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Republic of the Philippines BPepartment of Education REGION VIII - EASTERN VISAYAS November 22, 2021 OFFICE MEMORANDUM No. anggo7s2021 RESETTING OF THE CENTRAL OFFICE - REGIONAL OFFICE INTERFACE To: Regional Office Division Chiefs All Others Concerned 1. Relative to the attached Office Memorandum No. 591, s. 2021 re: Central Office ~ Regional Office Interface, as per information by DepEd Central Office, this Office, through the Policy, Planning, and Research Division, announces the resetting of the said activity from November 23 to December 7, 2021. 2. Allother provisions in the abovementioned issuance still remain in effect, 3, Immediate dissemination of and compliance with this Memorandum are desired. PPRD-TCPI Depd ROB ATA-F16 (CY2018-03-100) Page 1of 1 Government Center, Candahug, Palo, Leyte (053) 832-2997 | 150 9001:2015 Certified ® Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION VIII EASTERN VISAYAS November 11, 2021 OFFICE MEMORANDUM No. Q0Q5925 2021 To: Regional Office Division Chiefs All Others Concerned CENTRAL OFFICE - REGIONAL OFFICE INTERFACE 1, The Planning Service of DepEd Central Office shall conduct a CO-RO Interface on the 23° of November 2021. The Interface aims to align and synchronize the Basic Education Development Plan (BEDP) with the plans of the field offices to ensure seamless implementation of the major programs of the Department. 2, More specifically, the interface aims to: ‘a. discuss status and highlights of the FY 2022 major PAPs for alignment with the strategic directions of the Department particularly on the BEDP, regional context and priorities, and compliance to existing planning and costing parameters particularly this COVID-19 pandemic; and b. discuss urgent policy and operational issues in the implementation of PAPs. 3, Participants from the Regional Office are the Regional Director or Assistant Regional Director, Chiefs of PPRD, Finance, CLMD, ESSD, HRDD, QAD and FTAD, NEAP-RB representative, Planning Officer, and Budget Officer. 4. All. identified participants’ must confirm attendance through the _ link: bitly/CORORegistration The meeting link of the CO-RO Interface is bit ly/COROInterface2022Nov23 5, Strict compliance with this Memorandum is expected. EVELYN R. FETALVERO, CESO IV 1 Regional Director pmo. e-100) Page 1 of Government Center, Candahue, Palo, Levte es (053) 832-2997 | 180 9001:2015 Certified a Tea ‘Republic of the Philippines of Education OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY MEMORANDUM ‘OUCOS-PS-2021-036 10 REGIONAL DIRECTORS HEADS OF FUNCTIONAL DIVISIONS AND UNITS ALL OTHERS CONCERNED ate 2 THROUGH ATTY. MUCENO A. MALALUAN MBCA ny for Finance FROM: ROGER B MASAPOL Director IV, Planning Service *4 ARMANDO C. RUIZ Director TV, Finance Service SUBJECT FY 2022 Post-Planning for Regional Offices and Invitation to the Central Office-Regional Office (CO-RO) Interface DATE Cxtober 25, 2021 ‘The Department of Education issues this memorandum to guide the Regional Oifices on the FY 2022 Post Planning with aim to synchroniz, align, and finalize the FY 2022 annual plans and budget. The post planning activity aims to enstire readiness of the Department’ programs, projets, and activities that will further expand access to basic Teaming opportunities and improve its Giuality, including the relevance of basic education while operating im the pandemic and transitioning to “new normal In light of the present heelth emergency, we reiterate our commitment to continuously provide access to leaming, which will help us achieve our targets in the final year of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022, « canes ‘Depea Complex, Meralco Ave., Pasiy City 1600 BEBp-7209:636-0542 ice geet. 04-20 Access Indicators Ratrertor Outcome: Qualty, accessible and Uberating basic education forallackieved Soe e ofshovlage pupulation inbasic etveaton (Net Enrollment Rate) (96) Kindergarten eT os | 50 a2 tos 9s [ao Kinderearte. Sy G01a)|_95 | 74_| 96 {| 98 97 | 98 Senet cacal—Taagoie)|—e7 | ou [09 | es] 92 |e ‘Senior High School | 48(2019) | 64 | 38 | 68) 8. 80, ot Efficiency Indicators Subsector Outcome: Quality, accessible and liberating basic education forall achieved Proportion of learners completing levels of education (Completion Rate) (6) Kuores 1972019) |_97 | 7a | 97 | 0 | 98 | GradeTtoGrade12 [77 (2010) | 2 65 [| es [77 | ea a) ality Indicators ‘Subsector Outcome: Quality. accessible, and liberating basic education forall achieved Proportion of learners achieving at least nearly proficient inthe National Achievement Test (NAT) increased (9%) Grade 6 16 (2018) 26. asis | 34 as ius cs as is Grade 10, —Patoiey [43 asie [52 [asi [otf asis_ (Grade 12 ie(oiey | 131 ass | 19 | asis | 28 | asis | Likewise, part of our annual national commitment are the targets set under the Program Expenditure Program (PREXC) submitted to the Department of Budget andl Management, This cntpodies the major physical targets of the Department in terms of predetermined outcomes anu ‘outputs which are directly linked to program delivery For reference, attached as Annen A, is the FY 2022 Physical Plan based on the FY 2022 National Expendittre Program (NEP} level, © special session on Us will be held in Une CO-RO Intertace with dotails on the following, sections ‘THE BASIC EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT PLAN We are also proud to announce that the Department has its Basic Education Development Plan (BEDP) FY 2022-2030 in its final stage which serves as the blueprint and guide ror the respective development and office plans ot all governance levels In recognition ofthe Secretary’ initiative in ensuring the delivery of accesible quality e@uvationy the Bas Education Development Plan (BEDP), as the Department's long-term plan until 2030, will be used a5 guide for each office. The plan focuses on the following priority areas: 1) pivoting (o Guality ensuring, thal all eamers attain learning stancards allan learning standards in event Key Stage in K-12 program, 2) expanding, access to education for groups in situations of disadvantage ‘DepEd Complex, Meraten Ave., Pasig City 1600 BB 2z06/636-e582 « 521.6094 to ensure incusive and equitable quality service delivery, and 3) modemizing basic education governance that empower learners to be resilient and acquire life skills, “The Central Office is currently finalizing the alignment ofall major outputs to be produced to the identified strategies set under the pilars (acess, quality, equity, and resiiency) and enabling mochanisms under governance that encompasses all, CO-RO INTERFACE “The finalized plane for each major program of the Department aligned to the BEDP shall be dating the CO-RO Interface activity which will be held on the 23rd of November 2021- Fre alms 0 align and soniehow synchronize with the plans ofthe field offices to ensure seamless ‘implementation particularly of the major Program/ Actvity/ Projects (PAPS) ‘More specifically, the interface activity aims to: Departments strategic dizecions, particalaely on the Basic Education Development Pian {BEDM), regional context and priorities, and compliance to existing planning and costing parameters particularly this COVID-19 pandemic. « To-discuse updates on urgent policy and operational issues in the implementation of PAPS. «To discuss status and highlights of the FY 2022 major PAPs for alignment with the “This memorandum shall ezve as the invitation for the regional offices tothe sald interface, The following are the expected participants in the activity: Regional Director or Assistant Regional Director Chief, Policy, Planning, and Research Division (PPRD) ‘Chief, Education Support Services Division (ESSD) (Clef, Human Resource Development Division (HRDD) ‘Chief, Quality Assurance Division (QAD) ‘Chief, Field Technical Assistance Division (FTAD) Chie, Curriculum, Learning Management and Development (CLMD) “The meeting link, to the CO-RO Interface is shown below: ‘MS Teams Meeting Link: hitps:/ bity /COROIinterface2022Nov23 apt Comols, Hera Ave. as hy 160 7200060849 © cose rss aa 'As the activity woukl dwell mostly on policy discussions, all relevant materials will be provided prior tothe intertace for advance information. The link to the materials and the fina) PrORFam for ere actvity will be issued separately. In preparation tor this, we would like to gather your concerns regarding the implementation ofthe program in aclvance to etter provide vou with an appropiate response and maximize the time for discussion in the CO-RO Interface, Kindly use this link to ‘access the Program Concerns Form: Google Forms Link: huyps:/ /bit.v/PAPCencemY orm We would appreciate receiving your submissions in the ion on or belore November 16, 2021 Likewise, we also request vou to confirm your attendance through this link Registration Form Link: blips, bit “COR Registration MAJOR CONSIDERATIONS FOR FY sT PLANNIN' Tosupport the achievement of our targets for FY 2022 anal the goals lid out in BEDP and PREXC the Department issues the following instructions and information A. SCENARIO “The DepEd and Department of Heath (DOH) Joint Memorandum Circa no, O1-s 01202] ented “Operational Guidelines on the Implemenialionof Limited Face o fave Modalit” had alnealy Foor iscued last Septomber 27,202. nibal list of schools located in “minimal risk” areas based om DOH, ‘Cassification was also established. Further, al levels of governance are expected to prepare an {implementation plan or strategy tht is well coordinated, synchronized, and with clarity in erms i vcination ines The list of participating, schools anc the roles and respensitlities of each govemance level inthe pilot run of the fimited face to tae classes as highlighted in the Depth DOH JMC is attached as Annex B. For the complete details (eligibility, criteria for safe reopening, among others) regarding, he implementation ofthe Kinited F2F, the JMC on the Implementation ofthe Limited Face te Face Midatity i atached as Annex C. Relative to this, Dept also issued Department Memorandum Set cers of 2021 on the Preparations for the Pilot Face to Face, Expansion and Transitioning to New Normal to supplement the DepFd-DOH JMC. The memorandum is also attached as Annex D. Meanwhile, inferzonal movement is still highly discouraged and shall be subjected to the Movisions stipulated under the 1ATF resolutions andthe approval ofthe head of Office of the Poyemance level (Regional Dizector fr the Reyional fixes Schools Division Superintendent for ‘School Division Oilices). Conduct of mass gatherings requiring farc-to-face interactions such as sports, summits coranicos and competitions are highly discouraged an arc subject to the approval of the Next higher governance level head of office (For National and Regional offices, the Sex retany will the approver For Schools Division Offices, the Regional Director stall be the ‘approver) and on Inter- ‘Agency Task Force for Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-FID) guidelines sae acer ee TEE DON IME Neh, #2, fnplewertatn sein ac te Fe Mai cept Complex, Mersin Ave. Pas Cy 1600 BI 7208/606 6549 « eos tena B. PLANNING AND COSTING PARAMETERS Considering the adoption and posible expansion of the Limited F2E, we would eso Uke t0 hae cone ser ied parameters for biended/limited F2F education for elementary and secondary school funiorhigh school and senior high schoo! including class size per modalty and grade level We also advise the regional and schools division offices to include support mechanisms and tee sites (ouch as preparatory workshops, consultation, partnership building, monitoring, etc) 9 ee ‘Work and Financial Plans WFPs) in case schools within their area are selected for the pilot study. Carvery, the FY 2021 Budget covers the ist and second (hai quarters until December 001. 105 aren ey tne FY 2022 Budget shall cover the remaining balf ofthe second quarter of SY 2021-267, sa hrd and fourth quarters in pure distance learning in some areas, and blented/timted F2P Ii plot arees. For planning purposes, S¥ 2022-2023 school opening is assumed toopen on AUS 72202, to cover the first quarter and half of the second quarter of said SY. atic Cour artner agencies and other takeholders maybe charge tothe overhead expenses ofthe ofce subject to further issuance from the Department. For reference, the recommend parameters for blended/limited I2F education for both elementary rob secondary school Gunior high schoo! and senior high school) and the planning and costing ‘parameter for allowable expenses is atached as Annex E (C. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS AND TIMELINES Iriialy, we wish to inform you of the folowing critical timelines for the FY 2022 Plan and Budget ‘Execution of the Department: ‘Documents Deadline of Submission Fiacuton Docaments (BEDs) and FARs __| On or before November 9, 2021 te DBM. ‘Work and Financial Plan, FY 2022 NEP level” ‘On of before November 20, 2022. | ‘APP Commonly-used Supplies and Expenses ‘November 2021 Early Procurement Activities (EPA) “After release of FY 2022 NEP For the submission of Work and Financial Plan FY 2022 NEP level please ensure the ff: er ce should undergo vetting and/or deliberntion to eeek approval of the fund sharing ‘and the major outputs and activities in the WEP. ‘The: ‘Matrix should be reviewed by PPRD, Finance, and other members of the Planning oF Plan Appraisal Team prior the Ditector's Hina iging for lignans 680 Freel eget rsd cm, ng no Pn regulations. «WEP, mith the EM, should be signed by the Regional Director with oficial transmittal and eubmitted to psrndadened.cox ph . ‘Depbs Complex, Maruca Ave., Pag City 1600] A special session with the regional Policy. Planning, anu! Research Division (PPA) and the Quality aan te Division (QAD) was conducted last October 22 to provide (objective) 10 ensure that they are assisted in preparing the necessary requirements [Allunits are reminded to utilize the Program Management Information System (PMIS) basel om Deptd Order No, 11, s, 2021 Gukleines on the Operationalization of Program. Management eer ri an Gvatem (PMI), Expensliture Matrices are expected to be finalized and uploaded 9 the seem to produce the Work and Financial Pan for TY 2022 with the FY 2022 NEP as boos, oyster to J be done if there will hechanges from the NIP to the FY 2022,GAB, andthe FY 2022 GAA D. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE For tecluvical assistance and concems specili: to the organization, planning, finawe, asset tunagement, procurement, please coorclinate with the following offices = = — Office TAssistancethatcanbe | Contact Details | provided Planning Serve Planning | Review of Physical Plan | psyiidepeson.p rar PreGrammung, Division | overall process, and other | BO4-7216 | planning, concerns | Finance Service - Budget Cost parameters, amounts, | (s.sdadeped.goe ph | Division timing of obligation, | 8637-4214 | disbursement, and other finance policies and concems Education Program Issues needing management | ph | Management Office (EPDU) | decision most _partivularly | program delivery and nancial conceras \ Procurement Management | Review of procurement plan pracne ppmaldepes 20h | Service - Procurement and other procurement | 8638-1392 | Planning and Management | concems Division Bids and Awards Committee | BAC requirements and other | 8633-9343 | (BAC) Secretariat related concerns j Administrative Service -Asset | Review of APP-Commonly | ast pe \ Management Division (Used Supplies and Fquipment | 8625-0551 \ | and other asset management | | } concerns - — ——_—— Burcauof Human Resource | Review of outputs. viseavis |) and Organizational Office Mandate; OPCRF | 8633-5375 i Development - Organizational | Eifectiveness Division | 7 ‘Deped Complex, Mersico Ave, Pasig City 11600 BR. 7200/036-6549 « 31-8494 sieved For reference and guidance, kindly see the attached documents below: Annex A ~ FY 2022 Physical Plan (Budget Execution Document 2) Annex B - Initial List of Schools approved tor Pilot Face to Face Classes and Roles and Responsibilities of each Governance Level Annex C = DepEd-DOH Joint Memorandum Circular no. OL, s. 21 entitled ‘Operational Guidelines on the Implementation of Limited Face to Face Modality" Annex D - DepEd Memorandum 071, s. 2021 entitled Preparations for the Pilot Face to Face, Expansion and Transitioning to New Normal Annex E - Scenario, Planning Parameters and Costing Parameters Annex F.1 - Financial Budget Monitoring Updates: Flash Report as of September 30, 2021 Annex F.2- Financial Budget Monitoring Updates. Sut-ARO Monitoring as of September 30, 2021 ‘Also, materials tor the CO-RO Interface including the Memorandum and the annexes may be accessed through this link: fithys/ ‘Thank you and we look forward to your usual support of DepEuls FY 2022 Post-Planning activities. DepEd Complex, Meraico Ave.. Pasig City 1600 [f-7206/636.6549 @> . 631-8494 fem epee sp

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