BSBOPS502 Assessment Support (2) Final

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Student Name:

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Trainer Name: Saurabh Khosla
Due Date: 21/08/2022
Short Answer Questions

Question 1
You are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane. Your operational plan will require the recruitment
of new fitness instructors. You must also seek feedback about whether the operational plan will be
actionable and realistic.
To assist you in completing this task, access the page in the link below:
Job Descriptions
Identify one of each of the following stakeholders involved in the development of your operational plan:
a. Colleague
Colleague refers to an individual working in the same Centre as you
b. Specialist resource manager
Specialist resource manager refers to an individual who takes charge of assigning resources and
budgets to a project
Explain how each identified stakeholder is involved in the development of your operational plan.

Involvement in the Development of the Operational


Colleague Colleague Colleagues are involved in the operational plan

that will affect their daily work life and will be
the ones to attend formal or social meetings
accompanying their work life

Specialist a. Specialist Resource Colleagues are involved in the operational plan

Resource Manager that will affect their daily work life and will be
the ones to attend formal or social meetings
accompanying their work life

Question 2
To assist you in completing this task, access Bounce Fitness from the link below.
Bounce Fitness Homepage
Read the scenarios below about operational plan proposals.
Locate the appropriate information from Bounce Fitness’ files and answer the questions that follow.

Scenario 1
You are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane. You must develop a proposal for your operational
plan. Your operational plan will include the recruitment of new fitness instructors.
You must access reliable and reputable sources of information to assist you in developing the proposal.
Reliable sources of information provide a thorough discussion on a topic that is based on strong evidence.
Reputable sources of information refer to sources that are deemed credible because they consistently
provide accurate and reliable information.

Identify two key sources of information you will need to develop the proposal. This must include:
 One resource requirement specialist source
Specialist sources refer to individuals who have significant knowledge and experience on specific
 One Bounce Fitness document
Key sources of information refer to sources that are directly related to the information required in the
Explain in your own words why each identified source of information is key to developing the proposal.

Sources of Information Explanation of Why the Source is Key

Resource a. Company Source The specialized source in resource

Requirement requirements is important since having
people specialized in the subject with a high
degree of experience in specific subjects for
the performance of different activities

Online b. Company Source The source Document One Bounce Fitness are
essential for the acquisition of knowledge or
information required for the establishment
applying each online document to practice

Scenario 2
You have finished developing your operational plan proposal and must now present it to relevant
stakeholders. Your presentation must include information on how the operational plan can help improve the
Centre’s financial circumstances.

Identify two key sources of information you will need to present the proposal. This must include:
 One resource requirement specialist source
 One Bounce Fitness document
Explain in your own words why each identified source of information is key to presenting the proposal.

Sources of Information Explanation of Why the Source is Key

Resource a. Physical Resources It is important to present this information to

Requirement stakeholders as it shows the likely processes
that will cost the production processes.

Online b. Marketing data It is important to do research on current

trends and developments in the industry and
market relevant to your business

Question 3
Explain how an organisation’s existing consultation processes helps in managing an operational plan.
Consultation processes refer to steps and guidelines that an organisation follows when it comes to formal
and informal communication channels with relevant stakeholders (e.g. conducting regularly fortnightly
progress update meetings with the team)

These processes actively help since they relate interested parties through communication
channels such as: focus groups, invitation to send a written response, informal meetings, open
meetings, surveys, email communications, etc. as methods that could be used for feedback to
the work team, giving positive results

Question 4
You are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane.
Operational plans are composed of different parts, including the ones outlined below.
Describe each of the following parts of an operational plan. Examples for each part have been provided to
assist you.

Parts of an Operational Plan Description

a. Procurement Processes Good financial records will help you do the

 Keep proper financial records for following: - Monitor the progress of your
submission to General Manager business. - Prepare your financial statements. -
Finance Identify your sources of income. - Keep track
 Tender a competitive bid for the of your deductible expenses. - Keep track of
acquisition of resources required your home base

It's attracting good candidates is making sure

you have a compelling and attractive brand
b. Employee Recruitment and Induction
image. Before you start hiring new employees,
make sure you know what your company
 Post advertisements for job
stands for and what makes it different. Using
vacancies on various social media
an applicant tracking system to track metrics
in application completion rate, candidate
 Provide new employees with
response rate , qualified applicant rate, cost,
copies of policies and procedures
and time per appointment to understand and
screen potential candidates.

c. Physical Resource and Service It is to establish rules and regulations to

Acquisition Strategies remind employees of the proper use of
resources and to ensure that there is no
 Select a supplier with mostly
misuse. This is especially important when you
good online reviews
are in the process of obtaining materials listed
 Prioritise service providers in Direct Resources, as they are important
that Bounce Fitness has resources involved in creating the products
previously hired your company sells.

d. Key Indicators of Organisational

They are tools that when used are used to
 Increase net profit by 5%
provide a quantitative measure of
within the next three months
performance against predetermined goals
 Exceed last month’s record for
sales leads by 10%

Question 5
Answer the following questions about budget and actual financial information using your own words.

a. Define variances in budget and actual financial information.

They are to determine the changes in the administration of the expenses determining the nature
of these wondering how it can affect these types of investments taking into account the
additional expenses

b. Describe how organisations can use variances to monitor profit.

Calculating the productivity of the efficiency of a small person in the organization of all types of
production in order to reach a productive achievement integrating useful financial perspectives

c. Describe how organisations can use variances to review productivity performance.

Productivity is measured using a formula that measures: Quantity produced divided by the
quantity of resources used, determining the levels of productivity either with capital, materials
used, labour, additional or general expense

Question 6
Answer the questions below about preparation methods.

a. Identify one method for preparing operational plans.

The eventuation of risks identified in the project brief

b. Describe the identified method for preparing operational plans in your own words.

Unforeseen difficulties: the changes can be due to different factors such as the difficulties, the
projects themselves always present several obstacles to carry out their realization, that is why an
operational plan makes the most appropriate decisions to reach the determined goal

c. Identify one method for preparing contingency plans.

Determine key risks.

d. Describe the identified method for preparing contingency plans in your own words.

Observe the areas in which you are weakest and the events or situations that could negatively
affect your business. involving stakeholders, especially colleagues, employees and direct

Question 7
You are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane.
To assist you in completing this task, access the document in the link below:
Business Objectives and Key Performance Indicators
Identify two objectives of Bounce Fitness that are related to your operational plan.
Explain how your operational plan can help Bounce Fitness achieve each identified objective.

How the Operational Plan Can Help Achieve

Business Objectives
Business Objectives

a. Increase market penetration by 15% It will increase the training of staff according to
through utilisation of marketing their job functions through training with invited
strategies every quarter experts and access to external training.

b. Increase client attendance rate by 20% will maintain its current position by tracking
via advertising campaigns every quarter members who drop out (as learned from
monthly client program reviews)
Question 8
You are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness.
To assist you in completing this task, access following documents from the links below:
 Performance Management Policy and Procedures
 Documentation Policy and Procedures
Outline the set of procedures under each accessed document that are relevant to documenting performance.
Identify one type of record associated with each outlined set of procedures.
Record refers to documents used to keep evidences of actions, activities, events, etc.

Documents Procedures Records

1.planing - Performance management to

build trust
2.evaluation -Make better decisions
3.performance assessment -Performance management
4.definiton of underperformance for employee training
5.definition of serious misconduct
Policy and
Procedures 6.Preventive action process
7.Dealing with underperformance
8.continuance of
underperformance documentation Performance reviews

2.Physical documentation -Operational Plan
Documentation management
Policy and
Procedures - Team building activities

Question 9
You are the Centre Manager to Bounce Fitness
Bounce Fitness Brisbane currently has the following objectives:
a. Generate a 10% increase in sales through boosting gym membership sales
b. Lower the cost of service delivery by 1% a quarter
The Centre wants to find appropriate approaches to developing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that
would prioritise the following:
 Working with teams
 Predictive measurements
Identify two approaches to developing key performance indicators. The alternatives must correspond to
what Bounce Fitness’ Management is looking for.

a. Productivity indicators, for this we will measure the gross profit margin, which measures the
percentage of income obtained in relation to costs; the net profit margin, which allows to
measure the profitability of a company and income minus certain expenses, and be able to
analyse how to Generate a 10% increase in sales by driving gym membership sales.

b. Efficiency indicators, Efficiency indicators measure the level of execution of the process and
are closely related to productivity. If we obtain this value, we will be able to use strategies
to reduce the cost of providing services by 1% per quarter.

Question 10
You are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane. You are creating an operational plan to boost
profit by introducing a new Bounce Fitness class.
Access the following:
 Bounce Fitness
 Fair Trading Act 1989
 Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Answer the following questions about legislative frameworks.

a. Identify one rule from each of the legislation sections below that relates to the development of your
operational plan. Describe the relation of each identified rule to your operational plan.
Rule refers to a legal requirement that must be followed.

Relation to the Development of

Legislation Rule
Operational Plans

Fair-Trading Act 1989 (Section i. Commitment to non- This regulation is quite key in
39) discrimination, gender the development of the
equity and freedom of
association. operating plan, since we
emphasize fairness within
Bounce Fitness.

ii. Its objective is to This regulation goes hand in

protect people in the hand with our operation plan
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 workplace from risks since we create contingency
(Section 47) to their health or
plans to avoid accidents and
safety and to promote
avoid the risks that exist in the
safe and healthy work
environments. workplace

b. Identify one right from each of the legislation sections below that relates to the development of
your operational plan. Describe the relation of each identified right to your operational plan.
Right refers to protections or entitlements given by legal documents.

Relation to the Development of

Legislation Right
Operational Plans

i. Create opportunities It has a good relationship

for small producers in because it promotes the
Fair-Trading Act 1989 (Section economic and social advancement of companies
39) disadvantage,
and for us it helps us to have
healthy competition in the

ii. The right to work in a The relationship with our

safe environment as it operating plan is that it
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 establishes the promotes the safe
(Section 47) requirements and
environment for all employees
standards to build
healthy and safe in the workplace
c. Identify one obligation from each of the legislation sections below that relates to the
implementation of your operational plan. Describe the relation of each identified obligation to your
operational plan.
Obligation refers to legal duties to pay or do something.

Relation to the Implementation

Legislation Obligation
of Operational Plans

i. This regulation has the It is our operational plan that

obligation to protect we promote fair practice and
Fair-Trading Act 1989 (Section consumers against honesty above any other value.
39) unfair practices and
grant them additional
rights with respect to
ii. This regulation has the It is our operational plan that
obligation to require we emphasize on guaranteeing
duty bearers to the provision of facilities and
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 guarantee the
use the available resources to
(Section 70) provision of general
develop this area well.
facilities in the
workplace for
workers, first aid,
emergency plans

Question 11
You are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane. Your operational plan will require the recruitment
of a new fitness instructor and purchasing of new equipment.
To assist you in completing this task, access Bounce Fitness from the link below.
Identify two policies and procedures related to your operational plan. Describe the relation of each to your
operational plan.

Policies and Procedures Relation to Operational Plans

a. Staff Recruitment Policy and This recruitment and selection policy is

Procedures applicable to all employees who are involved
in hiring for our company. It refers to all
potential job candidates.

b. Purchasing Policy and Purchasing Plan Provide a uniform procedure for the
Procedures procurement of material, equipment, supplies
and services and Apply to all Bounce Fitness
Centres under the Board of Directors.
Assessment 2 – Workplace Project Assessment

Part 1: Establish an Operational Plan

Task 1.1 Conduct Research for Operational Plan

Completed by Carlos
Date Completed 17/08/22
Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness
Increase market penetration every quarter
Business Objectives Continue to cultivate Bounce Fitness’ image as the premier long-term
wellness program provider

Resource Requirements
Sources of Information Type of Source Information Gathered Analysis
Physiology Documents Once the pain is Physiology is
revolving in the top important as it
way and moving examines how
better and can safely organisms carry out
do the activities you their physical and
need. chemical functions
and is implemented in
Bounce Fitness.
Fitness studio or gym Documents What practices to use It is recommended to
greener. and implement to minimize the
have a more excessive use of
environmentally electrical energy and
friendly space at paper in the
Bounce Fitness. workplace.

Key Performance Indicators

Sources of Information Type of Source Information Gathered Analysis
Selling services External sources Understand customer In this the people
preferences to meet always go towards the
their needs in the best trusted brands who
way at Bounce Fitness have some reputation
in the market, that’s
why we work hard on
that and try to make
the brand name.
Physio Documents Person who applies Preventing and
this profession in the reducing the long-
health area that term impacts of
studies the human accidents and
body movement to illnesses, as well as
strengthen the assisting in the full and
maintenance and accelerating recovery
strengthening of the process at Bounce
ability to move. Fitness.
Add more rows as needed.
Monitoring Processes
Sources of Information Type of Source Information Gathered Analysis
Fitness studio or gym Documents Implement these The air supports your
greener. machines and items weight which helps to
for best results. relieve pain and
increase the range of
movement of your
Fitness studio or gym Documents Brodey has a The importance of
greener. qualification in promoting,
exercise science and developing,
physiotherapy. He was maintaining and
inspired like many rehabilitating people's
others to pursue a mobility and
career in functionality
physiotherapy after capabilities.
many injuries on
sports field.

Contingency Plans
Sources of Information Type of Sources Information Gathered Analysis
Fitness studio or gym Documents Pilates utilises spring It implements the
greener. resistance to target, target spring
core stability, postures resistance that adapts
control strength and to situations in which
flexibility. it is required to apply
a force and for it to be
returned in the form
of energy
Fitness studio or gym Documents Pilates utilises spring It implements the
greener. resistance to target, target spring
core stability, postures resistance that adapts
control strength and to situations in which
flexibility. it is required to apply
a force and for it to be
returned in the form
of energy


By signing in the spaces below, you are confirming that the learner has researched and analysed the
required sources of information to complete this task and that their responses provided above reflect
that of the organisation.

Supervisor/Assessor Name:



Date Signed:      

Date: 17/08/22 Time: 2 :00pm Location: meeting office

Purpose of the Research Log


Facilitator Carlos

Notetaker Juan

Attendees Felipe torres

Please sign beside Ana valencia

your name after the

Agenda Item: Research Log

Feedback Research Log


It is important to make a complete research log to discuss some key elements of it, such as the
following Follow-up process: we will use electrical machines to monitor the progress of each
student and patient, based on this we will have the progress of each one in real time to be sure of
the data collection, we need to trust the data 100%. Contingency plan: this process will be
evaluated manually. There will be a delay in analysing the data, then we will achieve the final
Task 1.2 Draft the Operational Plan
Strategies Checklist

Learner Name: Carlos

Workplace/Organisation: Bounce Fitness

Date Completed 17/08/22

Strategies Yes No
Recruiting Employees

Strengthen public relations at Bounce Fitness o o

Inducting Employees

Comprehend the policies and procedures of the organisation o o

Employee Training and Development

Organizational training of the company as a whole to the employees. o o

Acquiring Physical Resources

Provide employees with facilities, offices, machinery, equipment and tools. o o

Acquiring Services

Provide a superior customer experience o o

Protecting Intellectual Property When Recruiting Employees

Efficiently manage the information provided by the new employee. o o

Protecting Intellectual Property When Acquiring Physical Resources and Services

Decide applications for registration of trademarks and slogans and process o o

applications for invention patents.

Making Variations to Operational Plans

Map out the operating plan with a high-level overview of your purpose o o
Documenting Operational Performance

Determine the scope of the process and define the limits of the process o o

Monitoring Operational Performance

Provide continuous training and improvement opportunities o o


By signing in the spaces below, you are confirming that the learner has accessed the required workplace
documentation to complete this task and that their responses provided above reflect that of the

Supervisor/Assessor Name:      




Date Signed:      

Operational Plan

Completed by Carlos

Date Completed 17/08/22

Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness


Human Resources

Total Budget $ 30000

Resources Required

- Instructor who will be a personal trainer

- Instructor who will be a personal trainer

Physical Resources

Total Budget $ 5000

Resources Required

- New equipment

- Advertising tools

Total Budget $ 5000

Resources Required

- Hire a recruitment agency to find us a qualified people

- Receptionist with great experience



Business Objective Performance Plan

Key Performance Indicator Performance Target Target Date Actual Date Actual Outcome

Bounce fitness will Enter bounce fitness into 1*quarter of financial year 1* quarter of financial year -
introduce new markets in the Brisbane region
the first quarter of the fiscal

Add more rows as needed.

Key Performance Indicator Recruitment of all the staff member Training of all new and old staff Test employee skill

Team Responsible - Manager completes the resource list and make the budget - HR hire the staff and training staff
Action Item Person Responsible Resources Required Target Date Target Outcome Actual Date Actual Outcome

Introduce bounce Finance manager Know the design of 1* quarter of 25 to 60 years’ old 1* quarter of It was possible to
fitness in Brisbane and Operational the store. financial year financial year create the new
premises in this
region manager state.

Identify and Operational Hire trained 3* quarter of New marketing 3* quarter of The right marketing
implement new manager marketing staff. financial year strategies results in financial year strategies are
marketing desired level of implemented and
strategies to grow sales and brought the
in social networks customers for first attention of more
year of plan customers


Business Objective Profit Plan

Key Performance Indicator Performance Target Target Date Actual Date Actual Outcome

Recruit additional staff Ads for new staff, 4*quarter of financial year 4*quarter of financial year Great proposals have been
employment to work in this received from new
state employees who want to
Add more rows as needed.

Key Performance Indicator Hire 6staff until 4th quarter of financial year
Team Responsible HR

Action Item Person Responsible Resources Required Target Date Target Outcome Actual Date Actual Outcome

Hire staff Operational Recruitment and 17/08/22 Choose and classify 17/08/22 The recruitment of
Manager selection software the most suitable new personnel was
candidates to meet a success and was
the needs of carried out within
companies. the established

Training of all new Operational Trainer and 17/08/22 Train and empower 17/08/22 The employees are
staff Manager, HR Mentoring employees to effective when
accomplish tasks carrying out the
and projects activities, thanks to
the training.

Action Item Person Responsible Resource Required Target Date Target Outcome Actual Date Actual Outcome

Define goals General Identification of the 17/08/22 Define and make 17/07/22 The steps defined
Management objective and the clear the objectives to achieve the
beneficiaries. of the company. results that a
business expects
were achieved.

Define the General Possess the human 17/08/22 Define the 17/07/22 Responsibilities
positions Management resources that will functions and were assigned
be in charge of responsibilities that effectively taking
assigning these make up each of into account the
positions. the jobs. capabilities of the


Item Quantity Unit Price Subtotal

Hire staff 2 employees $ 15000 $ 30000

Services 2 employees $ 2,500 $ 5000

$ 35000

Legislation Intellectual Property Responsibility

Business license Staff documentation TFN, ABN, superannuation

- Registration from the local council

- Zoning certificate construction certificate

- Fire safety certificate

Regulation Intellectual Property Right

WHS documentation: risk assessment form and hazard Invoices procedures/form

identification checklist


Action Item Person Responsible Resource Required Target Date Target Outcome Actual Date Actual Outcome

Training new Mentoring Assessment 17/08/22 Train new trainers 17/07/22 The trainers are
trainees induction in the workplace highly trained and
can already teach
classes without the
need of a mentor.

Training new HR Assessment 17/08/22 Train the 17/07/22 The receptionist is

receptionist induction receptionist to able to provide
develop great attention to
communication internal and
skills and external staff in
organizational their information
skills. requirements;
maintain control at
the reception.


Action Item Person Responsible Resource Required Target Date Target Outcome Actual Date Actual Outcome

Install new Senior trainer Engineer 17/08/22 Install all new 17/07/22 They were able to
equipment floor/ floor machines. put the new
manager machines taking
into account the
atmosphere of the

Advertisement HR Strategies 17/08/22 Better implement 17/07/22 Through strategies

tools Marketing advertising in we manage to put
various advertising in the
communication right places and
environments. reach more people



Action Item Person Responsible Target Date Target Outcome Actual Date Actual Outcome

Buy new equipment’s Senior trainer 17/08/22 Buy new tools to 17/07/22 New machines and
improve the employee tools were purchased
experience. that help the
development of the
company and

Hired services HR 17/08/22 Find a natural or legal 17/07/22 A person was found
person that offers or who develops since the
provides a service product leaves the
activity establishment of a
producer until it
reaches the consumer.


Item Quantity Unit Price Subtotal

Indoor cycles 6 units $ 500 $ 3000

Stairs climbers and steppers 2 units $ 1000 $ 2000

$ 5000


Action Item Person Responsible Target Date Target Outcome Actual Date Actual Outcome
Pilates new product Mentoring 17/08/22 Implement the new 17/07/22 The new product was
product in the successfully
company. implemented.

Physiology new Mentoring 17/08/22 Implement the new 17/07/22 The new product was
product product in the successfully
company implemented.


Item Quantity Unit Price Subtotal

Recruitment 1 employee $ 1500 $ 6000

Receptionist 1 employee $ 800 $ 3200

$ 9200


Legislation Intellectual Property Responsibility

- Equal employment opportunity 1985 IP Australia is the government organisation who is responsible for intellectual
property law
- Superannuation act 2005 - Fair work act 2009
- Disability discrimination act 1992

- Age discrimination act 2004

- Sex discrimination act

Regulation Intellectual Property Right

Business laws Staff documentation: TFN, ABN and superannuation.

- Construction certificate

- Fire safety certificate

- Compliance certificate

Overall operational budget does not exceed 50000$ through close monitoring of KPI prepare the list of resources including
Key Performance Indicator
costs, suppliers and specifications

Monitoring Process Recruiting the staff for job


1. We will get the best equipment’s from best suppliers

2. Operational plans for interior and exterior

Document to Access Operational Plan Schedule Monthly

Key Performance Indicator Perform the opening to test all correct operation.

Monitoring Process Operational plan


1. Get the best equipment’s from the best suppliers

2. Install and decorate the cafeteria with all the furniture and machinery
Document to Access Resources List Schedule Weekly

Add more tables and rows as needed.



Risk Rating

Risk Learner must conduct a risk assessment for each risk Contingency Strategy


Equipment breaking down X - - - Implement air filter systems.

Legislation change - - X - Hire a lawyer

Expected Actual
Contingency Strategy Action Item Person Responsible Implementation Expected Outcome Implementation Actual Outcome
Date Date

Equipment Maintained HR 21/08/22 $ 120 Ongoing Good maintenance on

breaking down the machines

Legislation change Lawyer HR 21/08/22 $ 200 Ongoing Great attorney hire


1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Recruit new employees 06/07/22 10/07/22 12/07/22 16/07/22 02/08/22 06/08/22 15/08/22 21/08/22
Hiring services 06/07/22 10/07/22 12/07/22 16/07/22 02/08/22 06/08/22 15/08/22 21/08/22
Physical resources 06/07/22 10/07/22 12/07/22 16/07/22 02/08/22 06/08/22 15/08/22 21/08/22


Date Outline of Modifications Version Supervisor’s Signature

21/08/2022 No modification 1.0 -

21/08/2022 No modification 1.0 -


By signing in the spaces below, you are confirming that the learner has accessed the required workplace documentation to complete this task and that their
responses provided above reflect that of the organisation.

Supervisor/Assessor Name:      



Date Signed:      

Task 1.3 Explain to Relevant Work Teams
Meeting 1

Date: 17/08/22 Time: 11:00 AM Location: Hobart

Purpose of the Consultation Session


Facilitator Carlos

Notetaker Juan

Attendees Felipe torres

Please sign beside Ana valencia

your name after the

Agenda Item: Operational Plan

Feedback about char


In this meeting we will talk about the good development of the operational plan that helped us to
achieve the goals that the organization and we managed to effectively implement the following
information: - Statistics and indicators - Activities to achieve each goal. - Persons responsible for
each activity. - Necessary resources. - Schedule of activities.

Meeting 2

Date: 17/08/22 Time: 2:00pm Location: Hobart

Purpose of the How the operational plan will affect the team?

Facilitator Carlos
Notetaker Juan

Attendees Felipe torres

Please sign beside Ana valencia

your name after the

Agenda Item: How the Operational Plan will Affect the Team


We will analyse the productivity plan where while we are updating products and services and we
will hire 2 new instructors that will provide us with better results for the company in terms of
production and sale.

We will implement a benefit plan where we will try to increase benefits by 10% and we will revert
it to employees to increase their salary since they are working too many hours, and this will
improve the motivation in the workplace for which they will work more efficiently.

Implementation Requirements

Completed by Carlos
Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness
Date Completed 17/08/22

Recruiting New Employees

Bounce fitness will use all policies and procedures to hire new staff
and employees following all the policies established by the
Organisational Policy government, the staff must demand to have all the necessary
documentation and certificates, this part will be verified by human
When a position becomes vacant and a new position is required to
Organisational Procedure be filled, be the set of approval procedures for hiring the new
Once the job description for the job is completed, it is sent to the
Organisational Practice department head. and then it is posted on the job sites and there is
a job supervisor who will deal with all applications.

Inducting New Employees

Bounce fitness has the legal obligations to provide new staff
Organisational Policy information about the employment contract, terms and conditions,
health and safety issues in the workplace

Communicate beforehand by email to the employee for the

induction process since this is the initial contact between the
Organisational Procedure
organization and an employee established during the recruitment
Management has an obligation to provide all employees with all
Organisational Practice recreational resources they can use while taking breaks, this in
order to ensure the well-being of employees in the workplace.

Purchasing Physical Resources

Equality and fairness of opportunities and promote to the maximum
Organisational Policy the skills and provide appropriate clothing and services.

All purchases should have been approved by the finance manager,

Organisational Procedure all expenses and the service must have the orders.

Resource that support learning programs and services in the

Organisational Practice organization through physical resource planning is integrated with
institutional planning.

Hiring Services
Bounce fitness will always try to increase services for both
customers and employees and provide the best work environment
Organisational Policy
for everyone by communicating the importance and values of
Customer consultation: We will consult all customers what their
requirements are and what they are looking for and help them in
Organisational Procedure
the best possible way. Review and follow-up of all complaints and
comments of the service
We are committed to providing systematic continuous
improvement of its operation, management systems, training, life
Organisational Practice
coaching and activities through consultation with staff, customers
and shareholders.


By signing in the spaces below, you are confirming that the requirements identified above reflect that of
the organisation.

Supervisor Name:      



Part 2. Implement the Operational Plan
Task 2.1 Implement the Operational Plan
Submit Updated Operational Plan (1.2)

At least one evidence for each of the following:

o Recruitment of each new employee

o Induction of each new employee

o Acquisition of each physical resource

o Acquisition of each service


Learner Name: Carlos

Workplace/Organisation: 17/08/22

Date Completed Bounce Fitness


We will get the best equipment’s from best suppliers

Operational plans for interior and exterior

Document to Access Operational Plan Monthly

Key Performance Indicator Perform the opening to test all

correct operation

Monitoring Process Operational plan

Evidence of recruitment of each new employee We have carried out interviews where the skills and
abilities of future new employees are measured, after this interview they were given a tour of the
facilities in the workplace.

Evidence of induction of each new employee For the induction of each employee we provide
information regarding the organization as a system. It presents the following basic aspects: The
organization chart, the vision, the mission and the objectives of the company. Management policies
and commitment to health and safety.

Evidence of acquisition of each physical resource We have the invoices tangible property, and
include facilities, offices, warehouses, land, machinery, equipment and tools. Some resources (for
example, manufacturing facilities and distribution centers) that reflect large investments that only
occur every 20 years or more.

Evidence of acquisition of each service We own the tangible signals that customers often require to
evaluate the service before purchasing and to assess their satisfaction during and after consumption.

Task 2.2 Confirm Implementation

Learner Name: Carlos

Workplace/Organisation: 17/08/22

Date Completed Bounce Fitness

Recruitment of Employees
Requirements Yes No How Each Requirement Was Followed

We made reference to the structured and

deliberate system of principles that guided
Organisational Policy o o the company's decision-making and that
aspire to achieve rational results

Provide guidelines for the decision-making

processes in the requirements at Bounce
Organisational Procedure o o Fitness.

We apply practices in the workplace that

Organisational Practice o o help the smooth running of the company

We focus on the long-term vision we set,

the key business condition for a specific
Strategy o o project to be a success.

Induction of Employees
Requirements Yes No How Each Requirement Was Followed

We use all policies and procedures for

Organisational Policy o o hiring new staff and legal obligations to
provide information to the new employee
We follow this requirement by establishing
the set of approval procedures for hiring
Organisational Procedure o o
the new employee and having good
communication with the employee.

We follow this requirement by placing an

obligation on management to provide all
Organisational Practice o o employees with all necessary resources

We implement the use of social networks

to connect with more people and identify
Strategy o o the most appropriate.

Acquisition of Physical Resources

Requirements Yes No How Each Requirement Was Followed

Equality and equity of opportunities and

Organisational Policy o o promoting skills to the maximum

All purchases should have been approved

by the finance manager, all expenses and
Organisational Procedure o o the service must have the orders.

Resource that support learning programs

and services in the organization through
Organisational Practice o o physical resource planning is integrated
with institutional planning

Create necessary strategies to maintain

and carry out daily activities and the entire
Strategy o o operation, including tangible assets such
as: buildings, plants, machinery

Acquisition of Services
Requirements Yes No How Each Requirement Was Followed

Organisational Policy o o We implement written codes of conduct

that give employees guidelines to follow in
various service scenarios
The contractual planning that the State
Entities must fill out, publish and update in
Organisational Procedure o o the terms of this title

We implement the following practices:

preliminary diagnosis, Feedback,
Organisational Practice o o Evaluation and diagnosis and monitoring
and information management.

Use a guide for project management and

establish the technical and business
management infrastructure for the
Strategy o o planning, execution and control of
activities for the acquisition and operation
of products and services.


By signing in the spaces below, you are confirming that the learner has accessed the required workplace
documentation to complete this task and that their responses provided above reflect that of the

Supervisor/Assessor Name:      




Date Signed:      

Task 2.3 Implement Contingencies

 Updated Operational Plan

 At least two evidences of you completing action items in Part VIII. Contingency Plan

Updated operational plan: Bounce Fitness

(Student can use the updated plan developed in the previous assessment task)

Copy of simulated email 1

Dear, Project Manager

I hope you are well.

Through the following email I want to inform about the updated operational plan where we have
managed to draw the operational plan, set goals, plan the budget, create a reporting system, and in
this case making adjustments where necessary to improve these areas where we have previously
struggled and effectively managing circumstances such as the considerable amount invested in the
success of the project, providing fortnightly progress reviews of the operating plan, we have made
great strides.

I hope you can give me your opinion about the development of the operational plan.



Copy of simulated email 2

Dear, Project Manager

I hope you are well.

I want to tell you about the updates we have made to the operating plan, carrying out the strategic
plan by monitoring planned activities, resource management and budget execution to improve these
aspects and achieve the goals of the organization.

I hope you can give me your opinion about the development of the operational plan.


Part 3. Monitor Operational Performance
Task 3.1 Monitor Profit and Productivity Performance
Learner Name: Carlos

Workplace/Organisation: Bounce Fitness

Date Completed 17/08/22

17/08/22 Employee All staff must be The employee Training to ensure
handbook aware of the handbook should that the
obligations and cover all obligations information is clear
company rules to and things like
follow them in their equal employment
entirety, and thus law following all
avoid problems in applicable policies
the project. and legislation.
17/08/22 Administrative All staff must be Follow policies and 100% Assessment
policies and aware of the procedures for safe
procedures obligations and work environment
company rules to
follow them in their
entirety, and thus
avoid problems in
the project.

17/08/22 KPI Ensuring that we are Reorganize prices Create more social
operational not losing money and services to get media ads
plan after an opening the desired profit
17/08/22 Monthly Ask for feedback on Make appropriate Hire a specialist on
customers new service and changes based on customer experience
customer Feedback feedback

By signing in the spaces below, you are confirming that the learner accessed and monitored data
relevant to the operational plan they implemented.

Supervisor/Assessor Name:      




Date Signed:      

Task 3.2 Plan to Provide Support

Learner Name Carlos
Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness
Date Completed 17/08/22
Area of Equipment malfunction during the pilot project.
Team The Human Resources Team

Process You should implement team building with a combination of your skills,
recruiting people for proper maintenance of Bounce Fitness equipment, you
can also implement strategies such as wiping down the padded surfaces of
each machine with an antibacterial cleaner after each use and inspecting the
pulley cables to aid in maintenance

Individual Team Leader
You will be tasked with leading the team and ensuring work issues and
concerns comply with legislation and other requirements.



By signing in the spaces below, you are confirming that the learner has accessed the required workplace
documentation to complete this task and that their responses provided above reflect that of the

Supervisor/Assessor Name:
Supervisor/Assessor’s name

Name of workplace/organisation/RTO

Supervisor/Assessor’s position/title/designation

Supervisor/Assessor’s handwritten signature

Date Signed:
Supervisor/Assessor’s signoff date

Task 3.3 Provide Support to Teams and Individuals

Support Log

Learner Name Carlos
Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness
Date Completed 17/08/22
15/07/22 HR Team Equipment maintenance -

15/07/22 Team Leader Tracking resources -

15/07/22 Career Development Officer Employee training on -


By signing in the spaces below, you are confirming that the learner has provided support to teams and
individuals and rectified areas of underperformance.

Supervisor/Assessor Name:      




Date Signed:      

Task 3.4 Develop Variation Plan
Completed by Carlos
Date Completed 19/10/2022
Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness
Expected Actual
Variation Implementation Implementation Actual Outcome
Date Date
Prioritize the purchase 19/10/2022 $ 500 19/07/2022 We managed to
of businesses within give priority to
the local area the purchase
thanks to the
fact that we
service and
Prioritize contacting 19/10/2022 $ 350 19/07/2022 We managed to
candidates for a prioritize the
vacancy candidates
effectively since
in the
interviews we
evaluated the
needs of the
transparency in
the interview
and we
references in
order to select
the most


By signing in the spaces below, you are confirming that the learner has accessed the required workplace
documentation to complete this task and that their responses provided above reflect that of the

Supervisor/Assessor Name:      



Date Signed:      

Meeting Minutes

Date: : 19/07/2022 Time: 3:00 pm Location: Hobart

Purpose of the Variation Plan


Facilitator Carlos

Notetaker Juan

Attendees Felipe tprres

Please sign beside Ana valencia

your name after the

Agenda Item: Negotiating Variations to the Operational Plan

In this meeting we will discuss the negotiation of Variations to

the Operating Plan, to begin we will talk about our company, its
history, the type of business and the structure, we will describe
the business, our proposal and the mission of the company, it is
necessary to address four basic aspects: competition, customers,
market and sales estimation and topics such as strategies,
finances and the value of our service that we have previously
made in the updated operating plan.
Task 3.5 Implement Variation Plan
 Updated Variation Plan
 Revised Operational Plan

Variation Expected Expected Actual Actual Outcome

Implementation Outcome Implementation
Date Date

Prioritize the 19/10/2022 $ 500 19/10/2022 We managed to

purchase of give priority to
businesses within the purchase
the local area thanks to the fact
that we
customer service
and post-sale

Prioritize 19/10/2022 $ 350 19/10/2022 We managed to

contacting prioritize the
candidates for a candidates
vacancy effectively since
in the interviews
we evaluated the
needs of the
transparency in
the interview and
we investigate
references in
order to select
the most

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