lifted up Guangyao and placed him on the
bed, careful like he was scared the peony petals would be destroyed if he so much as placed him in
a rough way. But something, the poison he suspected, told him that as much as he wanted to be
careful with the peony, to give it as much love and let it bloom in the spring air, he also wanted to
wreck it, to pick the petals off of it, showing him what was truly inside the flower.

Xichen stared at the peony in question and just like in his mind, Guangyao did look beautiful under
him. His moonlit skin glowed with the lights from the candles and he looked like an exalted god
from the heavens. Xichen was almost afraid to touch the divinity under him, that he might be
unworthy of his touch.

But Guangyao's eyes were glazed with pleasure, a blush blooming on the smooth skin of his
cheeks, and his swollen lips were parted as he panted. The view was inviting and Xichen could
only touch Guangyao's face as he stared a little longer. Guangyao leaned into the touch and turned
his head to kiss Xichen's palm. It was a chaste kiss but it left a burning feeling within Xichen. It
spread from his hand to his whole body.

The beast that was long since chained by the Lan Sect rules, that even when Xichen knew of his
feelings for Guangyao, he never gave it a chance to come out, was now slowly clawing and tearing
from his chest. Growling and screaming to be let out. The poison gave it strength that even Xichen
couldn't hold it down anymore.

Xichen went back to kissing Guangyao, the beast inside him growling as he gave a bite on
Guangyao's lips. He went down to kissing and sucking on Guangyao's neck, hellbent on marking
the man under him. Guangyao gasped as Xichen sucked on the sensitive spot under his ear, arching
his back for that delicious friction in between his legs.

"Ah… Er-ge… Don't-" Guangyao tried to stop Xichen but Xichen cut him off by nibbling his ear
making him gasp at the sensation.

"You're my A-yao… Mine ..." Xichen growled against Guangyao's ear, intending to make
Guangyao shiver at the tickling air of his breath. Hearing Guangyao moan his title as Guangyao's
sworn brother made him all the more convinced to let everyone know that A-yao was his and only
his. And he was Guangyao's one and only "Er-ge".

Xichen moved down to Guangyao's chest, leaving butterfly kisses along the path of his neck to his
chest. Xichen gave one of Guangyao's pink nipples a lick and he felt Guangyao tremble at the cold
tongue tasting him. Xichen felt his desire grow stronger for every reaction he got from Guangyao,
so he sucked on the nipple while his thumb circled and pressed on the other nipple. Guangyao
whimpered under his hands and mouth, pleading for more. He arched his back, rubbing the
erection in his pants against Xichen's own erection as Xichen continued to lick and suck the
sensitive nipples.

Xichen looked up to Guangyao and saw that Guangyao was already panting from pleasure, his face
so red, and his eyes closed. The sight made Xichen's eyes a shade darker, wanting to taste and
touch every nook and cranny of Guangyao's body, to wreck him completely, to put him in waves of
pleasure that only Xichen could give him. To be his, in body and soul.

But even if the beast has been let out, Xichen knew he needed to tame it. He needed to savor this
moment. This night of passion. Because this is their first time. He wanted to remember every sight,
every sound, every taste, every sensation.

Xichen felt sweat drip down his back as the room grew hotter with every shiver, moan, and pant
from Guangyao. Even if he was reluctant to let Guangyao's body go, he sat up to take off his robes.
Guangyao opened his eyes to watch Xichen undress, and Xichen knew Guangyao's desire was also
growing. Guangyao watched his every move, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he
swallowed. Xichen wasn't one to back down from the staring game and he also stared at the beauty
under him. Guangyao's hair was already disheveled, his skin glowing with a sheen of sweat, and
Xichen couldn't believe a person could still look beautiful even in such a messy state.

After the last of Xichen's robes went off, he moved down to Guangyao's pants, untying the string
and taking it off of Guangyao's legs. He looked at Guangyao's full naked body under the moonlight
and candlelights and the beast under his skin became harder to tame.

Xichen went down to give Guangyao's abdomen marks, kissing and biting on the flawless skin.
Noticing that Guangyao was already hard, his breath lingered a little longer on it, making
Guangyao shiver in anticipation. But Xichen decided to go for his thighs first, sucking on the soft
skin. The want to taste and touch every part of Guangyao grew stronger by the second.

" Ahh …" Guangyao gasped at how Xichen was sucking and biting at the sensitive skin of his
thighs, making his cock twitch at the feeling of Xichen's mouth being close to his cock.

Xichen then gave the head a small kiss, all the while watching Guangyao's reactions. He wanted to
imprint this memory in his mind, so he kept his eyes at Guangyao as he licked the leaking cock.
Guangyao trembled as Xichen's tongue circled on the head, not letting one drop to waste.

" Ngh… A-ahh…" Guangyao's stuttered moans only made Xichen want to taste more and more of
him. Xichen watched as Guangyao threw his head back when he took the full length in his mouth.
Xichen couldn't help but moan at the feeling of his mouth being full of Guangyao's cock, the fact
that he was more than just tasting Guangyao at this point was making him more excited.

Xichen let his jaw go a little slack to take in Guangyao's cock until he felt it at the back of his
throat. He groaned as he almost choked on it but he swallowed and made room for the cock in his
throat. The vibration sent shivers of pleasure down Guangyao's spine, that he couldn't help but
moan out Xichen's name.

"A-huan… Mmhh... " Guangyao bit his lips as Xichen kept on sucking on his length, not wanting
to be too loud in fear of some servants passing by the room. But hearing Guangyao moan out his
name made Xichen want him to not only moan it out, but to scream his name. His possessive side
taking over the rational, Lan Sect rules abiding side.

Xichen pulled away from the cock and reached out to Guangyao's mouth, prying it open and
making him suck on the digits, "I want to hear you, don't hold it back."

Xichen continued to suck Guangyao in an agonizingly slow pacing. Xichen intended to make
Guangyao feel the pleasure slowly and to relish the feeling of Xichen's mouth on him.

Xichen alternated between sucking the full length and licking the shaft up to the head, sometimes
staying on the head, lapping up the liquid leaking from the slit. His motions made Guangyao pliant
and soft with light trembles under his firm hands, moaning in time with Xichen's mouth

Guangyao panted and moaned with Xichen's fingers inside his mouth. It muffled the sounds but it
was enough for Xichen to hear him and fuel Xichen's desires. Guangyao sucking on his fingers
made Xichen's cock twitch in excitement.

Xichen then pulled out his fingers and placed them on Guangyao's entrance, teasing the hole and
making Guangyao shiver at the sensation.

"Ahh! A-huan-" Guangyao gasped as Xichen pushed one slick finger in. Xichen was not so
innocent to not know how men do these kinds of things, after all. Xichen made sure he sucked on
Guangyao harder to mask the uncomfortable feeling Guangyao must be experiencing at the

Xichen pushed the finger a little deeper into the hole, careful not to hurt Guangyao too much.
Feeling the tightness around his finger made the pool of heat in his loins grow hotter, the poison
under his skin was trying to convince him to throw caution into the wind, take out his finger, and
replace it with his cock instead. But he didn't listen to it, and he kept sucking and licking
Guangyao, motivated to make Guangyao feel good.

Guangyao's hand then flew to Xichen's hair, untangling the headpiece Xichen still had on his hair,
as Xichen's finger seemed to have found Guangyao's sensitive spot. He gasped and panted as
Xichen caught the signal and kept on thrusting the finger on the spot again and again.

"H-Hahh … A-A-huan … Ngh…" Guangyao's pants were becoming more and more ragged, his
words mixed in his moans, making his words a gibberish mess. His breathing went faster and
harder and Xichen knew Guangyao was nearing his climax, so he quickened his pace on sucking
on Guangyao, letting his cock hit the back of Xichen's throat again and again, as well as the finger
thrusting inside Guangyao.

The sounds of sucking and Xichen's finger moving inside Guangyao was becoming more lewd and
the heady scent of sex in the air was making Xichen almost light-headed with lust and want.

Xichen decided to add another finger inside, stretching the hole for him. He thrusted deeper and
deeper inside Guangyao, curling the fingers to find that sensitive spot again. Guangyao was
already moving his hips to meet Xichen's thrusts, eager to have that sweet, sweet release.

"A-huan… I-I'll- Ahh! " Guangyao tried to warn Xichen but he had already bucked his hips and
Xichen's mouth already took in his full length, down to the hilt, and fully intent on swallowing
Guangyao's release. Xichen felt the stream of fluid come down his throat, gulping it down hungrily
like it was the antidote to the poison inside his body. Or maybe it was the fact that he had been
suppressing the feelings he had for Guangyao for so long that right here, right now, he was like a
starved beast. Ready to eat every piece of his A-yao.

Xichen kept on sucking slowly, making Guangyao shudder at the overstimulation until he had
swallowed the last of Guangyao's cum. Xichen took out the fingers that were still inside Guangyao
and went up to Guangyao's face. Guangyao's eyes were closed, focusing on catching his breath.
Xichen couldn't help but feel proud for being the cause of Guangyao's bliss. Xichen kissed
Guangyao's eyelids, the tip of his nose, and finally his lips. Xichen pried his lips open with his
tongue, giving Guangyao a little taste of himself.

They kissed for a while before Xichen pulled away to rub his nose along Guangyao's jawline,
kissing the marks he left on the skin of Guangyao's neck. He smiled as Guangyao shivered under
his kisses, still so sensitive from his orgasm. Xichen was the only one allowed to see Guangyao
like this.

As Xichen kept on giving Guangyao's chest butterfly kisses, he pushed against Guangyao's thighs
to spread the legs a little bit wider for him. Xichen could feel his own heartbeat drum against his
chest for what he was about to do. The anticipation of finally making love with the person he has
always wanted is making him a nervous wreck. And even if the poison has already given him the
courage to do what he did to Guangyao earlier, he still couldn't help but worry.

Guangyao must have noticed Xichen's hesitation, so he took Xichen's face and gave him a soft,
chaste kiss on the lips. Xichen chased after the lips, his heart never not wanting more of it. But
before he took the lips for a deeper kiss, Guangyao whispered against his lips, "It's alright. I'm
going to be okay."

Xichen looked into Guangyao's eyes, trying to find any hesitations hidden beneath his eyes that his
words failed to hide. But Xichen found none. He only found fondness and intimacy, and Xichen
felt his heart swell up.

Guangyao smiled at the expression he must have found on Xichen's face, "I want… I want to feel
A-huan… My Er-ge..."

Like a signal firing off in the distance of Xichen's mind, he took Guangyao's lips into a passionate
kiss, all tongues and biting teeths, groans and moans mixed in between. Knowing that Guangyao
also wanted this as much as he did made Xichen forget all his principles and the poison that was
still in his body.

Pulling away from the kiss reluctantly, Xichen lined his cock on Guangyao's hole that was already
slick from all the precum that was leaking from Guangyao's cock, still hard even after his orgasm.
He could still feel his heart beating fast in his chest but not because of nervousness anymore, but
because of excitement and anticipation.

Xichen then held Guangyao's hips with firm hands, enough to bruise the skin, and pushed himself
into the hole in a slow manner. Guangyao covered his mouth with the back of his hand, muffling a
scream he almost gave out. Guangyao's reactions and the feeling of tightness around his cock made
Xichen teeter on the edge of madness, almost wanting to just thrust into Guangyao again and again.
But he had to hold himself back, lest he would hurt Guangyao.

After burying himself deep into Guangyao, Xichen let out a stuttering breath he didn't realize he
was holding.The feeling of Guangyao's warm walls tightening around him was just too much, too
good for him that he could almost release his load just by staying inside.

Xichen then took the hand that was covering Guangyao's mouth, wanting to hear him scream his
name. He peppered Guangyao's face and neck with kisses, half comforting Guangyao to relax and
half waiting for himself to relax, because he would be lying if he said he wasn't already losing his
mind at that very moment.

Once Xichen felt that Guangyao was already relaxed and breathing evenly, he held Guangyao's
hips again, silently telling Guangyao to be ready. He pulled out slightly and slowly and thrusted a
little deeper than before. The sliding of his cock into the tight walls was making him dizzy with
pleasure and he didn't know if he could control himself that much longer.

Although the poison had already let loose what little control Xichen had, he was still able to control
his movements to not hurt Guangyao so much. He moved as slowly as possible, relishing the taste
of Guangyao and taking his time to find that spot that made Guangyao mad with pleasure earlier.

One particularly hard thrust later and Guangyao gave a louder moan, bordering on a scream, with
his legs tightening around Xichen, forcing Xichen to go a little deeper. Xichen knew he found his
sensitive spot and he directed all of his slow thrusts into that place. Putting all the pressure on it
and squeezing out moans after moans from Guangyao.

Xichen then felt Guangyao's arms around his neck as he pulled him down for a whisper on his ear,
"H-Hah… A-huan… Harder …"

At this point, Xichen already felt like Guangyao wasn't the one submitting to him. Xichen was the
one submitting to Guangyao.

To his moans, gasps, pants, screams.

To the way every touch Xichen gave made Guangyao shiver and tremble in delight.

To the way his beautiful face would blush in embarrassment and contort to a pleasured one.

To his whispers on Xichen lips, making Xichen chase after his lips.

To how all of this made Xichen love him deeper.

And even without the poison in his body, Xichen knew he would still be beyond and more than
glad to submit to Guangyao.

And as per Guangyao's request, Xichen thrusted harder into him, hitting that bundle of nerves and
earning him a loud moan. Although he was still moving at a slow pace, Xichen made it a point to
go a little harder and a little deeper after every thrust. And for every thrust, he could almost feel his
sanity peeling away, piece by piece.

It was taking everything in him to not just go rabid over Guangyao, his moans and screams of his
name was making everything harder for him. But Xichen wanted to prolong this. This was their
first time and he wanted it to last. He wanted to submit to Guangyao's stuttered moans and gently
push him on the edge of his climax. He wanted to drink up all the pleasured sounds and beautiful
expressions Guangyao would make.

He went down to take Guangyao's lips in a deep kiss, pressing his tongue against the other, tasting
every part of Guangyao's mouth. And true to his words, he drank up all the moans that left
Guangyao's lips.

Xichen then went down on Guangyao's chest and sucked on one of his nipples, taking advantage of
his already sensitive body. He gave both nipples the same amount of attention, licking, sucking,
and nipping on them, leaving Guangyao gasping and panting over the pleasure piling up in his

Xichen looked down and saw Guangyao's hard cock leaking precum with every move he was
making, and it took every ounce of control in his body to not just come from the sight of it. If it
weren't for the fact that he was already pounding into Guangyao, he would've taken the cock into
his mouth for a second time and not waste every drop from it.

Xichen's every thrust earned him a deep scratch from Guangyao's hands on his back and a moan
that was getting louder every time Xichen hit his prostate. The pain from Guangyao's scratches
was mixing in the pleasure of Xichen thrusting into Guangyao, sending sparks of a different flavor
of pleasure into his body.

And Xichen loved it.

Xichen brought his hands to the back of Guangyao's knees, gently pressing the knees beside
Guangyao's chest, and opening him wider for Xichen. This made the angle easier for Xichen to hit
that sensitive spot and to put Guangyao on edge, milking that pleasure with pain that he felt
whenever Guangyao's nails scratched on his back, holding onto dear life. He groaned on
Guangyao's chest, giving the skin around his nipple a bite that was hard enough to mark.

"Ah, ah, ngh… A-huan…" Guangyao moaned Xichen's name louder and louder, his breathing
going faster and ragged, and Xichen knew he was about to come. As Xichen wanted to control
himself from his own orgasm, he kept himself busy by worshipping Guangyao's chest, sucking and
nipping at the sensitive nipples, driving Guangyao into the edge of his climax.

"A-huan!" Guangyao screamed his name as he reached his sweet release and Xichen felt strings of
his load pooling on his abdomen. Xichen almost wanted to lick it clean, to not waste any of it.

Guangyao's hole tightened around him as he came and Xichen lost his hold on sanity.

He picked up Guangyao's slender body in his arms as he sat up, making Guangyao gasp in surprise
at his sudden movement, his dazed eyes clearing up a bit, "E-Er-ge, wha-"

Before Guangyao could even finish his question, Xichen rocked his hips and thrusted up into
Guangyao's hole. With this angle, he was able to get into him deeper and Xichen used this to his
advantage, bouncing Guangyao on his lap as he met them with deep thrusts.

"Ah! A-huan!" Guangyao whimpered as Xichen hit his sensitive spot a little more accurately and
faster than before, making him hard again even after just coming moments ago.

"A-yao…" Xichen groaned in Guangyao's ear as he kept on guiding Guangyao's hips down to his
cock. He felt like going mad with the feeling of his cock sliding into Guangyao's warm entrance,
his thrusts going a little faster. Guangyao could only reply with a moan and a whimper as Xichen
was wrecking him into oblivion.

The feeling of thrusting fast into Guangyao was akin to being drunk with wine and even with the
Lan rules still screaming at him at the back of his mind, he would gladly get drunk if it was
Guangyao he was drinking.

He bit into Guangyao's shoulder hard, breaking the soft skin as Guangyao moaned into his ear
while he thrusted into him faster and faster.

The sounds of skins slapping against one another, the wet and lewd sounds of Xichen pounding
into Guangyao, the moans and screams of passion, and the sight before him, of Guangyao looking
utterly wrecked with his mouth open, but still looking so beautiful was pushing Xichen into a lust
driven climax.

Xichen saw a few tears start to drop from Guangyao's eyes, as his relentless thrusts were taking a
toll on his overstimulated body. He kissed the tears away from the corner of Guangyao's eyes and
took Guangyao's cock in his hand and stroked him, in an attempt to apologize for his actions.

"A-yao… Come with me, A-yao…" Xichen said, moaning into Guangyao's ear, eager to make him
come at the same time with Xichen.

Guangyao could barely speak or reply as every thrust and stroke on his cock only made him gasp
and moan, and with this Xichen was only motivated to go faster. Xichen's other hand kept itself
busy with holding onto Guangyao's hips, bruising the skin with his firm hands.

Xichen couldn't think about anything else anymore, only the feeling of Guangyao and the sounds
Guangyao was making was all he could think about. And he felt himself hanging on the edge of a
cliff by a fingernail that only a soft breeze could make him fall.
And the soft breeze came to him.



Before he knew it, a white light flashed behind his closed eyelids, and he was already coming deep
into Guangyao. He also felt Guangyao's come streaming out of his cock in strings of white.

They stayed in that position for what felt like a long time. Guangyao on his lap, his legs still
wrapped around Xichen, and Xichen kissing the bite marks and bruises he unconsciously gave
Guangyao's skin as he was going wild earlier on.

He almost felt embarrassed at how unsightly he became earlier. And he could only give Guangyao
kisses as an apology.

They were both breathing hard, panting into each other's sweaty skin as they embraced each other
in a tight hug. Xichen was too dazed from the high of his orgasm but he suddenly felt conscious
about everything. He felt the sweat rolling down his back, the come dribbling down Guangyao's
thighs, and his cock still in Guangyao.

He then gently placed Guangyao on the silk sheets of the bed again, pulling out from him in the

Xichen stared at Guangyao's wrecked appearance. His skin was marred with numerous bites and
bruised marks but Xichen could still find it in him to compare his skin with the soft silk sheets of
the bed.

Guangyao's face was even more of a sight. His lips parted slightly as he was still catching his
breath was swollen, his cheeks a blooming red from the heat of the moment, and how he still
managed to look more beautiful than his surroundings with his wrecked appearance was beyond
Xichen's comprehension.

And in that moment, Xichen felt like the night was silent with only their breaths and the beating of
their hearts breaking the white noise. There were only the two of them. Two beating hearts as one.
It was like their bodies were the only thing alive in those moments. The colors of their bodies were
bright against a bleak background. The moon, the stars, the candlelights dancing in the air paled in

Xichen felt like everything was unreal, that what happened moments ago was only his imagination
that the poison in his body made to mess with his mind. So he raised a hand to touch Guangyao's
face, to feel his pulse, just something to convince him that this was real. But his touch paused
before it felt the skin of Guangyao's face.

He was scared.

Xichen realized he was terrified that once he touched Guangyao, the illusion would fade away.
That he'd be back in the forest of the poisonous weeping willow, fighting against it. That this
reality was nothing but a fraud.

But Guangyao leaned against the hand, looking at Xichen with a soft smile. Xichen stopped
breathing for a second as he felt the soft skin on his hand, waiting for the fade to come and get this
reality from his cold hands.

It didn't come.
And Xichen knew that this was real. That Jin Guangyao, Meng Yao, A-yao was here at this
moment. And something told him that behind those watchful eyes, was a love as deep as Xichen
had for him. And he sighed in happiness.

But an unspoken question wanted to break the silence.

Will you come to Gusu with me and stay there, A-yao?

But he knew the answer to that question, he always did. So he didn't ask. Instead, he kept on
caressing Guangyao's face, kept looking at the stunning beauty under him he wanted to call his
own, and kept wishing he wasn't tied to the three thousand rules of the Lan Sect and its

Xichen then gave Guangyao's lips a kiss. It wasn't a kiss full of desire and lust, it was a kiss full of
tenderness and deep affection that was kept under wraps and guises of sworn brothers and sect
responsibilities and was now free from its hold in the form of one single kiss. The kiss felt like it
could last forever. And Xichen wanted that so badly.

But he pulled away as he positioned himself to lie beside Guangyao, his arm under Guangyao's
head and the other pulling Guangyao closer to his body, Guangyao spoke, "What is my Er-ge
thinking now?"

With that question, Xichen thought the poison would attack him again and squeeze him out for the
truth. But the anticipated pain didn't come. Connecting the dots with his post-coital hazed mind
was a bit hard but he was able to come to the conclusion that his actions and words earlier made
the poison dissipate.

Or it was released through his come. Xichen didn't really know and he didn't want to think too
much about that last one. It almost sounded like the poison was some kind of an aphrodisiac,
which wasn't really far fetched from how he acted earlier, but still. It sounded too ridiculous.

But in all honesty, it didn't really need to take a poison for him to tell Guangyao what he was
thinking truthfully.

"I love you, A-yao."

Guangyao's smile seemed to have been frozen by Xichen's answer. Xichen thought Guangyao must
have been stunned by him suddenly saying those words when he didn't utter it while they were
doing the deed earlier. Xichen had a reason for that. He didn't want to say those words while he
was lost to lust. He wanted it to come from a deep understanding of his feelings. He wanted it to be

"I love you, too, A-huan."

Xichen felt a tug at his heart and just like that, the tables have turned and it became his turn to be
shocked. He didn't expect that it would be said back to him. He was perfectly fine if Guangyao
won't ever say it back to him, at the very least he would know from Guangyao's actions that he did
feel the same way. But to hear it from Guangyao's own lips, Xichen could only stare at him while
his mind went into shambles and he could hear his heart beat louder.

Guangyao must have thought that the face Xichen was making was funny, chuckling and snuggling
his face on Xichen's chest. Xichen could feel his whole body warm up and he couldn't help but
smile at these moments of softness. He wanted it to last forever. Wishful thinking, he knew that.
But it really wouldn't hurt anyone to wish for this, right?
Xichen then took Guangyao's face with his hand, and gave his forehead a kiss before gently
placing his forehead against Guangyao's.

"Remember what I said, A-yao? Offer me everything and I'll accept them no matter what," Xichen
said, his eyes closed as he felt Guangyao's presence.

There was a moment of silence and when Xichen heard no reply, he opened his eyes. He saw
Guangyao staring at him with tentative eyes. There was a hesitation in them that Xichen couldn't
quite describe. Like he wanted to trust him fully but doesn't know where to begin or how.

Xichen found himself terrified again at the notion that Guangyao might push him away again and
reject him. He was afraid that everything that had happened just now will become a bygone
memory for him. A memory he would take in the unforeseeable future and ponder about the regrets
and guilt of not being able to fight for what he had always wanted.

But he stared right back with resolution, determined to make Guangyao believe and trust in him.
And before Xichen could say anything else, Guangyao beat him to it.

"Yes, Er-ge," Guangyao said, his eyes softening as he let out a shaky breath. He smiled in the way
that always made Xichen weak in the knees, always made him want to submit to Guangyao. And
submit, he did.

Xichen caressed Guangyao's face as the other's eyelids leaden with sleep and he kissed the closing
eyes as if to tell him to have a good night's sleep. Guangyao was probably exhausted from earlier
so he didn't let him stay awake any longer. He used the hand that was caressing Guangyao's face to
wrap the blankets around them.

The action made him think about how he wanted to protect Guangyao from everything. As Xichen
fought to stay awake to take a good look at Guangyao's sleeping form, he thought of how he
wanted to just grab him from this place, away from all these politics and take him to a place far
more peaceful. Where he could do this with Guangyao every day and night, where they wouldn't
need to think about what everyone was thinking or how they should adhere to certain policies as
sect leaders.

The days when he was on the run from the Wens and Guangyao had saved him and helped him
through a mundane way of living was long gone but Xichen wanted to go back to those days
painfully. And someday, Xichen thought, he would ask Guangyao that unspoken question with a
different place in mind.

One day.

End Notes


If yall havent noticed this was vaguely inspired by chu wanning's tianwen lmao

Beta-ed by reya!!!!!! The biggest xiyao fucker out there and also the one who word
prompted me with "truth poison" for this KSJSKSKKKS I LOVE YOU BRO. She's a great
artist, she's @reya_mandrake on twt and she's taking comms rn, go support her!!!!

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