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REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON TeeclVrksoterend IiniiTRY OF SECONDARY EDUCATION REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN Poi-Traval-Pare IMINISTERE DES ENSEIGNEMENTS SECONDAIRES PUL A L'ACTION PEDAGOGIQUE % = " RESOURCE UNIT “IRNTENNEREGIONALEDU NORD OUEST ogeeese4 REGIONAC RARER FORTHE SRT WEST 1 2183 MANKON BAMENDA 9.5, 80%: 7183 MANKON BAMENDA ‘TEL 233 362 209 ‘TEL 233 362 209 ca O caneeeeaa ef MARCH 2022 ‘The Teachers’ Resouree Unit and the Regional SUBJECT CODE z | Inspectorate of Pedzogy, in collaboration with NUMBER PaeR Nes | MTA 0575 GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION REGIONAL MOCK EXAMINATION SUBJECT TITLE ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS, ORDINARY LEVEL, Time Allowed: TWO and a half hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Mobile phones are NOT ALLOWED in the examination room. Answer ALL QUESTIONS in Section A and any Two Questions from either Section B or Section C. + Candidates are expected to answer a combination of Section A and Section B OR Section A and Section C but NOT a combination of all three. * All necessary working must be shown. No mark will be awarded for answers without brief statements showing how the answers have been obtained. + Calculators are allowed. (© TRURPLOSTSP2nMoCK 2022 TURN OVER Tals document isthe propery ofthe TRU and the Inspectorate of Pedagogy and should not be reproduced without the permission of the authors. ; PURE MATHEMATICS. i secneweR ALL QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION. INSERUCTIONS: aGn+ate tat 2x? tx? 1. (Given that (x ~ 1) is a factorrof fC) oe (a) Find the value of m. With this value of 7, oa Factorize f(x) completely so (i) fick feta and Bare the roots ofthe equation 24° — 3x + 1 (a) Write down the value: _ -p. (b) Find the value of 5 * 5 can the letters of the word CONSTITUTION be arranged? (@ marks) different ways ents and 2 first cyele students isto be selected from 6 high school students and 5 (2 marks) 2 marks) 2. (i In how many diff (ii) A committee of 4 high schoo first cycle students. : ‘tonics ari it that can be formed. :) Calculate the number of different committees age ae aN EC? (iii) Find the term independent of x in the expansion of Cc" * 3 3, @) The frst tom of a Geometric Progression (G.P) is 2 and the geometric mean of the third and frst term is I. The i infinit GP. (3 marks) (ijineder to boy Cpe Irwes decides to save 10,000FCFA forthe frst month. In subsequent months, he ir i It to save each time. anned to be adding 5,000FCFA to the previous amount ‘The table below shows the savings he made for the frst 3 months Monti saving ‘Amount i 10,000 10,000 2 15,000 25,000 3 20,000 45,000 Find : K (a) The amount to be saved in the 12" month (@ marks) _ (b) The total amownt saved after 2 years. G marks) 4. (i The binary operation * is defined over the set, 5 = £0, 1,2,3,4) asx *y =x +4 y modulo 5. (a) Form a combination table under the operation * @ maris) (b) Show that (S; *) forms a group. @ marks) (c) Give one reason to show that (5, *) is abelian, (1 mark) (Gi) The transformation T is defined by T: (x,y) + ( —3x + y,5x +2y) Find the coordinates of the point whose image is (~11,44) (4:marks) 5. A transport agency loads x buses in the morning and y buses in the evening every day. Given that: ‘© the agency must load at least 8 buses in the morning and at most 16 buses in the evening. © the number of buses to load in the evening must be greater than or equal to 2 times the number of buses to load in the morning, © the agency has at most 50 buses. {@) Write down 4 inequalities in terms of x and y that satisfy these conditions. (3 marks) On @ graph paper, taking 2cm to represent 10 units on both axes, (b) Shade so as to leave unshaded, the region represented by these inequalities. @ marks) Given that there are 5 toll gates on the joumey and_a bus that loads in the morning pays 500 FCFA at each toll gate and a bus that loads in the evening pays SOOFCFA each toll gate, (6) Find the maximum amount paid at the toll gate by these buses. (2 marks) - sind, Theo 2 6 @ Show that S20, + Hee = 6 marks) ') Solve for x, in the range 0° . (4 marks) 8 (i) Given that ¥ = Gx ~ 5), find 2 @ marks) (ii) Find (2? - 8-3) (4 marks) SECTION B: MECHANICS IF THIS SECTION IS CHOSEN, THEN SECTION C MAY NOT BE CHOSEN (ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS) 9. (i) A particle has position vector r = 5¢7i + £3) at time t seconds. Find: (a) The velocity when t =3 B marks) (b) The acceleration when ¢ = 3 (@ marks) (ii) Two particles P and Q of mass 2kg and 3kg respectively are connected by a light inextensible string passing over a smooth frictionless pulley. The system is released from rest with both particles Im above ground level. Find: {a) The acceleration of the system when the string is taut (3 marks) (©) The tension in the string (2 marks) (©) The time taken for particle B to hit the ground (2 marks) (iii) A particle A of mass 2m moving with a speed of 5u strikes particle B of mass m which is at rest. After collision both particles move in the same direction but the speed of particle B is twice the speed of particle A Find: (2) The speed of particle A after collision. G marks) (b) The magnitude of the impulse exerted on B by A during the impact. (@ marks) 10. (j) The constant rate of increase in the volume of a spherical balloon is 2cm3s’ Find the rate of increase of: (a) The radius of the spherical balloon when the radius is 3em. marks) (b) The surface area of the spherical balloon at this instant. G marks) Find the volume generated when the area bounded by the curve y= (x+ 1)(x—1) is completely rotated about the X —axis, (S marks) (iii) Given that the masses of 2kg, 3kg and Skg are positioned on the xy — plane having coordinates (2,3), (4,2) and (7,2) respectively. Find the coordinates G of the Centre of mass of the system. ML. (i)The forces #, = (111 — 4j)M, Fy = (14i+ j)N and F, (@) Find the magnitude of the resultant forces, leaving your answer in surd form. (marks) (b) Find the acceleration of the particle. G marks) 1 =p. The non- GA car of mass 1000kg travels up a hill inclined at an angle @ to the horizontal, where Sin@ = gravitational resistance to motion is 1800.V and the power output from the engine is 60K W. (@) Draw a diagram showing the forces acting on the car. @ marks) (b) Find the acceleration of the car when its travelling at a speed of 20nVs.[Take g=10nvs"] (6marks) TURN OVER 1 ee propery ofthe TRU andthe Inspectorate of Pdepy and shoul mot be reproduced without the person ofthe sation, SECTION C: STATISTICS AND FROBABILITY IF THIS SECTION IS CHOSEN, THEN SECTION B MAY NOT BE CHOSE! ‘ ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS. a 12. The distance, to the nearest metre, of each throw made by an athlete practicing for a competition is shown in the table below. Distance(m) [20-24 25.27 28-29 3031 3234 35.58 Bao frequency | 8 9 [38 44 [33 16 12, () (@) Draw a histogram of this distribution (5 marks) (b) From the histogram estimate the mode of the distribution (@marks) Gi) Find, to one decimal place, (@) the mean (4 marks) (b) standard deviation. ~ (G marks) 13. (DA discrete random variable. X has probability mass function. 2) defined by D zexs4 POs Ssxs7 0, otherwise Where K is a constant. Find : (a) The value of the constant k. (4marks) (b) The mean and standard deviation of X, (4marks) (ii) A random variable X is such that X~ Bin(m, 0.6) and E(X) = 4.8 Find: (a) The value of 7. (marks) (b) The standard deviation of X. (mark) () P(X > 2) marks) 14, (Two events A and B are such that P(4) = > PB) = fpand P(AUB) = 2 Find: (@) P(ANB) (marks) (b) P(A*U Bt) (marks) (©) P(AUB)? (marks) Show that (a) Events A and B are independent. (marks) (b) Events A and B are not mutually exclusive Qmarks) (ii) A shop stocks wines of two brands, X and Y of which 80% are of brand X and 20% of brand Y Given that 70% of the stock of brand X and 60% of the stock of brand Y are from Spain. (a) Draw a tree diagram to illustrate the information, marks) (b) Hence, find the probability that a wine chosen at random from the stock is: (® from Spain. (marks) (ii) either be from Spain or of stock X. ‘@marks) END

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